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Mithun Satheesh edited this page Jan 16, 2015 · 7 revisions


Node-rules is a forward chaining Rules Engine, written on node.js.

How to install

install this via

npm install node-rules


Node-rules takes rules written in JSON format as input. These rules get applied on the specified iputs(facts) to the rule engine.

A Rules consist of

  1. name - the name for the rule

  2. conditions - a function which takes inputs and upon returning its results the rule engine executes the corresponding consequence.

  3. consequence - a function which gets executed accoring to the return value from a condititon after executed.

  4. description - the description for the rule

  5. priority - number which decides the order at which the rule gets applied on the supplied facts.

  6. on - boolean telling whether or not the rule should be considered by the rule engine.

Example rule

	"name": "transaction minimum",
	"description": "blocks transactions below value x",
	"priority": 3,
		function(fact,cb) {
			cb(fact && (fact.transactionTotal < 500));
		function(cb) {
			console.log("Rule 1 matched for "": blocks transactions below value 500. Rejecting payment.");
			this.result = false;
			this.process = true;


Facts are those input json values on which the rule engine applies its rule to obtain results. A fact can have multiple attributes.

Example Fact

  "userIP": "",
  "cardType":"Credit Card",


The example below shows how to use the rule engine to apply a sample rule on a specific fact.

var RuleEngine = require('node-rules');

var rules = [{
		"name": "transaction minimum",
		"description": "blocks transactions below value x",
		"priority": 3,
			function(fact,cb) {
				cb(fact && (fact.transactionTotal < 500));
			function(cb) {
				console.log("Rule 1 matched for "": blocks transactions below value 500. Rejecting payment.");
				this.result = false;
				this.process = true;
var fact = {
	  "userIP": "",
	  "cardType":"Credit Card",
var R = new RuleEngine(rules);


		console.log("\n-----Payment Accepted for----\n"); 
		console.log("\n-----Payment Rejected for----\n");


Both the rules and the facts used in this module are based on the node module jools. Its a modified version of jools with a non blocking version of applying the rule engine on the facts. The rule engine logic was been modified sothat the rule executions on separate facts donot block each other.

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