WaterDrop is a standalone messages producer that is integrated with Karafka out of the box.
Karafka 1.3 comes with full WaterDrop 1.3 support, including both synchronous and asynchronous producers. It also integrates automatically with it, populating all the options related to Kafka that were set during the Karafka framework configuration.
In case you want to change WaterDrop configuration settings, you can do this after you set up and boot Karafka framework in the karafka.rb file:
class App < Karafka::App
setup do |config|
config.kafka.seed_brokers = ::Settings.kafka.seed_brokers
config.kafka.offset_commit_threshold = 30
config.client_id = ::Settings.name
consumer_groups.draw do
# consumer groups definitions go here
# Overwrite default delivery setting and don't send in the test env
WaterDrop.setup do |water_config|
water_config.deliver = !Karafka.env.test?