- amis92/csharp-source-generators - A list of C# Source Generators (not necessarily awesome) and associated resources: articles, talks, demos.
- Source Generators Cookbook
- Source Generators
- davidwengier/SourceGeneratorPlayground - The source code for https://sourcegen.dev - The C# Source Generator Playground
- Strongly-typed Ids using C# Source Generators - Gérald Barré
- Introducing C# Source Generators - DevBlogs
- Source Generators - real world example
- .NET 5 Source Generators Jump Start
- Source Generators in .NET 5 with ReSharper
- API Client with C# Source Generators
- Try the new System.Text.Json source generator
- .NET Source Generators: Finding Class Declarations
- Try the new System.Text.Json source generator
- How to bend reality to your will with C# Source Generators
- C# Source Generators - Write code that writes code - David Wengier
- C# Source Generators - Write Code that Writes Code
- C# Source Generators
- Better C# - Source Generators
- Episode 21: Roslyn Source Generators
- C# Source Generators in Action, by Andrey Dyatlov
- C# Source Generators Tutorial
- davidwengier/SourceGeneratorTemplate - A basic template for writing a C# source generator
- dotnet/roslyn-sdk/tree/main/samples/CSharp/SourceGenerators
- edumentab/SourceGenerator-MediatR-CQRS
- YairHalberstadt/stronginject - compile time dependency injection for .NET
- pakrym/jab - C# Source Generator based dependency injection container implementation.
- martinothamar/WrapperValueObject - A .NET source generator for creating simple value objects wrapping primitive types.
- excubo-ag/Generators.Blazor
- martinothamar/Mediator - A high performance implementation of Mediator pattern in .NET using source generators.
- chsienki/kittitas - An In-Memory version of the Roslyn compiler that can be used to debug components in the Roslyn pipeline
- ashmind/SharpLab - .NET language playground
- kostya9/ApiClientGenerator
- meziantou/Meziantou.Framework.StronglyTypedId