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289 lines (214 loc) · 12 KB

File metadata and controls

289 lines (214 loc) · 12 KB




  • Added --signer flag to message, list, map and single scaffolding to allow customizing the name of the signer of the message
  • Added --index flag to scaffold map to provide a custom list of indices
  • Added scaffold type to scaffold a protocol buffer definition of a type
  • Automatically check for new Starport versions
  • Added starport tools completions to generate CLI completions
  • Added starport generate dart to generate a Dart client from protocol buffer files
  • Added starport scaffold flutter to scaffold a Flutter mobile app template
  • Added starport account commands to manage accounts (key pairs)
  • starport version now prints out detailed information about OS, Go version and more.
  • Module scaffolding now creates x/.../types/genesis_test.go for genesis validation tests


  • Scaffolding a message now doesn't prevent scaffolding a map/list/single with the same type name (with --no-message flag)
  • Generate Go code only from proto files only from directories specified in config.yml or default ones
  • Fixed faucet token transfer calculation
  • Removed creator field for types scaffolded with the --no-message flag



  • oracle: add a specific BandChain pkg version to avoid Cosmos SDK version conflicts



  • client.toml is initialized and used by node's CLI, can be configured through config.yml with the init.client property
  • Support serving Cosmos SDK v0.43.x based chains.



  • Set visibility to public on Gitpod's port 7575 to enable peer discovery for SPN
  • Fixed GitHub action that releases blockchain node's binary
  • Fixed an error in chain scaffolding due to "unknown revision"
  • Fixed an error in starport chain serve by limiting the scope where proto files are searched for



  • Added GitHub action that automatically builds and releases a binary
  • The --release flag for the build command adds the ability to release binaries in a tarball with a checksum file.
  • Added the flag --no-module to the command starport app to prevent scaffolding a default module when creating a new app
  • Added --dep flag to specify module dependency when scaffolding a module
  • Added support for multiple naming conventions for component names and field names
  • Print created and modified files when scaffolding a new component
  • Added starport generate namespace with commands to generate Go, Vuex and OpenAPI
  • Added starport chain init command to initialize a chain without starting a node
  • Scaffold a type that contains a single instance in the store
  • Introduced starport tools command for advanced users. Existing starport relayer lowlevel * commands are also moved under tools.
  • Added faucet.rate_limit_window property to config.yml
  • Simplified the cmd package in the template
  • Added starport scaffold band oracle query scaffolding
  • Updated TypeScript relayer to 0.2.0
  • Added customizable gas limits for the relayer


  • Use snake case for generated files
  • Prevent using incorrect module name
  • Fixed permissions issue when using Starport in Docker
  • Ignore hidden directories when building a chain
  • Fix error when scaffolding an IBC module in non-Starport chains



  • Prevent indirect Buf dependency.



  • Ensure that CLI operates fine even if the installation directory (bin) of Go programs is not configured properly.



  • The new join flag adds the ability to pass a --genesis file and --peers address list with starport network chain join
  • The new show flag adds the ability to show --genesis and --peers list with starport network chain show
  • protoc is now bundled with Starport CLI. You don't need to install it anymore.
  • Starport is now published automatically on the Docker Hub
  • starport relayer configure and connect commands now use the confio/ts-relayer under the hood. Also, checkout the new starport relayer lowlevel command.
  • An OpenAPI spec for your chain now automatically generated with serve and build commands. A console is available at localhost:1317 and spec at localhost:1317/static/openapi.yml by default for the newly scaffolded chains.
  • Keplr extension is supported on web apps created with Starport
  • Added tests to the scaffold
  • Improved reliability of scaffolding by detecting placeholders
  • Added ability to scaffold modules in chains not created with Starport
  • Added the ability to scaffold Cosmos SDK queries
  • IBC relayer support is available on web apps created with Starport
  • New types without CRUD operations can be added with the --no-message flag in the type command
  • New packet without messages can be added with the --no-message flag in the packet command
  • Added docs command to read Starport documentation on the CLI
  • Published documentation on
  • Added mnemonic property to account in the accounts list to generate a key from a mnemonic


  • starport network chain join hanging issue when creating an account
  • Error when scaffolding a chain with an underscore in the repo name (thanks @bensooraj!)


  • starport serve no longer starts the web app in the vue directory (use npm to start it manually)
  • Default scaffold no longer includes legacy REST API endpoints (thanks @bensooraj!)
  • Removed support for Cosmos SDK v0.39 Launchpad



  • IBC module scaffolding
  • IBC packet scaffolding with acknowledgements
  • JavaScript and Vuex client code generation for Cosmos SDK and custom modules
  • Standalone relayer with configure and connect commands
  • Advanced relayer options for configuring ports and versions
  • Scaffold now follows MsgServer convention
  • Message scaffolding
  • Added starport type ... --indexed to scaffold indexed types
  • Custom config file support with starport serve -c custom.yml
  • Detailed terminal output for created accounts: name, address, mnemonic
  • Added spinners to indicate progress for long-running commands
  • Updated to Cosmos SDK v0.42.1


  • Replaced packr with Go 1.16 embed
  • Renamed servers top-level property to host



  • Chain state persistence between starport serve launches
  • Integrated Stargate app's scripts/protocgen into Starport as a native feature. Running starport build/serve will automatically take care of building proto files without a need of script in the app's source code.
  • Integrated third-party proto-files used by Cosmos SDK modules into Starport CLI
  • Added ability to customize binary name with build.binary in config.yml
  • Added ability to change path to home directory with .home in config.yml
  • Added ability to add accounts by address with in config.yml
  • Added faucet functionality available on port 4500 and configurable with faucet in config.yml
  • Added starport faucet [address] [coins] command
  • Updated scaffold to Cosmos SDK v0.41.0
  • Distroless multiplatform docker containers for starport that can be used for starport serve
  • UI containers for chains scaffolded with Starport
  • Use SOS-lite and Docker instead of systemD
  • Arch PKGBUILD in scripts


  • Support for CosmWasm on Stargate
  • Bug with dashes in Github username breaking proto package name
  • Bug with custom address prefix
  • use docker buildx as a single command with multiple platforms to make multi-manifest work properly



  • Added starport network commands for launching blockchains
  • Added proxy (Chisel) to support launching blockchains from Gitpod
  • Upgraded the template (Stargate) to Cosmos SDK v0.40.0-rc3
  • Added a gRPC-Web proxy, which is available under http://localhost:12345/grpc.
  • Added chain id configurability by recognizing chain_id from genesis section of config.yml.
  • Added config/app.toml and config/config.toml configurability for appd under new and init.config sections of config.yml.
  • Point to Stargate as default SDK version for scaffolding.
  • Covered CRUD operations for Stargate scaffolding.
  • Added docs on gopath to build from source directions
  • Arch Linux Based Raspberry Pi development environment
  • Calculate the necessary gas for sending transactions to SPN


  • Routing REST API endpoints of querier on Stargate.
  • Evaluate --address-prefix option when scaffolding for Stargate.
  • Use a deterministic method to generate scaffolded type IDs
  • Modify scaffolded type's creator type from address to string
  • Copy built starport arm64 binary from tendermintdevelopment/starport:arm64 for device images
  • Added git to amd64 docker image
  • Comment out Gaia's seeds in the systemd unit template for downstream chains



  • Added Github CLI to gitpod environment for greater ease of use
  • Added starport build command to build and install app binaries.
  • Improved the first-time experience for readers of the Starport readme and parts of the Starport Handbook.
  • Added starport module create command to scaffold custom modules
  • Raspberry Pi now installs, builds, and serves the Vue UI
  • Improved documentation for Raspberry Pi Device Images
  • Added IBC and some other modules.
  • Added an option to configure server addresses under servers section in config.yml.


  • --address-prefix will always be translated to lowercase while scaffolding with app command.
  • HTTP API: accept strings in JSON and cast them to int and bool
  • Update @tendermint/vue to v0.1.7
  • Removed "Starport Pi"
  • Removed Makefile from Downstream Pi
  • Fixed Downstream Pi image Github Action
  • Prevent duplicated fields with type command
  • Fixed handling of protobufs profiler: prof_laddr -> pprof_laddr
  • Fix an error, when a Stargate serve cmd doesn't start if a user doesn't have a relayer installed.



  • Published on Snapcraft.



  • Added experimental Stargate scaffolding option with --sdk-version stargate flag on starport app command.
  • Pi Image Generation for chains generated with Starport
  • Github action with capture of binary artifacts for chains generted with starport
  • Gitpod: added guidelines and changed working directory into docs.
  • Updated web scaffold with an improved sign in, balance list and a simple wallet.
  • Added CRUD actions for scaffolded types: delete, update and get.



  • Add ARM64 releases.
  • OS Image Generation for Raspberry Pi 3 and 4
  • Added version command
  • Added support for validator configuration in config.yml.
  • Starport can be launched on Gitpod
  • Added make clean


  • Compile with go1.15
  • Running starport add type... multiple times no longer breaks the app
  • Running appcli tx app create-x now checks for all required args. -#173.
  • Removed unused --denom flag from the app command. It previously has moved as a prop to the config.yml under accounts section.
  • Disabled proxy server in the Vue app (this was causing to some compatibilitiy issues) and enabled CORS for appcli rest-server instead.
  • type command supports dashes in app names.



  • Configure genesis.json through genesis field in config.yml
  • Initialize git repository on app scaffolding
  • Check Go and GOPATH when running serve


  • verbose is --verbose, not -v, in the cli
  • Renamed frontend directory to vue
  • Added first E2E tests (for app and add wasm subcommands)


  • No longer crashes, when git is initialized, but doesn't have commits
  • Failure to start the frontend doesn't prevent Starport from running
  • Changes to config.yml trigger reinitialization of the app
  • Running starport add wasm multiple times no longer breaks the app



  • Initialize with accounts defined config.yml
  • starport serve --verbose shows detailed output from every process
  • Custom address prefixes with --address-prefix flag
  • Cosmos SDK Launchpad support
  • Rebuild and reinitialize on file change


Initial release.