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139 lines (102 loc) · 4.8 KB

Contributing guide

Bug reports, feature requests or code contributions are always very welcome. To make things easier, here are a few tips:

Reporting bugs, requesting features

  • Best way to report bugs and request new features is to use GitHub issues, but you can contact the author also in any other way.

Code contribution

  • Setting up and using m.css for your own project is described in the documentation.

  • Documentation and the website is an essential part of the project and every larger theme, code or CSS contribution should be reflected there. Documentation and website content is written in reStructuredText and resides in the doc/ subdirectory. Please verify that all your changes there do not break the website build; see Building the site below for a guide how to build it.

  • Python code and Jinja2 templates should be accompanied by tests. See Running tests below for a guide.

  • Best way to contribute is using GitHub pull requests --- fork the repository and make a pull request from a feature branch. You can also send patches via e-mail or contact the author in any other way.

  • All your code will be released under license of the project (see COPYING file for details), so make sure you and your collaborators (or employers) have no problems with it. If you create new files, don't forget to add a license header (verbatim copied from other files) and don't forget to add yourself to license header of files you added or significantly modified (including documentation pages), for example:

        This file is part of m.css.
        Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
                  Vladimír Vondruš <[email protected]>
        Copyright © YEAR YOUR_NAME <[email protected]>
        Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a

Building the site

The m.css website makes use of all the m.css features, which means that it also needs all the possible dependencies, combined. Sorry in advance :)

On ArchLinux:

sudo pacman -S texlive-most pelican python-pillow python-matplotlib
cower -d python-pyphen # Build the python-pyphen package from AUR

On Ubuntu you need these:

sudo apt install texlive-base texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-extra python3-matplotlib graphviz
pip3 install pelican Pyphen Pillow

Once you have all the dependencies, simply go to the site/ subdirectory and start development server there. The live-reloading website will appear on http://localhost:8000.

cd site
pelican -Dlr

Running tests

Each bigger lump of Python code, Jinja2 template markup or JS code has tests. There are no visual tests for the CSS style at the moment. Running the tests:

cd pelican-theme
python -m unittest

cd plugins
python -m unittest

cd documentation
python -m unittest
node test/test-search.js

Code coverage needs for Python (use pip or your system package) and istanbul for JS. Install it locally using npm to avoid polluting the whole system with crap:

cd documentation
npm install istanbul

There is no possibility of getting code coverage for Jinja2 templates, though.

cd documentation
coverage run -m unittest ; coverage html
# open htmlcov/index.html in your browser

cd documentation
node ./node_modules/istanbul/lib/cli.js cover test/test-search.js
# open coverage/lcov-report/index.html in your browser

cd plugins
coverage run -m unittest ; coverage html
# open htmlcov/index.html in your browser

Test organization: files named take their input from something[_name] directories, name corresponds to given test class. In case of Doxygen, comment-out the line that removes the html directory in to see all test output files.

The project is built on CircleCI on Linux with Python 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7; documentation themes are tested only on 3.6+ and math rendering is currently disabled as getting it to work was historically impossible (#75). Build and coverage status is presented at
