- Create Users
- Assign roles to Users
- Authenticate with Warden
- Manage policies with Pundit
- Manage services with U-Case
From root:
Build the image
- ./run.sh build
Prepare the database (./run.sh db help)
- ./run.sh db prepare
Boot the app (./run.sh dev help)
- ./run.sh dev server
Run specs (./run.sh test help)
- ./run.sh test
Run lints (rubocop -a && reek)
- ./run.sh lint
Run rubocop
- ./run.sh lint rubocop
Run reek
- ./run.sh lint reek
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version ruby-2.6.6
System dependencies
- docker
- docker-compose
- Steps:
- Add 'binding.pry' in the breakpoint you want to set
- Run app
- Get container id with '$ docker ps' or '$ ctop'
- Attach to the container with it's id '$ docker attach container_id'
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version 2.7.1
System dependencies
- docker
- docker-compose