Add support for pptx output file generation
Add support for pptx output file generation
Fix the agenda backcover representation
Fix the agenda backcover representation
Use native GitHub Action for Galaxy import
Use native GitHub Action for Galaxy import
Trigger GitHub Actions to rebuild KPA container
Trigger GitHub Actions to rebuild KPA container
Force push
Trigger GitHub Actions to rebuild KPA container
Trigger GitHub Actions to rebuild KPA container
Force push
Trigger GitHub Actions to rebuild KPA container
Trigger GitHub Actions to rebuild KPA container
Force push
Trigger GitHub Actions to rebuilt KPA container
Trigger GitHub Actions to rebuilt KPA container
Trigger Ansible Galaxy role import step in Actions
Trigger Ansible Galaxy role import step in Actions
Force push
Trigger Ansible Galaxy role import step in Actions
Trigger Ansible Galaxy role import step in Actions
Force push
Trigger Ansible Galaxy role import step in Actions
Trigger Ansible Galaxy role import step in Actions
Force push
Trigger Ansible Galaxy role import step in Actions
Trigger Ansible Galaxy role import step in Actions
Force push
Rebuild kpa reposiotry on every push
Rebuild kpa reposiotry on every push
Force push
Rebuild kpa reposiotry on every push
Rebuild kpa reposiotry on every push
Fix code blocks interefering with chapters title
Fix code blocks interefering with chapters title
Workaround GitHub Actions limits
Workaround GitHub Actions limits
Force push
Make general var names related to kpa and not marp
Make general var names related to kpa and not marp
Remove bold from titles in agenda markdown
Remove bold from titles in agenda markdown
Fix single quotes in header and footer
Fix single quotes in header and footer
Add pdf generation check in GitHub Actions
Add pdf generation check in GitHub Actions
Replace schedule with agenda everywhere
Replace schedule with agenda everywhere
Force push
Fix linter isssues for marp and pandoc tasks
Fix linter isssues for marp and pandoc tasks
Force push
Fix linter isssues for marp and pandoc tasks
Fix linter isssues for marp and pandoc tasks
Rename project into kpa_generator
Rename project into kpa_generator
Force push
Rename project into kpa_generator
Rename project into kpa_generator