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DLOB Server for Drift Protocol v2

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DLOB Server

This is the backend server that provides a REST API for the drift DLOB.

Run the server


First set the necessary environment variables:

cp .env.example .env

Environment Configuration

To properly configure the DLOB server, set the following environment variables in your .env file:

Variable Description Example Value
ENDPOINT The Solana RPC node http endpoint.
WS_ENDPOINT The Solana RPC node websocket endpoint. wss://
USE_WEBSOCKET Flag to enable WebSocket connection. true
USE_ORDER_SUBSCRIBER Flag to enable order subscriber DLOB source. true
DISABLE_GPA_REFRESH Flag to disable periodic refresh using getProgramAccounts. true
ENV The network environment the server is connecting to. mainnet-beta
PORT The port number the HTTP server listens on. 6969
METRICS_PORT The port number for Prometheus metrics. 9465
PRIVATE_KEY Path to the Solana private key file. /path/to/keypair.json
RATE_LIMIT_CALLS_PER_SECOND Maximum number of API calls per second. 100
PERP_MARKETS_TO_LOAD Number of perpetual markets to load at startup. 0
SPOT_MARKETS_TO_LOAD Number of spot markets to load at startup. 5
REDIS_HOSTS (for websocket server) Redis host endpoint. localhost
REDIS_PASSWORDS (for websocket server) Redis password. password
REDIS_PORTS (for websocket server) Redis port. 6379
WS_PORT (for websocket server) The port to run the websocket server on. 3000

Note: multiple Redis hosts can be provided by providing a comma separated string.

HTTP mode

The HTTP server as documented here can be run with, and by default accessible on

yarn run dev

Websocket mode

The websocket server has 2 components, the dlob-publisher that takes frequent snapshots of the DLOB and publishes them to Redis, and ws-manager listens for new connections and sends the latest DLOB to ws clients, the two components communicate through Redis pub-sub.

To run the websocket server, a Redis cache is required, and the following environment variables must be set:


In one terminal, run:

yarn run dlob-publisher

In a second terminal, run:

yarn run ws-manager

Then connect to the ws server at ws://

Run the example client

Documentation for connecting to the dlob server are available here

TODO: complete client examples.