Now that you know what Markdown looks like, it's time to use some in a file that you'll create.
First, navigate back up to people
by clicking people
in the path above the file contents.
Now, create your own file by clicking the Create new file
Name your file using your name and some numbers to reduce conflicts when we all open pull requests in just a moment. Alternatively, you could use both your first and last names (no spaces, though!) or perhaps the name of a favorite literary character.
Be sure that the file name ends with the .md
Now you can type in the body of the file. Maybe tell us a little bit about yourself using some markdown. Remember ...
# Level-one heading (you need the space after #)
- bullet
- bullet
(Put blank lines above and below your list.)
*one asterisk on either side for italics*
**two on either side for bold**
[Linked text](some_url)
Create links by putting linked text in brackets, immediately followed (no space) by the url for the link in parentheses.
Once you're happy with the file, it's time to commit it to your branch. Scroll down, write a brief message about your commit if you like (or just go with the pre-filled message), check that your commit is going to your branch, then hit the green Commit new file