sneaky sneaky dinosaurs
A web application which tracks velociraptor-related incidents.
It's a toy project I created to experiment with some stuff, namely
- The Ratpack application server framework
- The Gradle build tool
- The Hotwire approach to web applications
It's an inside joke from work. It started from the idea that velociraptors nested in the break room and therefore the door should be kept shut to prevent incidents; in truth we just wanted to keep our nearby open-office workspace relatively quiet. This morphed into blaming all sorts of office ephemera on mischievous dinosaurs:
- "My document didn't print. Raptors must have relocated to the printer room."
- "Is John in the office today, or did raptors get him?"
- "Are there tissues in the supply cabinet?" "Nope, looks like raptors are nesting again."
I eventually took to keeping a "It has been X days without incident" count on my whiteboard and updated it with fictitious details whenever I got bored, distracted, or fanciful. This toy application could eventually become the electronic equivalent of that dry-erase record.