Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/cochlea/
Zilany2009 model is depricated by Zilany2014.
- Remove the notes in docstrings
Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/cochlea/
Zilany2009 model is depricated by Zilany2014.
Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/cochlea/
Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/cochlea/
Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/cochlea/
Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/cochlea/
- – G-Node is more for data sets and not code
- zenodo required to make a new github release, which will get a new DOI (tags are not enough)
- link to the latest doi:
Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/cochlea/
- [X] check the overlap with calc_cfs()
- [X] unit test
Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/cochlea/
Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/cochlea/
It’s useful to have basic operation/import without the thorns library.
As long as `from thorns import set_dbspl` in cochlea.__init__ would be the only reference to throns, I prefer to have this little function duplicated.
Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/cochlea/
Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/cochlea/