- Fix bug where using a VCF input that has no variant lines would output a blank VCF (instead of a VCF with just the header lines)
- When any pipe fails (bior_* commands piped together), fail the whole command instead of eating the error and exiting with exitcode 0
- Fix name of command in the command help
- Enlarge scan of header to include 20,000 lines instead of 2,000 (since some headers are bigger than that)
- Reset the IFS variable after the running the commands so tabs and newlines don't get shredded
- Check the exit code of the full bior_* command pipe and error on any problems
- Account for VCFs that have no variant lines (instead of failing)
- Added cutSamples groovy code to remove samples columns from VCF before processing
- Added merge groovy code to merge annotated VCF output files back into a single VCF
- Small fixes to bior_annotate_lite
- Initial release