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Tutorial: Getting started with torch-neuron (resnet-50 tutorial)


A typical workflow with the Neuron SDK will be to compile trained ML models on a general compute instance (the compilation instance), and then distribute the artifacts to a fleet of Inf1 instances (the deployment instances) for inference execution. Neuron enables PyTorch for both of these steps.

Steps Overview:

  1. Launch an EC2 compilation instance (recommended instance: c5.4xlarge or larger)
  2. Install Torch-Neuron and Neuron-Compiler on the compilation instance
  3. Compile the compute-graph on the compilation-instance, and copy the artifacts into the deployment-instance
  4. Install Torch-Neuron and Neuron-Runtime on an Inf1 instance (deployment Instance)
  5. Run inference on the Inf1 instance

Additionally we'll cover the following topics as we progress:

  1. How do I analyze a model for use with AWS Neuron?
  2. How do I make sure that my model is using all of the available neuron-cores?
  3. How can I choose my input shapes to maximise the throughput of my model on neuron hardware?

Step 1: Launch EC2 compilation instance

1.1. Select an AMI of your choice.

Refer to the Neuron installation guide for details.

1.2. Select and launch an EC2 instance

  • A c5.4xlarge or larger is recommended. For this example we will use a c5.4xlarge.
  • Users may choose to compile and deploy on the same instance, in which case an inf1.6xlarge instance or larger is recommended. If you choose “launch instance” and search for “neuron” in the AWS EC2 console you will see a short list of DLAMI images to select from. If you choose a DLAMI, make sure to check the Neuron version installed, and upgrade as needed.

1.3. Select and launch a deployment (Inf1) instance of your choice (if not compiling and inferencing on the same instance). Launch an instance by following EC2 instructions.

Step 2: Compilation instance installations

If using Conda DLAMI version 27 and up, activate pre-installed PyTorch-Neuron environment (using source activate aws_neuron_pytorch_p36 command). Please update PyTorch-Neuron environment by following update steps in DLAMI release notes.

To install in your own AMI, please see Neuron Install Guide to setup virtual environment and install Torch-Neuron packages.

Step 3: Compile on compilation instance

A trained model must be compiled to Inferentia target before it can be deployed on Inf1 instances. In this step we compile the torchvision ResNet50 model and export it as a saved TorchScript module.

If you are familiar with running Jupyter notebooks these compile steps are reproduced here

3.1. Install torchvision

pip install torchvision==0.6.1

3.2. Create a python script named with the following content:

import torch
import numpy as np
import os
import torch_neuron
from torchvision import models
import logging

## Enable logging so we can see any important warnings
logger = logging.getLogger('Neuron')

image = torch.zeros([1, 3, 224, 224], dtype=torch.float32)

## Load a pretrained ResNet50 model
model = models.resnet50(pretrained=True)

## Tell the model we are using it for evaluation (not training)

## Analyze the model - this will show operator support and operator count
torch.neuron.analyze_model( model, example_inputs=[image] )

## Now compile the model - with logging set to "info" we will see
## what compiles for Neuron, and if there are any fallbacks
model_neuron = torch.neuron.trace(model, example_inputs=[image])

## Export to saved model"")

3.3. Run the compilation script, which will take a few minutes on c5.4xlarge. At the end of script execution, the compiled model is saved as in local directory:


You should see (indicative output only):

INFO:Neuron:The following operations are currently supported in torch-neuron for this model:
INFO:Neuron:100.00% of all operations (including primitives) (1645 of 1645) are supported
INFO:Neuron:100.00% of arithmetic operations (176 of 176) are supported
OrderedDict([('percent_supported', 100.0), ('percent_supported_arithmetic', 100.0), ('supported_count', 1645), ('total_count', 1645), ('supported_count_arithmetic', 176), ('total_count_arithmetic', 176), ('supported_operators', {'aten::relu', 'aten::flatten', 'aten::t', 'aten::max_pool2d', 'aten::add', 'aten::addmm', 'aten::_convolution', 'aten::batch_norm', 'aten::adaptive_avg_pool2d', 'prim::ListConstruct', 'prim::Constant'}), ('unsupported_operators', []), ('operators', ['aten::_convolution', 'aten::adaptive_avg_pool2d', 'aten::add', 'aten::addmm', 'aten::batch_norm', 'aten::flatten', 'aten::max_pool2d', 'aten::relu', 'aten::t', 'prim::Constant', 'prim::ListConstruct']), ('operator_count', OrderedDict([('aten::_convolution', 53), ('aten::adaptive_avg_pool2d', 1), ('aten::add', 16), ('aten::addmm', 1), ('aten::batch_norm', 53), ('aten::flatten', 1), ('aten::max_pool2d', 1), ('aten::relu', 49), ('aten::t', 1), ('prim::Constant', 1252), ('prim::ListConstruct', 217)]))])
INFO:Neuron:Number of arithmetic operators (pre-compilation) before = 176, fused = 176, percent fused = 100.0%
INFO:Neuron:compiling function _NeuronGraph$1108 with neuron-cc
INFO:Neuron:Compiling with command line: '/home/ubuntu/test_beta_env/bin/neuron-cc compile /tmp/tmp2fisdcmu/graph_def.pb --framework TENSORFLOW --pipeline compile SaveTemps --output /tmp/tmp2fisdcmu/graph_def.neff --io-config {"inputs": {"0:0": [[1, 3, 224, 224], "float32"]}, "outputs": ["Add_69:0"]}''
INFO:Neuron:Number of arithmetic operators (post-compilation) before = 176, compiled = 176, percent compiled = 100.0%

3.4. WARNING: If you run the inference script (in section 4 below) on your CPU instance you will get output, but see the following warning.

[E neuron_op_impl.cpp:53] Warning: Tensor output are *** NOT CALCULATED *** during CPU
execution and only indicate tensor shape

The warning is also displayed during trace (where it is expected). This is an artifact of the way we trace a model on your compile instance. Do not perform inference with a neuron traced model on a non neuron supported instance, results will not be calculated.

3.5. If not compiling and inferring on the same instance, copy the compiled artifacts to the inference server:

scp -i <PEM key file>  ./ ubuntu@<instance DNS>:~/ # if Ubuntu-based AMI
scp -i <PEM key file>  ./ ec2-user@<instance DNS>:~/  # if using AML2-based AMI

Step 4: Deployment Instance Installations

On the instance you are going to use for inference, install Torch-Neuron and Neuron Runtime

4.1. Follow Step 2 above to install Torch-Neuron.

  • Install neuron-cc[tensorflow] if compilation on inference instance is desired (see notes above on recommended Inf1 sizes for compilation)
  • Skip neuron-cc if compilation is not done on inference instance

4.2. Install the Neuron Runtime using instructions from Getting started: Installing and Configuring Neuron-RTD.

Step 5: Run inference

In this step we run inference on an Inf1 instance using the model compiled in Step 3. Initially we will just use one of the available neuron cores.

5.1. On the Inf1, create a inference Python script named with the following content:

import os
import time
import torch
import torch_neuron
import json
import numpy as np
from urllib import request
from torchvision import models, transforms, datasets
from time import time

## Create an image directory containing a small kitten
os.makedirs("./torch_neuron_test/images", exist_ok=True)

## Fetch labels to output the top classifications
idx2label = []

with open("imagenet_class_index.json", "r") as read_file:
 class_idx = json.load(read_file)
 idx2label = [class_idx[str(k)][1] for k in range(len(class_idx))]

## Import a sample image and normalize it into a tensor
normalize = transforms.Normalize(
    mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
    std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])

eval_dataset = datasets.ImageFolder(
        transforms.Resize([224, 224]),
image, _ = eval_dataset[0]
image = torch.tensor(image.numpy()[np.newaxis, ...])

## Load model
model_neuron = torch.jit.load( '' )

## Since the first inference also load the model let's exclude it 
## from timing
results = model_neuron( image )

## Predict for 100 loops
start = time()

loops = 100
for _ in range(loops):
    results = model_neuron( image )
elapsed_time = time() - start
images_sec = loops / float(elapsed_time)

# Get the top 5 results
top5_idx = results[0].sort()[1][-5:]

# Lookup and print the top 5 labels
top5_labels = [idx2label[idx] for idx in top5_idx]

print("Top 5 labels:\n {}".format(top5_labels) )
print("Completed {} operations in {} seconds => {} images / second".format(loops, round(elapsed_time,2), round(images_sec,0) ) )

5.2. Run the inference

Top 5 labels:
 ['tiger', 'lynx', 'tiger_cat', 'Egyptian_cat', 'tabby']
Completed 100 operations in 0.37 seconds => 267.0 images / second

Step 6: Run on parallel neuron cores

To fully leverage the inferentia hardware we want to use all the cores. On an inf1.xlarge or inf1.2xlarge we have four available cores, with 16 cores on inf1.6xlarge and inf1.24xlarge instances. Here we use the futures library to create a simple class that runs four parallel inference threads

Using all of the available cores is important for achieving maximum performance on Neuron hardware. The implementation below uses an aggregated batch size.

  • It loads the model into four cores
  • At input it accepts a batch four times the size of the compiled model
  • It splits the data across the four cores, and once all cores are done collates the output into a result tensor

This is intended as a good starting implementation - but you may want to vary it depending on your application

6.1 Create a data parallel class which handles larger tensor batches

from concurrent import futures
import torch
import torch.neuron
import os

class NeuronSimpleDataParallel():

    def __init__(self, model_file, num_neuron_cores, batch_size=1):
        # Construct a list of models
        self.num_neuron_cores = num_neuron_cores
        self.batch_size = batch_size

        class SimpleWrapper():

            def __init__(self, model):
                self.model = model

            def eval(self):

            def train(self):

            def __call__(self, *args):
                results = self.model(*args)

                # Make the output iterable - if it is not already a tuple or list
                if not isinstance(results, tuple) or isinstance(results, list):
                    results = [results]

                return results

        self.models = [SimpleWrapper(torch.jit.load(model_file))
                       for i in range(num_neuron_cores)]

        ## Important - please read:
        ## For four cores we use 
        ##     os.environ['NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES'] = "1,1,1,1" 
        ## when launching four threads
        ## In this logic exists in worker processes, each process should use 
        ##     os.environ['NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES'] = "1"
        nc_env = ','.join(['1'] * num_neuron_cores)
        os.environ['NEURONCORE_GROUP_SIZES'] = nc_env

        self.executor = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(

    def eval(self):
        for m in self.models:

    def train(self):
        for m in self.models:

    def __call__(self, *args):
        assert all(isinstance(a, torch.Tensor)
                   for a in args), "Non tensor input - tensors are needed to generate batches"
        assert all(a.shape[0] % self.num_neuron_cores ==
                   0 for a in args), "Batch size must be even multiple of the number of parallel neuron cores"

        args_per_core = [[] for i in range(self.num_neuron_cores)]

        # Split args
        for a in args:
            # Based on batch size for arg
            step_size = a.shape[0] // self.num_neuron_cores
            for i in range(self.num_neuron_cores):
                # Append a slice of a view
                start = i * step_size
                end = (i + 1) * step_size

                # Slice

        # Call each core with their split and wait to complete
        running = {self.executor.submit(
            self.models[idx], *args_per_core[idx]): idx for idx in range(self.num_neuron_cores)}

        results = []

        for future in futures.as_completed(running):

            # Expect a tuple of tensors - convert to a list of tensors

        # Remove zero dimensional tensors (unsqueeze)
        # Iterate results per core
        for ic in range(len(results)):
            # Iterate result tuples
            for ir in range(len(results[ic])):
                # Unsqueeze if zero dimensional or does not look batched (i.e. first dim does not match batch)
                if len(results[ic][ir].size()) == 0 or results[ic][ir].shape[0] != self.batch_size:
                    results[ic][ir] = torch.unsqueeze(
                        results[ic][ir], 0)

        # Concatenate
        output = results[0][0]

        for i in range(1, len(results)):
            for j in range(len(results[i])):
                output =[output, results[i][j]], 0)

        return output

Save the code above to “”

6.2 Now we can update our inference code for four cores (additions are shown below in orange):

import os
from time import time
import torch
import torch_neuron
import json
import numpy as np
from urllib import request
from torchvision import models, transforms, datasets
from parallel import NeuronSimpleDataParallel

## Assuming you are working on and inf1.xlarge or inf1.2xlarge
num_neuron_cores = 4

## Create an image directory containing a small kitten
os.makedirs("./torch_neuron_test/images", exist_ok=True)

## Fetch labels to output the top classifications
idx2label = []

with open("imagenet_class_index.json", "r") as read_file:
    class_idx = json.load(read_file)
    idx2label = [class_idx[str(k)][1] for k in range(len(class_idx))]
## Import a sample image and normalize it into a tensor
normalize = transforms.Normalize(
    mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
    std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
eval_dataset = datasets.ImageFolder(
    transforms.Resize([224, 224]),
image, _ = eval_dataset[0]
image = torch.tensor(image.numpy()[np.newaxis, ...])

## Load model
model_neuron = NeuronSimpleDataParallel( '', num_neuron_cores )

## Create a "batch" image with enough images to go on each of the four cores
batch_image = image

for i in range(num_neuron_cores - 1):
    batch_image = [batch_image, image], 0 )


## Since the first inference also loads the model to the chip let's exclude it 
## from timing
results = model_neuron( batch_image )

## Predict
loops = 100
start = time()
for _ in range(loops):
    results = model_neuron( batch_image )
elapsed_time = time() - start
images_sec = loops * batch_image.size(0) / float(elapsed_time)

# Get the top 5 results
top5_idx = results[0].sort()[1][-5:]

# Lookup and print the top 5 labels
top5_labels = [idx2label[idx] for idx in top5_idx]
print("Top 5 labels:\n {}".format(top5_labels) )
print("Completed {} operations in {} seconds => {} images / second".format(loops * batch_image.size(0), round(elapsed_time,2), round(images_sec,0) ) )

6.3 Run the inference: Sample output

Top 5 labels:
 ['tiger', 'lynx', 'tiger_cat', 'Egyptian_cat', 'tabby']
Completed 400 operations in 0.86 seconds => 466.0 images / second

Step 7: Experiment with different batch sizes:

Different models will show better and worse throughput with different batch sizes. In general neuron models will work best with small batch sizes when compared with GPU inference - even though overall a single neuron instance may outperform a GPU instance on a given task.

As a general best practice we recommend starting with a small batch size and working up to find peak throughput.

Now that we are using all four cores we can experiment with compiling and running larger batch sizes on each of our four cores

7.1 Modify the training code Here we use a batch size of 5 - but you can use any value, or test multiple. Changes in orange

import torch
import numpy as np
import osimport torch_neuron
from torchvision 
import models

## Enable logging so we can see any important warnings
logger = logging.getLogger('Neuron')

batch_size = 5

image = torch.zeros([batch_size, 3, 224, 224], dtype=torch.float32)

## Load a pretrained ResNet50 model
model = models.resnet50(pretrained=True)

## Tell the model we are using it for evaluation (not training)

## Analyze the model - this will show operator support and operator count
analyze_results = torch.neuron.analyze_model( model, example_inputs=[image] )


## Now compile the model
model_neuron = torch.neuron.trace(model, example_inputs=[image])

## Export to saved model"resnet50_neuron_b{}.pt".format(batch_size))

7.2 Modify the inference code

import os
from time import time
import torch
import torch_neuron
import json
import numpy as np
from urllib import request
from torchvision import models, transforms, datasets
from parallel import NeuronSimpleDataParallel

## Assuming you are working on and inf1.xlarge or inf1.2xlarge
num_neuron_cores = 4
batch_size = 5

## Create an image directory containing a small kitten
os.makedirs("./torch_neuron_test/images", exist_ok=True)

## Fetch labels to output the top classifications
idx2label = []

with open("imagenet_class_index.json", "r") as read_file:
    class_idx = json.load(read_file)
    idx2label = [class_idx[str(k)][1] for k in range(len(class_idx))]
## Import a sample image and normalize it into a tensor
normalize = transforms.Normalize(
    mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
    std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
eval_dataset = datasets.ImageFolder(
    transforms.Resize([224, 224]),
image, _ = eval_dataset[0]
image = torch.tensor(image.numpy()[np.newaxis, ...])

## Load model
model_neuron = NeuronSimpleDataParallel( 'resnet50_neuron_b{}.pt'.format(batch_size), num_neuron_cores, batch_size=batch_size )

## Create a "batch" image with enough images to go on each of the four cores
batch_image = image

for i in range((num_neuron_cores * batch_size) - 1):
    batch_image = [batch_image, image], 0 )

## Since the first inference also loads the model to the chip let's exclude it 
## from timing
results = model_neuron( batch_image )

## Predict
start = time()
loops = 100
for _ in range(loops):
    results = model_neuron( batch_image )
elapsed_time = time() - start
images_sec = loops * batch_image.size(0) / elapsed_time

# Get the top 5 results
top5_idx = results[0].sort()[1][-5:]

# Lookup and print the top 5 labels
top5_labels = [idx2label[idx] for idx in top5_idx]
print("Top 5 labels:\n {}".format(top5_labels) )
print("Completed {} operations in {} seconds => {} images / second".format( 
    loops * batch_image.size(0), round(elapsed_time, 2), round(images_sec,0) ) )

7.2 Run the inference Sample output

Top 5 labels:
 ['tiger', 'lynx', 'tiger_cat', 'Egyptian_cat', 'tabby']
Completed 2000 operations in 3.19 seconds => 626.0 images / second

You can experiment with different batch size values to see what gives the best overall throughput

Step 8: Terminate instances

Don’t forget to terminate your instances (compile and inference) from the AWS console so that you don’t continue paying for them once you are done