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1796 lines (1312 loc) · 74.5 KB

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1796 lines (1312 loc) · 74.5 KB

Change Log - @typespec/compiler


Bug Fixes

  • #4704 Fix order of resolution from node_modules and parent package


Bug Fixes

  • #4697 Fix module resolution when resolving self from within another package


Bug Fixes

  • #4626 [API] Add missing exit callback
  • #4513 Fixes issue with the semantic walker where exitTuple was not being emitted.
  • #4462 Fix examples with enums inside of unions
  • #4574 Fix: Passing const of model type to @example
  • #4551 Json serialization of example respect @encodedName
  • #4514 Fix issue with decimal numeric and leading 0.0 with multiple digit
  • #4445 [API] model sourceModels property are now projected correctly
  • #4467 Changing tspconfig.yaml won't take effect in LSP server because of the cache
  • #4563 tsp compile --watch reread from tspconfig.yaml file

Bump dependencies

  • #4424 Bump dependencies


  • #4442 Library diagnostic can now define a description and url that links to a more detailed doc for this diagnostic
  • #4290 Adding experimental (unstable) API fro Type Mutators
  • #4595 Expose more accurate PackageJson type and deprecate NodePackage
  • #4606 Add support for node exports field. Specific typespec exports can be provided with the typespec field
"exports": {
  ".": {
    "typespec": "./lib/main.tsp",
  "./named": {
    "typespec": "./lib/named.tsp",
  • #4539 Support nested emitter options

Breaking Changes

  • #4539 Config parameters and emitters options cannot contains .. This conflict with newly added support for nested options.
  • #4500 API: Update default of decoratorArgMarshalling from legacy to new

To revert to the old behavior export the following. Highly discouraged, this will be removed in a few versions.

export const $flags = definePackageFlags({
  decoratorArgMarshalling: "legacy",


Bug Fixes

  • #4420 Fix: Numeric values defined with e-notation incorrectly resolved


Bug Fixes

  • #4381 Fix Semantic walker doesn't fire exitOperation or exitModelProperty
  • #4146 Fix model expression defined in alias will resolve its namespace from the namespace where the alias was declared
  • #4147 Fix examples with models using extends
  • #4144 Fix: Model and union expression in template were not considered as template instances
  • #4135 Fix numeric 0 stringify producing 0.0
  • #4064 IDE: Formatting command will use prettier config if provided over the editor's configuration.
  • #4089 Fix tmlanguage for named type argument in type reference.
  • #4324 API: Extract source resolution logic into its own source loader


  • #4139 Add new way to define decorator implementation with $decorators export.
export const $decorators = {
  "TypeSpec.OpenAPI": {
    useRef: $useRef,
    oneOf: $oneOf,
  • #4148 Diagnostics logged to the terminal now have a clickable hyperlink to the diagnostic documentation url if applicable.
  • #4141 Diagnostic code in IDE now link to the linter rule documentation url if applicable
  • #4357 Improvements to type relation errors: Show stack when it happens in a nested property otherwise show up in the correct location.


Bug Fixes

  • #4173 Fix: Revert unix-style warning that was preventing windows path via the CLI as well


Bug Fixes

  • #3881 Fixes a bug where ending a non-terminal line in a multi-line comment with a backslash caused the next star to show up in the parsed doc string.
  • #4050 Allow using compact namespace form Foo.Bar when inside another namespace
    namespace MyOrg.MyProject {
      namespace MyModule.MySubmodule { // <-- this used to emit an error
        // ...
  • #3898 Fix decimal numeric with leading zeros
  • #4046 Fix type comparison of literal and scalar when in projection context
  • #4022 tsp compile --watch will not stop when a crash happens during compilation
  • #3933 Add const template parameter to get the precise lib type

Bump dependencies

  • #3948 Update dependencies


  • #3906 Support completion for template parameter extending model or object value


    model User<T extends {name: string, age: int16}> {
    alias user = User< {┆
                        | [age]
                        | [name]
  • #4020 Add support for encoding numeric types as string

  • #4023 Warn when using \ in config file field that expect a path.

  • #3932 Add ArrayEncoding enum to define simple serialization of arrays

Breaking Changes

  • #4050 Fix issue where naming a namespace with the same name as the blockless namespace would merge with it instead of creating a subnamespace like any other name would.

    namespace MyOrg.MyProject;
    namespace MyOrg.MyProject.MyArea {
      model A {}
    namespace MyArea2 {
      model B {}

    Previously model A would end-up in namespace MyOrg.MyProject.MyArea and model B in MyOrg.MyProject.MyArea2. With this change model A will now be in MyOrg.MyProject.MyOrg.MyProject.MyArea. To achieve the previous behavior the above code should be written as:

    namespace MyOrg.MyProject;
    namespace MyArea {
      model A {}
    namespace MyArea2 {
      model B {}


Bug Fixes

  • #3875 Fix issues with examples not working with Array, Record, Union and unknown types


Bug Fixes

  • #3623 Fix crash of language server on firefox
  • #3516 Deprecate getAssetEmitter and recommend calling createAssetEmitter directly
  • #3767 Fix semantic highlighting of using of single namespace
  • #3824 Do not cast model expression to object value if the constraint is allowing the type
  • #3577 Fix formatting of object and array literal in decorator to hug parenthesis
  • #3823 Fix formatting of scalar constructor called with no args
  • #3743 Fix 'typespec vs install' command on windows
  • #3605 Fix templates initialized on node 22

Bump dependencies

  • #3718 Dependency updates July 2024


  • #3699 Moved compiler dependencies to peer and dev for scaffolded projects.

  • #3572 Add new @example and @opExample decorator to provide examples on types and operations.

      id: "some",
      date: utcDateTime.fromISO("2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"),
      timeout: duration.fromISO("PT1M"),
    model Foo {
      id: string;
      date: utcDateTime;
      @encode("seconds", int32) timeout: duration;
        parameters: #{
          pet: #{
            id: "some",
            name: "Fluffy",
            dob: plainDate.fromISO("2020-01-01"),
        returnType: #{
          id: "some",
          name: "Fluffy",
          dob: plainDate.fromISO("2020-01-01"),
      #{ title: "First", description: "Show creating a pet" }
    op createPet(pet: Pet): Pet;
  • #3751 Adds option to tsp init to generate .gitignore file

Breaking Changes

  • #3793 Do not carry over @friendlyName with model is or op is

    @friendlyName("Abc{T}", T)
    model Foo<T> {}
    model Bar is Foo<string>;
    // This can be changed to
    model Abcstring is Foo<string>;
  • #3659 Disallows overriding a required inherited property with an optional property.

In previous versions of TypeSpec, it was possible to override a required property with an optional property. This is no longer allowed. This change may result in errors in your code if you were relying on this bug, but specifications that used this behavior are likely to have been exposed to errors resulting from incoherent type checking behavior.

The following example demonstrates the behavior that is no longer allowed:

model Base {
  example: string;

model Child extends Base {
  example?: string;

In this example, the Child model overrides the example property from the Base model with an optional property. This is no longer allowed.


Breaking changes

  • #3022 Addition of new const keyword means using const as a property name or decorator name will result in an error. This can be fixed by wrapping the property in backtick.
model Test {
  // error
  const: string;

  // correct
  `const`: string;


Bug Fixes

  • #3399 Preserve leading whitespace in fenced blocks in doc comments
  • #3566 [API] Do not run decorators on cloned type if the original type wasn't finished
  • #3522 Fix EINVAL error when running tsp code install
  • #3371 Numeric not handling trailing zeros and causing freeze(e.g. const a = 100.0)
  • #3451 Emitter framework: fix losing context when referencing circular types
  • #3517 Fix application of @param doc tag on operation create with op is to override upstream doc
  • #3488 Add PickProperties type to dynamically select a subset of a model

Bump dependencies

  • #3401 Update dependencies - May 2024


  • #3280 Support completion for Model with extended properties


    model Device {
      name: string;
      description: string;
    model Phone extends Device {
    } | [name]
      | [description]
  • #3280 Support completion for object values and model expression properties.


    model User {
      name: string;
      age: int32;
      address: string;
    const user: User = #{name: "Bob", ┆}
                                      | [age]
                                      | [address]
  • #3375 Allow @ to be escaped in doc comment with \

  • #3022 Add syntax for declaring values. See docs.

Object and array values

  name: "John",
  age: 48,
  address: #{ city: "London" }
  aliases: #["Bob", "Frank"]

Scalar constructors

scalar utcDateTime {
  init fromISO(value: string);

model DateRange {
  minDate: utcDateTime = utcDateTime.fromISO("2024-02-15T18:36:03Z");
  • #3527 Add support for @prop doc comment tag to describe model properties

  • #3422 Formatter: Indent or dedent multiline strings to the current indentation

  • #3460 Hide deprecated items from completion list

  • #3443 Support completion for keyword 'extends' and 'is'


    model Dog ┆ {}
              | [extends]
              | [is]
    scalar Addresss ┆ 
                    | [extends]
    op jump ┆ 
            | [is]
    interface ResourceA ┆ {}
                        | [extends]
    model Cat<T ┆> {}
                | [extends]
  • #3462 Linter all rulesets is automatically created if not explicitly provided

  • #3533 More logs and traces are added for diagnostic and troubleshooting in TypeSpec language server


  • #3022 Using a tuple type as a value is deprecated. Tuple types in contexts where values are expected must be updated to be array values instead. A codefix is provided to automatically convert tuple types into array values.
model Test {
  // Deprecated
  values: string[] = ["a", "b", "c"];
  // Correct
  values: string[] = #["a", "b", "c"];
  • #3022 Using a model type as a value is deprecated. Model types in contexts where values are expected must be updated to be object values instead. A codefix is provided to automatically convert model types into object values.
model Test {
  // Deprecated
  user: {name: string} = {name: "System"};
  // Correct
  user: {name: string} = #{name: "System"};
  • #3022 Decorator API: Legacy marshalling logic

With the introduction of values, the decorator marshalling behavior has changed in some cases. This behavior is opt-in by setting the valueMarshalling package flag to "new", but will be the default behavior in future versions. It is strongly recommended to adopt this new behavior as soon as possible.


extern dec multipleOf(target: numeric | Reflection.ModelProperty, value: valueof numeric);

Will now emit a deprecated warning because value is of type valueof string which would marshall to Numeric under the new logic but as number previously.

To opt-in you can add the following to your library js/ts files.

export const $flags = definePackageFlags({
  decoratorArgMarshalling: "new",


Bug Fixes

  • #3170 --nostdlib flag will now work by only applying to optional standard library types
  • #3212 Fix: augmenting template model property could result in sending invalid argument to decorator
  • #3188 Fix: Do not crash when trying to access member of aliased expressions
  • #3185 Fix tsp init hanging when done due to unclosed connection
  • #3151 IDE: Fix completion of statement keywords
  • #3287 Templated interface extending another templated interface shouldn't run decorator on their operations
  • #3290 Model with an optional property should not satisfy a constraint with that property required. ({foo?: string} cannot be assigned to a constraint of {foo: string})
  • #3163 Fix: Model with spread indexer shouldn't validate explicit properties
  • #3227 Stop running decorators on partially instantiated operations(When interface is instantiated but not the operation)
  • #3180 Fix issue where directives were not parsed to the leaf node in multi-segment Namespace segments.
  • #3243 Fix calling tsp install on windows due to recent NodeJS breaking change to fix vulnerability.
  • #3216 Fix compiler crash when using an invalid is target in an interface operation template
  • #3246 Internals: Use node built-in fetch API that is now stable since node 18.13.0

Bump dependencies

  • #3169 Update dependencies


  • #3035 getEncode returns the fully qualified enum member name if using a custom enum.
  • #3183 Show template parameters when hovering on an operation template
  • #3191 [API] Add new sourceModels property to model


Bug Fixes

  • #3018 Grammar: Fix comments in template params not tokenized
  • #3052 Fix: Union template declaration were incorrectly being finished in projection
  • #2983 Warnings converted to error with warn-as-error do not prevent compilation from moving to the next stage like regular warnings
  • #3041 Improve relability of application of codefixes in IDE, often it would not do anything
  • #3069 TmLanguage: Fix tokenization of escaped identifiers, enums and unions

Bump dependencies

  • #3027 Update dependencies


  • #2992 Enable the use of @encode for model properties that have a union type. This supports cases like @encode("rfc3339") prop: utcDateTime | null
  • #3053 Experimental projection: Add support for scalars


  • #3094 Deprecate @knownValues decorator. Use a named union of string literal with a string variant to achieve the same result without a decorator


-enum FooKV { a, b, c}
-scalar foo extends string;
+union Foo { "a", "b", "c", string }
  • #2910 Deprecate @projectedName decorator. @encodedName should be used instead.


-@projectedName("json", "exp")
+@encodedName("application/json", "exp")


Bug Fixes

  • #2932 Report error when having a circular template constraint e.g. model Example<T extends T>
  • #2955 [Formatter] Formatting file with only comments would reorder the first line.
  • #2934 [IDE] Fix issue when deleting an open file outside the IDE that would crash the language server
  • #2959 Decorators that have missing arguments will not run. This is inline with passing invalid argument to a decorator that would prevent it from running.
  • #2976 [IDE] Fix type documentation shown twice when hovering symbols or in completion details.
  • #2929 [API] Add Scalar to TS TemplatedType type
  • #2978 [IDE] Go to imports
  • #2936 [IDE] Autocompleting file or folder with non alpha numeric charachter completes correctly
  • #2936 [IDE] Fix crashing when trying to autocomplete an invalid folder
  • #2951 Wrap string in quotes in errors
  • #2886 Fix: tsp compile --watch was missing coloring and error previews

Bump dependencies

  • #2900 Update dependencies


  • #2888 Add support for codefixes
  • #2920 Add support for ...Record<T> to define the type of remaining properties
  • #2968 Any subtype of an error(marked with @error) is now an error.


  • #2919 [API] Create a new export @typespec/compiler/utils exports. Deprecate export from @typespec/compiler of utils like DuplicateTracker, Queue, createTwoKeyMap, etc.
  • #2902 Deprecate @service version property. If wanting to describe a service versioning you can use the @typespec/versioning library. If wanting to describe the project version you can use the package.json version. For OpenAPI generation. the nows decorator allows providing the document version.

Breaking Changes

  • #2920 Intersecting Record with incompatible properties will now emit an error


Patch Changes

  • e6a045b: Allow using default values for union property types


Minor Changes

  • 15f6dbe: Added an optional validation message to the @pattern decorator.
  • 9726b3d: Emitter framework: ObjectBuilder will keep track when built using a Placeholder allowing data to be carried over when chaining ObjectBuilder

Patch Changes

  • cc2723a: Template instantiated with ErrorType will get the arg changed to unknown
  • fd4fdfb: Fix: Error out when using properties in array model


Wed, 24 Jan 2024 05:46:53 GMT


  • add bytes encode to the general encode type
  • Added support for named template arguments (#2340)
  • Feature: Added encoded name decorator
  • Add a new init template for creating a new emitter
  • Added new --template option to tsp init command line action which lets user specify which template to choose from in the template list.
  • IDE: Performance improvements to the language server.
  • Fix: Compiler couldn't resolve files at a long path(256+) on windows
  • Stop warning user when tsp init a template without compilerVersion specified
  • Library declaration: Deprecated linter property on $lib in favor of a new $linter variable that can be exported. This was done to prevent circular reference caused by referencing linter rules in $lib.
  • Library declaration: State symbols can now be declared in the library declaration(Prefereably internal declaration added above) to have a central place to define state symbols used in your libraries.
  • Add a new tsp init template for setting up a library
  • Rename template parameters in preparation for named template argument instantiation.
  • Add ability to use another template parameter as a constraint. e.g. model Foo<A, B extends A>
  • Add new helper function to change casing to the init templates
  • Update dependencies


Wed, 06 Dec 2023 19:40:58 GMT


  • [API] Emitter framework: emitTypeReference function takes an optional reference context that can be used to patch the context for the target.
  • Emitter API: Added absolute-path as a known format for emitter options which will validate the value passed by the user resolve to an absolute path.
  • Linter rules can provide a url to the full documentation
  • New language feature BREAKING Added string template literal in typespec. Single and multi-line strings can be interpolated with ${ and }. Example \Doc for url ${url} is here: ${location}``
  • Formatter: Fix: valueof expression with parentheses around will preserve them when they are meaningful(For example inside a union or array expression)
  • Emitter framework: allows scalar and enum declaration to provide a reference context.
  • Fix: Union variant are now assignable to the parent union
  • Emitter framework: Allow passing a custom context when calling emitType
  • Upgrade formatter to prettier 3.1


Wed, 08 Nov 2023 00:07:17 GMT


  • Add new unixTimestamp32 scalar to standard library
  • Fixing @doc and /** */ disappears from multi-segment or nested namespaces. #2642
  • Fix issue where using @overload could result in incorrect unassignable type errors.
  • Add new hook for handling circular references
  • Fix: Issue where referencing a template in an alias might cause augment decorators to not be applied on types referenced in the aliased type.
  • [Internal] Fix: RekeyableMap kept track of old value if rekeying to an existing item
  • Fix: Properties filtered with @withVisibility will have their visibility removed. This prevent visibility from being applied twice and rendering invalid models
  • TypeEmitter now supports Tuples.
  • Issue error if a model spreads itself within its declaration.
  • Stop showing empty code frame when diagnostic has no location
  • TypeScript use types entry under exports of package.json instead of legacy typesVersions to provide the definition files
  • BREAKING CHANGE Dropped support for node 16, minimum node version is now 18


Wed, 11 Oct 2023 23:31:35 GMT


  • Handle hyphen in @param doc comment
  • The never type is now assignable to all types
  • Allow nullable types for constraint decorators(min/max value, length, etc)
  • Add support for @returns and @errors doc comment tags. @returns(or @returnsDoc decorator) can be used to describe the success return types of an operation. @errors(or @errorsDoc decorator) can be used to describe the error return types of an operation.
  • Fix: Colorization of line comment was bleeding over to the next line(s).
  • Fix crash when using parenthesis on directives
  • Fix: Assigning negative and 0 to float64
  • tsp format now returns a non-zero exit code when it fails to format a file
  • Fix: Anonymous union variants were formatted with an extra leading :
  • Formatter: Unions and Enums members are now formatted following the same rules as model properties. An extra line will be added between members if the member is annotated with a decorator, directive or doc comment.
  • Fix: Correct formatting of comments between a directive or doc and its node
  • Fix: tsp init was not creating the tspconfig.yaml file for templates that specified it
  • Fix: tsp init will create a placeholder tspconfig.yaml file for templates that don't specify an explicit one.
  • Fix tsp init was ignoring the files specified in an init template
  • Fix: Language Server wasn't loading the tspconfig.yaml correctly resulting in some options being dropped like the linter configuration.
  • Fix: Allow null to be assigned as a default value
  • Fix: Using TypeSpec.Xyz namespace shouldn't require the TypeSpec Prefix
  • Skip emit of deprecated diagnostic for a type reference that is used in a deprecated declaration statement
  • Update dependencies
  • Remove decorators export, import decorators individually


Tue, 19 Sep 2023 19:28:32 GMT


  • Fix emitter framework issue causing reference context to be lost in certain cases.


  • Add typesVersions metadata for the emitter framework to package.json


Tue, 12 Sep 2023 21:47:11 GMT


  • Breaking Change A semicolon is now required after augment decorator statements.
  • Added decorators @parameterVisibility and @returnTypeVisibility. Added methods getParameterVisibility and getReturnTypeVisibility.
  • Fix issue where --config would search the folder hierarchy looking for tspconfig.yaml.
  • Deprecation @deprecated decorator has been marked as deprecated. Use #deprecated directive instead.
  • IDE Add coloring for doc comment
  • Changed yaml parser from js-yaml to yaml
  • Parsing and validation of the tspconfig.yaml will not report the error location.
  • Fix Stackoverflow when model property reference itself
  • Fix Compiler crash when using alias of namespace that has decorators
  • Fix: Compiler freeze when using invalid token between doc comment and type
  • Added validation making sure properties of model are compatible with a base model indexer (using extends)
  • Fix: Crash with when relating recursive types
  • Fix typo in 'format' error message
  • Expose CompilerOptions TypeScript type
  • Report library information when crash happen in $onValidate
  • Diagnostics reported on nodes with an id will see the diagnostic highlight the id instead of the whole node. For example it will show the error on the model name instead of highlighting the entire model.


Thu, 10 Aug 2023 20:18:00 GMT


  • Fix: --config flag was being ignored.


Tue, 08 Aug 2023 22:32:10 GMT


  • Allow omitting variant names in union declarations
  • Internal: Refactoring of cli code
  • Other cli commands reuse the diagnostic system to report errors
  • Add #deprecated directive to replace @deprecated decorator
  • Add --ignore-deprecated CLI argument to suppress all deprecated diagnostics
  • Breaking change Emitter Framework: sourceFile method can return a Promise. This allows running async processes when generating the file content, a formatter for example. This result in a potential breaking change if calling emitSourceFile where you'll have to add await before.
  • Add a new util resolveCompilerOptions to resolve compiler options from a given entrypoint. This will resolve the options from the tspconfig.yaml in the same way the cli would.
  • Fix: Compiler version mismatch error would fire incorrectly
  • Fix crash when using non-namespace
  • Fix some issues with not reporting deprecation on template constraints
  • Emit diagnostic for an unresolved metatype property reference
  • Fix issue where using augment decorators on spread model properties, enum members or operations extended from parent interface wouldn't do anything.
  • Fix issue where using augment decorator on operation parameters applied to source operation parameter as well.
  • Fix: TypeEmitter missing interfaces methods causing crash
  • Fix warn-as-error in tspconfig.yaml was ignored
  • Improve compiler watch mode. Files loaded in previous compilation will be watched for changes.
  • Breaking change formatTypeSpec is now async. Formatter was updated to use prettier 3.0.
  • Allow library dependency versions to be specified in init templates using the form { name: "the-lib", version: "1.0.0" }
  • Update init template version compare to be greaterThanAndEqual instead of greaterThan.


Tue, 11 Jul 2023 22:06:00 GMT


  • Fix signature help after comment with no closing parenthesis or angle bracket
  • Internal: Reorganize sources inside src/ folder
  • Fix: Doc comment /** */ should override base type doc in model is or op is
  • Emitter Framework: add support for emitting enum member references.
  • Feature New built-in linter system. Typespec libraries are able to define linting rules which can be configured in tspconfig.yaml. See documentation for configuring a linter and writing a linter
  • Breaking Minimum version of TypeScript updated to 5.0. TypeSpec is using new features available in TypeScript 5.0 which result in a definition file not parsable by older version. Note that this only affect compiling TypeScript code and is not breaking any JS or TypeSpec code. See more information on typescript 5.0
  • Remove mkdirp dependencies and replace with built-in mkdir({recursive: true}).
  • Compiler keeps track of the scope where a file is declared(User project, a library or the compiler)
  • Add support for UTF-8 with bom for other files loaded by typespec compiler. .tsp files already had support, this make it more available for any library/emitter using the compiler api to load a file.
  • Allow annotations(Decorators, directives and doc comments) to be specified in any order
  • Fix: entrypoints folder wasn't included in package causing failure to resolve cli.js
  • Fix: Formatter incorrectly formatting :: to .
  • Fix formatting issue with comment between decorator and scalar or interface
  • Fix: Stack overflow crash when having circular reference with op is inside an interface.
  • Fix IDE issue with squiggles in library code if the library had an entry point named something other than main.tsp and a library document was opened after another document that imported the library.
  • Fix: Referencing decorator target in argument cause stack overflow for enum and union in checker and interface and operations in projection.
  • Fix getTypeName include namespace prefix for unions as well
  • Formatter will now format doc comment above directives and decorators. This only applies to doc comments. Regular line comments and block comments will remain where they are
  • Formatter: Improve formatting for properties with comments and decorators. A property with a leading decorator on its own line or comment will be wrapped in blank lines.
  • Breaking change Updating tsp init template schema for future extensibility. Older tsp version will fail validation.
  • Emitter Framework: TypeEmitter can now implement writeOutput to customize how to write source files to disk.
  • Emitter Framework: Source Files and Declarations have a new property meta which can store arbitrary metadata about those entities.
  • Add support for new identifier characters from Unicode 15.0
  • Deprecate @list decorator in favor of @listsResource in @typespec/rest
  • Deprecate isListOperation function in favor of isListOperation in @typespec/rest
  • Deprecate getListOperationType function
  • Emitter Framework: Add new TypeEmitter methods for scalar instantiation.
  • Emitter Framework: Fix that context was set incorrectly for some TypeEmitter methods, and add missing context methods for model properties, enum members, and union variants.
  • Emitter Framework: Fix that some context methods were not being passed the expected parameters.
  • Emitter Framework: Breaking change: Add support for templates instantiated with types without declared names. In such cases, TypeEmitter's declarationName method may return undefined, and so the various *Instantiation methods might be called with an undefined name, and AssetEmitter's emitDeclarationName method might return undefined.
  • Fix: Wrong path for typescript types for main entrypoint
  • Update dependencies


Thu, 15 Jun 2023 17:00:33 GMT


  • Fix: Formatter crash when using comment in empty statement, after an augment decorator or in an empty file


Wed, 14 Jun 2023 17:05:12 GMT


  • Fix: Formatter moves all comments in flattened namespace to the top


Tue, 06 Jun 2023 22:44:16 GMT


  • Fix: tspconfig.yaml should always get resolved relative to the entrypoint
  • Add decimal and decimal128 built-in scalar types.
  • Feature Doc comment will be applied as the doc for types unless an explicit @doc is provided.
  • Added new keyword valueof designed to request for a value type in a decorator parameter.
  • BREAKING Decorator API will not be marshalling values unless the parameter type is using valueof. extern dec foo(target, value: string) should be changed to extern dec foo(target, value: valueof string).
  • DEPRECATION To make transition to valueof smoother if using a template parameter inside a decorator that is now using valueof the existing parmater constraint will still be compatible but emit a warning.
  • BREAKING CHANGE Fix: Array shouldn't be assignable to an empty model(and object)
  • DEPRECATION object is deprecated. Alternative is to use {} for an empty model, Record<unknown> for a record with unknown property types, unknown[] for an array.
  • Mark Array and Record doc comment as for dev only
  • Fix: formatting of comment between decorator and op statement
  • Fix: Operation can self reference or circular reference other operation via decorators
  • BREAKING CHANGE Remove @format("url") from url scalar
  • Fix unixTimestamp validation was incorrect
  • Fix diagnostic validating type is intrinsic always showing string as expected
  • Fix error message for @encode errors.
  • Improve error handling when tsp init template is invalid or fails to download.
  • Emitter framework: uppercase type argument type names when constructing a declaration name from a template instantiation.
  • Add signature for missing decorators
  • Remove dependency on node-fetch
  • Remove misleading output dir from compilation success message
  • Fix relative path resolution when init template is behind HTTP redirect
  • Emitter option validation will only validate emitters selected with emit/--emit. Options for other emitter will be ignored. This allows defining options for an emitter that is not installed.
  • Fix signature help with trailing space in unterminated arg list
  • Add template argument signature help
  • Show alias doc comments in IDE


Wed, 10 May 2023 21:24:00 GMT


  • Normalizing cwd before first use in getCompilerOptions()


  • Allow use of defaults on non-optional properties.
  • Cleanup deprecated use
  • Added @encode decorator used to specify encoding of types
  • Add projectRoot to program
  • Api: Added sourceModel and sourceOperation on Model and Operation respectively.
  • Add relative file path utils, and allow emitter framework's ObjectBuilder to be initialized with a placeholder object.
  • Better error recovery when error thrown from emitter is not an object
  • Fix compiler mismatch error recommendation
  • Fix: Interface with templated operation causing crash if defined after use
  • Fix: Issue with templated operations in templated interface would get cached only by keying on the operation template args.
  • Fix: missing-index diagnostic showing at the wrong location
  • Fix --emit pointing to emitter js entrypoint resolve correct options
  • Fix: scalar template parameter name conflict with each other
  • Added a new isFinished property to types to differentiate template instance that are not finalized (Still have template arguments to be resolved)
  • Breaking isTemplateDeclaration will only return true for the original declaration and not partially instantiated templates.
  • Fix unsupported-default diagnostic showing at the wrong location
  • Fix url doc to not mention "URI"
  • Minor reorganization of standard library docs
  • Language server: Allow main file to be outside workspace.
  • Added Model and Scalar to Reflection namespace
  • Fix @format decorator doc.
  • Update dependencies


Tue, 11 Apr 2023 18:49:17 GMT


  • Bug: Emitter framework will now visit scalar declarations
  • Emit diagnostic when ambiguous symbol exists between global and usings.
  • Feature: Add support for referencing metatypes ModelProperty ::type and Operation ::returnType and ::parameters
  • Relax constraint on derived type overrides
  • Fix: Alias unknown ref crash
  • Fix: Empty model expression assignable to array
  • Fix tsp code uninstall not finding extension to uninstall.
  • Fix Issue where template parameter type check wouldn't work if constraint is exact same type as next validation.
  • Prevent use of augment decorators on instantiated templates.
  • Allow projectedNames helpers to work with previous projections
  • Add helper interpolatePath for emitter to do additional interpolation on config properties
  • Api: Update getTypeName to omit standard library namespace
  • Allow overloads in interfaces to work under projection
  • Add pre-projection support.
  • Provide access to extended interfaces in type graph.
  • Document member ordering and fix projection rename reordering.
  • Replaced zonedDateTime with utcDateTime and offsetDateTime


Mon, 13 Mar 2023 21:30:44 GMT


  • Breaking Change. Removes emitters option in cadl-project.yaml. Use emit and options instead.
  • Export formatIdentifier function from the lib
  • Add --config option to tsp compile.


Fri, 03 Mar 2023 19:59:17 GMT


  • Adding back all compiler exported public artifacts contains Cadl that got renamed to TypeSpec.
  • Fix ambiguous references diagnostic for decorators
  • Add loading cadl-project.yaml for back compat
  • Remove support for Visual Studio 2019
  • Allow escaping identifiers using backticks
  • Format StringLiteral to Identifier (backticked when necessary)
  • Apply augmented decorator at last.
  • Adding .cadl & package.json cadlMain back compat support
  • Fix projection of template arguments
  • Revert back changelog
  • Revert PR #1634.
  • Fix issue with projectedName decorator not working correctly when multiple copies of the compiler are loaded.
  • Updating default output to tsp-output and package.json entrypoint to tspMain
  • Rename to TypeSpec
  • Fixing cli help message, package homepage link


Tue, 07 Feb 2023 21:56:17 GMT


  • Fix giving a default value to custom numeric scalar
  • Feature: add an emitter framework to simplify building emitters
  • Add arrayDeclaration and arrayLiteral methods to emitter framework's TypeEmitter
  • Bug: properly parse logical and (&&) expressions in projections
  • Support --option=path/to/emitter.js.option=value in cli args
  • Removed all *Type aliases (ModelType for Model, etc.). Removed uri scalar. Removed Map<K, V> model. Removed @serviceTitle and @serviceVersion decorators. Removed getServiceNamespace, getServiceTitle, getServiceVersion, getServiceNamespaceString and setServiceNamespace functions.


Fri, 13 Jan 2023 00:05:26 GMT


  • Api: Provide more accurate parent type for Nodes
  • Add IDE completion and signature help for augment decorators
  • Fix (anonymous model).paramName showing in operation signatures in IDE
  • Add double quote to autoClosingPairs
  • Only warn when an invalid identifier is used in a doc comment
  • Add @minValueExclusive and @maxValueExclusive decorators.
  • Feature: Templated operation inside of interfaces
  • Feature: Add templated operation inside of interface
  • Fix: Alias cause types to be resolved before some binding
  • Fix cadl format works with windows backslash paths
  • [Language Server] Fix: Completion of library imports replace import correctly"
  • Fix issue with using server lib at the root of filesystem
  • Fix: Projecting model property with type referencing sibling
  • Fix: Issue with referencing spread members
  • Internal: Update resolution of member symbols to have more ahead of time resolution
  • Internal: Update TS module resolution to node16
  • Type graph navigation navigate decorators
  • Internal: Refactor organization of completions logic for language server
  • Fix issue with referencing spread properties or enum member depending on the order of declaration
  • Fix: resolveUsages shouldn't include base model
  • Added changeReturnType projection method for operations.
  • Improve visibility decorator documentation


Fri, 16 Dec 2022 22:02:45 GMT


  • emitter not found validation in emitter options is a warning


Thu, 15 Dec 2022 02:21:08 GMT


  • Fix: --arg wasn't being picked up


Fri, 09 Dec 2022 22:03:04 GMT


  • Fix: constants not available in fs/promise


Fri, 09 Dec 2022 20:43:01 GMT


  • Fix: Revert breaking change to global cli usage


Thu, 08 Dec 2022 22:04:15 GMT


  • Fix: scalar can be used inside of namespace block


Wed, 07 Dec 2022 17:21:52 GMT

Minor changes

  • Allow subtypes to override parent properties if the derived property type is a subtype of the parent property.
  • Add opt-in support for parsing JSDoc-like developer documentation
  • Show developer docs in IDE features
  • Doc: Add Doc comments to built-in types and decorators
  • Deprecation Split emitters in cadl-project.yaml and compiler in 2 option emit and options that makes it consistent with the CLI
  • Extract getTypeName and getNamespaceString outside of the checker into standalone helper function
  • Add new helper validateDecoratorUniqueOnNode that validate the decorator is not being used twice on the same node
  • Add variable interpolation functionality in the cadl-project.yaml
  • Add built-in emitter-output-dir options for all emitter.
  • Api Breaking change $onEmit signature was updated to take an EmitContext object as only parameter.
  • Fix typing and export format command
  • Api Breaking Multiple @service per specs are now allowed.
  • Add new program.resolveTypeReference helper to resolve a type in the cadl program using fully qualified name
  • Breaking Add new scalar type and updated all intrinsic types to be a scalar type. model MyString is string changes to scalar MyString extends string
  • LanguageServer Feature: Add signature help for decorators
  • Testing Simplification of the testing framework
  • cadl init Initialize the package.json with type: module
  • Deprecation Renamed url to uri. Old uri is deprecated


  • Fix member completion on aliases
  • Improve error recovery in the presence of merge conflict markers
  • Fix reportDiagnostics error from emitters
  • Fix: Should still instantiate template with invalid args but using constrain value
  • Fix: Issue with diagnostic location when target was the operation parmeters
  • Fix: miscOptions handling
  • Fix Handle no service in services deprecated apis
  • Fix: Validate @service decorator is targetting a namespace
  • Fix: Cascading error when template is used with invalid arguments
  • Update dependencies


Sat, 12 Nov 2022 00:14:04 GMT

Minor changes

  • Add output-dir, trace, imports option to cadl-project.yaml giving parity with cli arguments
  • Feature Add decorator and function declaration in cadl using extern dec and extern fn.
  • Fix: crash with referencing global namespace
  • Added a new export to only import the module resolver
  • Debugging: adding tracing information for JS decorators and function binding


  • emitFile now ensures that the folder exists prior to writing to the path.
  • Add isDeclaredInNamespace utility function that checks if a definable type exists under a namespace or its children


Wed, 19 Oct 2022 19:36:13 GMT


  • Fix augment decorators can be applied on namespace


Wed, 12 Oct 2022 21:12:35 GMT

Minor changes

  • Remove createProgram and change compile parameter order to match old createProgram.
  • Add new getDiscriminatedUnion helper to resolve the variants of a discriminated model or union
  • Emitter throwing exception will emit a new emitter-uncaught-error diagnostic with information on how to file issue for the given emitter.
  • Expose module resolver
  • Add support for augment decorators.
  • Language server provide document formatting using Cadl formatter
  • Deprecation Replace @serviceTitle and @serviceVersion with a single @service decorator.
  • API Replaced logger (now internal) with new tracer module. Where trace have to be explicity enabled with --trace.
  • Add uri built-in type
  • Allow referencing global namespace as global for disambiguation
  • Feature Api: resolveUsages can now be used on a list of operation, interface or namespaces
  • Fix Api: resolveUsages collect reference to array element type and record value correctly.
  • Expose helper to walk inherited properties and some helper data structures
  • Feature: decorators Add @minItems and @maxItems decorators
  • Add navigateNamespace helper letting user to navigate types under a namespace.(Similar to navigateProgram)
  • Include @discriminator decorator from "@cadl-lang/rest" library
  • Language Server: Improvement to outline, symbols correctly structured.
  • Rename output-path to output-dir and deprecate old name.
  • Add additional validation for @overload decorator: Make sure overloads are in the same container and that return types are compatible
  • Added listOperations helper method
  • Breaking Model extends or is cannot reference a model expression.


  • Fix bug where cloned type members had wrong parent
  • Internal: Update type of CompilerOptions.miscOptions to be more accurate.
  • Fix: Intersection types belong to namespace they are declared in.
  • Fix: namespace and non namespace types should have unique names
  • Fix: Deprecated output-path not being respected
  • Fix: Property included via model is were not referencing the right model parent.
  • Fix: Projected types point to projected parent type for Model properties, Union variants.
  • Fix: Projected model property sourceProperty point to projected property
  • Minor improvemens to decorator definitions


Thu, 08 Sep 2022 01:04:53 GMT

Minor changes

  • implementation of documentHighlight
  • Breaking Update Enum type members type to be a Map<string, EnumMember> instead of EnumMember[]
  • Add @projectedName decorator and projection for projected names
  • Add auto formatting support for projections
  • Add syntax highlighting for projections
  • API BREAKING Replace enableProjections and disableProjections with a new function projectProgram removing the state of the program around the current projection.
  • Api: Add helper method to resolve model usages
  • Formatter: Comments in between decorators will stay between the decorators when formatting.
  • Hovering over a symbol gives the fully-qualified name and documentation
  • Enable loading multiple installation of the same library as long as the versions are the same
  • Internal: Remove evalCadlScript from Program
  • Remove Type suffix from most Types and deprecate old names
  • Perf: Reuse unchanged files and programs in language server.


  • Api: isGlobalNamespace takes projection into account
  • Internal: Facilitate adding new tokens to scanner."
  • Formatter: Cadl doesn't include blank line at the end of embedded markdown codeblock
  • Fix issue with ever-increasing duplicate symbol errors in IDE
  • Formatter: Directive on model property with decorators will hug decorator.
  • Fix additional issues for decorators not running in projections in templated type instance
  • Internal: Fix some functionally not compatible in the browser
  • Fix issue where decorators would get called on uninstantiated template declarations
  • Internal: Don't clear template arguments on clone
  • Internal: Make scanner capable of scanning future keywords that are longer than 10 characters.


Thu, 11 Aug 2022 19:05:23 GMT

Minor changes

  • combine consecutive single line comments that are separated by whitespace
  • comment folding
  • implemented folding for comments
  • Allow extracting value from enums
  • Add helper method for emitting file in emitters
  • Feature: Emitter can specify a list of required imports
  • Allow @secret on model property
  • Add type relations and include a few more built-in types any, object, Record. Map was removed
  • Added support for template constraints
  • Format model Foo is Bar {} to model Foo is Bar;
  • Added ability for decorator validator to accept any type
  • Add @overload decorator
  • Add helper to check if a namespace is the global namespace
  • Support spread enum
  • Add editor support for document symbols.
  • Improve language configuration to help with comment indentation
  • Provide helper to check types are template, template declaration or template instance


  • Fix: Allow omiting optional properties
  • Improve cloneType implementation to duplicate decorator lists correctly
  • Add DefaultKeyVisibility<T, Visibility> and @withDefaultKeyVisibility to assign a default visibility value to model @key properties in specific operation signatures
  • Fix: Referencing previous template parameter in template parameter default
  • Fix bug in finding effective type
  • Fix issue with required parentheses being dropped with union, intersection and array expressions
  • Fix issue with formatting multi line tuple adding trailing comma.
  • Fix parsing error locations for imports and blockless namespaces
  • Fix issue with multi-file specs in VS Code on Windows where common definitions are not found.
  • Fix mix message when trying to extend non-interface
  • Fix issue with projection of nested namespace passing partial projected element to decorators
  • Fix: Operation signature with circular reference causing crash and updated message+code to be relevant to operations.
  • Fix: Couldn't use operation defined inside interfaces as signature.
  • Fix uninitialized parent namespaces in projections
  • Run projections on types returned from getEffectiveType
  • Fix: Issue with Nested namespace in projection causing versioning library to fail when Service is using nested namespace
  • Internal: union variant type has reference to parent union.
  • Fix null reference in getTypeName API when called on anonymous models without a backing syntax node
  • Emit diagnostic when an optional property is marked with @key
  • Providing cadl.cadl-server.path option will force the specified compiler to be used
  • Fix error location of duplicate property from spread


Fri, 08 Jul 2022 23:22:57 GMT

Minor changes

  • Decorator definition helper support spread args
  • Add ability to provide emitter options
  • Improve folding in IDE.
  • Allow omitting braces from model is statements
  • implementation of relativePath


  • Fix issue with compiler version mismatch in VSCode
  • Fix error location for intersection with non-model
  • Fix Internal Compiler Error when using invalid relative import
  • Internal: Decorator definition helper works with multiple target and param types
  • Improved the error message shown when an onEmit function is not found in the requested emitter package


Mon, 13 Jun 2022 23:42:28 GMT

Minor changes

  • Improve error message when loading library with invalid main file
  • Added new decorator signature validation helper
  • Allow empty tuples
  • Add helper functions to work with diagnostics in accessor functions
  • Add diagnostics target to decorator context
  • Add @deprecated decorator and emit warning diagnostic when referencing deprecated type
  • Add completion support for import of libraries
  • Remove @serviceHost decorator
  • Add ability to rename Models, Operations, Interface, Unions and Enums in projections.
  • Add compiler API to filter model properties and get try to find equivalent named models for anonymous models
  • Rename setDecoratorNamespace -> setCadlNamespace
  • Add support for operation templates and operation signature reuse
  • Implement references to model, enum, union, and interface members
  • Add semantic colorization
  • Add completion/find-all-ref/rename support to member references
  • Allow using before blockless namespace


  • Fix completion between . and )
  • Fix issue with compiling virtual editor files
  • Allow an emitter library to have .cadl files
  • Fix issue with resolving node position when inside string literal
  • Provide full namespace name in diagnostic
  • Fix issue with server not locating main.cadl in parent folder
  • Improve tracking of open documents in language server
  • Fix issues with referencing enum from decorator on namespace


  • Allow cadl compile . on the compiler itself
  • getTypeName returns type name for more types
  • Upgrade to TS4.7


Fri, 06 May 2022 17:19:57 GMT

Minor changes

  • Prompt on cadl vs install if multiple versions of VS are installed
  • Improve module resolution logic to allow compiling a cadl library
  • Add code preview and coloring for diagnostics.
  • Add ability to import library or emitter defined in parent folder. Adds the ability to use the actual emitter name in a samples folder of that emitter
  • Formatter has ability to ignore patterns
  • Formatter: remove quotes in model properties when not needed
  • Add library loading debug logging
  • Include manifest with version and commit
  • Rename mixes to extends for interfaces
  • Include reference from parent model to all children
  • Cli: Add --no-emit flag configuring the noEmit compilerOption
  • Add warn-as-error flag to cli that will return non zero exit code when there is a warning
  • Add find references and rename support to language server
  • Add goto definition of namespaces, usings, and decorators to language server
  • Export isTemplate helper method
  • Add namespace to model expressions
  • Make Program.checker required
  • Added formatting to a few more missing syntax(array, tuple, template parameters)
  • Add OmitProperties type and @withoutOmittedProperties decorator
  • Remove node 14 support
  • Log PID and timestamps in language server
  • Update to Unicode 14.0 and disallow U+FFFD
  • Add option to Checker.getTypeName to filter namespaces


  • Improve tests for doc decorator
  • Add workaround for npx bug causing issue with backslash in cli on windows
  • Do not validate default assignment when property type is an error type. Prevent additional unrelated error to the original problem with the property type.
  • Fix projection bug setting the namespace of operation with the interface
  • Fix logger levels
  • Fix issue with using model in template default
  • Give a helpful error when code is missing from path
  • Don't complete decorator names in type reference position
  • Preserve namespace nesting in versioning projections


  • Add CadlLanguageConfiguration containing the configuration used by editor (vscode, monaco)


Thu, 31 Mar 2022 17:10:49 GMT

Minor changes

  • Add new helper cadlTypeToJson to convert cadl type to a Json serializable type
  • Add helper methods to detect void and never types
  • Prevent decorators from running if arguments are errors.
  • Handle unknown identifier/error types used in spread operator.
  • Add parent .model to ModelTypeProperty
  • Add validation that template params cannot use latter params as default


  • support format in bytes type
  • Fix: stack overflow when defining template argument where default reference argument itself. Foo<T = T>
  • Fix formatting of comment between decorator and statement
  • Fix resolving location for diagnostic in js files
  • Fix formatting of comment between decorator and property
  • Fix using & with template parameters
  • Support browser builds
  • Fix issues with mishandled promises
  • Fix cascade of error when having unexpected token in directive


Wed, 09 Mar 2022 17:42:09 GMT

Minor changes

  • Move @key decorator to core
  • Replace findChildModels with mapChildModels
  • Exports NodeHost for programmatic usage of Cadl
  • Added @knownValues decorator providing set of known options for a string type
  • Using extends with intrinsic types will emit diagnostic.
  • Allow op in interfaces
  • Complete using statements and qualified decorators.
  • Add back @inspectType and @inspectTypeName decorators
  • Redirect console.log to stderr in language server


  • Improve list parsing error recovery
  • Use the proper symbol to use cadl exports in eval
  • Fix issue with missing namespace name in certain cases
  • Fix issue using is with intrinsic types.
  • Fix decorator completion on namespaces
  • refactor symbols and other improvements


Tue, 15 Feb 2022 22:35:02 GMT

Minor changes

  • Internals: Module resolver not dependent on CompilerHost
  • Provide reusable decorator validation for target


  • Fix parser issue with missing error flag when using interface extends instead of interface mixes.
  • Fix parser issue with incorrect op in various projection expressions, and wrong node type for / and *.
  • Add support for separate @summary from @doc


Mon, 14 Feb 2022 03:01:07 GMT

Minor changes

  • Provide helper for library to validate parameter
  • Update api for decorator taking DecoratorContext instead of Program


  • Fix bugs involving merged decorators
  • Give nice error for using extends keyword in interfaces
  • Implement template parameter defaults
  • Bump dependency versions


Fri, 04 Feb 2022 18:00:18 GMT

Minor changes

  • Validate for @doc decorator argument is a string
  • Add @error decorator in core
  • Added --emit flag to configure the emitter(s) to use and separate library imports from emitters
  • Add directory manipulation to CompilerHost
  • Update to syntax tree to be readonly
  • Formatter: Separate Enum members with decorator with new lines
  • Implement projections and versioning


  • Adding @format decorator to compiler and openapi3 emitter
  • Add sourceObject parameter to @doc decorator to aid in producing messages using a context object
  • @list decorator will now ignore TemplateParameter objects
  • Init include compiler as dependency in generated package.json
  • Allow CLI array options to come before positional arguments
  • Fix Diagnostic location for invalid use of templated models
  • Fix path normalization issue that caused diagnostics from language server to be dropped.
  • Fix error with file ending with mutline comment
  • Fix issue when loading cadl using a different casing than the actual casing in a case insensitive file system
  • Add @friendlyName decorator to customize model names for emitters
  • Fix issue where identifiers could be confused with keywords when they had common endings.
  • Renaming @format decorator to @pattern.
  • Stop offering true and false completions after .
  • Fix completion icon for symbols pulled in via using


Thu, 16 Dec 2021 08:02:20 GMT

Minor changes

  • Update reference resolution with using to fix duplicate symbols issues
  • Added keyword autocomplete and icons
  • Added support for union default values
  • Formatter Add support for spread model formatting
  • add mkdirp to compilerHost


  • Add findChildModels and getProperty utility functions
  • Fix Circular reference in is or extends now emit a diagnostic instead of crashing
  • Fix Circular reference in alias now emit a diagnostic instead of crashing
  • Fix Circular reference between template model and non template model causing unresolved types issues.
  • Formatter fix issues with empty model and interface with comments being moved outside.
  • Formatter fix crash when having a comment in anonymous empty model.
  • Formatter fix crash when using multi-line comment without each line starting with *.
  • Formatter Tweak formatting of interface mixes that overflow.
  • Formatter Keep single value decorator inline.
  • Formatter Keep empty line seperation in interface similar to namespace (Only keeps 1 max between operation).
  • Add support for interface as a @tag decorator target
  • Reintroduce @list decorator to assist with collection operations
  • Improve getTypeName support for Unions and UnionVariants


Wed, 01 Dec 2021 22:56:11 GMT


  • Fix issue where formatter would try to format a document with irrecoverable parse errors in certain cases
  • Fix Wrong library import for the rest template
  • Fix crash in language server
  • Fix formatting bug with operations returning anonymous models
  • Fix language server crashes in certain error cases
  • Update README


Thu, 18 Nov 2021 13:58:15 GMT

Minor changes

  • Added cadl install command which shell out to npm install
  • Remove @list decorator
  • Show @doc info along with completions


  • Fix Logging of warning counts, showing error count
  • Ensure interface is assigned for checked operations
  • Add setDecoratorNamespace helper function


Thu, 11 Nov 2021 21:46:21 GMT

Minor changes

  • Added duration intrinsic type
  • Added --check option to cadl format command to verify files are formatted
  • Added log of the error and warning count at the end in case cadl compile failed.
  • Added Support for models with mutual references
  • Add completion ("IntelliSense") support to language server
  • cadl init generate package.json with private: true


  • Add Prettier formatting support for interface mixes
  • Add new --import CLI parameter to add a global import via the command line


Thu, 28 Oct 2021 21:17:50 GMT

Minor changes

  • Added logger functionality to log information
  • Add OmitDefaults model to remove default values of a model


  • Return non-zero exit code when compilation has errors
  • Diagnostics are strongly defined and all have a code
  • Fix using formatting
  • Tweak formatter model properties with decorators
  • Improve decorator formatting


Fri, 15 Oct 2021 21:33:37 GMT

Minor changes

  • Add an API to clone a type
  • Reverse decorator evaluation order
  • Added Support for server default
  • Added New library helper for strong diagnostics definitions
  • Added New syntax to compiler for directive
  • Added support for suppressing warning via #suppress directive
  • Implement interface
  • Add walker, colorization, printer for interfaces
  • Surface decorator and emitter errors in IDE
  • Add union declarations


  • Defensive code to prevent errors in decorators and onBuild from exiting the language server
  • Fix options comment
  • Update samples
  • Fix binding JS file namespaces and namespace decorators referencing types in a later namespace.
  • fix using a namespace merged after current namespace
  • Fix namespace synthesis in certain contexts
  • Make nextLink optional in pageable response
  • Stop running decorators and emitters in language server again, fix language server crash.
  • regenerate samples


Fri, 17 Sep 2021 00:49:37 GMT

Minor changes

  • Added cadl init command to scaffold new cadl project
  • Added semantic walker
  • Add IDE go-to definition support
  • Implement cadl namespace, don't merge namespaces until checking
  • Remove support for multiple inheritance
  • Definition for bytes and new number types


  • Fix issues with specs
  • Update samples
  • Ensure syntax nodes report correct and consistent source positions
  • Fix bug that broke analyzing untitled documents in IDE
  • Fix bug preventing using latest changes to document in IDE
  • Update sample generation


Sat, 21 Aug 2021 00:04:02 GMT

Minor changes

  • Introduce naming convention $name for JavaScript-defined Cadl functions and decorators


  • Update test output


Fri, 13 Aug 2021 19:10:21 GMT

Minor changes

  • Remove cadl generate command


  • Add support for discovering updatable properties using visibility
  • Fix error in cadl vs uninstall command


Tue, 10 Aug 2021 20:23:04 GMT

Minor changes

  • Rename package to @cadl-lang/compiler


Mon, 09 Aug 2021 21:14:12 GMT

Minor changes

  • Add compile --watch option to watch files for changes and recompile
  • Implement model is


  • Update to yargs 17 and update args parsing to use handlers logic to have full type safety
  • Report errors for duplicate model and enum members


Mon, 02 Aug 2021 18:17:00 GMT

Minor changes

  • Rename ADL to Cadl


Wed, 28 Jul 2021 19:40:06 GMT

Minor changes

  • Decorators can be put into namespaces using a .namespace property or a namespace export


  • Add service code generator module
  • Allow more non-ascii characters in identifiers and normalize identifiers
  • Use newer version of autorest from adl generate


Fri, 09 Jul 2021 20:21:06 GMT

Minor changes

  • Add OptionalProperties and withOptionalProperties decorator for creating model variations with all properties set to optional
  • Add semantic analysis to language server


  • Update Diagnostics code to be a string
  • Formatter can recover from parsing error that don't affect the validity of the tree
  • Use LSP to log messages from client to server


Thu, 24 Jun 2021 03:57:43 GMT

Minor changes

  • Require main.adl or adlMain in package.json
  • Add mutator library which enables the programmatic addition of model properties, operation parameters, and operation return types
  • Add semantic error recovery


  • Added ADL Configuration file loading
  • Added typechecker type navigation
  • Add isStringType helper function
  • Fix some edge cases in config file loading
  • Add support for Visual Studio 2022


Tue, 18 May 2021 23:43:31 GMT

Minor changes

  • Added format command to automatically format adl files


  • Fix Throw diagnostic when main ADL file doesn't exists
  • Fix TypeError after adl vs command
  • Fix formatter handling string and number literal should keep as it is.
  • Fix Formatter not rendering template parameters of models.
  • Fix Don't format a file with parsing errors
  • Work around npm 7+ Mac OS bug in adl code install
  • Prefer local install of adl package when running global adl


Thu, 06 May 2021 14:56:02 GMT

Minor changes

  • Implement alias and enum, remove model =
  • Implement basic parser error recovery
  • Add API to check if a node or any descendants have parse errors


  • Small parsing speed improvement when expecting one of N tokens.
  • Fix blockless namespaces not accumulating decls
  • Allow leading +/- in numeric literals and require fractional digits
  • Fix bugs with non-ascii identifiers
  • Improve CLI experience for generate command
  • Replace several internal compiler errors with diagnostics
  • Do not allow multi-line non-triple-quoted string literals
  • Fix parsing edge cases and optimize parsing slightly


Tue, 20 Apr 2021 15:23:29 GMT

Minor changes

  • Fix parse errors from trailing commas; implement optional prefix | and &


  • Fix issue where dynamic namespaces were not evaluated
  • Virtualize writting to filesystem to enable programtic usage of adl


Tue, 06 Apr 2021 01:23:07 GMT

Minor changes

  • Implement npm libraries
  • Implement library import with npm, abstract out rest, openapi, rpaas


  • Add commands to install and uninstall Visual Studio extension
  • Enable security and securityDefinitions metadata to be applied to emitted OpenAPI documents; add default ARM security details
  • Add api-version parameter to all ARM operations
  • Add operations endpoint for ARM services
  • Enable creation of $refs to ARM common model and parameter definitions
  • Add common ARM parameter definitions for resource operations
  • remove parenless decorators


Wed, 31 Mar 2021 22:00:43 GMT

Minor changes

  • Implement usings statements
  • Implement imports
  • Improved OpenAPI output for ARM services, including pluralized operation groups and operation tags


  • Add service-level metadata decorators: @serviceTitle, @serviceVersion, @produces, @consumes, and @armNamespace
  • Add support for OpenAPI operation overloads using x-ms-paths


Fri, 26 Mar 2021 17:06:33 GMT

Minor changes

  • Implement namespace merging, blockless namespaces, and dotted namespaces


  • Emit readOnly: true for model properties marked with @visibility("read")
  • The visibility decorator now accepts multiple values; the Swagger emitter will write these out as an x-ms-mutability field.
  • Adding sample generated controller for _ service
  • Add back post operation
  • Add standard ARM operation and error model types
  • Fix id lookup bug
  • Initial check-in of adl spec and generated swagger for _
  • Update _ spec with user comments.
  • Fixing formatting to match repo prettier config
  • Add @minValue and @maxValue decorators for specifying the value range of numeric types
  • Allow the use of recursive type references in model definitions
  • Enable metadata and extensions to be applied to $ref'd schemas
  • Add missing metadata for ARM library types


Tue, 23 Mar 2021 01:06:29 GMT

Minor changes

  • Add time intrinsic type
  • Rename all date and time intrinsics: zonedDateTime, plainDate, and plainTime
  • Add commands to install/uninstall VS Code extension


  • Automatically mark named enum types with x-ms-enum and modelAsString: true


Tue, 16 Mar 2021 23:13:42 GMT

Minor changes

  • Introduce language server and add live parse errors to VS Code


Thu, 11 Mar 2021 19:14:29 GMT

Minor changes

  • Add byte primitive type
  • Add datetime primitive type
  • Enable HTTP verb decorators to specify a subpath from the parent resource path
  • Add float32 primitive type
  • Replace interface syntax with namespace and op syntax
  • Add new decorator @tags
  • Add support for nested namespace definitions and scopes
  • Add null intrinsic type, allow unions with it for x-nullable support in OpenAPI emitter
  • Add response model types for many standard HTTP responses in rest.adl
  • Renamed Ok to OkResponse
  • Add syntax highlighting


  • Fix model Foo extends T { }
  • Fix resolution of declared parameters in resource sub-paths
  • Always output a response description field to ensure valid swagger
  • Added new gRPC to ADL examples
  • Add back line and column tracking
  • Support arrays of arrays and parenthesized expressions
  • Remove hardcoded @autorest/core version
  • Include source file path in parse error log
  • Add body-boolean testserver sample
  • Fix bug preventing empty string literals
  • Refactor scanner to use less state
  • Log source locations with all errors
  • Support multiple content types for request bodies


  • Implement extends, re-implement spread to copy properties, implement visibility framework, move to explicit bodies in responses, and fix various bugs.
  • Implement nostdlib option


Thu, 28 Jan 2021 21:30:01 GMT


  • Fixed standard library decorator module resolution


Wed, 27 Jan 2021 21:48:34 GMT

Minor changes

  • Initial ADL compiler preview release