Create a .env
file located at the root.
Create a gcredentials.json
at the root. You can generate your own from the google console in order to get the
google spreadsheet API ready, or ask the owner to send you the credentials.
AGGREGATOR_API_TOKEN = (ask an admin for the token)
PORT = 4000 (you can change it)
MONGODB_URI = mongodb://localhost:27017/your-db-name
FRONTEND_URI = http://localhost:3000 (3000 or any other port your frontend is running on)
FRONTEND_URL_SECURE = http://localhost:3000 (3000 or any other port your frontend is running on)
SPREADSHEET_MASTER_ID = (ask an admin for the spreadsheet id)
SECRET_SESSION = b4e610a38bb44e66ef61dbf42673aeba (can be any random string)
npm run dev
=> to get the server running in dev mode.