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fix: ToastService in Blazor web app with per page render mode #3422

Answered by vnbaaij
Benuhx asked this question in Q&A
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Moved it here because it is not an issue with the library but a usage question. I would even go as far as saying it is more a general Blazor question.

It is not enough to just add interactivity to the FluentToastProvider. The page you are displaying needs to have interactivity as well. So you need to add @rendermode to the pages you want toast on as well (that is why it is called 'per page')

So, in MainLayout.razor:

<FluentToastProvider RemoveToastsOnNavigation="false" @rendermode="InteractiveAuto" />

In Home.razor (in the server project, when using the Web App template))

@page "/"
@inject IToastService ToastService
@rendermode InteractiveServer
@* You cant use InteractiveAuto here a…

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Answer selected by Benuhx
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2 participants
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This discussion was converted from issue #3420 on February 21, 2025 16:15.