- The OpenID Connect (OIDC) Architecture Map
- 🔑 OAuth 2.0 flows explained in GIFs
- User Authentication and Identity with Angular, Asp.Net Core and IdentityServer
- How To Use ASP.NET Identity And IdentityServer4 In Your Solution
- Make secure .NET Microservices and Web Applications
- Episode 021 - Integrating IdentityServer4 - Part 1 - Overview - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
- Episode 022 - Integrating IdentityServer4 - Part 2 - Auth Service - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
- Securing ASP.NET Core APIs with IdentityServer4 - Getting Started
- Implementing Authorization Code Grant using IdentityServer4 with PKCE
- Implementing ClientCredentials Grant Flow using IdentityServer4
- Implementing User Authentication in Angular using IdentityServer4
- Implementing Resource Owner Password Credentials (ROPC) using IdentityServer4
- ASP.NET Core 6 and authentication servers: the real bait and switch is not the one you think
- IdentityServer with ASP.NET Core Identity and MongoDB as Database
- Creating your First IdentityServer4 Solution
- How to add ASP.NET Identity and Entity Framework Support for your IdentityServer4 Solution
- How to Setup FIDO2 for IdentityServer4
- How to Setup FIDO2 for ASP.NET Identity
- Do you need IdentityServer?
- SettingUpIdentityServer
- dnc-identity-identityserver - An example of IdentityServer4 and ASP.NET Identity, Ocelot and Consul
- run-aspnet-identityserver4 - Secure microservices with using standalone Identity Server 4 and backing with Ocelot API Gateway. Protect our ASP.NET Web MVC and API applications with using OAuth 2 and OpenID Connect in IdentityServer4. Securing your web application and API with tokens, working with claims, authentication and authorization middlewares and applying policies.
- TheIdServer - OpenID/Connect server based on IdentityServer4
- Identity-Service - Identity-As-A-Service written from scratch in .Net Core using a CQRS architecture with a CosmosDB/Redis persistence layer and RSA signed JWT Tokens with public key distribution for authentication and claims.
- AspNet5IdentityServerAngularImplicitFlow - OpenID Connect Code / Implicit Flow with Angular and ASP.NET Core 5 IdentityServer4
- IdentityServer4AspNetCoreIdentityTemplate - An ASP.NET Core 3.1 IdentityServer4 Identity Bootstrap 4 template with localization
- JPProject.IdentityServer4.SSO - 🔒 ASP.NET Core 3.1 Open Source SSO. Built within IdentityServer4 🔑
- JPProject.IdentityServer4.AdminUI - 🔧 ASP.NET Core 3 & Angular 8 Administration Panel for 💞IdentityServer4 and ASP.NET Core Identity
- skoruba/IdentityServer4.Admin - The administration for the IdentityServer4 and Asp.Net Core Identity
- IdentityServer.BlazorAdmin - Identity Server AdminUI using Blazor.
- IdentityManager2 - Development tool for administering users and roles
- Duende.IdentityServer.Admin - The administration for the Duende IdentityServer and Asp.Net Core Identity ⚡
- eShopOnContainers/Identity.API
- cloudscribe/cloudscribe - ASP.NET Core multi-tenant web application foundation with management for sites, users, roles, claims and more
- DuendeSoftware/BFF - Framework for ASP.NET Core to secure SPAs using the Backend-for-Frontend (BFF) pattern
- KevinDockx/BlazorWASMSecurityBestPractices - Sample showing a best practice security approach for Blazor WASM apps via the BFF pattern
- simpleidserver/SimpleIdServer - OpenID, OAuth 2.0, SCIM2.0, UMA2.0, FAPI, CIBA & OPENBANKING Framework for ASP.NET Core
- damikun/trouble-training
- skoruba/Duende.IdentityServer.Admin
- DuendeSoftware/Samples
- TanvirArjel/CleanArchitecture
- damienbod/IdentityServer4AspNetCoreIdentityTemplate
- brunobritodev/JPProject.IdentityServer4.SSO
- khalidabuhakmeh/YarpReverseProxyFlowThroughAuth
- DuendeSoftware/Duende.AccessTokenManagement
- Aguafrommars/TheIdServer
- DuendeSoftware/IdentityServer.Quickstart.UI.AspNetIdentity