This is an Node.JS client for the Moneyhub API. It currently supports the following features:
- Getting the list of supported banks
- Registering users
- Deleting users
- Generating authorisation urls for new and existing users
- Getting access tokens and refresh tokens from an authorisation code
- Refreshing access tokens
- Deleting user connections
- Getting access tokens with client credentials
- CRUD actions for accounts
- CRUD actions for transactions
- Generate authorisation url for payments
- Add Payees
- Get Payees and payments
- Add Pay links
- Get Pay links
- Get categories
- CRUD actions on projects
- CRUD actions on transaction attachments
- CRUD actions on transaction splits
- Get a tax return for a subset of transactions
- Get the regular transactions on an account
- Get beneficiaries
Currently this library supports client_secret_basic
, client_secret_jwt
and private_key_jwt
The breaking changes when upgrading are outlined below:
Normalisation of all methods to use object destructuring to pass parameters. Please refer to the docs of each method when migrating to this version
Delete methods only return the status code when succesful
All methods to retrieve data return the body response as json, on previous versions some methods were returning the full response from the got library.
When our API response code is not 2xx an HTTP error is thrown. Includes a response property with more information.
Removal of all the methods with the suffix
. To migrate to this version you can use the method with the same name but without the suffix. e.ggetUserConnectionsWithToken()
For the full list of changes please refer to the changelog
The major upgrade from version 4.x is that the library now caters for TypeScript. To allow for this, the factory method that creates the client instance is now a named export rather than a default export.
// v4.x
const Moneyhub = require("@mft/moneyhub-api-client")
// v5.x
const {Moneyhub} = require("@mft/moneyhub-api-client")
Learn about the latest improvements and breaking changes.
To use this API client you will need:
- A
of a registered API client - The url of the Moneyhub identity service for the environment you are connecting to (
- The url for the API gateway for the environment that you are connecting to (
npm install @mft/moneyhub-api-client
This module exposes a single factory function that accepts the following configuration:
const {Moneyhub} = require("@mft/moneyhub-api-client")
const moneyhub = await Moneyhub({
resourceServerUrl: "",
identityServiceUrl: "",
options: { // optional
timeout: 60000, // request timeout in milliseconds
retry: {
limit: 3, // maximum number of retries
methods: ["GET", "HEAD", "PUT", "DELETE", "OPTIONS", "TRACE"], // HTTP methods to retry
statusCodes: [408, 413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504, 521, 522, 524], // status codes to retry on
maxRetryAfter: 5000 // maximum time to wait between retries in milliseconds
client: {
client_id: "your client id",
client_secret: "your client secret",
token_endpoint_auth_method: "client_secret_basic",
id_token_signed_response_alg: "RS256",
request_object_signing_alg: "none",
redirect_uri: "https://your-redirect-uri",
response_type: "code",
keys: [
/* your jwks */
/* optionally use Mutual TLS certificates */
mTLS: {
tls_client_certificate_bound_access_tokens: true,
cert: readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "../certs/cert.pem")),
key: readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "../certs/key.pem")),
When making calls to our methods that require authentication, you can provide an extra argument at the end of these methods. This argument must be an object with these optional keys:
token: "full.access.token" // if specified will be added to authorisation header of request
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer full.access.token" // can be used to specify authorisation header or additional headers
Example usages
const accounts = await moneyhub.getAccounts({
userId: "user-id",
params: {},
}, {});
const accounts = await moneyhub.getAccounts({
params: {},
}, {
token: "full.access.token"
const accounts = await moneyhub.getAccounts({
params: {},
}, {
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer full.access.token"
At least one of the following parameters needs to be passed in to any api call that requires user authentication:
- userId: Automatically requests a token for this userId with the correct scopes
- token: The token will be added as bearer authorization header
- Authorization header: The full authorisation header can be passed in
Once the api client has been initialised it provides a simple promise based interface with the following methods:
The options below can be set on the following URL generating methods:
The expirationDateTime
and transactionFromDateTime
options can be set according to the AIS Consents documentation
Set enableAsync
to true if you wish to make an AIS connection that won't wait for accounts and transactions to be fetched.
Note: all methods generate an authorise URL using the Pushed Authorisation Request (PAR) method, see here for more details.
This method returns an authorize url for your API client. You can redirect a user to this url, after which they will be redirected back to your redirect_uri
const url = await moneyhub.getAuthorizeUrl({
scope: "openid bank-id-scope other-data-scopes",
state: " your state value", // optional
nonce: "your nonce value", //optional
claims: claimsObject, // optional
permissions: ["ReadBeneficiariesDetail"], // optional - set of extra permissions to set for auth URL
permissionsAction: "replace" // optional - replace default consent permissions. Defaults to "add"
expirationDateTime: "2022-09-01T00:00:00.000Z", // optional
transactionFromDateTime: "2020-09-01T00:00:00.000Z", // optional,
enableAsync: false, // optional
// Default claims if none are provided
const defaultClaims = {
id_token: {
sub: {
essential: true,
"mh:con_id": {
essential: true,
This is a helper function that returns an authorize url for a specific user to connect to a specific bank. This function uses the following scope with the value of the bankId provided id:${bankId} openid
const url = await moneyhub.getAuthorizeUrlForCreatedUser({
bankId: "bank id to connect to",
userId: "user id returned from the registerUser call",
state: "your state value", // optional
nonce: "your nonce value", // optional
claims: claimsObject, // optional
permissions: ["ReadBeneficiariesDetail"], // optional - set of extra permissions to set for auth URL
permissionsAction: "replace" // optional - replace default consent permissions. Defaults to "add"
enableAsync: false, // optional
// Scope used with the bankId provided
const scope = `id:${bankId} openid`;
// Default claims if none are provided
const defaultClaims = {
id_token: {
sub: {
essential: true,
value: userId, // userId provided
"mh:con_id": {
essential: true,
This is a helper function that returns an authorize url for a specific user to re authorize an existing connection. This function uses the scope openid reauth
const url = await moneyhub.getReauthAuthorizeUrlForCreatedUser({
userId: "the user id",
connectionId: "connection Id to re authorize",
state: "your state value", // optional
nonce: "your nonce value", // optional
claims: claimsObject, // optional
enableAsync: false, // optional
// Default claims if none are provided
const defaultClaims = {
id_token: {
sub: {
essential: true,
value: userId, // userId provided
"mh:con_id": {
essential: true,
value: connectionId, // connectionId provided
This is a helper function that returns a url for a specific user to reconsent an existing connection. This function uses the scope openid reconsent
. The expiresAt
date cannot be set to more than 90 days in the future. If expiresAt
is not provided it will default to a date 90 days in the future. Please note - this method should only be used for connections that have tppConsent
set as true
const url = await moneyhub.getReconsentAuthorizeUrlForCreatedUser({
userId: "user id",
connectionId: "connection ID to reconsent",
state: "your state value", // optional
nonce: "your nonce value", // optional
claims: claimsObject // optional
expiresAt: "ISO date-time string for new expiry of the connection" // optional - defaults to 90 days in future
// Default claims if none are provided
const defaultClaims = {
id_token: {
sub: {
essential: true,
value: userId, // userId provided
"mh:con_id": {
essential: true,
value: connectionId, // connectionId provided
"mh:consent": {
value: {
expirationDateTime: expiresAt, // expiresAt provided. If not provided defaults to a date 90 days in the future
This method returns an authorize url for your API client using the legacy method (where a request object is generated and passed in as the request
query parameter). You can redirect a user to this url, after which they will be redirected back to your redirect_uri
. It has the same method signature as getAuthorizeUrl
const url = await moneyhub.getAuthorizeUrlLegacy({
scope: "openid bank-id-scope other-data-scopes",
state: " your state value", // optional
nonce: "your nonce value", //optional
claims: claimsObject, // optional
permissions: ["ReadBeneficiariesDetail"], // optional - set of extra permissions to set for auth URL
permissionsAction: "replace" // optional - replace default consent permissions. Defaults to "add"
expirationDateTime: "2022-09-01T00:00:00.000Z", // optional
transactionFromDateTime: "2020-09-01T00:00:00.000Z", // optional,
enableAsync: false, // optional
This is a helper function that returns an authorize url for a specific user to refresh an existing connection. This function uses the scope openid refresh
. (Only relevant for legacy connections)
const url = await moneyhub.getRefreshAuthorizeUrlForCreatedUser({
userId: "the user id",
connectionId: "connection Id to re refresh",
state: "your state value", // optional
nonce: "your nonce value", // optional
claims: claimsObject, // optional
enableAsync: false, // optional
// Default claims if none are provided
const defaultClaims = {
id_token: {
sub: {
essential: true,
value: userId, // userId provided
"mh:con_id": {
essential: true,
value: connectionId, // connectionId provided
This is a legacy method to get tokens for a user. After a user has succesfully authorised they will be redirected to your redirect_uri with an authorization code. You can use this to retrieve access, refresh and id tokens for the user.
const tokens = await moneyhub.exchangeCodeForTokens({
code: "the authorization code",
nonce: "your nonce value", // optional
state: "your state value", // optional
id_token: "your id token", // optional
After a user has succesfully authorised they will be redirected to your redirect_uri with an authorization code. You can use this method to retrieve access, refresh and id tokens for the user.
The signature for this method changed in v3. The previous function is available at 'exchangeCodeForTokensLegacy'
This method requires an object with two properties:
: an object with all the params received at your redirect urilocalParams
: an object with params that you have in the local session for the user.
const tokens = await moneyhub.exchangeCodeForTokens({
paramsFromCallback: {
"code": "the auth code",
"id_token": "the id_token", // when code id_token response type is used
"state": "state",
localParams: {
"state": "state", // this must be from the local session not the redirect uri
"nonce": "nonce", // this must be from the local session
"sub": "the user id", // optional, but without this param, requests where there are missing cookies will fail
"max_age", // optional, not normally required
"response_type" // recommended to enhance securirty
"code_verifier" // required if PKCE is used
Use this to get a client credentials access token.
const tokens = await moneyhub.getClientCredentialTokens({
scope: "the-required-scope",
sub: "the user id", // optional
Use this to get a new access token using a refresh token
const tokens = await moneyhub.refreshTokens({
refreshToken: "refresh-token",
Creates a request object
const tokens = await moneyhub.requestObject({
scope: "the-required-scope",
state: "state",
nonce: "nonce",
claims: claimsObject,
Use this to create a request uri from a request object
const requestUri = await moneyhub.getRequestUri(requestObject);
Use this to retrieve an authorization url from a request uri
const url = await moneyhub.getAuthorizeUrlFromRequestUri({
requestUri: "request-uri",
Creates a connection auth request
const tokens = await moneyhub.createAuthRequest({
redirectUri: "redirect-uri",
userId: "user-id",
scope: "openid 1ffe704d39629a929c8e293880fb449a", // replace bank id with the bank you want to connect to
categorisationType: "personal", // optional - defaults to personal
permissions: ["ReadBeneficiariesDetail"], // optional - set of extra permissions to set for auth request
permissionsAction: "replace" // optional - replace default consent permissions. Defaults to "add"
Creates a reauth auth request
const tokens = await moneyhub.createAuthRequest({
redirectUri: "redirect-uri",
userId: "user-id",
connectionId: "connection-id",
scope: "openid reauth",
Creates a refresh auth request
const tokens = await moneyhub.createAuthRequest({
redirectUri: "redirect-uri",
userId: "user-id",
connectionId: "connection-id",
scope: "openid refresh",
Creates a payment auth request
const tokens = await moneyhub.createAuthRequest({
redirectUri: "redirect-uri",
userId: "user-id",
connectionId: "connection-id",
scope: "openid payment",
payment: {
payeeId: "payee-id",
amount: 200,
payeeRef: "Payee ref",
payerRef: "Payer ref",
Creates a reverse payment auth request
const tokens = await moneyhub.createAuthRequest({
redirectUri: "redirect-uri",
userId: "user-id",
connectionId: "connection-id",
scope: "openid reverse_payment",
reversePayment: {
paymentId: "payment-id",
Completes an auth request succesfully
const tokens = await moneyhub.completeAuthRequest({
id: "auth-request-id",
authParams: {
code: "code"
state: "state",
"id_token": "idToken",
Completes an auth request with an error
const tokens = await moneyhub.completeAuthRequest({
id: "auth-request-id",
authParams: {
error: "error-code",
error_description: "error description",
Retrieves auth requests
const tokens = await moneyhub.getAllAuthRequests({
limit: 10, // optional
offset: 0, // optional
Retrieve a single auth request
const tokens = await moneyhub.getAuthRequest({
id: "auth-request-id",
Helper method that gets the correct client credentials access token and then registers a user.
const user = await moneyhub.registerUser({
clientUserId: "your user id", // optional
Returns all the users registered for your api-client
const users = await moneyhub.getUsers({
Get a single user by their id
const user = await moneyhub.getUser({
userId: "user-id",
Helper method that gets the correct client credentials access token and then deletes a user.
const user = await moneyhub.deleteUser({
userId: "user-id",
Helper method that gets the correct client credentials access token and then gets all user connections.
const user = await moneyhub.getUserConnections({
userId: "user-id",
}, options);
Sync an existing user connection. This process will fetch the latest balances and transactions of the accounts attached to the connection. This method only returns the status of the syncing.
const tokens = await moneyhub.syncUserConnection({
customerIpAddress, // optional
customerLastLoggedTime, // optional
enableAsync, // optional
}, options);
Helper method that gets the correct client credentials access token and then deletes a user connection.
const user = await moneyhub.deleteUserConnection({
userId: "user-id",
connectionId: "connection-id",
}, options);
Retrieve the syncs for a given connection ID.
const syncs = await moneyhub.getConnectionSyncs({
userId: "user-id",
connectionId: "connection-id",
params: {
limit: 10,
offset: 0,
}, options);
Retrieve the syncs for a given connection ID.
const syncs = await moneyhub.getUserSyncs({
userId: "user-id",
params: {
limit: 10,
offset: 0,
}, options);
Retrieve the syncs for the given sync ID.
const syncs = await moneyhub.getSync({
userId: "user-id",
syncId: "sync-id",
}, options);
Helper method that updates a connection. Requires scope user:update
. Currently only the consent can be updated by updating the expiresAt
field. This field should be a valid date-time ISO string and not be more than 90 days away. This method can only be used by those clients that have bypassed consent (the Enforce user consent
option in the Admin Portal). If successful returns a 204.
const user = await moneyhub.updateUserConnection({
userId: "user-id",
connectionId: "connection-id",
expiresAt: "2022-06-26T09:43:16.318+00:00"
}, options)
Registers a SCIM user.
const user = await moneyhub.registerSCIMUser({
externalId: "your user id",
name: {
givenName: "Andrea",
familyName: "Hedley"
emails: [{
value: "[email protected]"
Fetch a SCIM user.
const user = await moneyhub.getSCIMUser({
userId: "userId"
Get all accounts for a user. This function uses the scope accounts:read
const queryParams = { limit: 10, offset: 5 , showTransacionData: false, showPerformanceScore: true};
const accounts = await moneyhub.getAccounts({
userId: "userId",
params: queryParams,
}, options);
Get all accounts for a user including extra details (sort code, account number, account holder name). This function uses the scopes accounts:read accounts_details:read
const queryParams = { limit: 10, offset: 5 };
const accounts = await moneyhub.getAccountsWithDetails({
userId: "userId",
params: queryParams,
}, options);
Similar to getAccounts method, however this method does not return transactionData
and performanceScore
by default meaning data can be retrieved more quickly. These fields can still be returned on from this method by using showTransacionData
and showPerformanceScore
query params. This function uses the scope accounts:read
const queryParams = { limit: 10, offset: 5 , showTransacionData: false, showPerformanceScore: true};
const accounts = await moneyhub.getAccounts({
userId: "userId",
params: queryParams,
}, options);
Similar to getAccountsWithDetails method, however this method does not return transactionData
and performanceScore
by default meaning data can be retrieved more quickly. These fields can still be returned on from this method by using showTransacionData
and showPerformanceScore
query params. This function uses the scopes accounts:read accounts_details:read
const queryParams = { limit: 10, offset: 5 };
const accounts = await moneyhub.getAccountsWithDetails({
userId: "userId",
params: queryParams,
}, options);
Get a single account for a user by the accountId. This function uses the scope accounts:read
const account = await moneyhub.getAccount({
userId: "userId",
accountId: "accountId",
}, options);
Get a single account for a user by the accountId including extra details (sort code, account number, account holder name). This function uses the scope accounts:read accounts_details:read
const account = await moneyhub.getAccountWithDetails({
userId: "userId",
accountId: "accountId",
}, options);
Get account balances for a user. This function uses the scope accounts:read
const account = await moneyhub.getAccountBalances({
userId: "userId",
accountId: "accountId",
}, options);
Get account holdings for a user. This function uses the scope accounts:read
const account = await moneyhub.getAccountHoldings({
userId: "userId",
accountId: "accountId",
}, options);
Get account holdings with ISIN codes matchers for a user. This function uses the scope accounts:read
const account = await moneyhub.getAccountHoldingsWithMatches({
userId: "userId",
accountId: "accountId",
}, options);
Get a single holding from a user's account. This function uses the scope accounts:read
const account = await moneyhub.getAccountHolding({
userId: "userId",
accountId: "accountId",
holdingId: "holdingId",
}, options);
Get account counterparties for a user. This function uses the scope accounts:read transactions:read
const account = await moneyhub.getAccountCounterparties({
userId: "userId",
accountId: "accountId",
params: {
counterpartiesVersion: "v3",
}, options);
Get account recurring transactions for a user. This function uses the scope accounts:read transactions:read
const account = await moneyhub.getAccountRecurringTransactions({
userId: "userId",
accountId: "accountId",
}, options);
Get the standing orders for an account. This function uses the scope standing_orders:read
and a connection with ReadStandingOrdersBasic
const standingOrders = await moneyhub.getAccountStandingOrders({
userId: "userId",
accountId: "accountId",
}, options);
Get the standing orders with detail (payee information) for an account. This function uses the scope standing_orders_detail:read
and a connection with ReadStandingOrdersDetail
const standingOrders = await moneyhub.getAccountStandingOrdersWithDetail({
userId: "userId",
accountId: "accountId",
}, options);
Get the statements for an account. This function uses the scope statements_basic:read
and a connection with ReadStatementsBasic
const statements = await moneyhub.getAccountStatements({
userId: "userId",
accountId: "accountId",
}, options);
Get the statements with detail for an account. This function uses the scope statements_detail:read
and a connection with ReadStatementsDetail
const statements = await moneyhub.getAccountStatementsWithDetail({
userId: "userId",
accountId: "accountId",
}, options);
Create a manual account for a user. This function uses the scopes accounts:read accounts:write:all
const account = await moneyhub.createAccount({
userId: "userId",
account: {
accountName: "Account name",
providerName: "Provider name",
type: "cash:current",
accountType: "personal",
balance: {
date: "2018-08-12",
amount: {
value: 300023,
}, options);
Delete a manual account for a user. This function uses the scope accounts:write:all
const result = await moneyhub.deleteAccount({
userId: "userId",
accountId: "accountId",
}, options);
Add a balance to a manual account. This function uses the scope accounts:read accounts:write:all
const result = await moneyhub.addAccountBalance({
userId: "userId",
accountId: "accountId",
balance: {
amount: {
value: 123
date: "2022-01-01",
}, options);
Update manual account. This function uses the scope accounts:read accounts:write:all
const result = await moneyhub.updateAccount({
userId: "userId",
accountId: "accountId",
account: {
accountName: "accountName",
providerName: "providerName"
details: {}
}, options);
Get all transactions for a user. This function uses the scope transactions:read:all
const queryParams = { limit: 10, offset: 5 };
const transactions = await moneyhub.getTransactions({
userId: "userId",
params: queryParams,
}, options);
Get a transaction by ID for a user. This function uses the scope transactions:read:all
const transactions = await moneyhub.getTransaction({
userId: "userId",
transactionId: "transactionId",
}, options);
Update a transaction by ID for a user. This function uses the scopes transactions:read:all transactions:write:all
const transactions = await moneyhub.updateTransaction({
userId: "userId",
transactionId: "transactionId",
transaction: {
amount: {
value: 10,
}, options);
Add a transaction for a user. Please note, transaction must belong to an account that is transaction-able. This function uses the scopes transactions:read:all transactions:write:all
const transactions = await moneyhub.addTransaction({
userId: "userId",
transaction: {
amount: {
value: 10,
}, options);
Add up to 50 transactions for a user. Please note, transaction must belong to an account that is transaction-able. This function uses the scopes transactions:read:all transactions:write:all
const transactions = await moneyhub.addTransactions({
userId: "userId",
transactions: [
amount: {
value: 10,
amount: {
value: 25,
params: {
categorise: true, // optional - enable categorisatio for transactions
}, options);
Delete a transaction for a user. This function uses the scopes transactions:write:all
const result = await moneyhub.deleteTransaction({
userId: "userId",
id: "transactionId",
}, options);
Get all beneficiaries for a user. This function uses the scope beneficiaries:read
const queryParams = { limit: 10, offset: 5 };
const beneficiaries = await moneyhub.getBeneficiaries({
userId: "userId",
params: queryParams,
}, options);
Get all beneficiaries for a user, including beneficiary detail. This function uses the scope beneficiaries_detail:read
const queryParams = { limit: 10, offset: 5 };
const beneficiaries = await moneyhub.getBeneficiariesWithDetail({
userId: "userId",
params: queryParams,
}, options);
Get a beneficiary for a user. This function uses the scope beneficiaries:read
const beneficiary = await moneyhub.getBeneficiary({
userId: "userId",
id: "beneficiaryId",
}, options);
Get a beneficiary for a user, including beneficiary detail. This function uses the scope beneficiaries_detail:read
const beneficiary = await moneyhub.getBeneficiaryWithDetail({
userId: "userId",
id: "beneficiaryId",
}, options);
Add an attachment to a transaction. This call requires an access token with a scope that allows it to read and write transactions. The third parameter must be a stream, and the size of the file being uploaded can be of max size 10MB.
const file = await money.addFileToTransaction({
userId: "userId",
transactionId: "transactionId",
fileName: "file-name",
fileData: fs.createReadStream("path/to/file.png"),
}, options);
Get all attachments associated with a transaction. This call requires an access token with a scope that allows it to read transactions.
const files = await money.getTransactionFiles({
userId: "userId",
transactionId: "transactionId",
}, options);
Get an attachment associated with a transaction. This call requires an access token with a scope that allows it to read transactions.
const files = await money.getTransactionFile({
userId: "userId",
transactionId: "transactionId",
fileId: "fileId",
}, options);
Delete an attachment associated with a transaction. This call requires an access token with a scope that allows it to read and write transactions.
await money.deleteTransactionFile({
userId: "userId",
transactionId: "transactionId",
fileId: "fileId",
}, options);
Split up a transaction into different categories and/or projects.
const splits = await moneyhub.splitTransaction({
userId: "userId",
transactionId: "transactionId",
splits: [
categoryId: "std:5a7ff1f3-cd2c-4676-a368-caf09f2ca35a",
description: "Split 1",
amount: -6000,
categoryId: "std:eac238ec-3899-49ff-8cce-e3b9f4b1aede",
description: "Split 2",
amount: -4000,
}, options);
Get a transactions splits.
const splits = await moneyhub.getTransactionSplits({
userId: "userId",
transactionId: "transactionId",
}, options);
Update a transaction's split's description, categoryId or projectId.
const splits = await moneyhub.patchTransactionSplit({
userId: "userId",
transactionId: "transactionId",
split: {
description: "New description",
}, options);
Delete a transaction's splits and merge them back together.
const splits = await moneyhub.deleteTransactionSplits({
userId: "userId",
transactionId: "transactionId",
}, options);
Get all accounts for a user. This function uses the scope osip:read
const queryParams = { limit: 10, offset: 5 };
const accounts = await moneyhub.getOsipAccounts({
userId: "userId",
params: queryParams,
Get an account for a user. This function uses the scope osip:read
const queryParams = { limit: 10, offset: 5 };
const accounts = await moneyhub.getOsipAccounts({
userId: "userId",
accountId: "accountId",
params: queryParams,
Get account holdings for an account. This function uses the scope osip:read
const queryParams = { limit: 10, offset: 5 };
const accounts = await moneyhub.getOsipAccounts({
userId: "userId",
accountId: "accountId",
params: queryParams,
Get account transactions. This function uses the scope osip:read
const queryParams = { limit: 10, offset: 5 };
const accounts = await moneyhub.getOsipAccounts({
userId: "userId",
accountId: "accountId",
params: queryParams,
Get global counterparties.
const accounts = await moneyhub.getGlobalCounterparties();
Get all categories for a user. This function uses the scope categories:read
const categories = await moneyhub.getCategories({
userId: "userId",
params: {
type: "personal", // optional personal|business
}, options);
Get a single category for a user. This function uses the scope categories:read
const category = await moneyhub.getCategory({
userId: "userId",
categoryId: "categoryId",
}, options);
Get all category groups for a user. This function uses the scope categories:read
const categoryGroups = await moneyhub.getCategoryGroups({
userId: "userId",
params: {
type: "personal", // optional personal|business
}, options);
Get standard categories.
const categories = await moneyhub.getStandardCategories({
params: {
type: "personal", // optional personal|business|all
}, options);
Get standard categories.
const categoryGroups = await moneyhub.getStandardCategoryGroups({
params: {
type: "personal", // optional personal|business|all
}, options);
Create a custom category. This function uses the scopes categories:read categories:write
const category = await moneyhub.createCustomCategory({
userId: "userId",
category: {
group: "group:1"
name: "custom-category",
}, options)
This method returns the spending analysis for the given dates. This function uses the scope spending_analysis:read
const projects = await moneyhub.getSpendingAnalysis({
userId: "userId",
dates: [
name: "currentMonth",
from: "2018-10-01",
to: "2018-10-31",
name: "previousMonth",
from: "2018-09-01",
to: "2018-09-30",
accountIds: ["ac9bd177-d01e-449c-9f29-d3656d2edc2e"], // optional
categoryIds: ["std:338d2636-7f88-491d-8129-255c98da1eb8"], // optional
}, options);
This method returns a list of projects. This function uses the scope projects:read
const projects = await moneyhub.getProjects({
userId: "userId",
params: {
limit: "limit", // optional
offset: "offset", // optional
}, // optional
}, options);
Get a single project for a user by the projectId. This function uses the scope projects:read
const project = await moneyhub.getProject({
userId: "userId",
projectId: "projectId",
}, options);
Create a new project for a user. This function uses the scope projects.write
. This will return the new project.
const project = await moneyhub.addProject({
userId: "userId",
project: {
name: "Project Name",
accountIds: "id1,id2", // comma-separated list of account IDs
type: "PropertyProject",
}, options);
Update a project for a user. This function uses the scope projects.write
. This will return the newly updated project.
const project = await moneyhub.updateProject({
userId: "userId",
projectId: "projectId",
project: {
name: "Updated Project Name",
accountIds: "id1,id2", // comma-separated list of account IDs
type: "PropertyProject",
archived: false,
}, options);
Delete a project for a user given a project ID. This function uses the scope projects.delete
const result = await moneyhub.deleteProject({
userId: "userId",
projectId: "projectId",
Get a tax return object for a subset of transactions. This makes use of the enhancedCategories
on transactions. This functions uses the scope tax:read
const result = await moneyhub.getTaxReturn({
userId: "userId",
params: {
startDate: "2020-01-01",
endDate: "2020-02-01",
accountId: "accountId",
projectId: "projectId",
}, options);
This is a helper function that returns an authorize url to authorize a payment to the payee with the bank selected. This function uses the following scope with the value of the bankId provided payment openid id:${bankId}
. It also requires the authentication to be client_secret_jwt
or private_key_jwt
const url = await moneyhub.getPaymentAuthorizeUrl({
bankId: "Bank id to authorise payment from", // required
payeeId: "Id of payee", // required or payee
payee: "Details of payee to create", // required or payeeId
payeeType: "Payee type [api-payee|mh-user-account]", // optional - defaults to api-payee
payerType: "Payer type [mh-user-account | api-payer]", // required only if payerId or payer is used
payerId: "Id of payer", // required only if payerType is defined as mh-user-account
payer: "Details of payer to use", // required if using api-payer for payerType
amount: "Amount in pence to authorize payment",
payeeRef: "Payee reference",
payerRef: "Payer reference",
payerName: "Payer Name", // optional
payerEmail: "Payer Email", // optional
state: "your state value",
nonce: "your nonce value", // optional
context: "Payment context [Other,BillPayment,PartyToParty]", // optional - defaults to PartyToParty
userId: "Moneyhub API User ID you wish to attach to the payment", // optional
claims: claimsObject, // optional
// Scope used with the bankId provided
const scope = `payment openid id:${bankId}`;
// Default claims if none are provided
const defaultClaims = {
id_token: {
"mh:con_id": {
essential: true,
"mh:payment": {
essential: true,
value: {
This is a helper function that returns an authorize url to authorize a reverse payment for a payment that is reversible. This function uses the following scope with the value of the bankId provided reverse_payment openid id:${bankId}
. It also requires the authentication to be client_secret_jwt
or private_key_jwt
const url = await moneyhub.getReversePaymentAuthorizeUrl({
bankId: "Bank id to authorise payment from",
paymentId: "Id of payment to reverse",
state: "your state value",
amount: "reverse payment amount" // optional
nonce: "your nonce value", // optional
claims: claimsObject, // optional
payerType: "Payer type [mh-user-account | api-payer]", // required only if payerId or payer is used
payerId: "payer id that will make the payment", // required if using mh-user-account for payerType
payer: "Details of payer to use", // required if using api-payer for payerType
// Scope used with the bankId provided
const scope = `reverse_payment openid id:${bankId}`
// Default claims if none are provided
const defaultClaims = {
id_token: {
"mh:con_id": {
essential: true,
"mh:payment": {
essential: true,
"mh:reversePayment": {
essential: true,
value: {
This method will add a Payee. This will return an id that it is
required to be used as payeeId
when initiating a payment. This function uses the scope payee:create
const payee = await moneyhub.addPayee({
accountNumber: "your account number",
sortCode: "your sort code",
name: "name of Payee",
externalId: "your external id",
This method returns a list of registered payees. This function uses the scope payee:read
const payees = await moneyhub.getPayees({
limit: "limit", // optional
offset: "offset", // optional
userId: "user-id", // optional
hasUserId: true, // optional
This method returns a list of initiated payments. This function uses the scope payment:read
const payments = await moneyhub.getPayments({
limit: "limit", // optional
offset: "offset", // optional
userId: "user-id", // optional
payeeId: "payee-id", // optional
startDate: "2020-01-01", // optional
endDate: "2020-12-31", // optional
Get a single payment by its id . This function uses the scope payment:read
const paymentData = await moneyhub.getPayment({
id: "payment-id",
When a payment flow is completed and you call exchangeCodeForTokens
you will receive back an ID Token that contains the payment id. This is a utility function to get the payment data using the id in the ID Token.
const paymentData = await moneyhub.getPaymentFromIDToken({
idToken: "eyJhbGciOiJSUz...",
Create a pay-link for dynamically created party-to-party payments using your custom themed widget. This function uses the scope pay_link:create
. You will receive back the pay-link details as well as the pay-link id in the response. With that id you can then render the widget i.e.
const paymentData = await moneyhub.addPayLink({
widgetId: "Id of the pay-link widget used to render the payment" // required
payee: "Details of payee to create", // required or payeeId
payerId: "Id of payer", // required or payee
amount: "Amount in pence to authorize payment", // required
reference: "Payee reference", // required
expiresAt: "ISO Date-time string for pay-link expiry", // optional
endToEndId: "Unique identifier relevant to the transaction", // optional
useOnce: "Boolean to indicate if the pay-link can only be consumed once." // optional
Get a single pay-link by its id. This function uses the scope pay_link:read
const paymentData = await moneyhub.getPayLink({
id: "Id of the pay-link"
This method returns a list of created pay-links. This function uses the scope pay_link:read
const payments = await moneyhub.getPayLinks({
limit: "limit", // optional
offset: "offset", // optional
payeeId: "payee-id", // optional
widgetId: "widget-id", // optional
This is a helper function that returns an authorize url to authorize a standng order to the payee with the bank selected. This function uses the following scope with the value of the bankId provided standing_orders:create openid id:${bankId}
. It also requires the authentication to be client_secret_jwt
or private_key_jwt
const url = await moneyhub.getStandingOrderAuthorizeUrl({
bankId: "Bank id to authorise payment from", // required
payeeId: "Id of payee", // required or payee
payee: "Details of payee to create", // required or payeeId
payeeType: "Payee type [api-payee|mh-user-account]", // optional - defaults to api-payee
payerId: "Id of payer", // required only if payerType is defined
payerType: "Payer type [mh-user-account]", // required only if payerId is used
reference: "The reference for standing order",
frequency: {
repeat: "The frequency to repeat the standing order [Daily,Weekly,Monthly]",
day: "The number of the day on which to repeat the payment", // required if repeat is Weekly or Monthly
week: "The number of the week on which to repeat the payment",
onlyWorkDays: "Specifies whether the payment should only be made on working days",
numberOfPayments: "The number of payments to complete the standing order", // required if finalPaymentDate is not specified
firstPaymentAmount: "Amount in pence for the first payment",
recurringPaymentAmount: "Amount in pence for all repeating payments", // optional when it is the same as the first amount
finalPaymentAmount: "Amount in pence for the final payment", // optional when it is the same as the first amount
currency: "The currency code for the standing order amount [GBP]",
firstPaymentDate: "The date to make the first payment", // should be in an international format, e.g. 15-MAR-2021 or ISO date
recurringPaymentDate: "The date to make the first repeating payment",
finalPaymentDate: "The date to make the final payment", // required if numberOfPayments is not specified
state: "your state value",
nonce: "your nonce value", // optional
context: "Payment context [Other,BillPayment,PartyToParty]", // optional - defaults to PartyToParty
claims: claimsObject, // optional
// Scope used with the bankId provided
const scope = `standing_orders:create openid id:${bankId}`
// Default claims if none are provided
const defaultClaims = {
id_token: {
"mh:con_id": {
essential: true,
"mh:standing_order": {
essential: true,
value: {
This method returns a list of initiated standing orders. This function uses the scope payment:read
const standingOrders = await moneyhub.getStandingOrders({
limit: "limit", // optional
offset: "offset", // optional
userId: "user-id", // optional
payeeId: "payee-id", // optional
startDate: "2020-01-01", // optional
endDate: "2020-12-31", // optional
Get a single standing order request by its id. This function uses the scope payment:read
const standingOrder = await moneyhub.getStandingOrder({
id: "standing-order-id",
This is a helper function that returns an authorize url to authorize a recurring payment with the selected bank. This function uses the following scope with the value of the bankId provided recurring_payment:create openid id:${bankId}
. It also requires the authentication to be client_secret_jwt
or private_key_jwt
const url = await moneyhub.getRecurringPaymentAuthorizeUrl({
bankId: "Bank id to authorise payment from",
payeeId: "Id of payee", // required or payee
payee: "Details of payee to create", // required or payeeId
payeeType: "Payee type [api-payee|mh-user-account]", // optional - defaults to api-payee
payerId: "Id of payer", // requird only if payerType is defined
payerType: "Payer type [mh-user-account]", // required only if payerId is used
reference: "The reference for recurring payment",
validFromDate: "The date from which the authorisation is effective", // should be in an international format, e.g. 15-MAR-2021 or ISO date
validToDate: "The date to which the authorisation is effective", // should be in an international format, e.g. 15-MAR-2021 or ISO date
maximumIndividualAmount: "The maimum single amount that will be allowed", // the valid in whole minor units (i.e. pence)
currency: "The currency code for the maxiumum recurring payment amount [GBP]",
periodicLimits: [
amount: "The maximum amount for this recurring payment limit", // the valid in whole minor units (i.e. pence)
currency: "The currency code for this recurring payment limit [GBP]",
"The period over which the limit is effective [Day, Week, Fortnight, Month, Half-year, Year]",
"Specifies whether the period starts on the date of consent creation or lines up with a calendar [Consent, Calendar]",
type: [
"Sweeping", // Specifies that the recurring payment is for the purpose of sweeping payments
"Other", // Specifies that the recurring payment is for other payments of another purpose
context: "Payment context [Other,BillPayment,PartyToParty]", // optional - defaults to PartyToParty
state: "your state value",
nonce: "your nonce value", // optional
claims: claimsObject, // optional
// Scope used with the bankId provided
const scope = `recurring_payment:create openid id:${bankId}`;
// Default claims if none are provided
const defaultClaims = {
id_token: {
"mh:con_id": {
essential: true,
"mh:recurring_payment": {
essential: true,
value: {
This method returns a list of initiated recurring payment consents. This function uses the scope recurring_payment:read
const recurringPayments = await moneyhub.getRecurringPayments({
limit: "limit", // optional
offset: "offset", // optional
userId: "user-id", // optional
payeeId: "payee-id", // optional
startDate: "2020-01-01", // optional
endDate: "2020-12-31", // optional
This method gets a recurring payment consent. This function uses the scope recurring_payment:create
const recurringPayment = await moneyhub.getRecurringPayment({
recurringPaymentId: "Id of the recurring payment consent",
This method creates a payment using the recurring payment consent. This function uses the scope recurring_payment:create
const recurringPayments = await moneyhub.getRecurringPayments({
recurringPaymentId: "Id of the recurring payment consent",
payment: {
payeeId: "payee-id", // optional
amount: 200,
payeeRef: "Payee ref",
payerRef: "Payer ref",
This method revokes a recurring payment consent. This function uses the scope recurring_payment:create
const revokedRecurringPayment = await moneyhub.revokeRecurringPayment({
recurringPaymentId: "Id of the recurring payment consent",
Get all the regular transactions for a user, there is an option to pass an account ID as a parameter as a filter. This function uses the scope accounts:read
, transactions:read:all
and regular_transactions:read
const queryParams = { accountID };
const regulartransactions = await moneyhub.getRegularTransactions({
userId: "userId",
params: queryParams,
}, options);
This method will return the rental record for the user. Requires the scope rental_records:read
const getRentalRecordResponse = await moneyhub.getRentalRecords({
userId: "user-id",
}, options);
const rentalRecord =[0];
This method will create a rental record for the user. Requires the scope rental_records:write
. Please note only one rental record can exist for a user.
const createRentalRecordResponse = await moneyhub.createRentalRecord({
userId: "user-id",
rentalData: {
title: "Title",
firstName: "firstName",
lastName: "lastName",
birthdate: "2000-11-19",
addressLine1: "First address line",
addressLine2: "Second address line", // optional
addressLine3: "Third address line", // optional
addressLine4: "Fourth address line", // optional
postalCode: "CA12345",
tenancyStartDate: "2020-11-19",
rentalAmount: {
value: 10000,
rentalFrequency: "monthly",
}, options);
const createdRentalRecord =;
This method deletes the rental record for a user.
await moneyhub.deleteRentalRecord({
userId: "user-id",
rentalId: "rental-id",
}, options);
This method will create a single spending goal for the user. Requires the scopesspending_goals:read
and spending_goals:write:all
const spendingGoal = await moneyhub.createSpendingGoal({
categoryId: "std:all",
amount: { value: 200 },
periodStart: "20",
periodType: "monthly",
userId: "user-id",
}, options);
This method will return the spending goals for the user. Requires the scope spending_goals:read
const spendingGoals = await moneyhub.getSpendingGoals({
userId: "user-id",
limit: 1,
offset: 0,
}, options);
const spendingGoal =[0];
This method will return the specified spending goal for the user. Requires the scope spending_goals:read
const spendingGoals = await moneyhub.getSpendingGoal({
userId: "user-id",
goalId: "goal-id",
}, options);
This method will update the specified spending goal for the user. Requires the scopes spending_goals:read
and spending_goals:write
const spendingGoals = await moneyhub.updateSpendingGoal({
userId: "user-id",
goalId: "goal-id",
categoryId: "id",
amount: { value: 302 },
}, options);
This method will delete the specified spending goal for the user. Requires the scope spending_goals:write:all
const spendingGoals = await moneyhub.deleteSpendingGoal({
userId: "user-id",
goalId: "goal-id",
}, options);
This method will create a single savings goal for the user. Requires the scopessavings_goals:read
and savings_goals:write:all
const savingsGoal = await moneyhub.createSavingsGoal({
name: "savings",
amount: { value: 200 },
imageUrl: "",
notes: "lots'o'money",
userId: "user-id",
accounts: [{ id: "1234" }],
}, options);
This method will return the savings goals for the user. Requires the scope savings_goals:read
const savingsGoals = await moneyhub.getSavingsGoals({
userId: "user-id",
limit: 1,
offset: 0,
}, options);
const savingsGoal =[0];
This method will return the specified savings goal for the user. Requires the scope savings_goals:read
const savingsGoals = await moneyhub.getSavingsGoal({
userId: "user-id",
goalId: "goal-id",
}, options);
This method will update the specified savings goal for the user. Requires the scopes savings_goals:read
and savings_goals:write
const savingsGoals = await moneyhub.updateSavingsGoal({
userId: "user-id",
goalId: "goal-id",
name: "new-name",
amount: { value: 302 },
accounts: [{ id: "1234" }],
}, options);
This method will delete the specified savings goal for the user. Requires the scope savings_goals:write:all
const savingsGoals = await moneyhub.deleteSavingsGoal({
userId: "user-id",
goalId: "goal-id",
}, options);
This method will resolve with a list of all the available connections (banks, etc.) that a user can connect to.
const availableConnections = await moneyhub.listConnections();
This method will resolve with a list of all the API connections that a user can connect to.
const availableConnections = await moneyhub.listAPIConnections();
This method will resolve with a list of all the Test connections that a user can connect to.
const availableConnections = await moneyhub.listTestConnections();
This method will resolve with a list of all the Beta connections that a user can connect to.
const availableConnections = await moneyhub.listBetaConnections();
This method will resolve with a list of all the payments connections that a user can connect to.
const availableConnections = await moneyhub.listPaymentsConnections();
This method will resolve with our open id configuration.
const availableConnections = await moneyhub.getOpenIdConfig();
We have a couple of examples under the /examples
folder that can be helpful to start using our client. To run them, you'll need to use ts-node
. If you haven't got it globally installed, you can run examples by executing within the library npm run ts-node -- <script path here> <options>
Instructions on how to run the integration tests for the API client can be found here
The tests use root level Mocha hooks to set up and teardown test data. When adding tests please consider the following:
- The test data IDs is passed via Mocha context to the individual tests. The test data can be found in the
object - To access the context in tests before or after hook ensure you are declaring as regular function instead of arrow function
- The context cannot be accessed in the
functions, only in the hooks or tests themselves - Any new tests added should either try to use the test data setup at beginning of the run
- If the read only test user has to be used to create data, the test itself should clear up anything created in the after hook
- Currently the read only test user is used for getting counterparties, holdings, rental records and regular transactions
- If any errors occurr during test setup or teardown, this should appear as happening in the "before all" or "after all" hook in
with the error. - Errors in the
before all
hook can cause errors in theafter all
hook as it won't be able to find data to clear up.
If you wish to use the client library with TypeScript, we allow you to make use of the types that are returned from our methods. Below is an example usage to get started:
import {Moneyhub, ApiClientConfig} from "@mft/moneyhub-api-client"
const config: ApiClientConfig = {} // your config goes here and is strongly typed
const getAccounts = ({userId}) => {
const moneyhub = await Moneyhub(config)
const accounts = await moneyhub.getAccounts({ userId })
The default export is of the Moneyhub constructor that takes in an argument of the config. You can use ApiClientConfig
to type that config. The client object that is returned from the constructor can then be used to make API calls. The methods are available with arguments and returns typed.