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SteganoHydra v.1.0.1


SteganoHydra is a lightweight tool for performing Steganography operations combined with Cryptography for data security of the payload. This tool supports embedding text string as well as multiple files into a single PNG image. The security itself uses AES-256 with 20,000 iterations for the user password. SteganoHydra supports 3 operations. They are message (string) embedding, single file embedding and multiple files embedding (must specify the name of the target folder).

Switch Descriptions

Command Switch Description
-em Embed data/payload into selected PNG image
-i "input_image.png" Input file. This is target PNG image you wish the payload to be embedded to
-o "output_image.png" Output file. This is the output file after encoding/embedding process.
-p "password" Password to protect the payload data. Must be at least 4 chars length
-s "text message" Embed string/text message
-f "file.pdf" Embed single file. File must exist otherwise will be error
-d "folder_location" Embed multiple files inside selected folder location. Folder must exist and must contain at least one file
-ex Extract payload inside stegafied PNG image
-i "input_image.png" Input file. This is target PNG image you wish the payload to be extracted from
-p "password" Password to extract the payload. Must be at least 4 chars length and must match with the defined password inside the stegafied image
-s Extract string/text message
-d "folder_location" Extract files from input image/stegafied PNG image

OK, here are some examples of SteganoHydra Operations.

Embedding a text message into a single PNG image.

This command embeds any kind of string you put inside double quotes "" to any PNG image you selected. Like any other commands, you need to specify a password to protect the payload data.

shydra.exe -em -i "G:\Samples\input\picture1.PNG" -o "G:\Samples\output\picture1_stegafied.PNG" -s "Hello World. I am MIRZA GHULAM RASYID" -p future

Command 1

Image Output Result:

Output 1

Extract String Message:

shydra -ex -i "G:\samples\output\picture1_stegafied.png" -s -p future

Embedding a single file

This command only embeds a single file into a selected PNG image. You freely specify the extension (no limit). If you specify the attachment file that doesn't exist, it will raise an exception.

shydra.exe -em -i "G:\Samples\Input\picture2.png" -o "G:\Samples\output\picture2_stegafied.png" -f "G:\Samples\Input\watch.exe" -p PASSWORD123

Command 2

Image Output Result:

Output 2

Extract Embedded File:

shydra -ex -i "G:\Samples\output\picture2_stegafied.png" -d "G:\Samples\Extract" -p PASSWORD123

File watch.exe inside picture2_stegafied.png will be extracted to G:\Samples\Extract\watch.exe."

Embedding multiple files inside a folder

To embed multiple files, you must specify the folder location. Engine will scan top directory files inside specified folder location and embed them into PNG image you've specified.

shydra.exe -em -i "G:\Samples\Input\picture3.png" -o "G:\Samples\Output\picture3_stegafied.png" -d "G:\Samples\SourceFiles" -p PWD!@#$!@

Command 3

Image Output Result:

Output 3

Extract Embedded Files:

shydra -ex -i "G:\Samples\Output\picture3_stegafied.png" -d "G:\extract" -p PWD!@#$!@
