SHT4x is a temperature and humidity sensor from Sensirion. This project supports the SHT40, SHT41, and SHT45 sensors.
- SHT40 datasheet
- SHT40.
I2cConnectionSettings settings =
new I2cConnectionSettings(1, Sht4x.DefaultI2cAddress);
using I2cDevice device = I2cDevice.Create(settings);
using Sht4x sensor = new Sht4x(device);
// read humidity (%)
double humidity = sensor.RelativeHumidity.Percent;
// read temperature (℃)
double temperature = sensor.Temperature.Celsius;
I2cConnectionSettings settings =
new I2cConnectionSettings(1, Sht4x.DefaultI2cAddress);
using I2cDevice device = I2cDevice.Create(settings);
using Sht4x sensor = new Sht4x(device);
// Read both humidity and temperature.
(RelativeHumidity? rh, Temperature? t) =
await sensor.ReadHumidityAndTemperatureAsync();
if(rh is null || t is null)
throw new Exception("CRC failure");
// read humidity (%)
double humidity = rh.Value.Percent;
// read temperature (℃)
double temperature = t.Value.Celsius;