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  • find the intersection between strengths, passion and demand

Competitive Edge

  • with market-industry around me, what I am best at, better at than others, what is my edge
  • assets (how you get there), market realities, asipirations (goals, where you want to go)
  • assets - $$, soft -who I know, my skillset (amplify, develop them), what was going on in the industry, know who to call to solve questions, and how to evolve these
  • people and skills - key problem to solve (in start-up like falling off a cliff and need to build a plane, fires everywhere, need to determine what to focus on with advisors)
  • edge: play your strengths, passions/aspirations, tiger-mom approach- figure out market needs and go do that
  • what should I invest in: assets, aspirations, market realities
  • do intense plan for couple of years only, excecute it and pay attn (passions can change, assets are increasing, market is changing)
  • real relationships with allies are essential (as well as acquaintances who have different interests than you)
  • flexible persistence (vision, mission, conviction, flexible-really customer demand, product-market fit)
  • domain experts (get options, day-to-day), personally know you well (mom- know who I am), smart people but have perspective to add (cross-check)


how will people find me, people are looking for people to solve problems

  • can change the curve of business/how I operate
  • allies (time, emotional investment), colleagues, tackling world together
  • identify people you're going through life with; explicit conversations are needed (specific, not trade-in alliance), working on together and help each other
  • pick investments together, key trends; learn faster and direct companies better
  • 1 + 1 > 2
  • acquaintances - friendly but not full-on friends, large swath that spans industries, diversity of ideas, fresh blood
  • need both alliances and acquintances- blend of close and weak ties valuable with coherent trust dymanic and plent of informational diversity
  • this works for start-up's
  • online networking just amplifies connections
  • be thoughtful and systemic how I am building alliances and acquaintances - how I help others
  • theory of small gifts - give people something valuable to them
  • interesting people find/free commitment strategy- pre-allocating time, energy, money to this
  • meeting new person even someone famous - referral from someone you know and trust, but can always help them (information they have not heard before)
  • connect based on another person
  • be attentive to how you can help
  • really careful about what you are doing is not an ask
  • double intro- are you intested in meeting from both parties
  • common humor


  • attack risks, take intelligent risks - driving initiatives with intelligent risks
  • mortal (consequences are really bad)/immortal risk- huge amount of energy that it goes well bc highly adverse
  • intelligent risk - immortal risk can question your loyalty to current responsibilities, not being a great idea, but put extra work, approaching mgr, aggreeing, having others work with him- easiest way, help out in some way other team for free
  • competitive edge- take intelligent risk and knowing how to manage it
  • start-up - moving so quickly, can't fill in every variable in risk model, limited info, so much uncertainty
  • ~if worst case scenario survivable then will take on risk
  • if not much competition then have time to build business leadership skills
  • what if you don't know market realities/totally new domain, not a substitution - use network, and if hypothesis is true, what other things can I observe - proxy to psychological mindset, test it with cheap shots, do something small and get some data on it

Entrepreneural Mindset

  • ovreall arching mindset, approach to life - permanent beta

  • always growing, iterating, improving, always Day 1 to not rest on laurels, not dwelling on past successes

  • not finished; otherwise, that's when competitor will overtake them, work in progress

  • always invest in self, continue to adapt and evolve (competitive edge, network, intelligent risks)

  • Benjamin Franklin - will I go to bed tonight smarter than I am right now?

  • keep reinventing self

  • always in test phase

  • to bootstrap

  • financing- think of next round- higher valuation (progress), island-hopping, prove to have broader range of investors to invest in

  • where to get best possible data to accelerate users; customer flow; figuring out how to acquire, better quality, efficient, consistent way

  • opportunities- careers don't work with series of jobs, but puncutated with breakout opportunities to accelerate co, best way to hustle is to interact with hustlers who have been able to survive

  • sage advice- investment is like marriage, how to build really good relationship fast, risk: what are the risks and how you are trying to manage it (if don't mention risk- blind or lying) to build trust and confidence