0.0.4 (2019-03-08)
In this version, was added the following information:
- relay (List of relay. Visible only if working mode is Relay)
- ison
- has_timer
- status
- roller (List of roller. Visible only if working mode is Roller shutter)
- state
- stop
- power
- is_valid
- safety_switch
- stop_reason
- last_direction
- current_pos
- calibrating
- positioning
- status
- wifi_sta
- quality
0.0.3 (2019-03-06)
Code is complete refactored and optimized.
This release adds support for the following properties:
- main_status
- hostname
- working_mode
- shelly_model
- wifi_sta
- connected
- ssid
- ip
- rssi
- system
- mac
- ram_total
- ram_free
- fs_size
- fs_free
- uptime
- has_update
- cloud
- connected
- enabled
- mqtt
- connected
- firmware
- has_update
- new_version
- old_version
- status
Added unit test, test coverage and Tox tool.
0.0.1 (2019-02-27)
First release
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator