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This application is an example of how to setup automated processes to manage Production Reports within Mode using Slackbots.

Slack API

Slack allows for individual Workspaces to build Apps or bots to automate workflow within a team's Workspace instance. To setup a Slack App/Bot please review the documentation here.

Head to the "Your Apps" section of the Slack API documentation. Click, "Create App" to begin the process of building out a Slack Application.

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When the modal pops open, choose "From scratch" as we will be adding our own configurations. Feel free to choose the "From an app manifest" if you have a manifest file.

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Choose your apps name, as it suggests you can change it if your are not pleased with the name after creation. Also pick the Workspace in which you like to install the application.

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Now we will be able to choose the features and functionality of the App. For the purposes of this example, we will allow the App to have the Bots,Interactive Components,Event Subscriptions and Permissions functionality. For more details on the types of functionality and features that are available, please check out Slacks Documentation.


Before the app can do anything it will need permissions. Click on the "Permissions" tile and navigate down the page to the "Scopes" section to give the app permissions.

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Our app will require the following permissions:


Now that we have the right permissions, add the APP to the workspace by scrolling up and clicking "Install to Workspace"

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Similar to most Oauth apps, it will redirect you to an approval page. Grant the app the permissions by clicking "Allow".

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Once approved it will return a "Bot User OAuth Token" which we will use later in the app.js file to allow our Bot to send messages.

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Events Subscription

Next we will setup the events subscription. Here is list of the possible Slack events you can subscribe to within an app.

Events require a Request URL be provided to catch the event posts when they occur. This application is using an Express/Node.JS server file to catch the events. To run the server locally, use nGrok to spin up a URL to redirect to your local host port. Here is some documentaion on how to get nGrok up and running locally.

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Once the request URL is provided, subscribe to the events you would like to see. In this example we will be listing for app_mentions, links_shared and reactions_added. Each time a user does any of the actions in a channel where the bot is installed, we will receive an events payload to the request URL with all the information.

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Interactive Components

One more item we need to add to the app to allow for interactive messaging. Turn on the "Interactivity" functionality and provide another request URL. This URL is different from the events URL endpoint. This request URL will receive the results from the interactive messages.

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For our example it will be an "Approve" or "Decline" button that will contain meta-data about what was declined and why.

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Building out APP file

Build out the .env file first so that we can store all the necessary variables in one place. To get this project up and running we will need the following variables assigned in the .env file.

PORT = THE_PORT_NUMBER_YOU_WOULD_LIKE_TO_USE //This can stay as is because this will be used to make Mode API calls base = base2 =

// This is a bearer Token of the Mode API Key and Secret. To create a bearer token from the Mode API keys, visit this [site]( 
// To genereate API tokens in Mode, please see [here](
// This variable the name of the Slack Group that contain the users you would like to give access to approve report migrations
// This will be the emoji/reaction added to trigger the approval process
slackEmoji = white_check_mark
// This is the name of the Collection that you would like to act as PRODUCTIOn
productionCollection = WLE Portal

Once these variables are in place, the app.js script will inject them into the functions.

To start, please setup your Slack Web Client and Event Listener. The app.js file is using Node.js and Express for the server side request handling. Take a look at the package.json1 file for the included dependencies. You may also fork this repo and pull the code down locally to make your own adjustments. All variables used in this application are stored in a .env file and added to the gitignore file to ensure safety of tokens. On line 3 of the code below, we use the library dotenv to connect our server script to the environment variables folder.

NOTE: Make sure to install @slack/web-api and @slack/events-api via the package manager of your choice.

const {WebClient} = require('@slack/web-api');
const { createEventAdapter } = require('@slack/events-api');

var slackSignInSecret = process.env.slackSignInSecret
var botToken = process.env.botToken

const slackEvents = createEventAdapter(process.env.slackSignInSecret);
const slackClient = new WebClient(process.env.botToken);

The slackEvents variable will allow our application to listen to events that happen within Slack. It requires that we pass it the slackSignInSecret which can be found in the App Credentials section under the "Signing Secret".

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We will also pass in the OAuth token for the bot under the botToken variable. The token will be used to allow the bot access to the workspace along with permissions to write and read messages. You can find the token under the "OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace" section under "OAuth & Permissions".

Once those variables are secured we can create additional variables that will act as services for this app. When we call slackEvents or slackClient, it will allow us to write/read as the bot or receive event payloads when events occur.

Next we will turn on the app within our server file with the following commands:


slackEvents.start(process.env.PORT).then(()=>{console.log("starting server")})

This will allow our app to listen when it is mentioned in a channel, when a link is posted and when someone adds a reaction to a thread/message. Now that we are online, we can start to build out the logic.


slackEvents.on("app_mention", (event)=>{

By using our slackEvents variable that is storing the event adapter, we are able to pass in functions and read the event data. Here we are listening for events where our app is mentioned. When mentioned, it will return an event payload that we are passing over to our handleAppMention function. This function is custom built and can be adjusted to fit your use case.

The function is an async function because we will be dealing with promises to return data from the Mode API and to post to Slack. Within the function we will use the await key word to tell our function to wait on the results of function(s) running so that they can be stored in variables and used in other statements within the function.

let handleAppMention = async(event)=>{

            case (event.text.toLowerCase().includes("push to review")):
                let reportToken = await findReportToken(event.text)
                    reportToken[1] = reportToken[1].slice(0, -1)

               let reportDetails = await getReportDetails(reportToken[1],reportToken[2])
                    let queries = await getReportQueries(reportDetails._links.queries.href)
                    let queriesCheck = await queryChecker(queries)
                    let postStatement = `All Queries Passed!! <!subteam^${process.env.adminGroupID}> Please review report above for approval, upon above please add a :white_check_mark: to the original message for approval to merge to production`
                        let str = ""
                        for(let i = 0; i< queriesCheck.length; i++){
                                 str = str + `*Query Name* - ${queriesCheck[i].name}\nFailed because it contains a *Select ALL* \n *Raw Query*\n>${queriesCheck[i].raw_query}\n`
                            } else if(queriesCheck[i].wrongDataConnection){
                                let connection;
                                if(queriesCheck[i].data_source_id === 1){
                                    connection = [{"name":"Mode Public Warehouse"}]
                                } else {
                                    connection = await getDataSource(queriesCheck[i].data_source_id,reportToken[2])

                                str = str + `*Query Name* - ${queriesCheck[i].name}\nFailed because it is pointing at the wrong connection\n${connection[0].name}\n`            
                        postStatement = `Please correct the issues below <@${event.user}> and resubmit your request\n`+str;
                    // } )
                    // }

                }else {

                    await{,"thread_ts":event.event_ts,text:`<@${event.user}> Please post new command with link to report`})


            case (event.text.toLowerCase().includes("can you help me move a report")):
                await{,text:`Sure <@${event.user}>, with a bit of information I can assist`})


            case (event.text.toLowerCase().includes(" archive report")):
                let token = findReportToken(event.text)
                   token[1] = token[1].slice(0, -1)
                let details = await getReportDetails(token[1],token[2]);
                let result;
                    result = "This Report is Already Archived"
                } else{ 
                    result = await archiveReportEvent(details,false)


                case (event.text.toLowerCase().includes(" unarchive report")):
                    let token2 = findReportToken(event.text)
                       token2[1] = token2[1].slice(0, -1)
                    let details2 = await getReportDetails(token2[1],token2[2]);
                    let result2;
                        result2 = await archiveReportEvent(details2,true)

                    } else{ 
                        result2 = "This Report is Already Active"
                        result2 = await archiveReportEvent(details,false)
    } catch(error) {

The function contains a few cases within a switch statement to check the contain of the message it was mentioned within. Each case will parse out a report link and will return the report's metadata from the Mode API. Here is a list of the current commands/flows built into the app.

@app push to review {add_link_to_report}

This case will find the report link in the statement, parse out the report token, then use the token in a GET request to return the report details from the Mode API. From there it will validate the queries in the report to ensure that they do not contain a "Select *" and that they point to database that is not the Mode Public Wareshouse. This can be changed to whatever database you want to validate against. The queryChecker function handles the validation and at present it is hardcoded to check against the MPW. To make that change, in the second conditional check, change the interger to the value(s) of the data connection(s) of your choice. Data connection IDs can be found here via the API. (the MPW's id is 1)

_@app can you help me move a report _

This case will return a message requesting the necessary details to run the above command.

@app archive report {add_link_to_report}

This case will take the report given and archive it within the Collection it currents sits within.

@app unarchive report {add_link_to_report}

Will remove the app from the archived list.

These methods are just the default to get you started. You can create new cases by just copying one of the cases and giving it a string to look for within the app_mention event.

From there depending on which case was triggered, the app will then use the following method to post a message.


For more details on the possible parameters that the postMessage method from Slack, please see here



            const response = await slackClient.usergroups.list({include_users:true})
            const message = await slackClient.conversations.replies({channel:,ts:event.item.ts})
            let adminList = response.usergroups.filter(r => r.handle === process.env.adminSlackGroup)
            if(event.reaction === process.env.slackEmoji && adminList[0].users.includes(event.user)){

                let reportTokenNworkspace = findReportToken(message.messages[0].text);

                let workspace = reportTokenNworkspace[2]
                let reportToken = reportTokenNworkspace[1].slice(0,-1)
                let reportDetails = await getReportDetails(reportToken,workspace);
                let collectionToken = await getCollections(workspace,process.env.productionCollection)
                "text": "Move to Production?",
                "blocks": [
                        "type": "header",
                        "text": {
                            "type": "plain_text",
                            "text": "Move to Production?",
                            "emoji": true
                        "type": "actions",
                        "elements": [
                                "type": "button",
                                "text": {
                                    "type": "plain_text",
                                    "emoji": true,
                                    "text": "Approve"
                                "style": "primary",
                                "value": `{"adminList":"${adminList[0].users}","report_token":"${reportDetails.token}","requestedBy":"${message.messages[0].user}","work_space":"${workspace}","collection":{"name":"${collectionToken[0].name}","token":"${collectionToken[0].token}"}}`
                                "type": "button",
                                "text": {
                                    "type": "plain_text",
                                    "emoji": true,
                                    "text": "Reject"
                                "style": "danger",
                                "value": `{"report_token":"${reportDetails.token}","requestedBy":"${message.messages[0].user}","work_space":"${workspace}","collection":{"name":"${collectionToken[0].name}","token":"${collectionToken[0].token}"}}`
        } else {
            await{,"text":`Please make sure to add the :${process.env.slackEmoji}: to the initial message with the link`,"thread_ts":message.messages[0].thread_ts})



        } catch(error) {

This function will check who added the reaction, if the user is within a Slack group it will proceed to send a "Move to Production" interactive message to the same thread. The interactive message will contain an "approve" and "reject" button. If approved, the button will send a payload event to our /message_response endpoint. The endpoint logic will than retrieve the report details from the "Approve" action and move the report to the necessary Collection."/message_response",(req,res)=>{
    let payload = JSON.parse(req.body.payload)

    let value = JSON.parse(payload.actions[0].value)
    let adminList = value.adminList.split(",")


        if(payload.actions[0].text.text === "Approve"){
  ,{ "replace_original": "true","text": `<@${value.requestedBy}> Your report has been approved and moved to Production`},{headers:{'Content-Type': 'application/json','Accept': 'application/hal+json',}})

        } else{
  ,{ "replace_original": "true","text": `<@${value.requestedBy}> Your report has been rejected, please speak with Admin to discuss next steps.`},{headers:{'Content-Type': 'application/json','Accept': 'application/hal+json',}})
    } else {,{ "thread_ts":payload.container.thread_ts,"replace_original": false, "text": `<@${}> you do not have access to approve reports.`},{headers:{'Content-Type': 'application/json','Accept': 'application/hal+json',}})

         })    }


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Again the logic will check to see if a user from the designated Slack Group was the one to make the click event occur. If it is not, it will return a message stating that the user does not have access to approve the report. If they are within the group, the report will be moved and the interactive message will be replaced with a success message.


let respondToLinkPost =  async(event)=>{
        let reportToken = findReportToken(event.links[0].url)
        let reportDetails = await getReportDetails(reportToken[1],reportToken[2]);
        let collectionData = await getCollections(reportToken[2],"",reportDetails.space_token)
        let queries = await getReportQueries(reportDetails._links.queries.href)
        let creatorUsername = await parseUser(reportDetails._links.creator.href);
        let rDatasourceNames =  "";

        for (let i = 0; i< queries.length; i++){
            if(queries[i].data_source_id === 1){
                rDatasourceNames = rDatasourceNames + `Mode Public Warehouse,`

                    let dataSource =  await getDataSource(queries[i].data_source_id,reportToken[2])
                    rDatasourceNames = rDatasourceNames + `${dataSource[0].name},`


        rDatasourceNames = Array.from(new Set(rDatasourceNames.split(','))).toString();
        let githubLink = reportDetails.github_link?encodeURI(reportDetails.github_link):"This Report is Not Synced to Github";
        await{,text:`Report Name - ${}`,
        "blocks": [
                "type": "header",
                "text": {
                    "type": "plain_text",
                    "text": "*Report Details*",
                    "emoji": true
                "type": "section",
                "fields": [
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": `*Report Name:*\n${}`
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": `*Created by:*\n${creatorUsername}`
                "type": "section",
                "fields": [
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": `*Current Collection:*\n${}`
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": `*Data Source(s):*\n${rDatasourceNames}`
                "type": "section",
                "fields": [
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": `*Queries Count:*\n${queries.length}`
                        "type": "mrkdwn",
                        "text": `*Github Sync:*\n${githubLink}`
            // {
            //     "type": "section",
            //     "text": {
            //         "type": "mrkdwn",
            //         "text": ``
            //     }
            // }

This final event will track when links are posted into the channel. When a link from is shared in the channel, this function will return a message containing the report's details. The details include the report name, total queries, the creator, it's current collection and the data source(s) it queries.

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You can run the app locally and use Ngrok as mentioned above to test it. Once ready, you can host the application either on a company server or a platform like Heroku. Please feel free to fork this repo and make PR requests or issues for improvements you would like to see in future versions.