+ | class Cluster:
- """
- A cluster in the Drain parse tree.
- """
- def __init__(self, template: str = "", message_ids: list[int] = []):
- """
- Parameters:
- template : the template of log messages in this cluster
- message_ids : the list of log message IDs in this cluster
- """
- self.template = template
- self.message_ids = message_ids
| class Cluster:
+ """
+ A cluster in the Drain parse tree.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, template: str = "", message_ids: list[int] = []):
+ """
+ Parameters:
+ template : the template of log messages in this cluster
+ message_ids : the list of log message IDs in this cluster
+ """
+ self.template = template
+ self.message_ids = message_ids
@@ -1563,23 +1563,23 @@
Source code in src/logos/drain.py
- 21
+ | def __init__(self, template: str = "", message_ids: list[int] = []):
- """
- Parameters:
- template : the template of log messages in this cluster
- message_ids : the list of log message IDs in this cluster
- """
- self.template = template
- self.message_ids = message_ids
| def __init__(self, template: str = "", message_ids: list[int] = []):
+ """
+ Parameters:
+ template : the template of log messages in this cluster
+ message_ids : the list of log message IDs in this cluster
+ """
+ self.template = template
+ self.message_ids = message_ids
@@ -1612,9 +1612,7 @@
Source code in src/logos/drain.py
- 32
+ | class Node:
- """
- A node in the Drain parse tree.
- """
- def __init__(self, children=None, depth=0, id=None):
- """
- Parameters:
- children : the dictionary of children nodes
- depth : the depth of this node in the tree
- id : the digit or token that this node represents
- """
- if children is None:
- children = dict()
- self.children = children
- self.depth = depth
- self.id = id
| class Node:
+ """
+ A node in the Drain parse tree.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, children=None, depth=0, id=None):
+ """
+ Parameters:
+ children : the dictionary of children nodes
+ depth : the depth of this node in the tree
+ id : the digit or token that this node represents
+ """
+ if children is None:
+ children = dict()
+ self.children = children
+ self.depth = depth
+ self.id = id
@@ -1728,9 +1728,7 @@
Source code in src/logos/drain.py
- 37
+ | def __init__(self, children=None, depth=0, id=None):
- """
- Parameters:
- children : the dictionary of children nodes
- depth : the depth of this node in the tree
- id : the digit or token that this node represents
- """
- if children is None:
- children = dict()
- self.children = children
- self.depth = depth
- self.id = id
| def __init__(self, children=None, depth=0, id=None):
+ """
+ Parameters:
+ children : the dictionary of children nodes
+ depth : the depth of this node in the tree
+ id : the digit or token that this node represents
+ """
+ if children is None:
+ children = dict()
+ self.children = children
+ self.depth = depth
+ self.id = id
@@ -1783,9 +1783,7 @@
Source code in src/logos/drain.py
- 51
- 52
- 53
+ | class Drain:
- """
- A class implementing the Drain log parsing algorithm.
- """
- def __init__(
- self,
- indir: str = ".",
- depth: int = 4,
- st: float = 0.4,
- max_children: int = 100,
- rex: dict = {},
- skip_writeout: bool = False,
- message_prefix: str = r".*",
- ):
- """
- Initialize a Drain-based parser.
- Parameters:
- indir: the input directory stores the input log file name
- depth: depth of all leaf nodes
- st: similarity threshold
- max_children: max number of children of an internal node
- rex: regular expressions used in preprocessing, provided as a dictionary from field name to field regex
- skip_writeout: whether to skip writing out the parsed log file, templates and variables.
- message_prefix: prefix that starts each message of the log file - lines are merged to their preceding line if they do not start with this prefix.
- """
- self.indir = indir
- self.depth = depth - 2
- self.st = st
- self.max_children = max_children
- self.rex = rex
- self.skip_writeout = skip_writeout
- self.message_prefix = message_prefix
- def parse(self, filename: str) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
- """
- Parse a log file.
- Parameters:
- filename: The name of the log file to parse (without path).
- Returns:
- A tuple of three dataframes, containing the parsed log file, the parsed log templates,
- and the parsed variables respectively.
- """
- full_path = os.path.join(self.indir, filename)
- print(f"Parsing file: {full_path}")
- self.filename = filename
- self.root = Node()
- self.cluster_list = []
- self.logdf = self._to_df(full_path)
- tqdm.pandas(desc="Determining template for each line...")
- self.logdf.progress_apply(self._parse_message, axis=1)
- return self._postprocess()
| class Drain:
+ """
+ A class implementing the Drain log parsing algorithm.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ indir: str = ".",
+ depth: int = 4,
+ st: float = 0.4,
+ max_children: int = 100,
+ rex: dict = {},
+ skip_writeout: bool = False,
+ message_prefix: str = r".*",
+ ):
+ """
+ Initialize a Drain-based parser.
+ Parameters:
+ indir: the input directory stores the input log file name
+ depth: depth of all leaf nodes
+ st: similarity threshold
+ max_children: max number of children of an internal node
+ rex: regular expressions used in preprocessing, provided as a dictionary from field name to field regex
+ skip_writeout: whether to skip writing out the parsed log file, templates and variables.
+ message_prefix: prefix that starts each message of the log file - lines are merged to their preceding line if they do not start with this prefix.
+ """
+ self.indir = indir
+ self.depth = depth - 2
+ self.st = st
+ self.max_children = max_children
+ self.rex = rex
+ self.skip_writeout = skip_writeout
+ self.message_prefix = message_prefix
+ def parse(self, filename: str) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
+ """
+ Parse a log file.
+ Parameters:
+ filename: The name of the log file to parse (without path).
+ Returns:
+ A tuple of three dataframes, containing the parsed log file, the parsed log templates,
+ and the parsed variables respectively.
+ """
+ full_path = os.path.join(self.indir, filename)
+ Printer.printv(f"Parsing file: {full_path}")
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.root = Node()
+ self.cluster_list = []
+ self.logdf = self._to_df(full_path)
+ tqdm.pandas(desc="Determining template for each line...")
+ self.logdf.progress_apply(self._parse_message, axis=1)
- def _to_df(self, log_file: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
- """
- Transform a log file into a dataframe.
- Parameters:
- log_file: The path to the log file.
- Returns:
- A dataframe containing the log file's lines, tokenized and with regexes replaced.
- """
- log_messages = []
- linecount = 0
- with open(log_file, "r") as f:
- log_message = ""
- for line in tqdm(f.readlines(), desc="Reading and tokenizing log lines..."):
- line = line.strip()
- if re.match(self.message_prefix, line):
- if log_message:
- try:
- log_messages.append(self._preprocess(log_message))
- linecount += 1
- except Exception as e:
- raise ValueError
- log_message = line
- else:
- log_message += " " + line
- if log_message:
- try:
- log_messages.append(self._preprocess(log_message))
- linecount += 1
- except Exception as e:
- raise ValueError
- logdf = pd.DataFrame(
- log_messages, columns=["Message", "Tokenized", "Replaced by regex"]
- )
- logdf["MsgId"] = range(len(logdf))
- return logdf
- def _preprocess(self, msg: str) -> tuple[str, list[str], list[str]]:
- """
- Preprocess a message of a log file.
- Parameters:
- msg: The message to preprocess.
- Returns:
- A tuple containing the original message, the tokenized message, and a list of the values replaced by regexes.
- """
- msg = msg.strip()
+ return self._postprocess()
+ def _to_df(self, log_file: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ """
+ Transform a log file into a dataframe.
+ Parameters:
+ log_file: The path to the log file.
+ Returns:
+ A dataframe containing the log file's lines, tokenized and with regexes replaced.
+ """
+ log_messages = []
+ linecount = 0
+ with open(log_file, "r") as f:
+ log_message = ""
+ for line in tqdm(f.readlines(), desc="Reading and tokenizing log lines..."):
+ line = line.strip()
+ if re.match(self.message_prefix, line):
+ if log_message:
+ try:
+ log_messages.append(self._preprocess(log_message))
+ linecount += 1
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise ValueError
+ log_message = line
+ else:
+ log_message += " " + line
+ if log_message:
+ try:
+ log_messages.append(self._preprocess(log_message))
+ linecount += 1
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise ValueError
+ logdf = pd.DataFrame(
+ log_messages, columns=["Message", "Tokenized", "Replaced by regex"]
+ )
+ logdf["MsgId"] = range(len(logdf))
+ return logdf
+ def _preprocess(self, msg: str) -> tuple[str, list[str], list[str]]:
+ """
+ Preprocess a message of a log file.
+ Parameters:
+ msg: The message to preprocess.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple containing the original message, the tokenized message, and a list of the values replaced by regexes.
+ """
- regex_matches = []
- for i, rex in enumerate(self.rex.values()):
- matches = re.findall(rex, msg) ##### ASSUMPTION: only 1 match of interest
- regex_matches.append(matches[0] if matches else "")
- msg = re.sub(rex, "<*" + str(i) + ">", msg, count=1)
- pattern = r'([=,\{\}\[\]\(\);"\'])' # Add spaces around punctuation
- msg = re.sub(pattern, r" \1 ", msg)
- pattern = r"(?<=\D):|:(?=\D)" # Colons not in timestamps
- msg = re.sub(pattern, " : ", msg)
- return (msg, msg.strip().split(), regex_matches)
+ msg = msg.strip()
+ regex_matches = []
+ for i, rex in enumerate(self.rex.values()):
+ matches = re.findall(rex, msg) ##### ASSUMPTION: only 1 match of interest
+ regex_matches.append(matches[0] if matches else "")
+ msg = re.sub(rex, "<*" + str(i) + ">", msg, count=1)
+ pattern = r'([=,\{\}\[\]\(\);"\'])' # Add spaces around punctuation
+ msg = re.sub(pattern, r" \1 ", msg)
+ pattern = r"(?<=\D):|:(?=\D)" # Colons not in timestamps
+ msg = re.sub(pattern, " : ", msg)
- def _parse_message(self, msg: pd.Series) -> None:
- """
- Parse a single log message and add it to the Drain parse tree in the appropriate cluster.
- Parameters:
- msg: The log message to parse.
- """
- line_id = msg["MsgId"]
- tokenized = msg["Tokenized"]
- cluster = self._tree_search(self.root, tokenized)
- if cluster is None:
- new_cluster = Cluster(template=tokenized, message_ids=[line_id])
- self.cluster_list.append(new_cluster)
- self._add_cluster_to_tree(self.root, new_cluster)
- else:
- new_template = self._get_updated_template(tokenized, cluster.template)
- cluster.message_ids.append(line_id)
- if " ".join(new_template) != " ".join(cluster.template):
- cluster.template = new_template
- def _tree_search(self, root: Node, tokenized: list[str]) -> Optional[Cluster]:
- """
- Search the Drain parse tree for a cluster matching `tokenized`.
- Parameters:
- root: The root of the Drain parse tree.
- tokenized: The tokenized log message to search for.
- Returns:
- The cluster in the Drain parse tree that matches `tokenized`,
- or None if no such cluster exists.
- """
- num_toks = len(tokenized)
- if num_toks not in root.children:
- return None
- node = root.children[num_toks]
+ return (msg, msg.strip().split(), regex_matches)
+ def _parse_message(self, msg: pd.Series) -> None:
+ """
+ Parse a single log message and add it to the Drain parse tree in the appropriate cluster.
+ Parameters:
+ msg: The log message to parse.
+ """
+ line_id = msg["MsgId"]
+ tokenized = msg["Tokenized"]
+ cluster = self._tree_search(self.root, tokenized)
+ if cluster is None:
+ new_cluster = Cluster(template=tokenized, message_ids=[line_id])
+ self.cluster_list.append(new_cluster)
+ self._add_cluster_to_tree(self.root, new_cluster)
+ else:
+ new_template = self._get_updated_template(tokenized, cluster.template)
+ cluster.message_ids.append(line_id)
+ if " ".join(new_template) != " ".join(cluster.template):
+ cluster.template = new_template
+ def _tree_search(self, root: Node, tokenized: list[str]) -> Optional[Cluster]:
+ """
+ Search the Drain parse tree for a cluster matching `tokenized`.
+ Parameters:
+ root: The root of the Drain parse tree.
+ tokenized: The tokenized log message to search for.
+ Returns:
+ The cluster in the Drain parse tree that matches `tokenized`,
+ or None if no such cluster exists.
+ """
+ num_toks = len(tokenized)
+ if num_toks not in root.children:
+ return None
- depth = 1
- for token in tokenized:
- if depth >= self.depth or depth > num_toks:
- break
- if token in node.children:
- node = node.children[token]
- elif "<*>" in node.children:
- node = node.children["<*>"]
- else:
- return None
- depth += 1
- cluster_list = node.children
- returned_cluster = self._find_cluster(cluster_list, tokenized)
- return returned_cluster
+ node = root.children[num_toks]
+ depth = 1
+ for token in tokenized:
+ if depth >= self.depth or depth > num_toks:
+ break
+ if token in node.children:
+ node = node.children[token]
+ elif "<*>" in node.children:
+ node = node.children["<*>"]
+ else:
+ return None
+ depth += 1
+ cluster_list = node.children
+ returned_cluster = self._find_cluster(cluster_list, tokenized)
- def _add_cluster_to_tree(self, root: Node, cluster: Cluster) -> None:
- """
- Add a cluster to the Drain parse tree.
- Parameters:
- root: The root of the Drain parse tree.
- cluster: The cluster to add.
- """
- # Add a node to the first layer of the tree representing the length of the log message.
- length = len(cluster.template)
- first_layer_node = None
- if length not in root.children:
- first_layer_node = Node(depth=1, id=length)
- root.children[length] = first_layer_node
- else:
- first_layer_node = root.children[length]
- # Traverse the tree to add the new cluster.
- node = first_layer_node
- depth = 1
- for token in cluster.template:
- # If out of depth, add current log cluster to the leaf node
- if depth >= self.depth or depth > length:
- if len(node.children) == 0:
- node.children = [cluster]
- else:
- node.children.append(cluster)
- break
- # If token not matched in this layer of existing tree.
- if token not in node.children:
- if not any(char.isdigit() for char in token):
- if "<*>" in node.children:
- if len(node.children) < self.max_children:
- new_node = Node(depth=depth + 1, id=token)
- node.children[token] = new_node
- node = new_node
- else:
- node = node.children["<*>"]
- else:
- if len(node.children) + 1 < self.max_children:
- new_node = Node(depth=depth + 1, id=token)
- node.children[token] = new_node
- node = new_node
- elif len(node.children) + 1 == self.max_children:
- new_node = Node(depth=depth + 1, id="<*>")
- node.children["<*>"] = new_node
- node = new_node
- else:
- node = node.children["<*>"]
- else:
- if "<*>" not in node.children:
- node.children["<*>"] = Node(depth=depth + 1, id="<*>")
- node = node.children["<*>"]
- # If the token is matched
- else:
- node = node.children[token]
- depth += 1
+ return returned_cluster
+ def _add_cluster_to_tree(self, root: Node, cluster: Cluster) -> None:
+ """
+ Add a cluster to the Drain parse tree.
+ Parameters:
+ root: The root of the Drain parse tree.
+ cluster: The cluster to add.
+ """
+ # Add a node to the first layer of the tree representing the length of the log message.
+ length = len(cluster.template)
+ first_layer_node = None
+ if length not in root.children:
+ first_layer_node = Node(depth=1, id=length)
+ root.children[length] = first_layer_node
+ else:
+ first_layer_node = root.children[length]
+ # Traverse the tree to add the new cluster.
+ node = first_layer_node
+ depth = 1
+ for token in cluster.template:
+ # If out of depth, add current log cluster to the leaf node
+ if depth >= self.depth or depth > length:
+ if len(node.children) == 0:
+ node.children = [cluster]
+ else:
+ node.children.append(cluster)
+ break
+ # If token not matched in this layer of existing tree.
+ if token not in node.children:
+ if not any(char.isdigit() for char in token):
+ if "<*>" in node.children:
+ if len(node.children) < self.max_children:
+ new_node = Node(depth=depth + 1, id=token)
+ node.children[token] = new_node
+ node = new_node
+ else:
+ node = node.children["<*>"]
+ else:
+ if len(node.children) + 1 < self.max_children:
+ new_node = Node(depth=depth + 1, id=token)
+ node.children[token] = new_node
+ node = new_node
+ elif len(node.children) + 1 == self.max_children:
+ new_node = Node(depth=depth + 1, id="<*>")
+ node.children["<*>"] = new_node
+ node = new_node
+ else:
+ node = node.children["<*>"]
+ else:
+ if "<*>" not in node.children:
+ node.children["<*>"] = Node(depth=depth + 1, id="<*>")
+ node = node.children["<*>"]
+ # If the token is matched
+ else:
+ node = node.children[token]
- def _similarity(self, seq1: list[str], seq2: list[str]) -> tuple[float, int]:
- """
- Determine the fraction of tokens in `seq1` that are identical to the corresponding token in `seq2`.
- Also return the number of parameters in `seq1`.
- Parameters:
- seq1: The first sequence.
- seq2: The second sequence.
- Returns:
- A tuple containing the fraction of identical tokens and the number of parameters in `seq1`.
- """
- assert len(seq1) == len(seq2)
- matches = 0
- num_params = 0
- for token1, token2 in zip(seq1, seq2):
- if token1 == "<*>":
- num_params += 1
- if token1 == token2:
- matches += 1
- similarity = float(matches) / len(seq1)
+ depth += 1
+ def _similarity(self, seq1: list[str], seq2: list[str]) -> tuple[float, int]:
+ """
+ Determine the fraction of tokens in `seq1` that are identical to the corresponding token in `seq2`.
+ Also return the number of parameters in `seq1`.
+ Parameters:
+ seq1: The first sequence.
+ seq2: The second sequence.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple containing the fraction of identical tokens and the number of parameters in `seq1`.
+ """
+ assert len(seq1) == len(seq2)
+ matches = 0
+ num_params = 0
+ for token1, token2 in zip(seq1, seq2):
+ if token1 == "<*>":
+ num_params += 1
+ if token1 == token2:
+ matches += 1
- return similarity, num_params
+ similarity = float(matches) / len(seq1)
- def _find_cluster(
- self, cluster_list: list[Cluster], seq: list[str]
- ) -> Optional[Cluster]:
- """
- Find the cluster in `cluster_list` that is most similar to `seq`.
- Parameters:
- cluster_list: The list of clusters to search.
- seq: The sequence of tokens to compare to.
- Returns:
- The cluster in `cluster_list` that is most similar to `seq`,
- or None if no cluster is sufficiently similar.
- """
- max_similarity = -1
- max_num_params = -1
- max_cluster = None
- for cluster in cluster_list:
- similarity, num_params = self._similarity(cluster.template, seq)
- if similarity > max_similarity or (
- similarity == max_similarity and num_params > max_num_params
- ):
- max_similarity = similarity
- max_num_params = num_params
- max_cluster = cluster
- if max_similarity >= self.st:
- return max_cluster
- else:
- return None
- def _get_updated_template(self, template: list[str], msg: list[str]) -> list[str]:
- """
- Get the updated template from matching `msg` to `template`.
- Parameters:
- template: The template to match to.
- msg: The message to match.
- Returns:
- The updated template.
- """
- assert len(template) == len(msg)
- updated_template = []
- for i, word in enumerate(template):
- if word == msg[i]:
- updated_template.append(word)
- else:
- updated_template.append("<*>")
- return updated_template
+ return similarity, num_params
+ def _find_cluster(
+ self, cluster_list: list[Cluster], seq: list[str]
+ ) -> Optional[Cluster]:
+ """
+ Find the cluster in `cluster_list` that is most similar to `seq`.
+ Parameters:
+ cluster_list: The list of clusters to search.
+ seq: The sequence of tokens to compare to.
+ Returns:
+ The cluster in `cluster_list` that is most similar to `seq`,
+ or None if no cluster is sufficiently similar.
+ """
+ max_similarity = -1
+ max_num_params = -1
+ max_cluster = None
+ for cluster in cluster_list:
+ similarity, num_params = self._similarity(cluster.template, seq)
+ if similarity > max_similarity or (
+ similarity == max_similarity and num_params > max_num_params
+ ):
+ max_similarity = similarity
+ max_num_params = num_params
+ max_cluster = cluster
+ if max_similarity >= self.st:
+ return max_cluster
+ else:
+ return None
+ def _get_updated_template(self, template: list[str], msg: list[str]) -> list[str]:
+ """
+ Get the updated template from matching `msg` to `template`.
+ Parameters:
+ template: The template to match to.
+ msg: The message to match.
+ Returns:
+ The updated template.
+ """
+ assert len(template) == len(msg)
+ updated_template = []
+ for i, word in enumerate(template):
+ if word == msg[i]:
+ updated_template.append(word)
+ else:
+ updated_template.append("<*>")
- @staticmethod
- def _preceding_3(parsed_templates: pd.DataFrame, x: str) -> list[str]:
- """
- Get the 3 tokens preceding the variable `x` in the template.
- Parameters:
- parsed_templates: The dataframe containing information about the parsed templates.
- x: The name of the variable.
- Returns:
- The 3 tokens preceding the variable `x` in the template.
- """
- splitx = x.split("_")
- if len(splitx) != 2:
- return []
- id = splitx[0]
- position = int(splitx[1])
- start_position = max(0, position - 3)
- return (
- parsed_templates[parsed_templates["TemplateId"] == id]["TemplateText"]
- .values[0]
- .split()[start_position:position]
- )
- def _postprocess(
- self,
- ) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
- template_id_per_msg = [0] * self.logdf.shape[0]
- parsed_templates_list = []
- regex_tokens = ["<*" + str(i) + ">" for i in range(len(self.rex))]
+ return updated_template
+ @staticmethod
+ def _preceding_3(parsed_templates: pd.DataFrame, x: str) -> list[str]:
+ """
+ Get the 3 tokens preceding the variable `x` in the template.
+ Parameters:
+ parsed_templates: The dataframe containing information about the parsed templates.
+ x: The name of the variable.
+ Returns:
+ The 3 tokens preceding the variable `x` in the template.
+ """
+ splitx = x.split("_")
+ if len(splitx) != 2:
+ return []
+ id = splitx[0]
+ position = int(splitx[1])
+ start_position = max(0, position - 3)
+ return (
+ parsed_templates[parsed_templates["TemplateId"] == id]["TemplateText"]
+ .values[0]
+ .split()[start_position:position]
+ )
+ def _postprocess(
+ self,
+ ) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
+ template_id_per_msg = [0] * self.logdf.shape[0]
+ parsed_templates_list = []
- # Process each cluster to determine template information.
- for cluster in self.cluster_list:
- d = {}
- # Determine the template ID
- d["TemplateText"] = " ".join(cluster.template)
- d["TemplateId"] = hashlib.md5(
- d["TemplateText"].encode("utf-8")
- ).hexdigest()[0:8]
- # Determine the indices of the variables and regexes in the template.
- d["VariableIndices"] = [
- i for i, x in enumerate(cluster.template) if x == "<*>"
- ]
- d["RegexIndices"] = []
- for i in regex_tokens:
- try:
- d["RegexIndices"].append(cluster.template.index(str(i)))
- except:
- pass
- # Update the template ID for each log message in the cluster.
- for i, line_id in enumerate(cluster.message_ids):
- self.logdf.loc[line_id, "TemplateId"] = d["TemplateId"]
- if i == 0:
- d["TemplateExample"] = self.logdf.loc[line_id, "Message"]
- parsed_templates_list.append(d.copy())
+ regex_tokens = ["<*" + str(i) + ">" for i in range(len(self.rex))]
+ # Process each cluster to determine template information.
+ for cluster in self.cluster_list:
+ d = {}
+ # Determine the template ID
+ d["TemplateText"] = " ".join(cluster.template)
+ d["TemplateId"] = hashlib.md5(
+ d["TemplateText"].encode("utf-8")
+ ).hexdigest()[0:8]
+ # Determine the indices of the variables and regexes in the template.
+ d["VariableIndices"] = [
+ i for i, x in enumerate(cluster.template) if x == "<*>"
+ ]
+ d["RegexIndices"] = []
+ for i in regex_tokens:
+ try:
+ d["RegexIndices"].append(cluster.template.index(str(i)))
+ except:
+ pass
+ # Update the template ID for each log message in the cluster.
+ for i, line_id in enumerate(cluster.message_ids):
+ self.logdf.loc[line_id, "TemplateId"] = d["TemplateId"]
+ if i == 0:
+ d["TemplateExample"] = self.logdf.loc[line_id, "Message"]
- # Create a dataframe of the parsed templates.
- self.parsed_templates = pd.DataFrame(parsed_templates_list)
- template_occurences = dict(self.logdf["TemplateId"].value_counts())
- self.parsed_templates["Occurrences"] = self.parsed_templates["TemplateId"].map(
- template_occurences
- )
- # Create columns for each variable (parsed or regex-derived) and extract them from each log message.
- variable_columns = list(self.rex.keys())
- variable_columns.extend(
- [
- str(i) + "_" + str(j)
- for i in self.parsed_templates["TemplateId"].values
- for j in self.parsed_templates.loc[
- self.parsed_templates["TemplateId"] == i, "VariableIndices"
- ].values[0]
- ]
- )
- par_df = pd.DataFrame(
- columns=variable_columns, index=range(self.logdf.shape[0])
- )
- self.logdf = pd.concat((self.logdf, par_df), axis=1)
- self._extract_variables()
- # Create a dataframe of the parsed variables.
- parsed_variables = pd.DataFrame()
- parsed_variables["Name"] = variable_columns
- parsed_variables["Occurrences"] = parsed_variables["Name"].map(
- lambda x: self.logdf[x].notna().sum()
- )
- parsed_variables["Preceding 3 tokens"] = parsed_variables["Name"].map(
- lambda x: Drain._preceding_3(self.parsed_templates, x)
- )
- parsed_variables["Examples"] = parsed_variables["Name"].map(
- lambda x: self.logdf[x].loc[self.logdf[x].notna()].unique()[:5].tolist()
- )
- parsed_variables["From regex"] = parsed_variables["Name"].map(
- lambda x: True if x in self.rex.keys() else False
- )
- # Drop unnecessary columns from the parsed log.
- to_drop = ["MsgId", "Message", "Tokenized", "Replaced by regex"]
- to_drop.extend(
- parsed_variables[parsed_variables["Occurrences"] == 0]["Name"].tolist()
- )
- parsed_log = self.logdf.drop(columns=to_drop)
- parsed_variables = (
- parsed_variables[~parsed_variables.isin(to_drop)["Name"]]
- .reset_index()
- .drop(columns="index")
- )
- return parsed_log, self.parsed_templates, parsed_variables
+ parsed_templates_list.append(d.copy())
+ # Create a dataframe of the parsed templates.
+ self.parsed_templates = pd.DataFrame(parsed_templates_list)
+ template_occurences = dict(self.logdf["TemplateId"].value_counts())
+ self.parsed_templates["Occurrences"] = self.parsed_templates["TemplateId"].map(
+ template_occurences
+ )
+ # Create columns for each variable (parsed or regex-derived) and extract them from each log message.
+ variable_columns = list(self.rex.keys())
+ variable_columns.extend(
+ [
+ str(i) + "_" + str(j)
+ for i in self.parsed_templates["TemplateId"].values
+ for j in self.parsed_templates.loc[
+ self.parsed_templates["TemplateId"] == i, "VariableIndices"
+ ].values[0]
+ ]
+ )
+ par_df = pd.DataFrame(
+ columns=variable_columns, index=range(self.logdf.shape[0])
+ )
+ self.logdf = pd.concat((self.logdf, par_df), axis=1)
+ self._extract_variables()
+ # Create a dataframe of the parsed variables.
+ parsed_variables = pd.DataFrame()
+ parsed_variables["Name"] = variable_columns
+ parsed_variables["Occurrences"] = parsed_variables["Name"].map(
+ lambda x: self.logdf[x].notna().sum()
+ )
+ parsed_variables["Preceding 3 tokens"] = parsed_variables["Name"].map(
+ lambda x: Drain._preceding_3(self.parsed_templates, x)
+ )
+ parsed_variables["Examples"] = parsed_variables["Name"].map(
+ lambda x: self.logdf[x].loc[self.logdf[x].notna()].unique()[:5].tolist()
+ )
+ parsed_variables["From regex"] = parsed_variables["Name"].map(
+ lambda x: True if x in self.rex.keys() else False
+ )
+ # Drop unnecessary columns from the parsed log.
+ to_drop = ["MsgId", "Message", "Tokenized", "Replaced by regex"]
+ to_drop.extend(
+ parsed_variables[parsed_variables["Occurrences"] == 0]["Name"].tolist()
+ )
+ parsed_log = self.logdf.drop(columns=to_drop)
+ parsed_variables = (
+ parsed_variables[~parsed_variables.isin(to_drop)["Name"]]
+ .reset_index()
+ .drop(columns="index")
+ )
- def _extract_variables(self) -> None:
- """
- Extract the variables from the log messages.
- """
- for row in tqdm(
- self.parsed_templates.itertuples(),
- desc="Extracting variables from each log message...",
- total=len(self.parsed_templates),
- ):
- template_id = row.TemplateId
- variable_indices = row.VariableIndices
- mask = self.logdf["TemplateId"] == template_id
- for i in variable_indices:
- col_name = f"{template_id}_{str(i)}"
- self.logdf.loc[mask, col_name] = self.logdf.loc[mask, "Tokenized"].str[
- i
- ]
- for i, col_name in enumerate(self.rex.keys()):
- self.logdf.loc[mask, col_name] = self.logdf.loc[
- mask, "Replaced by regex"
- ].str[i]
+ return parsed_log, self.parsed_templates, parsed_variables
+ def _extract_variables(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Extract the variables from the log messages.
+ """
+ for row in tqdm(
+ self.parsed_templates.itertuples(),
+ desc="Extracting variables from each log message...",
+ total=len(self.parsed_templates),
+ ):
+ template_id = row.TemplateId
+ variable_indices = row.VariableIndices
+ mask = self.logdf["TemplateId"] == template_id
+ for i in variable_indices:
+ col_name = f"{template_id}_{str(i)}"
+ self.logdf.loc[mask, col_name] = self.logdf.loc[mask, "Tokenized"].str[
+ i
+ ]
+ for i, col_name in enumerate(self.rex.keys()):
+ self.logdf.loc[mask, col_name] = self.logdf.loc[
+ mask, "Replaced by regex"
+ ].str[i]
@@ -2869,9 +2869,7 @@
Source code in src/logos/drain.py
- 56
+ | def __init__(
- self,
- indir: str = ".",
- depth: int = 4,
- st: float = 0.4,
- max_children: int = 100,
- rex: dict = {},
- skip_writeout: bool = False,
- message_prefix: str = r".*",
- """
- Initialize a Drain-based parser.
- Parameters:
- indir: the input directory stores the input log file name
- depth: depth of all leaf nodes
- st: similarity threshold
- max_children: max number of children of an internal node
- rex: regular expressions used in preprocessing, provided as a dictionary from field name to field regex
- skip_writeout: whether to skip writing out the parsed log file, templates and variables.
- message_prefix: prefix that starts each message of the log file - lines are merged to their preceding line if they do not start with this prefix.
- """
- self.indir = indir
- self.depth = depth - 2
- self.st = st
- self.max_children = max_children
- self.rex = rex
- self.skip_writeout = skip_writeout
- self.message_prefix = message_prefix
| def __init__(
+ self,
+ indir: str = ".",
+ depth: int = 4,
+ st: float = 0.4,
+ max_children: int = 100,
+ rex: dict = {},
+ skip_writeout: bool = False,
+ message_prefix: str = r".*",
+ """
+ Initialize a Drain-based parser.
+ Parameters:
+ indir: the input directory stores the input log file name
+ depth: depth of all leaf nodes
+ st: similarity threshold
+ max_children: max number of children of an internal node
+ rex: regular expressions used in preprocessing, provided as a dictionary from field name to field regex
+ skip_writeout: whether to skip writing out the parsed log file, templates and variables.
+ message_prefix: prefix that starts each message of the log file - lines are merged to their preceding line if they do not start with this prefix.
+ """
+ self.indir = indir
+ self.depth = depth - 2
+ self.st = st
+ self.max_children = max_children
+ self.rex = rex
+ self.skip_writeout = skip_writeout
+ self.message_prefix = message_prefix
@@ -3009,9 +3009,7 @@
Source code in src/logos/drain.py
- 86
- 87
- 88
+ | def parse(self, filename: str) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
- """
- Parse a log file.
- Parameters:
- filename: The name of the log file to parse (without path).
- Returns:
- A tuple of three dataframes, containing the parsed log file, the parsed log templates,
- and the parsed variables respectively.
- """
- full_path = os.path.join(self.indir, filename)
- print(f"Parsing file: {full_path}")
- self.filename = filename
- self.root = Node()
- self.cluster_list = []
- self.logdf = self._to_df(full_path)
- tqdm.pandas(desc="Determining template for each line...")
- self.logdf.progress_apply(self._parse_message, axis=1)
- return self._postprocess()
| def parse(self, filename: str) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
+ """
+ Parse a log file.
+ Parameters:
+ filename: The name of the log file to parse (without path).
+ Returns:
+ A tuple of three dataframes, containing the parsed log file, the parsed log templates,
+ and the parsed variables respectively.
+ """
+ full_path = os.path.join(self.indir, filename)
+ Printer.printv(f"Parsing file: {full_path}")
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.root = Node()
+ self.cluster_list = []
+ self.logdf = self._to_df(full_path)
+ tqdm.pandas(desc="Determining template for each line...")
+ self.logdf.progress_apply(self._parse_message, axis=1)
+ return self._postprocess()
@@ -3127,9 +3127,7 @@
Source code in src/logos/drain.py
- 110
+ | def _to_df(self, log_file: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
- """
- Transform a log file into a dataframe.
- Parameters:
- log_file: The path to the log file.
- Returns:
- A dataframe containing the log file's lines, tokenized and with regexes replaced.
- """
- log_messages = []
- linecount = 0
- with open(log_file, "r") as f:
- log_message = ""
- for line in tqdm(f.readlines(), desc="Reading and tokenizing log lines..."):
- line = line.strip()
- if re.match(self.message_prefix, line):
- if log_message:
- try:
- log_messages.append(self._preprocess(log_message))
- linecount += 1
- except Exception as e:
- raise ValueError
- log_message = line
- else:
- log_message += " " + line
- if log_message:
- try:
- log_messages.append(self._preprocess(log_message))
- linecount += 1
- except Exception as e:
- raise ValueError
- logdf = pd.DataFrame(
- log_messages, columns=["Message", "Tokenized", "Replaced by regex"]
- )
- logdf["MsgId"] = range(len(logdf))
- return logdf
| def _to_df(self, log_file: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ """
+ Transform a log file into a dataframe.
+ Parameters:
+ log_file: The path to the log file.
+ Returns:
+ A dataframe containing the log file's lines, tokenized and with regexes replaced.
+ """
+ log_messages = []
+ linecount = 0
+ with open(log_file, "r") as f:
+ log_message = ""
+ for line in tqdm(f.readlines(), desc="Reading and tokenizing log lines..."):
+ line = line.strip()
+ if re.match(self.message_prefix, line):
+ if log_message:
+ try:
+ log_messages.append(self._preprocess(log_message))
+ linecount += 1
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise ValueError
+ log_message = line
+ else:
+ log_message += " " + line
+ if log_message:
+ try:
+ log_messages.append(self._preprocess(log_message))
+ linecount += 1
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise ValueError
+ logdf = pd.DataFrame(
+ log_messages, columns=["Message", "Tokenized", "Replaced by regex"]
+ )
+ logdf["MsgId"] = range(len(logdf))
+ return logdf
@@ -3285,9 +3285,7 @@
Source code in src/logos/drain.py
- 154
+ | def _preprocess(self, msg: str) -> tuple[str, list[str], list[str]]:
- """
- Preprocess a message of a log file.
- Parameters:
- msg: The message to preprocess.
- Returns:
- A tuple containing the original message, the tokenized message, and a list of the values replaced by regexes.
- """
- msg = msg.strip()
| def _preprocess(self, msg: str) -> tuple[str, list[str], list[str]]:
+ """
+ Preprocess a message of a log file.
+ Parameters:
+ msg: The message to preprocess.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple containing the original message, the tokenized message, and a list of the values replaced by regexes.
+ """
- regex_matches = []
- for i, rex in enumerate(self.rex.values()):
- matches = re.findall(rex, msg) ##### ASSUMPTION: only 1 match of interest
- regex_matches.append(matches[0] if matches else "")
- msg = re.sub(rex, "<*" + str(i) + ">", msg, count=1)
- pattern = r'([=,\{\}\[\]\(\);"\'])' # Add spaces around punctuation
- msg = re.sub(pattern, r" \1 ", msg)
- pattern = r"(?<=\D):|:(?=\D)" # Colons not in timestamps
- msg = re.sub(pattern, " : ", msg)
- return (msg, msg.strip().split(), regex_matches)
+ msg = msg.strip()
+ regex_matches = []
+ for i, rex in enumerate(self.rex.values()):
+ matches = re.findall(rex, msg) ##### ASSUMPTION: only 1 match of interest
+ regex_matches.append(matches[0] if matches else "")
+ msg = re.sub(rex, "<*" + str(i) + ">", msg, count=1)
+ pattern = r'([=,\{\}\[\]\(\);"\'])' # Add spaces around punctuation
+ msg = re.sub(pattern, r" \1 ", msg)
+ pattern = r"(?<=\D):|:(?=\D)" # Colons not in timestamps
+ msg = re.sub(pattern, " : ", msg)
+ return (msg, msg.strip().split(), regex_matches)
@@ -3384,9 +3384,7 @@
Source code in src/logos/drain.py
- 180
+ | def _parse_message(self, msg: pd.Series) -> None:
- """
- Parse a single log message and add it to the Drain parse tree in the appropriate cluster.
- Parameters:
- msg: The log message to parse.
- """
- line_id = msg["MsgId"]
- tokenized = msg["Tokenized"]
- cluster = self._tree_search(self.root, tokenized)
- if cluster is None:
- new_cluster = Cluster(template=tokenized, message_ids=[line_id])
- self.cluster_list.append(new_cluster)
- self._add_cluster_to_tree(self.root, new_cluster)
- else:
- new_template = self._get_updated_template(tokenized, cluster.template)
- cluster.message_ids.append(line_id)
- if " ".join(new_template) != " ".join(cluster.template):
- cluster.template = new_template
| def _parse_message(self, msg: pd.Series) -> None:
+ """
+ Parse a single log message and add it to the Drain parse tree in the appropriate cluster.
+ Parameters:
+ msg: The log message to parse.
+ """
+ line_id = msg["MsgId"]
+ tokenized = msg["Tokenized"]
+ cluster = self._tree_search(self.root, tokenized)
+ if cluster is None:
+ new_cluster = Cluster(template=tokenized, message_ids=[line_id])
+ self.cluster_list.append(new_cluster)
+ self._add_cluster_to_tree(self.root, new_cluster)
+ else:
+ new_template = self._get_updated_template(tokenized, cluster.template)
+ cluster.message_ids.append(line_id)
+ if " ".join(new_template) != " ".join(cluster.template):
+ cluster.template = new_template
@@ -3522,9 +3522,7 @@
Source code in src/logos/drain.py
- 202
+ | def _tree_search(self, root: Node, tokenized: list[str]) -> Optional[Cluster]:
- """
- Search the Drain parse tree for a cluster matching `tokenized`.
- Parameters:
- root: The root of the Drain parse tree.
- tokenized: The tokenized log message to search for.
- Returns:
- The cluster in the Drain parse tree that matches `tokenized`,
- or None if no such cluster exists.
- """
- num_toks = len(tokenized)
- if num_toks not in root.children:
- return None
- node = root.children[num_toks]
| def _tree_search(self, root: Node, tokenized: list[str]) -> Optional[Cluster]:
+ """
+ Search the Drain parse tree for a cluster matching `tokenized`.
+ Parameters:
+ root: The root of the Drain parse tree.
+ tokenized: The tokenized log message to search for.
+ Returns:
+ The cluster in the Drain parse tree that matches `tokenized`,
+ or None if no such cluster exists.
+ """
+ num_toks = len(tokenized)
+ if num_toks not in root.children:
+ return None
- depth = 1
- for token in tokenized:
- if depth >= self.depth or depth > num_toks:
- break
- if token in node.children:
- node = node.children[token]
- elif "<*>" in node.children:
- node = node.children["<*>"]
- else:
- return None
- depth += 1
- cluster_list = node.children
- returned_cluster = self._find_cluster(cluster_list, tokenized)
- return returned_cluster
+ node = root.children[num_toks]
+ depth = 1
+ for token in tokenized:
+ if depth >= self.depth or depth > num_toks:
+ break
+ if token in node.children:
+ node = node.children[token]
+ elif "<*>" in node.children:
+ node = node.children["<*>"]
+ else:
+ return None
+ depth += 1
+ cluster_list = node.children
+ returned_cluster = self._find_cluster(cluster_list, tokenized)
+ return returned_cluster
@@ -3655,9 +3655,7 @@
Source code in src/logos/drain.py
- 238
+ | def _add_cluster_to_tree(self, root: Node, cluster: Cluster) -> None:
- """
- Add a cluster to the Drain parse tree.
- Parameters:
- root: The root of the Drain parse tree.
- cluster: The cluster to add.
- """
- # Add a node to the first layer of the tree representing the length of the log message.
- length = len(cluster.template)
- first_layer_node = None
- if length not in root.children:
- first_layer_node = Node(depth=1, id=length)
- root.children[length] = first_layer_node
- else:
- first_layer_node = root.children[length]
- # Traverse the tree to add the new cluster.
- node = first_layer_node
- depth = 1
- for token in cluster.template:
- # If out of depth, add current log cluster to the leaf node
- if depth >= self.depth or depth > length:
- if len(node.children) == 0:
- node.children = [cluster]
- else:
- node.children.append(cluster)
- break
- # If token not matched in this layer of existing tree.
- if token not in node.children:
- if not any(char.isdigit() for char in token):
- if "<*>" in node.children:
- if len(node.children) < self.max_children:
- new_node = Node(depth=depth + 1, id=token)
- node.children[token] = new_node
- node = new_node
- else:
- node = node.children["<*>"]
- else:
- if len(node.children) + 1 < self.max_children:
- new_node = Node(depth=depth + 1, id=token)
- node.children[token] = new_node
- node = new_node
- elif len(node.children) + 1 == self.max_children:
- new_node = Node(depth=depth + 1, id="<*>")
- node.children["<*>"] = new_node
- node = new_node
- else:
- node = node.children["<*>"]
- else:
- if "<*>" not in node.children:
- node.children["<*>"] = Node(depth=depth + 1, id="<*>")
- node = node.children["<*>"]
- # If the token is matched
- else:
- node = node.children[token]
- depth += 1
| def _add_cluster_to_tree(self, root: Node, cluster: Cluster) -> None:
+ """
+ Add a cluster to the Drain parse tree.
+ Parameters:
+ root: The root of the Drain parse tree.
+ cluster: The cluster to add.
+ """
+ # Add a node to the first layer of the tree representing the length of the log message.
+ length = len(cluster.template)
+ first_layer_node = None
+ if length not in root.children:
+ first_layer_node = Node(depth=1, id=length)
+ root.children[length] = first_layer_node
+ else:
+ first_layer_node = root.children[length]
+ # Traverse the tree to add the new cluster.
+ node = first_layer_node
+ depth = 1
+ for token in cluster.template:
+ # If out of depth, add current log cluster to the leaf node
+ if depth >= self.depth or depth > length:
+ if len(node.children) == 0:
+ node.children = [cluster]
+ else:
+ node.children.append(cluster)
+ break
+ # If token not matched in this layer of existing tree.
+ if token not in node.children:
+ if not any(char.isdigit() for char in token):
+ if "<*>" in node.children:
+ if len(node.children) < self.max_children:
+ new_node = Node(depth=depth + 1, id=token)
+ node.children[token] = new_node
+ node = new_node
+ else:
+ node = node.children["<*>"]
+ else:
+ if len(node.children) + 1 < self.max_children:
+ new_node = Node(depth=depth + 1, id=token)
+ node.children[token] = new_node
+ node = new_node
+ elif len(node.children) + 1 == self.max_children:
+ new_node = Node(depth=depth + 1, id="<*>")
+ node.children["<*>"] = new_node
+ node = new_node
+ else:
+ node = node.children["<*>"]
+ else:
+ if "<*>" not in node.children:
+ node.children["<*>"] = Node(depth=depth + 1, id="<*>")
+ node = node.children["<*>"]
+ # If the token is matched
+ else:
+ node = node.children[token]
+ depth += 1
@@ -3864,9 +3864,7 @@
Source code in src/logos/drain.py
- 300
+ | def _similarity(self, seq1: list[str], seq2: list[str]) -> tuple[float, int]:
- """
- Determine the fraction of tokens in `seq1` that are identical to the corresponding token in `seq2`.
- Also return the number of parameters in `seq1`.
- Parameters:
- seq1: The first sequence.
- seq2: The second sequence.
- Returns:
- A tuple containing the fraction of identical tokens and the number of parameters in `seq1`.
- """
- assert len(seq1) == len(seq2)
- matches = 0
- num_params = 0
- for token1, token2 in zip(seq1, seq2):
- if token1 == "<*>":
- num_params += 1
- if token1 == token2:
- matches += 1
- similarity = float(matches) / len(seq1)
| def _similarity(self, seq1: list[str], seq2: list[str]) -> tuple[float, int]:
+ """
+ Determine the fraction of tokens in `seq1` that are identical to the corresponding token in `seq2`.
+ Also return the number of parameters in `seq1`.
+ Parameters:
+ seq1: The first sequence.
+ seq2: The second sequence.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple containing the fraction of identical tokens and the number of parameters in `seq1`.
+ """
+ assert len(seq1) == len(seq2)
+ matches = 0
+ num_params = 0
+ for token1, token2 in zip(seq1, seq2):
+ if token1 == "<*>":
+ num_params += 1
+ if token1 == token2:
+ matches += 1
- return similarity, num_params
+ similarity = float(matches) / len(seq1)
+ return similarity, num_params
@@ -4010,9 +4010,7 @@
Source code in src/logos/drain.py
- 326
+ | def _find_cluster(
- self, cluster_list: list[Cluster], seq: list[str]
-) -> Optional[Cluster]:
- """
- Find the cluster in `cluster_list` that is most similar to `seq`.
- Parameters:
- cluster_list: The list of clusters to search.
- seq: The sequence of tokens to compare to.
- Returns:
- The cluster in `cluster_list` that is most similar to `seq`,
- or None if no cluster is sufficiently similar.
- """
- max_similarity = -1
- max_num_params = -1
- max_cluster = None
- for cluster in cluster_list:
- similarity, num_params = self._similarity(cluster.template, seq)
- if similarity > max_similarity or (
- similarity == max_similarity and num_params > max_num_params
- ):
- max_similarity = similarity
- max_num_params = num_params
- max_cluster = cluster
- if max_similarity >= self.st:
- return max_cluster
- else:
- return None
| def _find_cluster(
+ self, cluster_list: list[Cluster], seq: list[str]
+) -> Optional[Cluster]:
+ """
+ Find the cluster in `cluster_list` that is most similar to `seq`.
+ Parameters:
+ cluster_list: The list of clusters to search.
+ seq: The sequence of tokens to compare to.
+ Returns:
+ The cluster in `cluster_list` that is most similar to `seq`,
+ or None if no cluster is sufficiently similar.
+ """
+ max_similarity = -1
+ max_num_params = -1
+ max_cluster = None
+ for cluster in cluster_list:
+ similarity, num_params = self._similarity(cluster.template, seq)
+ if similarity > max_similarity or (
+ similarity == max_similarity and num_params > max_num_params
+ ):
+ max_similarity = similarity
+ max_num_params = num_params
+ max_cluster = cluster
+ if max_similarity >= self.st:
+ return max_cluster
+ else:
+ return None
@@ -4160,9 +4160,7 @@
Source code in src/logos/drain.py
- 359
+ | def _get_updated_template(self, template: list[str], msg: list[str]) -> list[str]:
- """
- Get the updated template from matching `msg` to `template`.
- Parameters:
- template: The template to match to.
- msg: The message to match.
- Returns:
- The updated template.
- """
- assert len(template) == len(msg)
- updated_template = []
- for i, word in enumerate(template):
- if word == msg[i]:
- updated_template.append(word)
- else:
- updated_template.append("<*>")
- return updated_template
| def _get_updated_template(self, template: list[str], msg: list[str]) -> list[str]:
+ """
+ Get the updated template from matching `msg` to `template`.
+ Parameters:
+ template: The template to match to.
+ msg: The message to match.
+ Returns:
+ The updated template.
+ """
+ assert len(template) == len(msg)
+ updated_template = []
+ for i, word in enumerate(template):
+ if word == msg[i]:
+ updated_template.append(word)
+ else:
+ updated_template.append("<*>")
+ return updated_template
@@ -4294,9 +4294,7 @@
Source code in src/logos/drain.py
- 382
+ | @staticmethod
-def _preceding_3(parsed_templates: pd.DataFrame, x: str) -> list[str]:
- """
- Get the 3 tokens preceding the variable `x` in the template.
- Parameters:
- parsed_templates: The dataframe containing information about the parsed templates.
- x: The name of the variable.
- Returns:
- The 3 tokens preceding the variable `x` in the template.
- """
- splitx = x.split("_")
- if len(splitx) != 2:
- return []
- id = splitx[0]
- position = int(splitx[1])
- start_position = max(0, position - 3)
- return (
- parsed_templates[parsed_templates["TemplateId"] == id]["TemplateText"]
- .values[0]
- .split()[start_position:position]
- )
| @staticmethod
+def _preceding_3(parsed_templates: pd.DataFrame, x: str) -> list[str]:
+ """
+ Get the 3 tokens preceding the variable `x` in the template.
+ Parameters:
+ parsed_templates: The dataframe containing information about the parsed templates.
+ x: The name of the variable.
+ Returns:
+ The 3 tokens preceding the variable `x` in the template.
+ """
+ splitx = x.split("_")
+ if len(splitx) != 2:
+ return []
+ id = splitx[0]
+ position = int(splitx[1])
+ start_position = max(0, position - 3)
+ return (
+ parsed_templates[parsed_templates["TemplateId"] == id]["TemplateText"]
+ .values[0]
+ .split()[start_position:position]
+ )
@@ -4362,9 +4362,7 @@ |