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index e1b7e72..e37737a 100644
--- a/index.md
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@@ -12,47 +12,135 @@ In the New Member Education Program (NMEP), we'll be paving a sturdy ML foundati
### Schedule
-| Week | Date | Lecture | Assignments | Lecturer |
-|:-|:-|:-| :-| :-|
-| 1 | Sep 23 | Intro + Background Review | **Lecture Exercise**{: .label } [Rockfall]
**Homework 1**{: .label .label-yellow } [Math Review](/fa24-nmep/assets/hw0/hw0-math.pdf) [Pandas](/fa24-nmep/assets/hw0/hw0-pandas.ipynb) [Numpy](/fa24-nmep/assets/hw0/hw0-numpy.ipynb) | |
-| 2 | Sep 30 | Classical ML | | |
-| 3 | Oct 7 | Deep Learning, Embeddings | | |
-| 4 | Oct 14 | CNNs & Object Detection | | |
-| 5 | Oct 21 | NLP & Transformers 1 | | |
-| 6 | Oct 28 | Transformers 2 | | |
-| 7 | Nov 4 | Self-supervised Learning | | |
-| 8 | Nov 11 | RL | | |
-| 9 | Nov 18 | GANs, Diffusion | | |
-| 10 | Nov 25 | Ethics | | |
-| 11 | Dec 2 | Special Topics | | |
-| 12 | Dec 9 | (No Lecture) Final Presentations | | |
Week | +Date | +Lecture | +Assignments | +Lecturer(s) | +
1 | +Sep 23 | +Intro + Background Review | +Lecture Exercise Rockfall + Homework 1 + Math Review + Pandas + Numpy |
+ Tim Xie, Tejas Prabhune | +
2 | +Sep 30 | +Classical ML | ++ | + |
3 | +Oct 7 | +Deep Learning, Embeddings | ++ | + |
4 | +Oct 14 | +CNNs & Object Detection | ++ | + |
5 | +Oct 21 | +NLP & Transformers 1 | ++ | + |
6 | +Oct 28 | +Transformers 2 | ++ | + |
7 | +Nov 4 | +Self-supervised Learning | ++ | + |
8 | +Nov 11 | +RL | ++ | + |
9 | +Nov 18 | +GANs, Diffusion | ++ | + |
10 | +Nov 25 | +Ethics | ++ | + |
11 | +Dec 2 | +Special Topics | ++ | + |
12 | +Dec 9 | +(No Lecture) Final Presentations | ++ | + |