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Robust handling of tables and scientific data using the Unix command line

The first part of this is a high-level overview of and thoughts about the subject. The second part is a listing of useful programs and techniques, currently under construction.

The space in between scientific programming and workflow orchestration

Over the past twenty years I have worked in data processing environments with large data sets and fast evolving requirements. An order of magnitude reduction of keystrokes benefits both development and prototyping as well as maintenance of stable systems. As ever, the right abstraction layer or DSL (domain specific language) allows this. The UNIX shell itself is such an abstraction layer that is often overlooked or feared, and the subject of this section.

R and Python interfaces such as Jupyter and Rstudio are well known. They offer a full programming environment, rich sets of packages (statistics, machine learning and other), as well as immediate visualisation, again supported by powerful libraries. Complementary to this Nextflow and other workflow orchestrators (e.g. Snakemake) offer a framework to express pipelines connecting many different programs and their outputs. Such a framework provides aspects such as workflow definition, file (dependency) management, caching, parallelisation, farm/cloud orchestration and many more.

Within a single Nextflow process, or whilst developing and exploring, it can still be highly useful to deal with table files on the command line. This is the space in between scientific programming and workflow orchestration. In bioinformatics, chains or successions of command lines invoking programs such as grep, cut, sort and awk have long been a staple of the trade, but suffer from fragility in that they are not able to utilise column names or row names and are mostly not table-entry aware. The programs and shell functionality below are a much larger set of tools that allow more robust handling of tabular data on the command line.

In this approach the file system is thought of as an object store of tables and data frames where various (but certainly not all) transformations and derivations among raw data and processed data can be achieved using relatively short command lines comprised of chains of standard or custom but often-used tools. This data-centric way of working can bring clarity and improvements in the data structures and outputs committed to the file system. The ability to monitor, inspect and debug a workflow, alongside the definitions of quality control measures and summary statistics naturally arise as part of the development process. The data-centric approach induces rich, parsimonious and orthogonal outputs.

Where possible this approach goes beyond standard UNIX piped commands by using tools and methods that use column names and row names as handles to specify desired transformation. An additional benefit is often that data can be streamed rather than loaded in its entirety into memory, thus scaling to very large data sets. Even where this benefit does not apply, such as in the often-needed case of sorting large data, unix sort is a highly optimised tool, sorting data that does not fit into memory by splitting and merging data in temporary files. Importantly, unix sort does this behind the scenes and its user does not need to know whether the data fits into memory or not.

Both disk-based transformations and repeated parsing of streamed data are very slow compared to in-memory transformations. The flip side of this is that in-memory transformations put limits on the data size that can be handled and lead to more opaque and less flexible workflows, inducing monolithic programs with intricate logic. Streamed data is more condordant with a functional programming mindset (what functional programming and Unix philosophy can teach us about data streaming). Furthermore, the streaming aspect can be independently optimised. One example is the piping of commands, avoiding disk access between successive transformations. A second example, applicable in narrow cases, is that of binary formats that obviate the need for parsing. Such formats encode arrays that can be mapped directly into memory and can speed up streaming by orders of magnitude. [note mcl; arrow?]

Useful command-line tools

This is a work in progress. In particular, incorporation of the right selection of profitable shell (bash) features and syntax requires some thought and iteration. I've not yet taken great care to distinguish between different shell versions. The aim is that all shell features listed here are available in reasonably modern versions of both bash and zsh.
Todo: be more specific (e.g. Bash version before hash arrays were introduced).
Todo: incorporate more techniques to make examples bullet-proof against weird file names, e.g. printf is safer than echo when used with variables.

I'm sure this list is far from complete. I've strived to include only standard widely available softare, but I have added three tools I wrote that I use a lot. The first, transpose, is a very fast memory-efficient tool to transpose tables. An alternative is offered by datamash transpose, but my version was quite a bit faster and more memory efficient when last tested - [Todo: measurements below]. The second, hissyfit is a single script to draw histograms in the terminal using Unicode bar characters to achieve acceptable resolution. Similar small-project solutions exist, I like hissyfit's single-script simplicity and its list of features (e.g. custom annotation, axes ticks, super-bin counts). The last one is pick; in most cases mlr (miller) is a more capable alternative, although pick does offer some unique features and benefits in specific cases.


Tab-separated tables are the one true tabular data storage format. Comma-separated values are an abomination requiring quoting mechanisms for embedded commas. Contrasting this, there is no case for embedded tabs. Someone whose opinion I regard highly mentioned using embedded tabs in comma-separated data to induce line breaks in figure legends. This is highly perverse. As such I respect it but cannot condone it.

  • miller
    Miller is a command-line tool for querying, shaping, and reformatting data files in various formats including CSV, TSV, JSON, and JSON Lines. It's probably easiest to visit the miller page to get an impression of all it can do. Below I will add mlr recipes where applicable (an ongoing process).

  • [datamash](
    GNU datamash is a command-line program which performs basic numeric, textual and statistical operations on input textual data files. My main use for this is to compute data statistics, optionally grouped over a categorical second variable. mlr can do many of these things as well.

  • bioawk
    Bioawk is an extension to Brian Kernighan's awk, adding the support of several common biological data formats, including optionally gzip'ed BED, GFF, SAM, VCF, FASTA/Q and TAB-delimited formats with column names. Written by Heng Li, this is an extremely useful tool.

  • sqlite3 Lightweight no-server embedded SQL database engine. For multiple queries on a single large dataset this can be highly efficient. Importing a tsv file is as simple as

sqlite> .mode tabs
sqlite> .import data.tsv people

if table people already exists. See this stackoverflow answer for a very simple create load index query workflow.

  • preserve_header is a simple shell script that allows manipulation of tabular data with standard unix command while preserving column names. In many cases the desired effect can also be achieved by using mlr, but it is useful to be aware of this wafer-thin alternative.
# See
IFS= read -r header
printf '%s\n' "$header"

Example usages:

   preserve_header sort -nk 2 < data.txt

   preserve_header shuf -n 10 < data.txt

The above approach can be a useful option e.g. for very large inputs. Equally there can be some peace of mind in consistently using widely-used, battle-tested and feature-rich Unix programs. As such preserve_header offers a bit of a half-way house, because generally those programs use positional indexes as in the examples above. Of note is that these examples can be achieved with mlr --tsv sort and mlr --tsv sample. It is equally possible to ask pick for the right column indexes for a selection of columns, e.g.

 ▷  pick --idx-list fib fib2 num4 < data.txt
2	3	10

Thus if you want to sort on column num4 and preserve column names the following works without using positional indexes.

   preserve_header sort -nk $(pick --idx-list num4 < data.txt) < data.txt

In interactive command lines this looks a bit unwieldy, but it can be a useful technique in scripts.

  • transpose - flip a table so rows become columns and vice versa. My own version is battle-tested and highly memory efficient, with useful features such as the ability to read gzip-compressed files directly. Out of the datamash box it is available as datamash transpose.

  • join - join two files on a common field.
    Caveat; the columns to be compared need to be in sort(1) order just using the option -b (ignore leading blank character). In small tests I carried out both regular sort and version sort seemed to work, but even just testing this is probably an extremely daft thing to do. [Todo: a short description of what happens when join is not happy about the sort order.]

  • sort - versatile workhorse.
    Use sort -V for "version sort".
    Todo: syntax for multi-column sort

  • Count occurrences of items. Classically people used uniq -c for this but

datamash -H -g foo count foo      # if a header is present tally grouped items in column foo

datamash -g 1 count 1             # in the absence of a header tally grouped items in column 1.

are much better and more powerful alternatives. This approach is more useful as it is possible to compute multiple statistics at the same time. For example, below counts items in column num, computes the mean across groups in column fib, and the sum across groups in column fib2. As with the input for uniq, the input must be sorted on the column of interest.

datamash -H -g num4 count num4 mean fib sum fib2

uniq -c is one of the most irritating commands I know, as the first (count) field is right-justified without any option available to avoid this white-space padding. It is quite puzzling that Richard Stallman let this program loose on the world as it violates usual Unix well-behavedness of textual interfaces. Another option is to use a function such as this (Unix diehards may prefer an awk version):

unic ()
    uniq -c | perl -pe 's/^\s*(\d+)\s+/$1\t/'

There are remnants of the leading blank issue in other Unix commands, for example join by default ignores leading blanks and requires input sorted with the sort -b option. Was it too tempting for the early Unix pioneers to pass up some default right justification, rather than separating presentation from computation? Generations of programmers and bugs have suffered as a result.

Todo: Miller equivalents.

  • hissyfit
    Visualisation is the hardest to come by on the command line. Histograms are a useful workhorse and for that purpose I use hissyfit. It allows quite reasonable quantitation using Unicode bar characters, providing eight levels per output line. As a very poor alternative alternative to scatterplots I occassionally resort to a histogram of ratios (poor alternative I must stress).

  • nl - number lines. Use nl -w 1 [-v 0] [-i 1] (-w 1 to avoid pretty printing with spaces, -v 0 zero-based, -i increment).

  • GNU parallel; parallel execution on a single multi-CPU machine. Caveat the right version of parallel. Insanely powerful.

  • comm Not so often used. Requires sorted files and outputs part common to two input files.

  • echo -e, echo -n, echo -en

  • seq <START> <INCREMENT> <END> to generate a range of numbers

  • printf (avoid shell quoting issues)

  • column -t -s$'\t'

  • wc -l (use with redirection to avoid file name; with pick use pick -c to count rows matching some requirements)

  • tr '\t' '\n'

  • paste paste - -

  • shuf -n

  • split -l (csplit for context split)

  • tee

  • head, tail, tac, rev, gzip

  • mkdir -p, env pwd -P, basename dirname realpath

  • nproc

  • env

  • grep - generally I use pick, e.g. pick @foo=bar (exact match) or pick @foo~bar (regular expression match) and the negated versions pick @foo/=bar (exclude exact match) and pick @foo/~bar (exclude regular expression match). grep is faster, but pick offers precise control. Still, there are many cases where grep is exceedingly useful. Some options I use a lot:

    -i for case insensitive matching

    -v output lines that do not match.

    -F treat pattern as fixed - no meta patterns. This increases processing speed.

    -w require matches to align on word boundaries.

    -f fname search for any of the patterns listed in file fname (one on each line).

    --color=auto output with matching parts highlighted in colour

    -o only output matching parts (each part output on a separate line)

    -m <num> output no more than <num> matches

    q no output, exit states indicates match or match found. A use case is e.g. in an if statement.

  • bc -l <<< 'scale=4; 1/2' (s for sine c for cosine a for atan l for log e for exp)

  • tsort topological sort

  • jq Command-line JSON processor

  • various bash constructs

echo $((1+3**2+8/4))                         # simple integer arithmetic

echo $(( $(echo -e "a\nb" | wc -l) + 2))     # as above, with nested command substitution

echo -e "somefile.txt\t$(( $(wc -l < somefile.txt)/4 ))"    # as above, within quotes

Arithmetic expansion $(( .. )) and command substitution $( .. ) are useful tools to combine different outputs and results in a succinct manner. Caveat: division discards the remainder - use e.g. bc for a proper calculator. A useful feature is that these constructs can be nested and can be used within quotes, although beware that nested quoted constructs (not shown here) are best avoided if possible in order to stay away from shell quote hell.

   >(some-command > myfile)
   set -euo pipefail (and caveats about)

Caveats: variables in subshells are not accessible

  • miller Todo: add various verbs


  • This is based on / learned from bioinformatic workflows. I wonder what we can learn from physics and other disciplines/ecosystems.

  • awk is cell table-entry aware, but otherwise not a DSL - it essentially requires writing scripts. Bioawk is a highly useful adaptation.

  • Data flow - what functional programming and Unix philosophy can teach us about data streaming
    Functional programming is about focusing on what is relevant to the problem and expressing it as a series of data transformations. Jessica Kerr describes pure functions as “data-in data-out” functions. Those things are conceptually the same.