A simple shell used to execute built-in Linux command.
- C language
- Shell
- All files will be compiled on Ubuntu using gcc.
- Download the Zip file and go to the directory in Ubuntu where dowloaded folder is there by using "cd" command then compile and execute it
- Prints a prompt and waits for a command from the user
- Creates a child process in which the command is checked
- Checks for built-ins,and local executable programs
- The child process is replaced by the command, which accepts arguments
- When the command is done, the program returns to the parent process and prints the prompt
- The program is ready to receive a new command
- To exit: enter "exit"
gcc *.c
- mkdir
- rmdir
- head
- pwd
- echo
- rm
- touch
- exit
echo : prints back the string taken as input
> echo hi guys
hi guys
touch : creates a new file
> touch arrays.c
rm : removes the file taken as input
> rm arrays.c
mkdir : creates a new directory
> mkdir cdirectry
rmdir: removes the directory
> rmdir cdirectry
exit : exits the shell
> exit
pwd: prints the current working directory
> pwd
head: prints the first 10 lines from the file specified
> head main.c
#include "headers.h"
int main()
return 0;