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A list of ToDo's for official releases

Preface: For simplicity, in this example we will refer to the release number as version, an example would be 1.0.0. Release candidate syntax will be indicated as version.rcX where X denotes the number of the release candidate.

Prepare release:

Finalization of source code

  • Fix and merge all open PR's associated with the release into the release branch.
  • Make sure there are no open issues associated with the release.
  • For the latter, check milestones. If there are open issues, either
    • fix them (via PR's branching off the release branch) or
    • move them to another release milestone.
  • After finalising the code, make sure all CI tests are passing.

Documentation of changes since last release

  • Create a changelog file in changelog directory. You may use git log, see here for an example.
  • Create a release summary, see here for an example (does not need to be a new file but can also be just specified in the provided text box when releasing on GitHub, see, e.g. here). NOTE: You can use pycharm to compare diffs between 2 branches to see what are the main changes. Creating the release summary can be quite some work, but it is good to do it for documentation and also for a recap of what has actually happened since the last release.
  • Check that version is correct (file pyproject.toml). For instance, for release of version 1.0.0 it should be set to either 1.0.0 or 1.0.0.rcX where X denotes iterations of release candidates.

Check code documentation

The PR for the release will automatically build the docs on ReadTheDocs (see Checks at the end of the PR). Please check and make sure the docs look alright.

Publish release

  • Merge release branch into master

1. Release on GitHub

  • Go to
  • Create a release and annotate the correct version (look for Releases on the right side).
  • You may use the release summary as release text. If the release summary is rather extensive, you may also boil it down to the highlights and link to the release summary, but not needed really).
  • Publish the release. This should automatically create a new zenodo DOI, check here: (Versions can be accessed on the right).
  • You may want to check and update the info in the DOI (especially author names, etc).

NOTE: Even if you are very certain that everything is perfect and ready for the official release you may want to do the below steps first using a version that denotes a release candidate since once the assigned version (e.g. 1.0.0) is published on PyPi, there is no way to correct that version later (e.g. if you forgot to add a new dependency).

2. Publish on PyPi

  • Make sure version on pyproject.toml is correct

  • Make sure there are no uncommited or unstaged changes in your local clone before running the next step, e.g. via:

    git status .
  • Install tools:

    python3 -m pip install -U pip pipx

    On the next steps we will use build to create a new distribution package, twine to publish it to a package index, and pipx to run each tool on an isolated environment.

  • Genereate new distribution package:

    pipx run build

    This will create a .tar.gz and .whl in dist/ dir.

  • Check files

    pipx run twine check dist/*

    Make sure the files are okay.

  • Upload to pypitest:

    pipx run twine upload --repository-url dist/*
  • Check that everything worked on test.pypi (link is provided in command line after uploading).

  • Install locally from pypitest (the link is provided on the test.pypi website for the release).

  • If everything works you can publish the official release on PyPi:

    pipx twine upload dist/*
  • ✨🌟✨You published the release as a pypi package✨🌟✨, try:

    pipx install pyaerocom==***version***