Often you will get questions that require you to test network polices, or look something up in the Kubernetes DNS. There is a one size fits all pod that you can deploy that has all the network testing tools you could possibly want, including
- curl
- nslookup
- netstat
- dig
and many more.
You run it like so. Commit the image name to memory - this image is a lifesaver!
kubectl run tester --image wbitt/network-multitool
When the pod is running, you can exec into it and run the commands
$ kubectl exec tester -it -- bash
/# curl something
/# nslookup something-else
/# exit
Or run the commands directly if you need to send the results to a file
$ kubectl exec tester -it -- nslookup my-service.default.svc > /opt/some-file.txt