Here is a short list of things contributors might want to do:
To build all the CSharp samples without opening Visual Studio, you can use this simple script:
for /R %f in (*.sln) do (nuget restore "%f" & msbuild /m "%f")
If you want to write the output of the build to a file you can tack on >> mybuild.tmp
to the end of the command.
The Azure Batch samples should be kept up to date with the latest Azure.Batch NuGet package.
To update the NuGet reference the easiest way is to just do a textual replace. This can be done as long as the dependencies have not changed between the old and new versions of the Azure.Batch NuGet package.
The following commands can be used to perform the textual replace:
rep.exe -find:"Azure.Batch.3.0.0" -replace:"Azure.Batch.3.1.0" -r *.csproj
rep.exe -find:"Include=\"Microsoft.Azure.Batch, Version=" -replace:"Include=\"Microsoft.Azure.Batch, Version=" -r *.csproj
rep.exe -find:"package id=\"Azure.Batch\" version=\"3.0.0\"" -replace:"package id=\"Azure.Batch\" version=\"3.1.0\"" -r packages.config