Simple Render Engine provides some coding styles:
- Varying (in/out) is prefixed with 'v'
- World space positions/directions is prefixed with 'ws'
- Eye space (relative to camera) is prefixed with 'es'
- Built-in uniforms is prefixed with 'g_'
Transforms and viewport
- glm::mat4 g_model Model transform, which transforms from local space to world space.
- glm::mat4 g_view View transform, which transforms from world space to eye space.
- glm::mat4 g_projection Projection transform, which transforms from eye space to clip space.
- glm::mat3 g_model_it Model transform inverse transpose, used to transforms normals local space to world space.
- glm::mat3 g_model_view_it Model-View inverse transpose, used to transforms normals local space to eye space.
- glm::mat3 g_viewport viewportSize (xy) and viewportOffset(zw)
- glm::vec4 g_ambientLight. Automatically set from WorldLight::ambientLight (w is ignored)
- glm::vec4[] g_lightPosType. Contains a number of scene light positions (.xyz) and types (.w). (w==0 is directional light, w==1 is point light)
- glm::vec4[] g_lightColorRange. Contains a number of scene light colors (.xyz) and range (.w).
Simple render engine uses dynamic vertex attribute, where mapping between a vertex shader input and a mesh is determined runtime. The built in shaders uses the following attributes:
- vec3 position
- vec3 normal
- vec4 uv
- vec4 tangent
- vec4 color
Shaders can be specialized using specialization constants. These constants are injected as shader preprocessor symbols (e.g. "#define S_PI 3.14"). Shader specialization constants must start with "S_".
To instantiate a specialized shader, use:
auto mat = shader->createMaterial({{"S_PI","3.14"}});
This will instantiate a new shader and keep a reference in the main shader shader, which makes sure that the specialized shader is only instantiated once.
There are also defined a number of engine specific definitions, which cannot be changed. All prefixed with "SI_":
- SI_LIGHTS number of lights per draw call. The number is defined as a engine constant.
- SI_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB defined when framebuffers is sRGB.
- SI_TEX_SAMPLER_SRGB defined when texture sampler supports sRGB.
- SI_FBO_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT defined when frame buffer support depth texture attachments.
- SI_VERTEX Defined only for vertex shaders.
- SI_FRAGMENT Defined only for fragment shaders.
- SI_GEOMETRY Defined only for geometry shaders.
- SI_TESS_CTRL Defined only for tesselation control shaders.
- SI_TESS_EVAL Defined only for tesselation evaluation shaders.