Step zero is creating/modifing your /etc/docker/daemon.json
file, adding this feature:
"features": {
"containerd-snapshotter": true
Save, close and restart docker:
systemctl restart docker
First step is compiling the containerd-shim-wasmtime that we will use later as runtime in docker.
docker build --output . - <<EOF
FROM rust:1.70.0 as build
RUN apt-get update -y
RUN apt-get install protobuf-compiler libdbus-1-dev pkg-config -y
RUN cargo install \
--git \
--branch oci-artifacts \
--bin containerd-shim-wasmtime-v1 \
--root /out \
FROM scratch
COPY --from=build /out/bin /
Second step, move the executable into an exported PATH like /usr/local/bin
mv ./containerd-shim-wasmtime-v1 /usr/local/bin
Last step, enjoy your docker wasm
docker run --runtime=io.containerd.wasmtime.v1 --platform wasi/wasm32 rumpl/wasmtest echo 'hello from wasm'