- Spacing
- Indents are 2 spaces and tabs are forbidden.
- Spacing
- Comments should be as short as possible and not contain jokes or vulgarity.
- Avoid ending a comment in punctuation.
- Comments must go on the line above the code or block of code that it documents.
- Comments should not ever contain emoji.
- Always begin comments with a capital letter.
- Comments will always use the multiline comment syntax, even if it is only a single line.
- Comments must not contain references to religion, politics, or other personal beliefs.
- Parentheses only need a space before them in conditional constructs.
- Each case should be at the same indent level as the switch statement.
- Else statements start on the same line as the closing curly brace of the if statement.
- Single line if and else statements must have curly braces.
- Camel case is strictly forbidden.
- Underscores are used to separate words when naming variables or functions.
- Variable and function names should not have more than 4 underscores in them.
- Stars in pointers are a prefix to the variable name, not a suffix to the type.
- Variable and function names must not contain references to religion, politics, or other personal beliefs.
- Variable and function names that require underscores must separate each underscore with letters or numbers.
- Under no circumstances should variable or function names contain emoji.
- Variable and function names must never contain jokes or vulgarity.
- An underscore must never succeed another underscore in variable and function names.
- Indents are 8 spaces and tabs are forbidden.
- The 80 character limit is a guideline, not a rule.
- If a line becomes too long, find ways to extend it vertically.
- Comma-separated function argument lists that extend too far must have each argument on a separate line.
- Except in the case of function declarations, curly braces always open on the same line.
- Commit messages must be 80 characters or less.
- The purpose of the commit should always be clearly defined in the commit message.
- Don't group together large changes into one commit, break them up into multiple commits.
- Do not end your commit message with punctuation.
- Commit messages must not contain references to religion, politics, or other personal beliefs.
- Never make jokes or use vulgar language in commit messages.
- Under no circumstances should documentation contain emoji.
- Documentation should not contain references to religion, politics, or other personal beliefs.
- Never make jokes or use vulgar language in program documentation.
- When making a pull request, make sure all of the rules specified in this file are followed.
- If your pull request is denied or closed, do not re-open it unless asked to.