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File metadata and controls

186 lines (163 loc) · 7.67 KB

build library


Extension for the EPPlus library to create reports from complex objects

Given a list like this:

            var complexObject = new List<RootLevel> { 
                new RootLevel {
                    SimpleProperty = "String1",
                    ComplexProperty = new SecondLevel
                        LeftColumn = "Left side 1",
                        RightColumn = new ThirdLevel
                            CatA = 11,
                            CatB = 12,
                            CatC = 13
                new RootLevel {
                    SimpleProperty = "String2",
                    ComplexProperty = new SecondLevel
                        LeftColumn = "Left side 2",
                        RightColumn = new ThirdLevel
                            CatA = 21,
                            CatB = 22,
                            CatC = 23

this code:

            using var xls = new ExcelPackage();
            var report = new MultiHeaderReport<RootLevel>(xls, "Object");

will render like this:


Columns customization

The example above will apply default format. But it's possible to customize columns or add calculated ones. The general syntax configuration is like this

using var xls = new ExcelPackage();
List<Person> people = GetPeople();
var report = new MultiHeaderReport<Person>(xls, "People");
report.Configure(options => options
    .AddNamedStyle("CompleteNameStye", s => {
        s.Font.Italic = true;
    .AddColumn(x => x.Name, 1)
    .AddColumn(x => x.Surname, 2)
    .AddFormula("CompleteName", "CONCATENATE(B2,\", \",A2)", 3, styleName: "CompleteNameStye")
    .IgnoreColumn(x => x.BirthDay)


By default each leaf property in the object is rendered into a Column. There are a set of column types depending on the property data type and your necessities. The generic method is:

AddColumn(Expression<Func<T, object?>> columnSelector, int? order = null, string? displayName = null, bool hidden = false, string? styleName = null)
  • columnSelector: allows to specify at compilation time the property to be rendered
  • order: Diplay order (1-based). Order is relative to the other columns. Columns that have no order are added after those that have it
  • displayName: Human friendly name for the column to be shown in Excel. If not specified, the property Name is used.
  • hidden: Column is written to Excel, but it's hidden. Don't confuse with IgnoreColumn method.
  • styleName: style name of any style defined in Workbook.Styles. See below


Specialized column that renders data from a IDictionary<TKey, TValue> or IEnumerable<T>

This column will render always two header levels:

  • The first with the property name
  • The second with the possible values in the collection

It's important to know in advance the number of columns to be rendered. For that you need to specify the keyValues parameter. If, during the report generation a value other that the specified is found, an exception it's thrown.

For example, given a list of objects of type:

class Product {
    public property Name {get; set; }
    public Dictionary<string, int> Categories {get; private set; } = new Dictionary<string, int> {
        { "CatA", 1 },
        { "CatB", 2 },
        { "CatC", 3 }        

you can configure the column as follow:

List<Product> data = GetProducts();
var report = new MultiHeaderReport<Product>(xls, "Object");
report.Configure(options =>
    options.AddEnumeration(x => x.Categories, data.First().Categories.Keys)


Allows to execute a lambda function for each row and return a custom value, for example

report.Configure(options =>
    options.AddExpression("Initials", x => string.Concat(x.Name[0], '.', x.Surname[0], '.'))


Each time the report renders a value for this column, it will use the specified formula. Be sure to use the correct absulte/relative references in the formula. You must specify the formula without the usual starting = symbol

report.Configure(options => options
   .AddColumn(x => x.Name, 1)
   .AddColumn(x => x.Surname, 2)
   .AddFormula("CompleteName", "CONCATENATE(B2,\", \",A2)", 3)


Adds a column whose cells will contain a hyperlink. This involves two properties. For example:

var report = new MultiHeaderReport<Person>(xls, "People");
report.Configure(options => options
   .AddHyperLinkColumn(x => x.Name, x => x.Profile)
   .IgnoreColumn(x => x.Profile)

This will create a column titled Name with an hyperlink to the url of the person's profile. As the Profile property is already used in the Name column, it's convenient to ignore it (do not render the property itself).


This column will not be rendered. Do not confuse with the hidden pameter in the AddXXXXX methods. With hidden, the column is rendered to an Excel column, but the column is hidden. In this case the property's data doesn't exist in the resulting Excel.

Set column width

Allows to configure the column's width behaviour: Default, Custom, Auto, Hidden

var report = new MultiHeaderReport<Person>(xls, "People");
report.Configure(options => options
   .AddColumn(x => x.Name, cfg =>
   .AddColumn(x => x.Surname, cfg =>



AddNamedStyle(string name, Action<ExcelStyle> style)

It's possible to create an Excel style and then apply it to any number of columns. AddNamedStyle is a wrapper to the Workbook.Styles.CreateNamedStyle() EPPlus method. You can either prebuild a named style first with EPPlus and then assign the style name, or use AddNamedStyle.

When you assign a styleName to a column the name is not verified in the configuration phase, but during the report generation.


AddNamedStyle(Action<ExcelStyle> style)

Similar to the previous one, but specific to apply format to the headers. If you do not provide any format to the headers, a default one will be used.

Default style for Date or Time columns

DateTime, DateOnly and TimeOnly properties are rendered with the corresponding default Date or Time format. You can override the default formats with AddNamedStyle and apply the built style to the column definition.

Other customizations


Setting to true it will append data below the last existing data row. It's assumed that the report configuration will be the same that when the previous report was generated.


If true, the report will activate the Excel autofilter for you.


Default top-left cell is A1. With SetStartingAddress you can specify any other starting cell.


  • AutoFilter ✓
  • Columns width: Default, specific width, Auto ✓
  • Conditional format
  • Append rows to an existing report ✓
  • Posibility to change the top-left starting point ✓
  • Target netstandard 2.0 in nuget package