- Google OAuth Integration with the App
- Handling credits and top-up using Stripe payment APIs
- Integrated Sendgrid Node JS APIs with the app
- Reviewing Survey content before sending email
- Reviewing Response from the user as they respond
- App deployed on Heroku.com
- MongoDB Cloud instance on mLab is used to make app scalable
- Hiding private keys for security reasons
- Data validation in the forms
- Handled private keys for APIs using a separate config file which is not checked into repo
- Node JS for the backend
- Express JS for the middleware services
- Passport JS for authentication (used Google Strategy)
- Integration with Google OAuth (part of Google + APIs)
- React JS for front end
- Redux for easy state management
- Redux-form for easily handling forms in the front-end
- MongoDB instance on mLab
- Used Mongoose Library to handle MongoDB and ExpressJS interaction
- Babel, Webpack
- Heroku local and remote env set up and integration, build and deployment
- Stripe for handling payments.
- SendGrid for handling email activities like sending email, creating webhook
- Localtunnel to create a webhook on local environment for testing purpose
Sign in to https://blooming-ridge-82966.herokuapp.com using Google Account Every new user is provided with 3 initial credits. In order to recharge, you may enter 4242 4242 4242 4242 as the fake credit card numnber, any CVV and any future date within 5 years Create and send surveys Respond to the survey using received email Check for the survey stats on the home dashboard at /surveys path