diff --git a/source/hardware/controllers/hercules_djcontrol_inpulse_300.rst b/source/hardware/controllers/hercules_djcontrol_inpulse_300.rst index 8c28d97f9..9ac2ee3d9 100644 --- a/source/hardware/controllers/hercules_djcontrol_inpulse_300.rst +++ b/source/hardware/controllers/hercules_djcontrol_inpulse_300.rst @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ Loop :hwlabel:`IN` button Enable Beatloop :hwlabel:`SHIFT` + Loop :hwlabel:`IN` button Halve the current loop size. Loop :hwlabel:`OUT` button Disable Beatloop. :hwlabel:`SHIFT` + Loop :hwlabel:`OUT` button Double the current loop size. -Beat Align LED Track end warning (make sure :hwlabel:`BEATMATCH GUIDE` is on for this to work). +:hwlabel:`BEATMATCH GUIDE` Toggles beatmatch guide LEDs. :hwlabel:`SLIP` Toggles splip mode. :hwlabel:`Q` Toggles quantize. :hwlabel:`SHIFT` + :hwlabel:`Q` Adjusts beatgrid so closest beat is aligned with the current playposition. @@ -111,6 +111,30 @@ Pad 1 - 8 Set and trigger :hwlabel:`SHIFT` + Pad 1 - 8 Delete :term:`hotcue` 1 - 8. =============================================================== ========================================== +Toneplay Mode +^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +=============================================================== ========================================== +Control Function +=============================================================== ========================================== +Pad 1 Jump to the last used hot cue (or cue point if no hotcue is set) and play at original pitch. +Pad 2 Jump to the last used hot cue/cue point and play at +1 semitones. +Pad 3 Jump to the last used hot cue/cue point and play at +2 semitones. +Pad 4 Jump to the last used hot cue/cue point and play at +3 semitones. +Pad 5 Jump to the last used hot cue/cue point and play at -4 semitones. +Pad 6 Jump to the last used hot cue/cue point and play at -3 semitones. +Pad 7 Jump to the last used hot cue/cue point and play at -2 semitones. +Pad 8 Jump to the last used hot cue/cue point and play at -1 semitones. +:hwlabel:`SHIFT` + Pad 1 Change the pitch to the original pitch (without jumping). +:hwlabel:`SHIFT` + Pad 2 Change the pitch to +1 semitones. +:hwlabel:`SHIFT` + Pad 3 Change the pitch to +2 semitones. +:hwlabel:`SHIFT` + Pad 4 Change the pitch to +3 semitones. +:hwlabel:`SHIFT` + Pad 5 Change the pitch to -4 semitones. +:hwlabel:`SHIFT` + Pad 6 Change the pitch to -3 semitones. +:hwlabel:`SHIFT` + Pad 7 Change the pitch to -2 semitones. +:hwlabel:`SHIFT` + Pad 8 Change the pitch to -1 semitones. +=============================================================== ========================================== + Roll Mode ^^^^^^^^^ @@ -151,6 +175,8 @@ Control Function =============================================================== ========================================== Pad 1 - 8 (deck A) Trigger Sampler 1 - 8. Pad 1 - 8 (deck B) Trigger Sampler 9 - 16. +:hwlabel:`SHIFT` + Pad 1 - 8 (deck A) Stop Sampler 1 - 8. +:hwlabel:`SHIFT` + Pad 1 - 8 (deck B) Stop Sampler 9 - 16. =============================================================== ========================================== Beatjump Mode @@ -165,8 +191,38 @@ Pad 5 - 6 Jump backward/f Pad 7 - 8 Jump backward/forward by 8 beats. =============================================================== ========================================== +Slicer/Slicer Loop Mode +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +=============================================================== ========================================== +Control Function +=============================================================== ========================================== +Slicer Create a slicer section (overrides active loops). Removes the slicer section if one is already active. +:hwlabel:`SHIFT` + Slicer Create a looped slicer section (overrides active loops). Removes the slicer section if one is already active. +Pad 1 - 8 Create a loop on slicer section 1-8. +Loop :hwlabel:`IN` button Enable Beatloop 4 beats (overrides active slicers). +:hwlabel:`SHIFT` + Loop :hwlabel:`IN` button Halve the slicer section size. +Loop :hwlabel:`OUT` button Disable Beatloop or slicer section. +:hwlabel:`SHIFT` + Loop :hwlabel:`OUT` button Double the slicer section size. +=============================================================== ========================================== + +Pressing Slicer or Slicer Loop creates a slicer section (indicated by loop markers). The length of the slicer section is dependent on loop size in the spinbox. +Pressing Slicer, Slicer Loop, or Loop Out will remove the slicer section. + +The slicer section is cut into 8 equal slices. Pressing pad 1-8 will create a loop on slice 1-8. For example, if a slicer section of 8 beats is created, then each slice will be 1 beat long. +Pressing pad 1 will create a 1-beat loop on the 1st slice (1st beat). Pad 2 will loop the 2nd slice, pad 3 will loop the 3rd beat, and so on. + +Pressing two pads at the same time creates a loop between two slices. For example, pressing pads 3 and 6 creates a 4 beat loop that encompasses slices 3, 4, 5, and 6. +Pressing three or more pads will create a loop between the first and last slices. For example, pressing pads 2, 5, and 7 creates a 6 beat loop that encompasses slices 2-7. + +In Slicer mode, the slicer section moves throughout the track. In Slicer Loop mode, the slicer section stays in place. + +For more details, look at the original Inpulse 300 manual. + Known issues ------------ +- The slicer section does not move backwards with the play indicator when scratching with the jogwheel. +- Slicer will not work properly if BPM is not constant. Controls not included in this mapping ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@ -174,6 +230,3 @@ Controls not included in this mapping - Master knob (Hardware control) - Headphone knob (Hardware control) - Master buttons (Hardware control) -- Beatmatch guide (Hardware control) -- PADS: Slicer/Slicer Loop -- PADS: Toneplay