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Releases: mohamed-taman/Springy-Store-Microservices


28 Apr 07:55
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Adding Eureka Service Discovery to the Zoo

Release notes

  1. Some other refactoring to the project structure.
  2. Documenting all the processes and new structures.
  3. All Microservices communications are done through the Discovery server.
  4. Adding the Eureka server docker file, and add it to the docker-compose files.


23 Apr 14:47
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Release Notes

  1. Move all 4 microservices into a new folder store-services.
  2. Move all 2 shared projects into a new folder store-common.
  3. Move all 2 parent POMs projects into a new folder store-base.
  4. Adding a new folder store-could-infra for all cloud-native services.


22 Apr 18:58
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Fully Reactive and Event-Driven system.

Release Notes

  1. Develop Non-blocking persistence using Spring Data for MongoDB and their tests.
  2. Develop Non-blocking REST APIs in the core services, and handle blocking code for the JPA-based persistence layer.
  3. Managing Non-blocking REST APIs in the Store service.
  4. Develop Event-Driven and asynchronous versions of the create and delete services.
  5. Using RabbitMQ without the use of partitions.
  6. Using RabbitMQ with two partitions per topic.
  7. Using Kafka with two partitions per topic.


17 Apr 18:49
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Enhance review microservice database capabilities

Release Notes

  • Add database version control using flyway.
  • Fix review service starting dependency on MySql database.
  • Database migrations work on a standalone or containerized database.
  • More system documentation.
  • Fix all Optional and List calls with direct get() or List<> access without checking for their value first that is prone to through NPE.

Architecture enhancements

15 Apr 09:50
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Release Notes

  • Refactoring all services and their APIs architecture.
  • Fixing 2 bugs in test cases that were disabled.


12 Apr 16:33
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Release Notes

  1. Adding a persistence layer to project and recommendation Microservices based on MongoDB.
  2. Adding a persistence layer to review microservice based on MySQL db.
  3. Updated persistence automated test cases for new CRUD functionalities.
  4. Updating the Product service layer to use the persistence layer.
  5. Updating the Review service layer to use the persistence layer.
  6. Updating the Recommendation service layer to use the persistence layer.
  7. Extending the Store composite service API with CRUD functionality.
  8. Adding MySQL and MongoDB databases to the Docker Compose landscape.
  9. Updating the automated tests of the Microservices landscape with new functionalities.

for more info check the add persistence layer milestone issues.


09 Apr 00:18
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Release Codename: Source SiriusXI

Release notes:

  • Fix the, call in the readme file, as it supports local and docker-compose.
  • Documenting Product composite API using swagger2.
  • Fix various files to reflect new url http://localhost:<port>/v1/product-composite/1.
  • All other issues released in this version could be found here.


07 Apr 17:56
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Release Codename: Spring SiriusXI

Release notes:

  • Best practice of using maven.
  • Externalize user or company-specific properties.
  • Using profiles to dockerize microservices.
  • Dockerization best practice.
  • All other issues released in this version could be found here.

Special thanks for Nick Stolwijk for his contributions.

Fixing layered jar file problem

06 Apr 01:01
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Release Notes

Due to the new Spring boot version, 2.3.0.M4 jar files have new layers schemes that manage artifacts differently which was not compatible with the old layered folder structure version, therefore it fails to build docker images for all the Microservices.

Springy Store Dockerization

05 Apr 15:17
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Release Notes

  • Dockerize each service.
  • Adding maven docker plug-in to chassis-store to automate the dockerization process.
  • Adding docker-compose support to manage all containers at once.
  • Updating Spring boot to 2.3.0.M4.