diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c640985..f5203c9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,11 +1,23 @@
-This is a etherpadlite-module for Moodle 2.x
+# About
+This is a etherpadlite-module for Moodle 2.0-2.2
-Copy this repository to the moodle subfolder mod/etherpadlite
-open your admin/index.php page and follow the instructions
+1. Copy this repository to the moodle subfolder: **mod/etherpadlite**
+2. open your admin/index.php page and follow the instructions
-(tested with Moodle 2.0-2.2)
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+# Configuration
+1. Server Url from your etherpadlite server
+2. ApiKey: this is stored in the file: APIKEY.txt on your etherpadlite server
+3. Padname: this is optional and maybe just for debugging the databse
+4. Cookie Domain: Enter the domain as described
+5. Session elapse time: How long should one session be valid?
+6. Https Redirect: This redirects moodle to https, so that the user feels secure
(later this should be used to delete sessions on the etherpadlite server)
+7. Verify HTTPS cert: This lets curl check, if the https cert of the etherpadlite server is valid, to prevent man in the middle attacks
+8. Guests allowed to write?: As described
+*tested with Moodle 2.0-2.2*
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