Releases: moraroy/NonSteamLaunchers-On-Steam-Deck
NonSteamLaunchers v2.82
Full Changelog: v2.81...v2.82
NonSteamLaunchers v2.81
NonSteamLaunchers v2.8
~Added new Module for vdf
~Deleted setup tools
Full Changelog: v2.75...v2.8
NonSteamLaunchers v2.75
fixed steam id check ~Steam id to steamid3 for user data
NonSteamLaunchers v2.71
Fixed Major Library Disappear Bug
~reworked code to write to vdf after steam is closed, this was causing library's to "disappear".
Your games and files are safe, your library is backed up in a file in your config directory called "shortcuts.vdf.bak" if corrupted just change the name to shortcuts.vdf
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v2.7...v2.71
NonSteamLaunchers v2.7
Added An Uninstall Button
~Added an Uninstall button for each launcher:
this deletes the folders that have the installation for each launcher, if selected to use "different app id's" those folders will be deleted instead
~fixed Battle net from hanging
~other bug fixes
New Bug:
As of GE-Proton8-3 ,
The EA App no longer Installs in "quiet mode"
NonSteamLaunchers v2.6
Added new way to find current user
~fixed all launchers to not install if already installed
~fixed all launchers to not install if not selected
~fixed Rockstar Launcher from installing prematurely
~Added new way to find current user
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v2.5...v2.6
NonSteamLaunchers v2.5
Added Support for Rockstar Games Launcher
~removed app ids for launchers for shortcuts
Full Changelog: v2.4...v2.5
NonSteamLaunchers v2.4
~Added Automatic Force Compatability on Shortcuts
~fixed a major bug between Epic Games and Gog that caused shortcuts to not appear
~fixed some syntax error
~attempted another fix on VDF File
~changed some small UI things
Special thank you to these guys for helping make the script better (@cchrkk milogert , pawel-ch, roydbt, maetrik92, battleking4000, oldbury97)
NonSteamLauncher v2.3
added some extended tools for python