Releases: mistic100/UMWP-Autochanger
Releases · mistic100/UMWP-Autochanger
- new: add "Fill" mode
- new: create default.wallpaper file if not present
- change: don't delete missing sets but highlight them
- change: Alt-F4 effectively closes application without prompt
- fixed: application closes when closing dialog window while main window is hidden
- fixed: delay input with wrong display format
- fixed: set parameters randomly resetted
- new: export and import XML configuration file
- new: check UltraMon version
- new: add logger for debuging purposes
- new: "Active files" dialog with cliquable thumbnails for direct access to files
- fixed: better detection of UltraMon executable
- fixed: no more freeze when updating wallpaper
- new: can choose the type of wallpaper ('monitor' or 'desktop') and the style ('center', 'tile', 'stretch', 'stretch proportional')
- new: icons for main buttons (add, [de]activate, delete)
- change: dedicated configuration dialog
- change: use a cache to speed up startup
- change: random images are taken from the same (random too) set if more than one is active
- fixed: refresh issue of the list when deleting sets