diff --git a/.changeset/bright-hornets-listen.md b/.changeset/bright-hornets-listen.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77f75b119c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.changeset/bright-hornets-listen.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+"mobx-react": patch
+Reintroduce observable state,props,context in mobx-react
diff --git a/packages/mobx-react/README.md b/packages/mobx-react/README.md
index 4bdf704af9..51b556efb2 100644
--- a/packages/mobx-react/README.md
+++ b/packages/mobx-react/README.md
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ Function (and decorator) that converts a React component definition, React compo
#### Class Components
+When using component classes, `this.props` and `this.state` will be made observables, so the component will react to all changes in props and state that are used by `render`.
`shouldComponentUpdate` is not supported. As such, it is recommended that class components extend `React.PureComponent`. The `observer` will automatically patch non-pure class components with an internal implementation of `React.PureComponent` if necessary.
Extending `observer` class components is not supported. Always apply `observer` only on the last class in the inheritance chain.
@@ -88,92 +90,6 @@ class TodoView extends React.Component {
const TodoView = observer(({ todo }) =>
-##### Note on using props and state in derivations
-`mobx-react` version 6 and lower would automatically turn `this.state` and `this.props` into observables.
-This has the benefit that computed properties and reactions were able to observe those.
-However, since this pattern is fundamentally incompatible with `StrictMode` in React 18.2 and higher, this behavior has been removed in React 18.
-As a result, we recommend to no longer mark properties as `@computed` in observer components if they depend on `this.state` or `this.props`.
-class Doubler extends React.Component<{ counter: number }> {
- @computed // BROKEN! <-- @computed should be removed in mobx-react > 7
- get doubleValue() {
- // Changes to this.props will no longer be detected properly, to fix it,
- // remove the @computed annotation.
- return this.props * 2
- }
- render() {
- return {this.doubleValue}
- }
-Similarly, reactions will no longer respond to `this.state` / `this.props`. This can be overcome by creating an observable copy:
-class Alerter extends React.Component<{ counter: number }> {
- @observable observableCounter: number
- reactionDisposer
- constructor(props) {
- this.observableCounter = counter
- }
- componentDidMount() {
- // set up a reaction, by observing the observable,
- // rather than the prop which is non-reactive:
- this.reactionDisposer = autorun(() => {
- if (this.observableCounter > 10) {
- alert("Reached 10!")
- }
- })
- }
- componentDidUpdate() {
- // sync the observable from props
- this.observableCounter = this.props.counter
- }
- componentWillUnmount() {
- this.reactionDisposer()
- }
- render() {
- return {this.props.counter}
- }
-MobX-react will try to detect cases where `this.props`, `this.state` or `this.context` are used by any other derivation than the `render` method of the owning component and throw.
-This is to make sure that neither computed properties, nor reactions, nor other components accidentally rely on those fields to be reactive.
-This includes cases where a render callback is passed to a child, that will read from the props or state of a parent component.
-As a result, passing a function that might later read a property of a parent in a reactive context will throw as well.
-Instead, when using a callback function that is being passed to an `observer` based child, the capture should be captured locally first:
-class ChildWrapper extends React.Component<{ counter: number }> {
- render() {
- // Collapsible is an observer component that should respond to this.counter,
- // if it is expanded
- // BAD:
- return {this.props.counter}
} />
- // GOOD: (causes to pass down a fresh callback whenever counter changes,
- // that doesn't depend on its parents props)
- const counter = this.props.counter
- return {counter}
} />
- }
### `Observer`
`Observer` is a React component, which applies `observer` to an anonymous region in your component.
diff --git a/packages/mobx-react/__tests__/exp.test.tsx b/packages/mobx-react/__tests__/exp.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11a6e8f72b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/mobx-react/__tests__/exp.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import React from "react"
+import { observer } from "../src"
+import { render, act } from "@testing-library/react"
+ * some test suite is too tedious
+ */
+afterEach(() => {
+ jest.useRealTimers()
+// let consoleWarnMock: jest.SpyInstance | undefined
+// afterEach(() => {
+// consoleWarnMock?.mockRestore()
+// })
+test("TODO", async () => {
+ let renderCount = 0
+ const Child = observer(function Child({ children }) {
+ renderCount++
+ // Accesses Parent's this.props
+ return children()
+ })
+ @observer
+ class Parent extends React.Component {
+ // intentionally stable, so test breaks when you disable observable props (comment line 239 in observerClass)
+ renderCallback = () => {
+ return this.props.x
+ }
+ render() {
+ // Access observable props as part of child
+ return {this.renderCallback}
+ }
+ }
+ function Root() {
+ const [x, setX] = React.useState(0)
+ // Send new props to Parent
+ return (
+ )
+ }
+ const app =
+ const { unmount, container } = render(app)
+ expect(container).toHaveTextContent("0")
+ expect(renderCount).toBe(1)
+ await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(null), 1000))
+ act(() => {
+ console.log("changing state")
+ container.querySelector("div")?.click()
+ })
+ expect(container).toHaveTextContent("1")
+ expect(renderCount).toBe(2)
+ unmount()
diff --git a/packages/mobx-react/__tests__/issue21.test.tsx b/packages/mobx-react/__tests__/issue21.test.tsx
index 99c8c3d792..cd23e77d73 100644
--- a/packages/mobx-react/__tests__/issue21.test.tsx
+++ b/packages/mobx-react/__tests__/issue21.test.tsx
@@ -212,6 +212,113 @@ test("verify prop changes are picked up", () => {
+test("verify props is reactive", () => {
+ function createItem(subid, label) {
+ const res = observable(
+ {
+ subid,
+ id: 1,
+ label: label,
+ get text() {
+ events.push(["compute", this.subid])
+ return (
+ this.id +
+ "." +
+ this.subid +
+ "." +
+ this.label +
+ "." +
+ data.items.indexOf(this as any)
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ {},
+ { proxy: false }
+ )
+ res.subid = subid // non reactive
+ return res
+ }
+ const data = observable({
+ items: [createItem(1, "hi")]
+ })
+ const events: Array = []
+ class Child extends React.Component {
+ constructor(p) {
+ super(p)
+ makeObservable(this)
+ }
+ @computed
+ get computedLabel() {
+ events.push(["computed label", this.props.item.subid])
+ return this.props.item.label
+ }
+ componentDidMount() {
+ events.push(["mount"])
+ }
+ componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
+ events.push(["update", prevProps.item.subid, this.props.item.subid])
+ }
+ render() {
+ events.push(["render", this.props.item.subid, this.props.item.text, this.computedLabel])
+ return (
+ {this.props.item.text}
+ {this.computedLabel}
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ const ChildAsObserver = observer(Child)
+ const Parent = observer(
+ class Parent extends React.Component {
+ render() {
+ return (
+ {data.items.map(item => (
+ ))}
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ const Wrapper = () =>
+ function changeStuff() {
+ act(() => {
+ transaction(() => {
+ // components start rendeirng a new item, but computed is still based on old value
+ data.items = [createItem(2, "test")]
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ const { container } = render()
+ expect(events.sort()).toEqual(
+ [["mount"], ["compute", 1], ["computed label", 1], ["render", 1, "1.1.hi.0", "hi"]].sort()
+ )
+ events.splice(0)
+ let testDiv = container.querySelector("#testDiv") as HTMLElement
+ testDiv.click()
+ expect(events.sort()).toEqual(
+ [
+ ["compute", 1],
+ ["update", 1, 2],
+ ["compute", 2],
+ ["computed label", 2],
+ ["render", 2, "1.2.test.0", "test"]
+ ].sort()
+ )
test("no re-render for shallow equal props", async () => {
function createItem(subid, label) {
const res = observable({
@@ -308,3 +415,40 @@ test("lifecycle callbacks called with correct arguments", () => {
let testButton = container.querySelector("#testButton") as HTMLElement
+test("verify props are reactive in constructor", () => {
+ const propValues: Array = []
+ let constructorCallsCount = 0
+ const Component = observer(
+ class Component extends React.Component {
+ disposer: IReactionDisposer
+ constructor(props, context) {
+ super(props, context)
+ constructorCallsCount++
+ this.disposer = reaction(
+ () => this.props.prop,
+ prop => propValues.push(prop),
+ {
+ fireImmediately: true
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ componentWillUnmount() {
+ this.disposer()
+ }
+ render() {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ const { rerender } = render()
+ rerender()
+ rerender()
+ rerender()
+ expect(constructorCallsCount).toEqual(1)
+ expect(propValues).toEqual(["1", "2", "3", "4"])
diff --git a/packages/mobx-react/__tests__/observer.test.tsx b/packages/mobx-react/__tests__/observer.test.tsx
index cf8d296f84..37dab4697b 100644
--- a/packages/mobx-react/__tests__/observer.test.tsx
+++ b/packages/mobx-react/__tests__/observer.test.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import React, { StrictMode, Suspense } from "react"
+import React, { createContext, StrictMode, Suspense } from "react"
import { inject, observer, Observer, enableStaticRendering } from "../src"
import { render, act, waitFor } from "@testing-library/react"
import {
@@ -10,10 +10,7 @@ import {
- autorun,
- IReactionDisposer,
- reaction,
- configure
+ runInAction
} from "mobx"
import { withConsole } from "./utils/withConsole"
import { shallowEqual } from "../src/utils/utils"
@@ -506,14 +503,14 @@ describe("should render component even if setState called with exactly the same
- test("after click twice renderCount === 3", () => {
+ test("after click twice renderCount === 2", () => {
const { container } = render()
const clickableDiv = container.querySelector("#clickableDiv") as HTMLElement
act(() => clickableDiv.click())
act(() => clickableDiv.click())
- expect(renderCount).toBe(3)
+ expect(renderCount).toBe(2)
@@ -897,6 +894,74 @@ test("Missing render should throw", () => {
expect(() => observer(Component)).toThrow()
+test("this.context is observable if ComponentName.contextType is set", () => {
+ const Context = createContext({})
+ let renderCounter = 0
+ @observer
+ class Parent extends React.Component {
+ constructor(props: any) {
+ super(props)
+ makeObservable(this)
+ }
+ @observable
+ counter = 0
+ @computed
+ get contextValue() {
+ return { counter: this.counter }
+ }
+ render() {
+ return (
+ {this.props.children}
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ @observer
+ class Child extends React.Component {
+ static contextType = Context
+ constructor(props: any) {
+ super(props)
+ makeObservable(this)
+ }
+ @computed
+ get counterValue() {
+ return (this.context as any).counter
+ }
+ render() {
+ renderCounter++
+ return {this.counterValue}
+ }
+ }
+ const parentRef = React.createRef()
+ const app = (
+ )
+ const { unmount, container } = render(app)
+ act(() => {
+ if (parentRef.current) {
+ parentRef.current!.counter = 1
+ }
+ })
+ expect(renderCounter).toBe(2)
+ expect(container).toHaveTextContent("1")
+ unmount()
test("class observer supports re-mounting #3395", () => {
const state = observable.box(1)
let mountCounter = 0
@@ -1011,61 +1076,6 @@ test("#3492 should not cause warning by calling forceUpdate on uncommited compon
-;["props", "state", "context"].forEach(key => {
- test(`using ${key} in computed throws`, () => {
- // React prints errors even if we catch em
- const consoleErrorSpy = jest.spyOn(console, "error").mockImplementation(() => {})
- const TestCmp = observer(
- class TestCmp extends React.Component {
- render() {
- computed(() => this[key]).get()
- return ""
- }
- }
- )
- expect(() => render()).toThrowError(
- new RegExp(`^\\[mobx-react\\] Cannot read "TestCmp.${key}" in a reactive context`)
- )
- consoleErrorSpy.mockRestore()
- })
- test(`using ${key} in autorun throws`, () => {
- // React prints errors even if we catch em
- const consoleErrorSpy = jest.spyOn(console, "error").mockImplementation(() => {})
- let caughtError
- const TestCmp = observer(
- class TestCmp extends React.Component {
- disposeAutorun: IReactionDisposer | undefined
- componentDidMount(): void {
- this.disposeAutorun = autorun(() => this[key], {
- onError: error => (caughtError = error)
- })
- }
- componentWillUnmount(): void {
- this.disposeAutorun?.()
- }
- render() {
- return ""
- }
- }
- )
- render()
- expect(caughtError?.message).toMatch(
- new RegExp(`^\\[mobx-react\\] Cannot read "TestCmp.${key}" in a reactive context`)
- )
- consoleErrorSpy.mockRestore()
- })
test(`Component react's to observable changes in componenDidMount #3691`, () => {
const o = observable.box(0)
@@ -1115,189 +1125,12 @@ test(`Observable changes in componenWillUnmount don't cause any warnings or erro
-test(`Observable prop workaround`, () => {
- configure({
- enforceActions: "observed"
- })
- const propValues: Array = []
- const TestCmp = observer(
- class TestCmp extends React.Component<{ prop: number }> {
- disposeReaction: IReactionDisposer | undefined
- observableProp: number
- get computed() {
- return this.observableProp + 100
- }
- constructor(props) {
- super(props)
- // Synchronize our observableProp with the actual prop on the first render.
- this.observableProp = this.props.prop
- makeObservable(this, {
- observableProp: observable,
- computed: computed,
- // Mutates observable therefore must be action
- componentDidUpdate: action
- })
- }
- componentDidMount(): void {
- // Reactions/autoruns must be created in componenDidMount (not in constructor).
- this.disposeReaction = reaction(
- () => this.observableProp,
- prop => propValues.push(prop),
- {
- fireImmediately: true
- }
- )
- }
- componentDidUpdate(): void {
- // Synchronize our observableProp with the actual prop on every update.
- this.observableProp = this.props.prop
- }
- componentWillUnmount(): void {
- this.disposeReaction?.()
- }
- render() {
- return this.computed
- }
- }
- )
- const { container, unmount, rerender } = render()
- expect(container).toHaveTextContent("101")
- rerender()
- expect(container).toHaveTextContent("102")
- rerender()
- expect(container).toHaveTextContent("103")
- rerender()
- expect(container).toHaveTextContent("104")
- expect(propValues).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4])
- unmount()
-test(`Observable props/state/context workaround`, () => {
- configure({
- enforceActions: "observed"
- })
- const reactionResults: Array = []
- const ContextType = React.createContext(0)
- const TestCmp = observer(
- class TestCmp extends React.Component {
- static contextType = ContextType
- disposeReaction: IReactionDisposer | undefined
- observableProps: any
- observableState: any
- observableContext: any
- constructor(props, context) {
- super(props, context)
- this.state = {
- x: 0
- }
- this.observableState = this.state
- this.observableProps = this.props
- this.observableContext = this.context
- makeObservable(this, {
- observableProps: observable,
- observableState: observable,
- observableContext: observable,
- computed: computed,
- componentDidUpdate: action
- })
- }
- get computed() {
- return `${this.observableProps?.x}${this.observableState?.x}${this.observableContext}`
- }
- componentDidMount(): void {
- this.disposeReaction = reaction(
- () => this.computed,
- prop => reactionResults.push(prop),
- {
- fireImmediately: true
- }
- )
- }
- componentDidUpdate(): void {
- // Props are different object with every update
- if (!shallowEqual(this.observableProps, this.props)) {
- this.observableProps = this.props
- }
- if (!shallowEqual(this.observableState, this.state)) {
- this.observableState = this.state
- }
- if (!shallowEqual(this.observableContext, this.context)) {
- this.observableContext = this.context
- }
- }
- componentWillUnmount(): void {
- this.disposeReaction?.()
- }
- render() {
- return (
- this.setState(state => ({ x: state.x + 1 }))}
- >
- {this.computed}
- )
- }
- }
- )
- const App = () => {
- const [context, setContext] = React.useState(0)
- const [prop, setProp] = React.useState(0)
- return (
- setContext(val => val + 1)}>
- setProp(val => val + 1)}>
- )
- }
- const { container, unmount } = render()
- const updateProp = () =>
- act(() => (container.querySelector("#updateProp") as HTMLElement).click())
- const updateState = () =>
- act(() => (container.querySelector("#updateState") as HTMLElement).click())
- const updateContext = () =>
- act(() => (container.querySelector("#updateContext") as HTMLElement).click())
- expect(container).toHaveTextContent("000")
- updateProp()
- expect(container).toHaveTextContent("100")
- updateState()
- expect(container).toHaveTextContent("110")
- updateContext()
- expect(container).toHaveTextContent("111")
- expect(reactionResults).toEqual(["000", "100", "110", "111"])
- unmount()
test("Class observer can react to changes made before mount #3730", () => {
const o = observable.box(0)
class Child extends React.Component {
+ @action
componentDidMount(): void {
diff --git a/packages/mobx-react/src/observerClass.ts b/packages/mobx-react/src/observerClass.ts
index c428e8003f..8e2ee64b7a 100644
--- a/packages/mobx-react/src/observerClass.ts
+++ b/packages/mobx-react/src/observerClass.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
import { PureComponent, Component, ComponentClass, ClassAttributes } from "react"
import {
+ createAtom,
- _getGlobalState
+ _getGlobalState,
+ IAtom
} from "mobx"
import {
@@ -15,25 +17,24 @@ import { shallowEqual, patch } from "./utils/utils"
const administrationSymbol = Symbol("ObserverAdministration")
const isMobXReactObserverSymbol = Symbol("isMobXReactObserver")
-let observablePropDescriptors: PropertyDescriptorMap
-if (__DEV__) {
- observablePropDescriptors = {
- props: createObservablePropDescriptor("props"),
- state: createObservablePropDescriptor("state"),
- context: createObservablePropDescriptor("context")
- }
type ObserverAdministration = {
reaction: Reaction | null // also serves as disposed flag
forceUpdate: Function | null
mounted: boolean // we could use forceUpdate as mounted flag
reactionInvalidatedBeforeMount: boolean
name: string
- // Used only on __DEV__
+ propsAtom: IAtom
+ stateAtom: IAtom
+ contextAtom: IAtom
props: any
state: any
context: any
+ // Setting this.props causes forceUpdate, because this.props is observable.
+ // forceUpdate sets this.props.
+ // This flag is used to avoid the loop.
+ isUpdating: boolean
+ changedVariables: WeakSet
+ unchangedVariables: WeakSet
function getAdministration(component: Component): ObserverAdministration {
@@ -48,7 +49,13 @@ function getAdministration(component: Component): ObserverAdministration {
name: getDisplayName(component.constructor as ComponentClass),
state: undefined,
props: undefined,
- context: undefined
+ context: undefined,
+ propsAtom: createAtom("props"),
+ stateAtom: createAtom("state"),
+ contextAtom: createAtom("context"),
+ isUpdating: false,
+ changedVariables: new WeakSet(),
+ unchangedVariables: new WeakSet()
@@ -80,9 +87,15 @@ export function makeClassComponentObserver(
- if (__DEV__) {
- Object.defineProperties(prototype, observablePropDescriptors)
- }
+ // this.props and this.state are made observable, just to make sure @computed fields that
+ // are defined inside the component, and which rely on state or props, re-compute if state or props change
+ // (otherwise the computed wouldn't update and become stale on props change, since props are not observable)
+ // However, this solution is not without it's own problems: https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-react/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+label%3Aobservable-props-or-not+
+ Object.defineProperties(prototype, {
+ props: observablePropsDescriptor,
+ state: observableStateDescriptor,
+ context: observableContextDescriptor
+ })
const originalRender = prototype.render
if (typeof originalRender !== "function") {
@@ -216,6 +229,12 @@ function createReactiveRender(originalRender: any) {
function createReaction(admin: ObserverAdministration) {
return new Reaction(`${admin.name}.render()`, () => {
+ if (admin.isUpdating) {
+ // Reaction is suppressed when setting new state/props/context,
+ // this is when component is already being updated.
+ return
+ }
if (!admin.mounted) {
// This is neccessary to avoid react warning about calling forceUpdate on component that isn't mounted yet.
// This happens when component is abandoned after render - our reaction is already created and reacts to changes.
@@ -226,10 +245,14 @@ function createReaction(admin: ObserverAdministration) {
try {
+ // forceUpdate sets new `props`, since we made it observable, it would `reportChanged`, causing a loop.
+ admin.isUpdating = true
} catch (error) {
admin.reaction = null
+ } finally {
+ admin.isUpdating = false
@@ -240,35 +263,73 @@ function observerSCU(nextProps: ClassAttributes, nextState: any): boolean {
"[mobx-react] It seems that a re-rendering of a React component is triggered while in static (server-side) mode. Please make sure components are rendered only once server-side."
- // update on any state changes (as is the default)
- if (this.state !== nextState) {
- return true
- }
// update if props are shallowly not equal, inspired by PureRenderMixin
// we could return just 'false' here, and avoid the `skipRender` checks etc
// however, it is nicer if lifecycle events are triggered like usually,
// so we return true here if props are shallowly modified.
- return !shallowEqual(this.props, nextProps)
+ const propsChanged = !shallowEqual(this.props, nextProps)
+ const stateChanged = !shallowEqual(this.state, nextState)
+ const admin = getAdministration(this)
+ const shouldUpdate = propsChanged || stateChanged
+ if (propsChanged) {
+ nextProps && admin.changedVariables.add(nextProps)
+ } else {
+ nextProps && admin.unchangedVariables.add(nextProps)
+ }
+ if (stateChanged) {
+ nextState && admin.changedVariables.add(nextState)
+ } else {
+ nextState && admin.unchangedVariables.add(nextState)
+ }
+ return shouldUpdate
function createObservablePropDescriptor(key: "props" | "state" | "context") {
+ const atomKey = `${key}Atom`
return {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get() {
const admin = getAdministration(this)
- const derivation = _getGlobalState().trackingDerivation
- if (derivation && derivation !== admin.reaction) {
- throw new Error(
- `[mobx-react] Cannot read "${admin.name}.${key}" in a reactive context, as it isn't observable.
- Please use component lifecycle method to copy the value into a local observable first.
- See https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx/blob/main/packages/mobx-react/README.md#note-on-using-props-and-state-in-derivations`
- )
- }
+ let prevReadState = _allowStateReadsStart(true)
+ admin[atomKey].reportObserved()
+ _allowStateReadsEnd(prevReadState)
return admin[key]
set(value) {
- getAdministration(this)[key] = value
+ const admin = getAdministration(this)
+ // forceUpdate issued by reaction sets new props.
+ // It sets isUpdating to true to prevent loop.
+ if (!admin.isUpdating && shouldReportChanged(admin, key, value)) {
+ admin[key] = value
+ // This notifies all observers including our component,
+ // but we don't want to cause `forceUpdate`, because component is already updating,
+ // therefore supress component reaction.
+ admin.isUpdating = true
+ admin[atomKey].reportChanged()
+ admin.isUpdating = false
+ } else {
+ admin[key] = value
+ }
+function shouldReportChanged(admin: ObserverAdministration, key: string, value: any) {
+ if (admin.changedVariables.has(value)) {
+ return true
+ } else if (admin.unchangedVariables.has(value)) {
+ return false
+ } else {
+ return !shallowEqual(admin[key], value)
+ }
+const observablePropsDescriptor = createObservablePropDescriptor("props")
+const observableStateDescriptor = createObservablePropDescriptor("state")
+const observableContextDescriptor = createObservablePropDescriptor("context")