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4013 lines (3678 loc) · 362 KB

metasfresh 5.39 (2017-50)

release for week 2017-50 / 2017-51


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2338 Relation Type: fact_accounts
      • New Relation Type that allows to show the Fact accounts quickly for a given document.
    • #2340 Relation Type: changelog
      • New Relation Type that allows to show the Changelog quickly for a given record.
    • #2646 MRP Product Info Just in Time
      • New Material Cockpit functionality that provides fast infomormation about material availability triggered by material transactions and reservations/ ordered quantities.
    • #2715 Create webui window for C_Invoice_Candidate_Agg
      • New Window in WebUI for the maintenance of Invoice Candidate Aggregation rules.
    • #3058 TableRecordId relation types to support Prefix_AD_Table_ID and Prefix_Record_ID
      • New Functionality that supports the usage of Prefix_Table_ID and Prefix_Record_ID in relations.
    • #3079 Warehouse Picking Group
      • New Functionality that allows to define a group of Warehouses that shall be used as Picking Warehouses.
    • #3105 Improve Product Import process
      • Improvement of Import action for Product data.
    • #3107 Warehouse picking group window
      • New Warehouse Picking Group window in WebUi, allowing the user to define groups of Warehouses that shall be considered as warehouses to be picking sources.
    • #3120 Add Netsum to Customer Invoice Document Grid View
      • Improvement of Customer Invoice Grid View, adding Net Sum.
    • #3122 Add Netsum to Vendor Invoice Document Grid View
      • Improvement of Vendor Invoice Grid View, adding Net Sum.
    • #3124 Picking terminal: pimp Picking Configuration window
      • New Window for Picking Profile Configuration. Allowing to switch the used Picking Profile between Product and Sales Order oriented Picking.
    • #3134 Purchase disposition window shall be readonly
      • Setting Fields Readonly to Puchase Disposition Window.
    • #3137 Clean C_PaySelection
      • Improvement of the Pay selection window. Removing legacy functionality.
    • #3140 WebUI: Translate Picking Configuration window to en_US
      • Improvement of the Translation to en_US of Picking Configuration Window.
    • #3149 Automatic Discount for Group Products
      • New Functionality added to the Group Product lines in sales order, allowing to define and use a discount schema for the group products functionality.
    • #3150 Always keep Terms & Conditions equal per Compensation Group
      • Improved Compensation group feature in sales orderlines, allowing to keep the Terms and conditions equal in a compensation group.
    • #3164 WebUI: Import BPartner Translations
      • Translating the Import Business Partner window to en_US and improving advanced edit view.
    • #3166 Businesspartner Window shows Fields that should be in Advanced edit mode
      • Improved Business Partner window, moved Fields to advanced edit that are not mainly in user focus.
    • #3171 Add view to keep track of unprocessed async work packages
      • New view to keep tracking the qty of unprocessed
    • #3176 Translate Sales Order Actions
      • Improvement of translations in sales order action menu.
    • #3193 Improve Window for manual OnHand Qty in WebUI
      • Improved Window for the recording of manual on Hand Quanitities,
    • #3211 Picking Tray Clearing: right side view shall display only the HUs for current BP/Location
      • Improved included View in Picking
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #706 Port current MRP Product Info Window to the WebUI
      • Portation of the Swing MRP Product info functionality to WebUI, there now called Material Cockpit.
    • #711 Picking terminal: additional shall support grouping lines by order
      • Introducing new Picking Terminal Workflow Pattern. Now allowing to group the Picking Lines by Sales Order instead of Product.
    • #714 Login authenticate: provide an unique key for each JSONLoginRole
      • Improvement of JSON endpoint for the Login authentication. Now having a unique key for each Login Roles.
    • #716 Picking terminal: scan picking slot by barcode
      • New Feature in Picking Terminal allowing to scan and identify the Picking Tray.
    • #717 Picking terminal: Open HUs to pick shall display Best Before date and Locator
      • Adding the Open HUs included view allowing to see the best before date and locator.
    • #721 Picking terminal: HUs to pick: scan/filter by Locator
      • New Filter Feature in Picking Terminla window, allowing to scan Locators and filter by them in Handlign Unit selection view.
    • #723 Picking terminal: HUs to pick: Pick CUs process
      • New Action in Picking terminal allowing to pick CU by quantity.
    • #727 Allow search of Subproducer
      • Improved Subproducer Search in Attributes view of Material Receipt Handling Unit Editor. Now the Subproducer Attribute is a Lookup widget.
    • #731 Introduce process parameters callout minimal functionality
      • New functionality that allows to trigger callouts for action parms in webui.
    • #746 Picking Tray Clearing: Scan picking slot barcode filter
      • New Functionality in Picking Tray clearing, allowing to filter the picking slot be scanning a barcode.
    • #747 Picking Tray Clearing: filter picking slots by Partner
      • New Functionality in Picking Tray clearing, allowing to filter by Business Partner.
    • #751 Picking Tray Clearing: packing HUs: Add to Transportation Order action
      • New Action in Picking Tray Window allowing to add Handling Units to a Transporation Order.
    • #755 Processes: support for parentViewSelectedIds and childViewSelectedIds
      • New Functionality for record selections in WebUI, now allowing the frontend to provide selected Parent and Child Row Indentifier to be uses in Actions/ Processes.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1206 Use automatic code style enforcement
      • Automatically transforming code to match code styling rules.
    • #1375 Navigation Menu arrow down directly scrolls menu
      • Improving the behavior of scrolling in Navigation Menu with a lot of bookmarks.
    • #1407 Process result: open included view: handle profileId property
      • New functionality that allows to open a window and view after a process/ an action is done.
    • #1414 View: don't allow user to sort by a given column if layout says so
      • Disabling the sorting feature for columns which are marked as not-sortable.
    • #1425 Eslint: increase line max-len from 80 to 120.
      • Internal House Keeping issue that shall improve the Code Quality.
    • #1433 Support Lookup view attributes
      • Adding Lookup widget support for the Attributes Panel in WebUI. Now it's able to add autocomplete and search Functionality there.
    • #1436 Remove legacy docs
      • Removing legacy aoutdated documents from WebUI Frontend docs folder.


  • metasfresh-app

    • #3110 Request All does not show records
      • Fix for the Request window, now allowing to show all records again without using the filter button.
    • #3126 Solve issues around standalone report / jasper service
      • Fixes issues that occurred in the new Standalone Jasper report service.
    • #3138 Import BPartner window: cannot see data
      • Fix for the Import Businesspartner window and functionality. now showing the imported data again.
    • #3139 Cannot edit System Administrator role (AD_Role_ID=0)
      • Fix in Role Management, now allowed to edit the System Admin Role again.
    • #3147 Errors with C_BPartner SQL columns
      • Fixes an error which appeared with the new SQL columns in Business Partner window, for systems with a lot of Business Partner records.
    • #3151 ZoomTo-Performance Issues
      • Improving the Performance of different Zoom-To Releations.
    • #3159 Translation Tab content missing for Product_Trl
      • Fix for the Product Translation Tab. Now showing the Translations again.
    • #3160 C_Printing_Queue_ReEnqueue with IsSelected doesn't work
      • Fix for the Reqnqueue action in the Printing Queue Window.
    • #3169 Updating PMM_Week availability trend fails
      • Fix fir the Procurement Candidates for week availability Trend.
    • #3174 Material Receipt Candidates not generated when using Purchase Order from Sales Order action
      • Fix for the new Purchase Order from Sales Order action, now also creating Material Receipt candidates for these kind of Purchase Orders.
    • #3183 Jenkins misinterprets positive downstream build result
      • Solving an internal housekeepinmg issue in Build System.
    • #3202 Error in Paymentjournal Process/ Report in Payselection
      • Fixes en error in Payselection when starting the Paymentjournal.
    • #3206 Relation sales order - flatrate term is missing
      • Fixes a missing relation for flatrate term in sales order
    • #3207 Cannot save an attribute in orderline
      • Fix for the recording of attributes in orderline.
    • #3208 Console error when copying MDocType
      • Fixes an error in the clone action of Document Types window.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #713 Error creating bean with name 'scopedTarget.internalUserSessionData'
      • Fixes an issue that occured sometimes when switching the language of the user in WebUI.
    • #722 Picking terminal: Picking slot rows shall NOT have duplicate IDs
      • Solving the issue of having duplicated IDs in Picking Slot Rows.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1361 View field editor: make sure the field value is sent to backend before the view is deleted
      • Fix for the patching of adjusted values in modal overlay action views. Now patching the field value before closing the modal overlay.
    • #1383 cannot completely delete a numeric field in grid view
      • Fixes the new Edit mode in main grid views, now allowing to delete recorded numeric field conten completely.
    • #1393 View attributes: consider row's supportAttributes property before querying for attributes
      • Fixes the querying of Attributes, now only done if the API demands that.
    • #1396 View field editor: Patch request isn't sent after hit enter
      • A Patch Request is now sent again, after hitting enter.
    • #1404 login form selects 2 items from roles dropdown
      • Fixes the login form in WebUI, now only selecting 1 role item.
    • #1406 Can not enter "-" into any text field
      • Allowing to enter "-" character into text fields in WebUI.
    • #1415 View: singleOverlayField filters are half broken
      • Fix for the Overlay when using Barcode Filter.
    • #1421 Drop down lists remain displayed when using tab several times
      • Closing opened dropdown lists again when navigating through fields in webUI and the field is losing focus.
    • #1426 Connection lost displayed when unchecking a checkbox in Filter
      • Fix for Filter checkboxes. Avoiding connection lost issue.
    • #1427 d3 errors on dashboard
      • Fixes D3JS Issues in metasfresh Dashboard for calculatesd negative values.
    • #1435 Problem regarding multiple filters
      • Fixing an issue with multiple Filters interfering each other in main and included views.
    • #1437 Language bug: The language in Settings is not respected
      • Fixes an issue in User Configuration about language Settings that were not respected.
    • #1440 Dropdown in Grid view needs two-time click again
      • Fixes the dropdown selection. Now selections are able to be done with first cklick.
    • #1444 Attributes are empty in material receipt candidate
      • Fix for material receipt candidates that were wrongly created with empty attributes.
    • #1448 jenkins: fix current lint issues
      • Internal Housekeeping issue fixed according to lint.
    • #1451 Batch entry: cursor jumps directly to HU
      • Fix for the Batch entry focus after opening via alt+q or alt++. Now focussing on Product field again.
    • #1455 Error when updating an attribute multiple times
      • Fixes an error that ocurred when changing an attribute multiple times.

metasfresh 5.38 (2017-49)

release for week 2017-49


  • metasfresh-app

    • #937 Increase Performance by disabling statistics info
      • Internal Housekeeping Issue, switching off the statistics creation in System Table.
    • #1767 New Window Board in WebUI
      • New Window for Board Configuration in WebUI, allowing to configure new Kanban Boards and Card Layouts.
    • #1809 New User Query Window on WebUI
      • New Window in WebUI that allows the maintenance of User specific Filter criteria for Windows & Tabs.
    • #2177 New Window for Attribute Search in WebUI
      • New Window for Attribute Search in WebUI.
    • #2868 Make BOMValidate process to work correctly in webui
      • Improvement of the BOM Validation Action in WebUI.
    • #2956 Drop allowconsolidateinvoice from database
      • Removing column allowconsolidateinvoice thats not needed in Business Partner anymore.
    • #3027 WebUI: New Window for Import BPartner
      • New Window in WebUI for Import Businesspartner.
    • #3040 Implement Clone/ Copy for Forecast Window WebUI
      • New Copy Action for Forecast records.
    • #3041 Forecast Window copy Field content from header to lines when creation
      • Improvement of Forecast creation, now allowing the user to record data on header and automatically copy that to line level.
    • #3042 C_Bpartner: new Additional fields
      • New pharmacy specific Fields in Business Partner Window.
    • #3054 Purchase candidates: document references
      • Improvement of navigation in Purchase candidates, now having document references to sales and purchase order.
    • #3064 Multiple PP Order generation for a materialdispo line
      • Improvement od the generation of Manufacturing Orders via Materialdispo lines.
    • #3072 de_metas_purchasecandidate schema containing some diagnosis views
      • Adding diagnosis views to purchase candidates DB Schema.
    • #3086 HU planned after Purchase Order, destroyed after material receipt
      • Improvement of Handling Unit behavior after Purchase Order before Material Receipt. Now not preparing Handling Units anymore.
    • #3094 Activity ID in Purchase Orderline Grid View
      • New field in purchase orderline, allowing to see and maintain the activity in grid view.
    • #3095 WebUI: new Window for AD_Session in WebUI
      • New window for session audit in webui, allowing to view session and login information.
    • #3117 Disable MStorage.add
      • Switching off Legacy M_Storage.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #699 Implement Batch entry in Forecast Window
      • New Batch entry functionality in Forecast Window, allowing the rcording of Forecasts much faster.
    • #705 Backend Logic for new Date Filter Widget
      • Implementation of the Backend Logic for the new Date Filter Widget.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1354 DateTimeRangePicker default Time from/to in Filter and Process Parms
      • Improving the DateRange Picker Filter widget. Now seetting the initial date and time to the whole day of today.
    • #1357 Don't use the legacy view attributes API
      • Frontend Improvement, now not using the lagacy API view for attributes anymore.
    • #1360 View field editor: override viewEditorRenderMode on row level
      • New functionality that allows to overwrite the editor render mode on row level.
    • #1387 New widget for date filtering
      • New Filter widget, that allows to navigate date & date/time filter settings in lower or higher steps.


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2946 Product: New Field Endcustomer productname and translation
      • Adding new fields for endcustomer productname for product labels and translation.
    • #2977 Tab Org Access not working in WebUI because of missing primary key
      • Adding a primary Key to Orgaccess Table, allowing to create records in User Window subtab.
    • #3065 PP Order not shown in materialdispo although automatically generated
      • Fix for PP Orders, now shown in materialdispo too when automatically generated.
    • #3087 Get rid of group columns in new window for procurement stock count
      • Adjusting the window Purchase Stock Control and adding Translation for en_US.
    • #3060 TypedSqlQuery Bugs because aggregateList method ignores order
      • Now allowing to use OrderBy in TypedSQLQuery.
    • #3073 Error: Could not find or load main class ${argLine}
      • Internal housekeeping issue, fixing the local build of metasfresh from command line.
    • #3088 Transform in material receipt left destroyed HU behind
      • Fix for the Transformation action in handling unit Editor, now undisplaying the destroyed HU after Transformation.
    • #3089 Not able to start report service with ReportServiceMain.launch
      • Internal Housekeeping Task allowing to start the report service now with ReportServiceMain.launch.
    • #3100 Move UI Element Action broken
      • Fix for the UI Element (Element, Group) Movement actions.
    • #3128 Qtydelivered in PMM_Balance gets doubled
      • Fix for the Procurement disposition, now not doubleing the PMM Balance anymore.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1367 view attributes shall be refreshed when the current selected row is refreshed
      • Fixed the Frontend refresh of the attributes view.
    • #1405 Lookup dropdown not Closing after selection w/ [enter/CR]
      • Fix for dropdown lists in Lookupds when confirming a selection with enter/ cr.

metasfresh 5.37 (2017-48)

release for week 2017-48


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2944 Allow more than 1 PostFinanceUserNo per Account
      • Extended the swiss ESR Postfinance participant No functionality. Now allowing to have more than 1 Postfinance participant No per bank sccount.
    • #2945 Adjustment in pain001
      • Adjustment of the Sepa pain format for bank interchanges transactions in switzerland.
    • #2976 Translate Processname to de_DE in Procurement Candidates
      • Improved Translation and Naming in Procurement Planning window.
    • #2982 Filter for Shipment Documentstatus is missing in WebUI
      • New filter criteria "documentstatus" added to Shipment window.
    • #2987 Adjust the Naming of Locators
      • Improvement of the Locator Naming.
    • #2997 Partner Import: Support importing the Org via value
      • Improved Business Partner Import, allowing to import the Organisation via value instead of name.
    • #3002 WebUI: New Window for HU Transaction
      • New window for Handling Unit transaction in WebUI.
    • #3003 WebUI: Adjustments on HU Trace Window
      • Improvement in Handling Unit Trace Window, rearranging fields, new filter criteria and improved translations for en_US, de_DE.
    • #3005 Manufacturing Order add Filter for Planstatus
      • Additional, new filter criteria in manufacturing order.
    • #3010 Inherit c_order_id and orderline_id from flatrate term to invoice candidate
      • New referenced document in flatrate terms, now allowing to jump directly to referenced invoice candidates directly from there.
    • #3032 SSCC Product description Field cut off
      • Improvement of the SSCC Label, now allowing to have Product Names that extend the width into more than 1 line.
    • #3037 WebUI: New Window for Purchase Order Candidates
      • New Window in WebUI for the transactional data of Purchase Candidates.
    • #3039 Forecast Window adjustments
      • Improvement and extension of the Forecast Window in WebUI, adding new Fields Businesspartner, Date Promised, Warehouse to Forecast Header.
    • #3047 WebUI: New Window for Quality Note
      • New Window for Quality Note in WebUI, allowing to mmaintain the available Quality Notes and Performace Types for Material Receipt.
    • #3048 WebUI: Date Filter missing in Material Receipt Dispo
      • New Date Filter added to material Receipt Dispo.
    • #3055 Purchase candidates: notify user when the purchase order was generated
      • New user notification as soon as purchase candidates were created for the user.
    • #3056 Purchase candidates: implement locking mechanism
      • Locking mechanism implemented for purchase candidates window.
    • #3057 Display order, forecast or shipmentschedule in material dispo main window
      • New fields in material disposition, now showing the Order, Forecast and Shipmentschedule information.
    • #3061 Adjust OrderBy in Materialdispo
      • Improvement of Ordering in Materiadispo.
    • #3066 WebUI: Adapt Manufacturing Order window to current guidelines
      • Improvement of the Manufacturing Order Window, adapted to current WebUI Guidelines and added Translations.
    • #3082 New Window for manual OnHand Qty in WebUI
      • New Window for the maintenance of manual OnHand Qty in metasfresh. This feature is used in fresh produce companies with fast moving consumer goods and raw materials.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #611 Destroyed HUs in HU Editor
      • Improving the filtering of Handling Unit Window now not showing destroyed HU anymore.
    • #683 Source HU Actions shall only be "Drop Source HU"
      • Hiding Quickactions in Handling Unit Editor. Now only showing the needed Quickactions for Source Handling Units.
    • #689 Picking processed compress to top-level HU
      • New compression visualisation in Pickign window, now only showing top level HU as soon as processed.
    • #695 Picking terminal: implement dynamic picking slot allocation/release
      • New Functionality in Picking window, now allowing the dynamic allocation/ clearing of picking slots.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1347 Dropdown in Grid view needs two-time click if value in list is more than one
      • Fixes the need of 2 times click in included grid view dropdown widgets.
    • #1363 Jenkins: run npm test on each build
      • Internal housekeeping issue, improving build system.
    • #1380 Shortcut for new document
      • Adjusted shortcut for the creation of new documents.


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2958 2nd Discount Break is ignored
      • Bugfix for the 2nd Discount Break that is not ignored anymore.
    • #3023 ad_org is ignored when doing quick order entry
      • Fixes the Filter criteria for products in batch entry, now only showing the products of the sales order org.
    • #3034 Solve material dispo regressions
      • Fixes various issue in the Material Disposition Prototype.
    • #3043 A contract shall not be created when completing a quotation
      • Fixes the contract creation, now not generating a contract when completing a sales order quotation.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #669 CU-TU's built name and description is wrong
      • Fix for the CU-TU name and description generation when adjusting UOM.
    • #671 T_WEBUI_ViewSelection[Line] shall be truncated and not deleted
      • Internal Housekeeping fix for the temporary WebUI Selection Tables, now using truncate instead of delete.
    • #679 HU taken out in Picking Tray Clearing still displayed in the Picking Slot in Picking Terminal
      • Fixes the removing of Handling Units in Picking Try Clearing.
    • #692 Error in Quickentry Sales Order when canceling input
      • Fixes a Bug in the Quickentry workflow when canceling.
    • #694 Purchase view: set modal title as process caption
      • Fix for the modal overview for processes/ actions. now showing process caption as modal title.
    • #697 New BPartner is not available as SubProducerBPartner in MaterialReceipt BPartner
      • Improving the time from recording until a Subproducer is available in Material Receipt Subproducer attribute list.
    • #700 Filter error after static filter set
      • Fixes the static Filter visibility. Now only showing 1 active static Filter.
    • #701 WebUI server is losing session context
      • Fix for the session context after request to server.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1293 Cannot scroll down in a filter with lots of parameters
      • Now also possible to scroll down long filter lists.
    • #1345 Invalid date was used on dateTime tablecell
      • Bugfix for DateTiem tablecells, now presenting the content properly.
    • #1352 Cannot clear dropdown fields
      • Fix for Dropdown Fields, now allowing to select empty values again.
    • #1358 View field editor: number field is behaving weird when using keyboard
      • Improvement of the behavior of number fields when using keyboard.
    • #1365 Error with alt+space for expand
      • Fixes the keyboard Hotkey for expand in Document Windows.
    • #1366 Error in Quickentry dropdown List
      • Fixes the Batch Entry result list, now generating the results properly.
    • #1374 Keyboard alt+u in Sales Order
      • Fixes the Document Action Shortcut alt+u for complete action in all Document Windows.
    • #1376 Navigation Menu Favorite stars wrong
      • Fix for the Bookmark Functionality in WebUI Window and Navigation Sitemap.
    • #1389 Alt+a in main Grid View opens Advanced edit mode
      • Fix for the shortcut of advanced edit in main grid view, that blocked the select-all shortcut from being tiggered.

metasfresh 5.36 (2017-47)

release for week 2017-47


  • metasfresh-app

    • #1964 ESR Import w/o Invoice reference (w/ reversed Invoice)
      • New Action and workflow in ESR Import now creating the Payment first and providing an action if allocation cannot be done.
    • #2871 Window Design Webui: Improve windows with Posted field
      • Adding missing default Values for Posted columns in various Table Definitions.
    • #2872 Window Design Webui : Improve Distribution Order window
      • Improved Layout and Translations for the Distribution Order Window in WebUI.
    • #2908 Provide Doc Action voiding for contract period
      • New document action in contract period allowing to void now.
    • #2911 Create Action for changing price and qty for a contract
      • New action that allows to adjust the price and qty for an already created contract.
    • #2932 Standalone report / jasper service
      • Moving the Jasper Handling to a standalone Jasperreport service.
    • #2937 Jasper Reports: New Purchase Order, Inout and Invoice Layout
      • Additional new Layouts for Document Jasperreports on purchase side.
    • #2940 Shipment Date = Promised Date
      • Adjustment of the Inout Generate Date when creating from shipment candidates. Now using the promised date as initial shipment date.
    • #2942 Fix the message for PrintJob_Done
      • Adjusted message for finished Print Jobs.
    • #2959 Default WebUI Window for Distribution Orderlines Handling
      • New Window for Distribution Orderlines that allows better Distrbution handling in WebUI.
    • #2963 Flatrate: use datepromised instead of order data for master and startdate
      • Adjustment in Flatrate contract, switching Master Order and Startdate to datepromised.
    • #2969 Add SQL Column M_Warehouse to Distribution Orderline
      • New Field Warehouse and Filter in Distribution Editor.
    • #2975 Sales invoice jasper: group products by product category
      • Adjustment of sales invoice jasperreport, now allowing the grouping by products.
    • #2978 New Window in WebUI for EDI DESADV
      • New Window for EDI DESADV records in WebUI.
    • #2980 Date Filter missing in Order Control Window
      • New Filter in Order Control Window for Date, CreatedBy and more.
    • #2981 Action translation in Invoice Candidates Window
      • Improved Translation for Action Menu in invoice candidate window.
    • #2985 Refining Distribution Editor Window in WebUI
      • Improvements for the Distribution Editor Window in WebUI. Additional Translations for de_DE and en_US Language/ Locale.
    • #2989 Filter for GAP No. is missing in Businesspartner window
      • Adding the GAP Filter to Businesspartner Window.
    • #2992 WebUI: Window Shipment Packing Item
      • Adaption of Field Names to current WebUI Guidelines.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #670 Views: backend shall specify which columns are editable and how to render the editor
      • New functionality in webui api, now specifying the editable fields in grid view to frontend.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1222 Keyboard Shortcut for "Select all"/ "Select all x rows"
      • New Keyboard shortcut for select all/ select all x rows with toggle functioanlity.
    • #1335 Views: backend shall specify which columns are editable and how to render the editor (frontend)
      • Frontend implementation for the editable fields in main grid view.


  • metasfesh-app

    • #2965 Error for HU changing locator if status E
      • Fix for an issue that appeared when moving handling units in the warehouse and changing the locator.
    • #2966 Error in console when creating customer return
      • Fixes an issue in customer returns.
    • #3035 Linenet amount not updated in sales order after setting flatrate condition
      • Fix for the Linenet Amount in Sales Order after setting a flatrate condition.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #677 Close all picking candidates only if the view was closed/removed by user
      • Picking candidates are only closed when the picking slot belongs to a rack system and the user closes the modal view.
    • #678 HU that was taken out in Picking Try Clearing shall remain Picked
      • Fix for the status of Handling Units after picking tray clearing. Now the handling units remain in picked status.
    • #681 Picking not possible for >1 orderline in Picking Terminal
      • Fix for Picking terminal, now allowing to select and pick more than 1 line at once.
    • #696 Material receipt schedule: attributes read-only
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1333 Process panel is closed even if /start failed
      • The modal process panel is now remaining open if an error pops up when starting the action.
    • #1337 All values of Dropdown list are highlighted
      • Now only showing highlighted rows in Role List when the role is selected.

metasfresh 5.35 (2017-46)

release for week 2017-46


  • metasfresh

    • #2407 Translate included subtabs of contract window in WebUI
      • New Translation for en_US in contract subtab view for subscription history and forecast.
    • #2722 WebUI design: Improve window material schedule
      • Minor additional field translation for en_US added to material schedule window subtab.
    • #2754 Cleanup function for old AD_Issue records
      • New function that allows to cleanup old and not needed issue records.
    • #2771 Sales order jasper reports: group products by product category
      • New grouping functionality in sales order jasper, now able to group by product category.
    • #2816 Material dispo - include storage-relevant attributes
      • Including the attributes into material dispo, now allowing the product planning to be done on detailed attributes level.
    • #2894 Sys config to set waiting time for async
      • Improving the waiting time handling for asynch after backend start. Now able to set the time via sysconfig.
    • #2897 Drop out old code related to confirm splitting when printing
      • Improvement in mass printing functionality and workflow. Removing the user confirmation for printing when splitting.
    • #2913 Column-SQL needs lower-case WHERE and FROM
      • Application dictionary adjustment for AD_Ref_Table, setting lower case statements for the column SQL.
    • #2914 Replace org.adempiere.util.collections.Predicate with java.util.function.Predicate
      • Internal housekeeping issue, replacing legacy code with java class substitute.
    • #2919 Trx API: log a warning in case we are registering a ITrxListener which might be never executed because trx is already commit/closed
      • Internal housekeeping improvement for transaction handling.
    • #2920 Create automated test for extending contracts.
      • Improving the Test coverage for contract extension. Creating automated Tests.
    • #2934 Additional Locator Dimensions
      • New Locator Dimension, now allowing to additionally record a Dimension for Storage Rack.
    • #2936 Creating new flatrate condition and transition with autoextension became very tricky
      • Usage improvement of the new Flatrate condition and transition tothether with autoextension.
    • #2947 Adapt Window Role to WebUI Guidelines
      • Improved Layout of Role Window in WebUI, adapted now to current WebUI Guidelines.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #662 Aggregate Storage for Product and Warehouse
    • #664 Create purchase order line by line via sales order lines
      • New functionality in WebUI, allowing to create purchase orders directly from sales order lines. This feature was wanted from trade companies with very short delivery time requirements.
    • #666 Change the JSONLookupValue format
      • Internal housekeeping, adjusting the JSON lookup value format.
    • #668 Handling unit editor action internal usage not possible for more than 1 Page
      • Extended functionality for the Internal usage action in handling unit editor. Now possible to select all rows and start the action.
    • #687 picking terminal: show BPartner instead of DeliveryDate
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1199 Picking window unselect line in modal overlay
      • Improved usability/ behavior in picking window WebUI when un-selecting rows in modal overlay.
    • #1308 Closing a document with changes shall discard those changes
      • New feature that discards uncomplete data rows in WebUI frontend.
    • #1327 Frontend: change the JSONLookupValue format
      • Adjustment of the JSON lookup value format in WebUI frontend.


  • metasfresh

    • #2905 Referenced documents: sales order to invoice candidates
      • Fixing the missing reference between invoice candidates and sales order when inouts are created before invoice candidate.
    • #2917 Allow reactivating procurement contracts
      • Allowing the document action for reactivation of procurement contracts.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #649 Qty delivered and qty picked not updated correctly in shipment schedule
      • Fix for Qty fields in shipment schedule. Now field contend is updated correctly in WebUI.
    • #660 JSONUserSessionChangesEvent not fired when currently logged in user is changed
      • Internal housekeeping issue solving the firing of session change events after chainging the login user.
    • #665 Manufacturing order: create source HU is opening same view on right side as we have it on left side
      • Fix for the source HU View in manufacturing order.
    • #693 Error in create purchase orders from Sales order line
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1279 Menu actions for included row broken
      • Fix for the usage of menu actions when opening from included rows.
    • #1283 Revise shortcut handling
      • Quick fix for the broken shortcut handling in documents.
    • #1286 Error when maximize subtab which does not support quick input
      • Fixes a bug that occurred for included subtabs when maximizing and not supporting quick input.
    • #1324 Process is started twice when using ctrl-u shortcut
      • Quick fix for the action handling in material receipt when using keyboard shortcuts.
    • #1328 Date recording w/ wrong date error
      • Improved error handling and user information when entering an invalif date in date picker via keyboard.
    • #1332 View: Edit field value is broken
      • Fix for the edit mode in main grid view.
    • #1351 wrong backend api call for grid view editing

metasfresh 5.34 (2017-45)

release for week 2017-45


  • metasfresh

    • #2113 Move verify BOM process to BOM window
      • Improvement of the BOM Verification Process. Now the BOM Verification is done via action in BOM window instead of Product window.
    • #2273 Payment Selection as real Document
      • Transforming the Payment Selection into a real document.
    • #2676 Flatrate: make subscription progress reflecting progress
      • Further Improvements to Subscription Progress Subtab in Business Partner window subtab, now showing the real progress of subscriptions.
    • #2803 Set Hostkey for printing module when login in WebUI
      • Now setting the Hostkey for a User when logging in via WebUI.
    • #2854 Save Termination Reason when terminating subscription
      • Recording the Reason when canceling a subscription.
    • #2859 Pre-enddate termination of flatrate created compensation sales order
      • New sysconfig to control if compensation Sales Orders are created.
    • #2862 Set MasterStartDate for a contract when creating from order
      • Improvement in Subscription Contract, now setting the Master Start Date initially when creating the Subscription from Sales Order.
    • #2866 Make sure that 'Print All' is working in webui
      • Further improvement of the Handling of Printing when using select all in WebUI.
    • #2874 Create special filters in printing queue
      • New Filters in Printing Queue Window in WebUI.
    • #2878 Support for 6 digits AccountNo length in ReferenceNumber
      • Adjustment of ESR ReferenceNo Handling, extending the allowed Account No to 6 digits.
    • #2880 Add greeting to partner quick creation from order
      • Enhancement of the Quick Businesspartner creation in Sales Order, now allowing to record the Greeting.
    • #2881 Add a process that removes pauses and can be ran from Contract window
      • New Action in Contract Window that enables the cancellation of Subscription Pauses.
    • #2887 Make ShipmentSchedule column reference search in C_SubscriptionProgress
      • New Filter for Shipment Schedule Line in Subscription Progress.
    • #2895 AD_Ref_Table needs lower-case WHERE and FROM
    • #2907 set masterenddate correctly when extending contracts
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #19 Cache invalidation
      • Improvement of Cache Invalidation in WebUI.
    • #652 Implement document discardChanges endpoint
      • Endpoint Implementation for the possibility of discarding document changes. This endpoint will be used by a new cancel button in WebUI.
    • #653 metasfresh.webui.debug.showColumnNamesForCaption shall be false by default
      • Fix in WebUI API, switching the Developer Mode off by default.
    • #656 Address editor fields are not translated
      • Improvement of Translations in en_US, de_DE for the Address editor.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1294 Window actions shall respect the "disabled" flag
      • Now only enabled window actions are active in WebUI Frontend, if disabled then the action is greyed out.
    • #1295 Processes: provide current selected tab and rows
      • Processes now provide the info about the selected Tab and rows when called in WebUI.
    • #1303 Change the hostname from config.js.dist to localhost
      • Internal Housekeeping Issue, switching Hostnames on config.js for easier maintenance.
  • other

    • #82 Invoice Medium Address Layout Changes
      • Further Layout adjustments in Invoice Document.


  • metasfresh

    • #2876 Fix Recreate printing queue for webui
      • Fix for the Process Recreate Printing Queue, and enabling to run in WebUI.
    • #2885 Test canceling extended contracts and fix if needed
      • Improvement of the Cancel Action when used on extended contracts.
    • #2895 AD_Ref_Table needs lower-case WHERE and FROM
      • Fix for SQL Validation in Reference Table.
    • #2907 Set Master Enddate correctly when extending contracts
      • Fix for the prolongation Functionality of contracts. Now setting the Master End Date correctly.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #633 Materialdispo Target Warehouse checks Warehouse Routing
      • Fix for the Warehouse Routing in Material Disposition. Now only validating the Document Reference for Source Warehouse.
    • #650 Flatrate contractstatus not refresh in single view after terminated
      • Now setting the contractstatus directly when terminating a contract.
    • #651 Document references endpoints are not respecting role permissions
      • The Record Reference List is now respecting the Role Permissions of the user and only showing references which are allowed for the user.
    • #654 Address country lookup not working correctly
      • Fix for the country Lookup in Location widget.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1312 Wrong process call
      • Improvement for Action calls in WebUI.

metasfresh 5.33 (2017-44)

release for week 2017-44


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2546 Mark all Value and DocumentNo columns as IsCalculated=Y
      • Improving the Handling of Document Numbers in WebUI, now defining all Value and DocumentNo columns as auto calculated behavior.
    • #2684 Material Dispo - map planning records with actual M_Transactions
      • New Data Structure in Material Disposition, now mapping the Planning records with real Material Transactions.
    • #2719 Window Design Webui: Improve window Schedules
      • Improving Schedules Window in WebUI, adding adjusted Mandatory Lofic for Cron-Pattern Field and Translation for en_US.
    • #2723 Webui Design Window: Improve window Internal Use
      • Improvement for the Internal Usage Window, adding Field Translations for Language/ Locale en_US.
    • #2751 Add flatrate term relations from order and partner to new window contract
      • Additional references between Flatrate Terms to Order and Business Partner in the new Contract Windoiw in WebUI.
    • #2758 remaining static element Translations
      • Improving the Translations of de_DE Language/ Locale for static elements in WebUI.
    • #2781 Change Default Address Layout for B2C Partners for country CH
      • Adjusting the Adress Layout/ Capture Sequence for Locations in Switzerland.
    • #2783 WebUI design: Invoice Candidates adjustments
      • Improving the Invoice Candidates Window. Adding missing Translation for Field in en_US.
    • #2790 Show LoginasUserHostkey in webui window user
      • New Field "Login as User Hostkey" in User Window.
    • #2800 Make de.metas.document.archive.process.ExportArchivePDF work in webui
      • Improvement of the Archove PDF Exporter, can now also be used in WebUI.
    • #2815 New flag in Picking Tray window
      • New Field to define the Rack System in Picking Tray Window in WebUI.
    • #2821 Window Material Dispo in WebUI
      • Improvement of Materialdispo window in WebUI, adding new Fields and Translations.
    • #2826 WebUI: Orderlines adjustment for new Discount Groups
      • New Fields in Orderlines allowing to use and define Groups Discounts in Sales Orderlines.
    • #2838 Linenet amount not updated in sales order after changing flatrate condition
      • New Read-Only Logic for Flatrate Terms Fields in Orderlines.
    • #2843 WebUI: Add new Fields for SQL Columns to Material Dispo Transaction Subtab
      • Improving Transaction included Subtab in Materialdispo Window. Now showing the Shipment/ Receipt Information in there.
    • #2847 Elasticsearch shall use slf4j instead of log4j
      • Internal Housekeeping Issue, changing the logger for elasticsearch uses. Now using slf4j.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #644 Hide window actions which are not available
      • Improvement of Action Menu in WebUI, now only showing Actions that are available for the given context.
    • #645 window/actions: introduce support for selectedTabId and selectedRowIds
      • Adding support for selected Tabs and Rows in WebUI Windows.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #981 New Widget for Date Range
      • New Action Parameter Parm Widget. Now also allowing to use the DateRange Picker in Action Parms.
    • #1296 Add storybook for isolated visual component testing
      • Initial Kickoff for automatic testing in WebUI.
  • metasfresh-dist-orgs

    • #41 Add medium invoice report
      • New Invoice Report.
    • #55 Refactor Migration Scripts for dist orgs
      • Internal Housekeeping Issue, rearranging the migration scripts for dist orgs.
    • #72 Invoice Medium ESR and other Adjustments
      • Adjustments to ESR Invoice Printformat and further adjustments.


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2634 Make the CalloutBankStatement webui compliant
      • Fixes the Callout BankStatement for the usage in Bankstatement Window in WebUI.
    • #2719 Exception when using process quotation to sales order with parameter complete order
      • Fixes an exception that occured when using the action Quotation to Sales Order in WebUI.
    • #2818 Flatrate: Have relation from Sales Order to invoice candidate
      • New Relation from Sales Order to Invoice Candidates for Flatrate Terms.
    • #2823 Add C_Invoice_Candidate.Priority missing column
      • Adding the column Priority to Invoice Candidates.
    • #2836 Setup wizard shall not inactivate ESR
      • Improving the Setup Wizard, now avoiding the deactivation of ESR in Setup Workflow.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #643 Picking Tray Clearing requery to see the right view
      • Fixes the new Picking Tray Clearing, requerying the Window to let the user see the correct data.
    • #647 Shipped HU is still visible in picking terminal
      • Fixes the picking Terminal, now not showing shipped HU anymore.
  • metasfresh-dist-orgs

    • #67 Fix Jasper Version of Invoice Medium
      • Fix for the new Jasper Invoice Report.
    • #80 Invoice Medium Preview working in Jasper but not on server
      • Fix for the new Jasper Invoice Report in dis orgs.

metasfresh 5.32 (2017-43)

release for week 2017-43


  • metasfresh-app

    • #472 Picking from Handling Unit Editor (WebUI)
      • New Functionality that allows a flexible Picking from Handling Unit Editor.
    • #2283 Window Design WebUI : Order Candidates Improvements
      • Improved Translations for de_DE and en_US and Layout adapted to current Design Guidelines.
    • #2311 Customer Invoices and Invoice Candidates adjustments
      • Improved Translations for en_US, de_DE and Layout in Invoice Candidates Window and Customer Invoice.
    • #2379 Procurement Candidates generate Purchase Order
      • New Action in Procurement Candidates Window of WebUI, allowing to create Purchase Orders from selected Procurement Candidates.
    • #2564 Concept for entering multiple discounts for order and subscription
      • New Feature that allows to add Discount Grouping and Discount Rows to Sales Order Lines. These Lines allow the createtion of discounts based on LineNetAmt Aggregations.
    • #2653 Window Design Webui: Improve Businesspartner Dist-Orgs window
      • Improved Translations for en_US. New Fields added for Subscription progress Subtab.
    • #2725 Webui Window Design: Improvements in window ESR Payment Import
      • New Field Translations added to ESR Payment Import window. Now having a completed Translation for Window, Fields and Actions for en_US Language.
    • #2726 Set correct identifiers in the table M_ShipmentSchedule v2
      • Setting a readable and searchable Identifier for Shipment Schedule Records.
    • #2728 Webui Design Window: Add Translations to Business Partner
      • Improved Translation for en_US Language/ Locale in Window, Fields and Actions.
    • #2729 Window Design Webui: Add missing fields to window Tourversion
      • New Fields added to Tourversion window in WebUI. Translations for en_US improved.
    • #2730 Window Design Webui: Improvements in window Purchase order
      • Translation improved in Purchase Order window for Language en_US.
    • #2731 Window Design Webui: Improve window Shipment Restrictions
      • Improved Translation of en_US Language in Shipment Restrictions Window and Actions.
    • #2732 Window Design Webui : Add description field in sales order line
      • New Field Description added to Sales Orderline Grid View and Advanced edit in WebUI.
    • #2739 Add context into if exception happens in WorkpackageProcessorTask.processWorkpackage
      • Internal Housekeeping Feature that improves the analysis of failed Workpackage Processor Tasks.
    • #2740 Picking slot Rack System flag
      • New Feature that enables the Configration of Picking Slots as Rack System. This enables the possbility to reopen an already closed Handling Unit in Picking Slot or restricting it.
    • #2750 Flatrate Import: Support tax category
      • Adding Support of Tax Categories in Flatrate Contracts Import process.
    • #2751 Report Translations to en_US: menu reports
      • Translation of default Jasper Reports to en_US.
    • #2752 Inherit C_Taxcategory_ID and IsTaxIncluded from orderline to FT
      • Functionality allowing the inheritance of Tax relevant information from Orderline to Flatrate Terms.
    • #2755 Error on hu changing status from shipped to active
      • Fixes an error in Handling Units when transforming HU from shipped back to active status.
    • #2763 New Window Picking Tray Clearing
      • New Window for the Picking Tray Clearing, allowing the user to maintain content of Picking Trays, do Handling Unit Compression and Preparation for Shipper Transportation.
    • #2768 Translate window for process "Change Password" into EN
      • Translations added to Parms in Change Password Process.
    • #2769 Model generator: wrong columns are generated
      • Internal Housekeeping Improvements in Model Generator. Now creating the correct columns.
    • #2774 Vendor Invoice Layout and Translations in WebUI
      • Improved Window Vendor Invoice Layout to adapt current Design Guidelines and Translations for en_US added.
    • #2724 Window Design Webui: Please, add translations to the window Contract Term
      • Improved Layout for Window Contract Terms, adapting current Guidelist. New Translation added for en_US Language/ Locale.
    • #2764 Window Design Webui : Material receipt
      • Layout adapted to current WebUI Design Guidelines. Improved Translation for en_US, de_DE Language/ Locale.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #632 HU-Trace: show all connected records
      • Improvement of Handling Unit Trace Functionality, now showing all connected records for a given Filter Criteria.
    • #637 Move Picking Tray Clearing Functionality to new window
      • New Window for the Picking Tray Clearing Functionality.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1092 Prepare Update to React 16
      • Preparation Work for the Update to React 16.
    • #1232 Labels widget: keyboard support
      • Adding Support for the new Labels widget Lookup.
    • #1249 Included view: blurWhenOpen support
      • New Functionality allowing to switch the blur effect on included views in Main Grid View.


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2240 NPE on zoom into header aggregation
      • Bugfix in Zoom To Function when jumping to Header Aggregation.
    • #2727 Tax is not set properly when creating ICs from flatrate term
      • Fix for the Invoice Candidate generation from Flatrate Terms. Now the Tax is set properly.
    • #2794 Problem with picking for subscription deliveries
      • Improvement of the Picking workflow when picking subscription shipments.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #625 WebUI Scheduler Window Log Subtab: Invalid Client ID=0
      • Internal Housekeeping, fix in Schedule Window Log included Tab.
    • #639 Can't save a new partner
      • Fixes a Bug that prevented to create and save new Business Partners in WebUI.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1223 Scrollbar missing in Handling Unit Editor after "Internal Usage Action"
      • Fix for WebUI Windows. Her Handling Unit Editor. Now the Window Scrollbar is shown after the usage of Internal Usage Action.
    • #1227 The Letter window dissapears after Print Preview
      • Fix for the Letter Window. now still visible after choosing Print Preview.
    • #1239 Included views are not working in non-modal windows
      • Fixes the Included Views Functionality in WebUI. Now it's also possible to use them in non-modal windows.
    • #1248 Included view: wrong selectedIds when calling quickActions
      • Fix in Included View. Now retrieving the correct Record/ Row ID's when calling Quick Actions.
    • #1268 Sitemap broken
      • Fix for the Sitemap creation.
    • #1271 Open ANY included view broken
      • Fixes the Included Views after issues occured for React 16 Refactoring.
    • #1275 Scrolling in Modal window throws errors
      • Fixes the errors that occured when scrolling in Modal Overlays.
    • #1278 Shortcuts for New, Batch and Expand are broken
      • Fixes the shortcuts for different shortcut keys.
    • #1281 Translations of Photo Widget in User WIndow
      • Fixing the Translation of the Photo Widget Buttons in User Window.

metasfresh 5.31 (2017-42)

release for week 2017-42


  • metasfresh-app

    • #518 Easier solution to clear the Picking Slots
      • New Feature for the clearing of Picking Slots and Preparing Handling Units for Logistics.
    • #2603 Window Design Webui : Translate fields of Purchase Candidates
      • Improved Translations for Languages/ Locales de_DE and en_US added to the Purchase Candidates Window.
    • #2606 Window Design Webui: Translate GL Journal window in English
      • New Window and Fields Translation for en_US Language/ Locale. Adapting WebUI Design Guidelines. New Filter and Sorting Criteria.
    • #2607 Window Design Webui: Improve window Internal Use Inventory
      • Adapting the Window to current Design Guidelines in WebUI, new Sorting and Filter Criteria. Adding Translations for en_US.
    • #2608 Window Design WebUI: Improve Payment Allocation window
      • Improving Payment Allocation Window, adding Translations for en_US and adapting to current WebUI Guidelines.
    • #2609 Window Design WebUI : Bank Statement Improvements
      • Improving the Fields Translations and adding Layout adaptions to Bank Statement Window in WebUI.
    • #2636 Webui Report Design : Rüstliste translations
      • Translation of Pick List Report Parms to en_US.
    • #2643 Forecast in Material Disposition
      • Adding the new Forecast Demand into Material Disposition workflow.
    • #2645 Source HU Automatism for Manufacturing Issue
      • New automatic Source Handling Unit Functionality now available in manufcaturing Issue.
    • #2660 Window Design Webui: Improvements in the window Forecast
      • Improvement of Forecast Window. Added Translations for en_US Language/ Locale and adapted Design Guidelines.
    • #2690 New Window for AD_Scheduler in WebUI
      • New Window for Scheduler Maintenance.
    • #2691 Adjustments in Materialdispo Window in WebUI
      • Improved Material Dispo Window. Removed deprecated Fields and added Translations for en_US and de_DE Locale/ Language
    • #2694 Window Design Webui: Improvements in Dunning Type window
      • New Translations added for Language en_US for Action and Referencelist.
    • #2695 Window Design Webui: Introduce the window Shipment Restrictions in the Webui menu
      • New Window in WebUI Menu. Now allowing the user to maintain Shipment Restrictions.
    • #2696 Window Design Webui: Add subscription details in Shipment Candidate window
      • New Fields for Subscription/ Flatrate Terms in Shipment Disposition Window. Improved Translations for en_US.
    • #2700 Set correct identifiers in the table M_ShipmentSchedule
      • Improved Shipment Schedule Identifier, now showing valuable Information about it to the user.
    • #2704 Show an explicit error message when reports don't open because of logo missing
      • Improved Error Handling in Jasper Report Generation.
    • #2711 Productdescription in sales order jasper
      • New Product Description Field in Sales Order Jasper Report.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1232 Labels widget: keyboard support
      • Adding the keyboard support for the new Labels widget.
    • #1239 Included views are not working in non-modal windows
      • Now also allowing the usage of included views in non-modal windows.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #628 Extend framework to allow modification of standard filter results
      • Extension for Filter mechanism in WebUI, now allowing to register a component that enhances the filter result. Needed first in new Handling Unit Tracing window.


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2400 Discount in manual sales invoice
      • Fixes the behavior of discount field in Sales Invoice.
    • #2693 C_Flatrate_Conditions.C_Flatrate_Transition_ID needs to be mandatory
      • Fixing the mandatory Logic in table/ window Flatrate Conditions.
    • #2699 NPE when pressing Complete for an invoice with no lines
      • Improves a Cornercase, now avoiding a Null Pointer Exception when completing an Invoice with no lines.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1216 HU lines appear only after refresh
      • Fix for the missing refresh in Handling Unit editor after using quickactions.
    • #1221 Handling Unit Editor "Select all rows" missing
      • Fixes the missing "Select all" Functionality in Handling Unit Editor.
    • #1224 Error when pressing Action after completing an invalid document
      • Improving the error Handling in Document Processing, avoiding errors after completing an invalid document.
    • #1243 Opening a new included view is broken
      • Fix for the included view in Picking Window. Now working in Non-Modal Views too.
    • #1254 Error when navigating with up and down arrows in grid view
      • Fix for the arrow navigation in WebUI Grid View.

metasfresh 5.30 (2017-41)

release for week 2017-41


  • metasfresh-app

    • #1339 Forecast Window as Document
      • Forecast Look&Feel is now adapted to real document.
    • #2152 Prepare Default Filters for Retraceability window
      • The Retraceability Window has now a default Subset of filters that allow the user to find the wanted data records quickly.
    • #2212 Take out password field from user window and use process instead
      • Removing the Password Field from User Window, now only changeable via Password Change Action.
    • #2432 Process for converting any table to a document
      • New Housekeeping and development Functionality that transforms any selected table into a document table.
    • #2494 Prices changing in FlatrateTerms after Prolongation
      • New Price change Functionality in Subscription after Prolongation step.
    • #2517 Freigabe zur Fakturierung as standard filter
      • Adding further default Filter to Invoice Candidate Window in WebUI.
    • #2525 Generate Picking Document
      • New Jasper Report that allows to create and print a Picklist.
    • #2590 Make use of product documentnote on Quotation and Order Document
      • New Field in Product that describes additional Information about a product and shall be printed on Quotation and Order reports.
    • #2592 Make letter print preview work with AD_BoilerPlate jasper process
      • New Functioanlity in Letter feature, now allowing to use Textsnippets and the Boilerplate proces in there.
    • #2594 New Window for Dunning Candidates in WebUI
      • New Window for Dunning Candidates in WebUI, that allows the preparation and creation of Dunning Documents.
    • #2604 Printing via standalone client takes too long
      • Improvements of printing performance when printing via Standalone Client.
    • #2611 Business Partner Import with empty location
      • Adjustment of the Businesspartner Import, now allowing to leave the location empty.
    • #2614 Overhaul shipment schedule UI window
      • Additional shipment Schedule adjustments, new Quickactions and adding new Fields to Main View.
    • #2615 Make the callout C_Flatrate_Matching.onC_Flatrate_Transition_ID comply with webui
      • Adapting the Flatrate Transition callout in WebUI to match with the behavior in Swing Client.
    • #2623 Overhaul shipment schedule closing
      • Improvement of the shipment Schedule closing Feature, now allowing the user to reopen alraedy closed records.
    • #2626 Window Design Webui: Translations and Improvements for DeliveryDays
      • Improved Translations for Language/ Locale en_US in Delivery Days Window.
    • #2627 Create Zoom Across Reference between Flatrate Term and Invoice Candidate
      • New references added to Flatrate Term Window, allowing the user to quickly zoom into the other references data.
    • #2628 Show fields product, qty, price and contractstatus in window contracts
      • Improvements for Subscription Contracts in Contract Window in WebUI. Adding Fields and Translations.
    • #2631 Window Design Webui: Improve Business Partner window
      • Detailed Improvements to Business Partner Window in WebUI. Adapting current Design Guidelines. Translations added for en_US.
    • #2632 Window Design Webui: Translations for Tourversion window
      • Additional Translations for Language/ Locale en_US in Window Tourversion in WebUI.
    • #2635 Window Design Webui: Translations for Bank Statement Line Reference
      • Translations added for Language en_US in Bank Statement Line Reference Window in WebUI
    • #2637 WebUI Window Design: Improvements to Account Combinations
      • Additional Improvements to Account Combination Window in WebUI. Adding missing Translations for en_US.
    • #2639 Rename default Account values to be sorted last
      • Moving the 5-digit default Accounts to the end of table.
    • #2642 Flatrate Import: Support explicit enddate and terminated contracts
      • Enhancement of the Flatrate/ Subscription migration Feature, now allowing to import an explicit enddate and automatically terminate contracts.
    • #2644 Window Design Webui: Improvements to ESR window
      • Layout Improvements and Translations added for Language en_US.
    • #2650 Allow subscription pause and recipient change with existing shipment scheds
      • New Functionality in Subscription Feature, that allows to set a delivery pause and receipient change for a given timeframe.
    • #2655 Window Design WebUI: Translations and Improvements for Product Prices
      • New Translations for en_US in Product Prices Window. Adjusting Layout.
    • #2657 Don't show inactive HUs in HU costprice report
      • Removing inactive Handling Units from the Costprice Report.
    • #2665 Translate Add URL Attachment
      • Adding the de_DE message Translations for the URL Attachment Handling.
    • #2666 Window Design Webui: Tanslations for the window Contract
      • Translation Improvement for Subtab Recors. Now completed the Translation for Language/ Locale en_US.
    • #2667 Window Design Webui: Tanslations for the window Contractpartner
      • Improvements in Window Layout, Sorting and Filtering. Now translated to Language/ Locale en_US.
    • #2669 Window Design WebUI: Improvements and Translations in Shipment Candidates
      • Improvement of Translations for en_US Language/ Locale in shipment candidate window in WebUI.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1138 Frontend: Labels widget
      • New Lookup widget in WebUI. Now allowing to search, select and use Labels in a Main View. Fully customizable via Application Dictionary.
    • #1220 Frontend: Attach URL support
      • New Functionality in Document Attachments, now being able to record Bookmarks/ URL instead of attaching a document.


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2543 Businesspartner Import for different Partner with the same address
      • Fixes the Businesspartner Import Feature, now allowing to import different Businesspartners with the same address.
    • #2678 Shipment Schedules not created for new flatrate terms
      • Bugfix for the shipment Schedule creation for new Subscriptions/ Contracts.
    • #2688 SQL syntax error in ShipmentSchedulePA.retrieveUnprocessedForRecord()
      • Internal Housekeeping. Fix for a SQL syntax error in Shipment Schedule.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1212 Selection using SHIFT does not work in Handling unit Editor
      • Keyboard Selection Fix in WebUI now allowing to use shift key in handling unit editor.
    • #1234 Letter Window does not store template info
      • Fixes a minor Bug in Letter component that prevented the usage of Text Snippets.
    • #1238 Bug in Partner window after setting Attributes (Labels)
      • Fixes a Bug that occurred in Business Partner window after setting new Labels via Label Lookup widget.

metasfresh 5.29 (2017-40)

release for week 2017-40


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2190 Window Design WebUI: Shipment Improvements
      • Layout adjustments for the Shipment Window in WebUI.
    • #2221 Window Design WebUI : Bank Statement Improvements
      • Layout Improvements to Bank Statement WIndow in WebUI.
    • #2271 Window Design WebUI: Adjust Sales Invoice Window Improvements
      • Layout Improvements for the Sales Invoice Window in WebUI.
    • #2280 Window Design WebUI: c_activity
      • Minor Layout Improvement for the Cost Center Window in WebUI.
    • #2281 Window Design WebUI: Product Costs
      • Minor Layout Improvement for the Product Cost Window in WebUI.
    • #2285 Window Design WebUI : Unit of Measure Improvements
      • Minor Layout Improvement for the Unit of Measure Window in WebUI.
    • #2468 Window Design WebUI: gridview with client
      • Improvements in different Windows, adapting the Layout to our current design Guidelines. Adding Translations for de_DE and en_US Locale/ Language.
    • #2495 Pause subscription delivery for given timeframe
      • New Functionality in Subscription, allowing to add a Pause Timeframe to a given Subscription.
    • #2496 Different subscription Receiver for given timeframe
      • New Functionality in Subscription that allows the user to define an alternative shipment Receiver for a chosen timeframe.
    • #2499 Stop Subscription shipment after 2nd dunning
      • Generic solution in Dunning, that allows to automatically stop Subscription Shipments after chosen amount of dunning Levels.
    • #2560 Menu Window improvements in WebUI
      • New -Column Layout for the Menu maintenance Window in WebUI.
    • #2565 Add attributes to subscription flatrate terms
      • Functionality that allows to add Attributes to Subcription contracts.
    • #2574 Provide data about a shipment schedule's source document
      • Extension of Shipment Schedule, now adding more Transparences about the Shipment Schedule Trigger Document.
    • #2580 Add Subscription history in Contract window WebUI
      • Adding included Tab for Subscription History to Contract Window in WebUI.
    • #2584 Remove remaining dependencies between shipment schedule and order line
      • Improving the Shipment Schedule to Orderline Dependancy, now allowing to have more than 1 Shipment Schedule to an Orderline, which is often needed in Subscription Contracts.
    • #2585 Action/ Process to reopen processed Shipment Schedules
      • New Process that allows to reopen an already closed/ processed shipment Schedule entry.
    • #2591 Subscription invoicing
      • New/ Extended Functionality for the Invoiceing of Subscription contracts and shipments.
    • #2593 New Window for Dunning Level in WebUI
      • New window in WebUI that allows the Maintenance of different Dunning Types and Dunning Levels.
    • #2601 Export AD_System relevant fields to /info endpoint
      • New internal Functionality that allows to get all AD_System relevant fields via /info endpoint.
    • #2602 Reactivate and fix subscription pricing
      • Improvement of the subscription Pricing Functionality.
  • metasfreesh-webui-api

    • #605 I as an user want to store an URL as attachment to a record
      • New Feature that allows to add an URL to the attachment List of a given Data Record.
    • #606 HU-Transform needs to filter by HU status
      • New Feature that allows to Filter by Handling Unit Status when transforming the HU.
    • #613 Set unique hazlecast group name
      • Internal issue to prevent Hazelcast to connect/ communicate with other instances.


  • metasfresh-app
    • #2566 Fix AD_RefList.ValueName value around subscription
      • Reference List Fix in Subscription.
    • #2598 Fix the callout for CalloutProductCategory to comply with webui
      • Minor fix in the Product Category Callout to comply with WebUI.
    • #2576 Swing Client. Window for Printing Queue does not open properly anymore
      • Fix for the Printing Queue Window in Swing Client.

metasfresh 5.28 (2017-39)

release for week 2017-39


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2090 Improve text Variable Window in WebUI
      • Improving the Textvariable and Textsnippets window in WebUI, adapting out current webui design guidelines and adding Translations for de_DE, en_US.
    • #2146 Implement Generic Multi Tags / labels for records
      • New Lookup Functionality allowing to define Subtab Data as Label Container in a Main View Section.
    • #2222 Window Design WebUI : Sales Order Improvements
      • Adapting the Sales Order Window to current design guidelines. Adding primary Layout for Included Tabs and rearranging the Grid View Sequence.
    • #2284 Window Design WebUI : Attributes Improvements
      • Layout adaption to the Attributes Window in WebUI. Minor Improvements.
    • #2286 Window Design WebUI : Discount Schema Improvements
      • Layout adaption to the Discount Schema Window in WebUI. Minor Improvements.
    • #2288 Window Design WebUI : Product Category Improvements
      • Layout adaption to the Discount Schema Window in WebUI. Primary Key added. Improvements in Subtab Layout and Grid View.
    • #2344 Support version 02 CAMT54 file
      • Upgrades the CAMT54 Sepa Import to the new Version 02.
    • #2376 Detail Improvements to Order Candidates Window
      • Improvement of Order Candidates Window, allowing the user to manipulate the data directly in Main View.
    • #2395 Drop C_Flatrate_Conditions.IsNewTermCreatesOrder together with java code
      • Housekeeping in Subscripts. Eliminating deprecated functionalities in Code and Application Dictionary.
    • #2440 Material Tracking adjustments in WebUI
      • Adjustments to the Material Tracking Window. Adding further Filter possibilities.
    • #2477 Subscription Import Window Adjustments
      • Adds further Improvements to the new Subscription Import Window.
    • #2478 Check Filter Sequence for Default Fields Organisation and Warehouse
      • Globally moving the Filter for Organisation to the end of each filter list.
    • #2482 Allow disabling of model interceptors on the fly
      • New technological Improvements that allows to manipulate model interceptors without restarting the instance.
    • #2483 New Dist-Orgs Businesspartner Window in WebUI
      • New Window in WebUI menu, adapting the requirements of dis-orgs to the Businesspartner window.
    • #2484 Allow using partner product numbers and name for entering order line
      • New Functionality for Orderline Batch entry, now allowing to also search for customer Product Numbers in Batch entry.
    • #2498 Window Design WebUI: Returns Improvements
      • Detail Improvements added to the Customer and Vendor Returns window in WebUI. Adapting metasfresh WebUI design Guidelines.
    • #2501 Import Requests
      • New Functionality the allows the import of Requests.
    • #2502 Allow multiple shipment schedules per orderline
      • Improvement to the Shipment Schedule Generation and Handling. Now allowing to have more than 1 shipment schedule line for an orderline. This allows a much more flexible handling of Shipping Candidates in Subscriptions.
    • #2509 Window Design WebUI : Translate Picking Slot Window name in en
      • Translating the Picking Tray Window and Picking to en_US.
    • #2510 Prevent users from creating duplicate main prices
      • New Feature that dissallows the user to create more than 1 main price.
    • #2514 Support importing multiline fields
      • Improvements of the data improter, now allowing the import of multiline content.
    • #2516 Add Rüstliste Report to WebUI
      • New Picking Preview Report now available in shipping reports section of WebUI Menu.
    • #2529 Import System users
      • Extension of the user import, adding the possibility to mark users as system users.
    • #2533 Adjust Contract Period Window in WebUI for Subscriptions
      • Improvements for the Contract Period Window in WebUI. Adding Translations for en_US Language/ Locale.
    • #2538 Remove legacy LDAP code
      • Housekeeping task, removing deprecated legace code of LDAP functionality.
    • #2541 Allow filtering by product group in window product
      • Adds a new default Filter to the Product Window, now possible to filter by Product Category.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #576 Implement batch entry for Sales/Purchase Invoice documents
      • New Feature in Sales and Purchase Invoices, now allowing to use the Batch Entry there too.
    • #591 Filter by Warehouse when selecting HUs to issue
      • Adds a new default Filter to the Handling Unit Window, allowing users to search for Handling Units only in the selected warehouse.
    • #603 Handle incorrect AD_Window_ID in URL
      • Handling the case when a incorrect Window ID is added to the URL in WebUI.
    • #607 AD_Column.IsMandatory shall be overwritten by MandatoryLogic
      • Improved Feature that allows the overwrite isMandatory with Mandatory Logic in Application Dictionary.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1167 Edit Fields in Main Grid View
      • New Functionality that allows to switch into edit mode in Main Grid Views. This Feature was wanted by a lot of users to quickly maintain data changes in long lists, e.g. Product Prices.
    • #1192 Grid values are cut off if column size is too small
      • Showing tooltips in Table Grid Cells. Allowing to hover over a field and whoing the complete content in Tooltip. Very helpful for content that does not fit fully ionto a displayed Grid Field.
    • #1194 Use API to fetch the locale Now fetching the User Locale via API call.
    • #1195 Render only provided document standard actions
      • New Functionality in WebUI frontend, now only showing entries in Action Menu that fit to the opened window.
    • #1196 Frontend: Letters feature
      • New Letter functionality in WebUI, allowing to write letters via action Menu entry.
    • #1197 Frontend: Export view to excel
      • New Functionality that allows to select Record lines and export them directly into an Excel File.


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2503 Typo in German Translation of Contract Terms menu Entry
      • Fixing the Translation of Contract Window for Language/ Locale de_DE in WebUI Menu.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #505 Record_ID not found for IsSOTrx = "N"
      • Fix for the Zoom-To Functionality. Now possible to Zoom to windows depending on the isSOTrx context.
    • #593 Remove Clone action if not supported
      • Now only showing the Close Action when supported on the selected Record/ Record Type.
    • #608 CU Quantity in Excel Export from HU Editor is wrong
      • Fix for the new Excel Export when used in Handling Unit Editor. Now exporting the correct Customer Unit Quantity.
    • #588 Cloning Feature: Error when cloning BOM
      • Fix of the Record Close action, now allowing to clone BOMs too.
    • #590 Issues HUs are still selectable in HU editor while production is not completed
      • Fix for the Action Issue and Handling Unit editor in Manufacturing workflow.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #536 Fields Org and Client are not filtered by users permissions
      • Fix for the permissions for Filter of organisation and Client in WebUI.

metasfresh 5.27 (2017-38)

release for week 2017-38


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2089 Inventory Move Window improvements
      • Improvements done to the Inventory Movement Window.
    • #2218 User would like to import default values for contact and address
      • Providing a possibility to import default Roles for User and Locations in Business Partner.
    • #2245 Support quantity in flatrate term import
      • Adding the field quantity to the importer of flatrate terms.
    • #2247 Extend Partner Import with ad_language
      • Now possible to add the language to Business Partner import data.
    • #2436 Use default values for IsShipTo and isBillTo when importing bpartner
      • Fallback mechanism to set default billto and shipto locations in Business Partner.
    • #2459 Shipto and billto contact / user
      • New Fields in Business Partner Contact: shipto and billto.
    • #2298 Introduce source-HU to fine-Picking
      • New functionality for a more efficient Picking workflow. Now able to select a source HU that is used for the following picking steps.
    • #2361 Invoice Candidates Action Approval for Invoicing
      • New action in Invoice candidates, allowing to mass approve candidates for Invoiceing.
    • #2381 Detailed Improvement of Flatrate Term window in WebUI
      • New Window for contracts in WebUI, making the contract management easier and more transparent.
    • #2386 New Window for M_PickingSlot_Trx in WebUI
      • New Window in WebUI allowing to View Picking Slot Transations and involved Handling Units.
    • #2387 Autocomplete for zip / postal code and city
      • New functionality to autocomplete postal and city in Location recording workflow.
    • #2397 Import and Store Contract meta-data e.g. startdate on flatrate
      • Now possible to store different contracts metadata via import.
    • #2405 New Window for C_Invoice_Clearing_Alloc in WebUI
      • New window for Invoice Allocation as substitute for 3rd Level Subtab in old Contract Window.
    • #2406 New Window for C_SubscriptionProgress in WebUI
      • New window for Subscription Progress/ History as substitute for 3rd Level Subtab in old Contract Window.
    • #2408 Contract Date and Contract DocumentNo
      • New Fields in contract Window: Document No and Date, allowing a better recognition of the contract creation.
    • #2413 Make request status a search field in request window
      • Adding a new Filter to request window, allowing to search for data with a given request status.
    • #2416 New Window for M_QualityInsp_LagerKonf_Version in WebUI
      • New Windows for yearly Swiss Storage Conference, allowing the user to define the Storage Conference Criteria.
    • #2421 New Fields MasterStartDate and MasterEndDate in FlatRate Term
      • New Fields for Mastercontract Start and End Date added to the Flatrate Term Window in WebUI.
    • #2426 Translation for window "RfQ" in WebUI
      • Adjustments to the Request for Quotation Window, Refining Layout and adding Translations for en_US, de_DE locale/ Language.
    • #2429 Hide qty TU when HU name is empty
      • Now hiding the QtyTU Field in different Jasper reports in case the Handling Unit name is empty.
    • #2431 Product Filter in Handling Unit Editor
      • New Filter in Handling Unit Editor, allowing to search for entries with a given product.
    • #2434 Make field ad_user_incharge_id from C_Flatrate_Term optional
      • Adjusting the Field inCharge in Flatrate Term, now making it optional.
    • #2442 New Window for GL Journal Category in WebUI
      • New Window for GL Category in WebUI Finance/ Settings.
    • #2449 Adjust the window Product for Procurement Contracts
      • Adjustments to the WebUI Window for Product for Procurement Contracts maintenance. Translations added for de_DE and en_US.
    • #2453 Add missing Reports to WebUI menu
      • New reports in WebUI Menu for Purchase and Sales Tracing and for Finance (Cost Center ajdustments).
    • #2469 Window for C_Postal in WebUI
      • New Window Country, City and Postal for WebUI. Added to WebUI menu in System/ Settings. Allowing to the User to maintain Postal-City combinations and use them for fast Location recording.
    • #2450 Translation for Packvorschrift-Produkt-Zuordnung in English version
      • New en_US Translation for the Field Packing Instruction. Making the Name shorter and more comprehensive for the user.
    • #2463 Extend Partner Import to support contact flags
      • Extended Partner import, allowing to also import contact Y/N settings.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #142 Provide v11 / CAMT 54 File Import
      • New importer for ESR v11/ camt54 files in WebUI.
    • #178 Have Letter Feature in Sales Order Window
      • New Letter Feature in WebUI allowing the user to oppen a text editor and create Letters with then help of Textsnippets.
    • #491 Wrong widget Type for Date-Range in Process Parameter
    • #547 Provide mass export of Data to Excel
      • Very nice new, Feature allowing the user to select lines and export to excel.
    • #581 API to provide user session's locale
      • Internal housekeeping issue allowing the locale of a user to be stored in session.
    • #583 Provide the document's standard actions
      • New Feature to restrict actions in the action menu. Now only showing those that fit to the window opened.
    • #585 Lookup validation rule shall support @CtxName/Default@ annotation
      • Internal Housekeeping Issue in Applicaiton Dictionary, now allowing to use @notations in Validation rules in WebUI too.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1060 Locale viewing and editing in User Interface
      • The user has not the possibility to switch the user locale. The formatting of numbers are then shown correct for the selected country.
  • other

    • metasfresh/metasfresh-parent#14 Look for a way of not having the "placeholder" on local builds
      • Improvements of continuous integration System when creating local builds.


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2401 Vendor return with quality discount
      • Fix for the Vendor Return Feature, now also working with voided Returns and quality discount properly.
    • #2412 OrderCheckout Jaspers display empty C_BPartner_Product.ProductName
      • Fix for the Jasper Report of Order Checkout, now showing the properly again.
    • #2423 Fix jaspers for vendor return with quality issue
      • Fixes in the Vendor Returns Jasper document when having cases with quality issues.
    • #2430 Invoice candidate close is retrieving the invoice candidates out of transaction
      • Internal Housekeeping fix for invoice candidates close workflow.
    • #2457 Duplicate locations on partner import when multiple contacts
      • Fix for the Business Partner Location Importer, now not generating multiple entries when multiple user contacts exist to a Partner.
    • #2492 Process C_Dunning_Candidate_Process fails
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #570 Clicking print on non-document window shows error page
      • Adjustment of Action Menu API, now only showing the actions that are possible in a given Window.
    • #582 Cannot invoice disposal's invoice candidates
      • Fix for the disposal invoicing process.
    • #594 LU is not created when you receive in production
      • Action Receipt Handling Unit retrieval. Fix when creating Logistic Units in manufacturing.
    • #597 error in picking
    • #598 partial issue is disabled
    • #599 String document IDs cannot be converted to int error on Transform
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1205 Can't open any process while on Dashboard

metasfresh 5.26 (2017-37)

release for week 2017-37


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2224 Import Subscriptions / Flatrate Terms
      • New Import Functionality. Now allowing the user to Import Subscriptions/ Flatrate Terms.
    • #2300 Doc Outbound missing Columns
      • Adjustments to Document Outbound Window, adapting to current Design Guidelines, making it more user friendly with more functionality.
    • #2303 Auto Product No when new
      • Adding the automatic creation of Product No. as soon a new Product Record is created by the user.
    • #2304 New Action: Create new Product Prices from selected Pricelist Version
      • Improvement of Price List and Product Prices Window, adding the action to create new Price List version easiliy via mass selection and calculation schema.
    • #2306 Period mass actions missing in WebUI
      • New Action "Open all/ Close all" in Period Window, allowing to change the Period status of all Doctypes in few clicks.
    • #2307 Window Period adjustments, add missing Translations
      • Translation for en_US and further refinements of Calendar Period Window in WebUI.
    • #2314 Sales Order detail adjustments from User Feedback
      • Further detailed improvements of Sales Order Window in WebUI, adding Fields and Translations.
    • #2317 Improvement of Delivery Days Window in WebUI
      • Further detailed improvements done in Delivery Days Window.
    • #2326 New Window for Internal Usage in WebUI
      • New Window for the maintenance of Internal Inventory Usage.
    • #2334 Default Filter Criteria for selected Windows
      • Adding some default Filter criteria to selected Windows in WebUI.
    • #2337 Purchase Order detail adjustments
      • Adjusting the Purchase Order Window with further details.
    • #2339 New Window in WebUI for Changelog
      • New Window for Changelog maintenance in WebUI. This Window will be added to referenced Documents Sidelist for all records in future and show the data changes done by whom and when.
    • #2343 Add code coverage metrics to our builds
      • Internal Housekeeping Task in our Jenkis Buildsystem. Now showing Test coverage metrics for each build.
    • #2348 Add BPartner Value to Material Receipt Label
      • Extended Material Receipt Label for Handling Units. Now showing the Buisness Partner No. for Vendor and Producer/ Manufacturer.
    • #2352 Invoice Customer window adjustments for WebUI
      • Detailed improvements of the Customer Invoice Window in WebUI, adding new Actions and refining the Grid View Layout.
    • #2353 Invoice Candidates Window in WebUI detail improvements
      • Detailed improvements of the Invoice Candidates Window in WebUI, refining the Grid View Layout.
    • #2362 Default Reports to WebUI
      • New Sales, Purchase, Warehouse, Logistics and Finance Reports added to WebUI.
    • #2378 Procurement candidates detail Improvements
      • Refining the Fieldnames in Procurement Candidates Window, allowing a better transparency for the User.
    • #2385 New Window for M_PickingSlot in WebUI
      • New Picking Slot Window in WebUI, allowing the maintenance of Picking Locators/ Slots and allocation to Businesspartner and Locations or usage with dynamic allocation.
    • #2391 Partial vendor Returns
      • New Functionality in Handling unit Editor now allowing to also do partial Vendor Returns.
    • #2398 Reverse Correct of Disposal takes too long
      • Performance Improvement for the reverse correction of Disposal Documents.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #563 Handling Unit Editor - remove hardcoded filter for active HUs
      • Removing the hardcoded isActive Filter from Handling Unit Editor in WebUI.
    • #564 Filter Layout Sequence
      • New Functionality in Filter Configuration. Now allowing to define the sequence in which Filters are shown.
    • #573 MoveToDirectWarehouse shall support multiple HUs
      • New Functionality in Handling Unit Action for Internal Use, now allowing to mass-select and use Handling Units in one step.
    • #577 API for Edit Fields in Main Grid View
      • Adding the API for editing Fields in Main Table Grid Views.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1147 Implement the initial Sorting Indicator in included Tabs
      • Now also showing the initial Sorting indicators in included tabs.
    • #1152 find a new shortcut for CTRL + X
      • Providing a new shortcut for eMail send. It's now ctrl+k instead of ctrl+x.
    • #1164 frontend: document cloning
      • New Functionality that allows the user to easily copy/ clone documents.


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2141 Year-End P&L Process w/ multiple Organisations error
      • Fixes a Bug that wrongly calculated the year end P&L when organisations are different but youse the identical Accounting Schema (defined on client level).
    • #2302 Order validation rule for packing instruction needs to look at DatePromised
      • Fix for a minor Bug that appeared when choosing the Packing Instructions in validation rule for Orderlines.
    • #2342 Make Material Disposal Lines and their Movements respect all the details from the HUs
      • Fixes a minor Bug in the new Disposal Functionality according to missing Handling Unit Information.
    • #2354 LU has HU_Status Active after picking
      • Minor Fix for the Handling Unit Status Handling, here having the wrong status for included Handling Units after Picking workflow.
    • #2389 edi problem for customer returns
      • Fix in Customer Returns when using w/ EDI.
    • #2399 uom in customer return lines
      • Minor fix for UOM Cornercase. Now showing the correct UOM in customer return Line.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #532 Unable to see list of document's attachments
      • Fix for the new Document Attachments List in WebUI, now showing the attached Files again.
    • #572 qty doubled on vendor/customer return and destroyed HUs
      • Quantity Fix in Vendor and Customer Return Lines.
    • #578 storage error on disposal
      • Getting rid of en error that appeared in Storage when disposing Handling Units.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1156 Offline message is no longer displayed
      • Fixes the message that is shown when the application turns offline.
    • #1159 batch entry: scrollbar not moving when using keyboard
      • Now moving the scrollbar when using the arrow keys in WebUI frontend.
    • #1165 frontend cache for dropdown value not invalidated on lookupValuesStale is true
      • Fix in Frontend Caching.
    • #1170 Edit Account Lookup Fields in GridView not possible
      • Fix and adjustment to the Lookup fields behavior in included Views.
    • #1172 filtering is not working in picking
      • Allowing the Filters to be uses in the new Picking Window in WebUI.
    • #1178 [ctrl]+u sometimes opens chrome sourceview instead of trigger main quickaction
      • Harmonizing the usage of ctrl+u key combination in WebUI Windows and Fields.
    • #1179 [ctrl]+enter does not save changes before
      • Harmonizing the usage of ctrl+enter key combination in WebUI Windows and Fields.
    • #1183 Purchase order: screen is scrolling when i am trying to type in Delivery from field
      • Avoiding the scroll of the main page when scrolling in a Lookup Field

metasfresh 5.25 (2017-36)

release for week 2017-36


  • metasfresh-app

    • #529 Possibility to easily create more than 1 referenced Doc per Invoice
      • Extending the credit memo generation action for Invoices. Adding more flexibility, now allowing to create more than 1 referenced document.
    • #1876 New CU Labels
      • New Customer Unit Labels created. These will be uses in manufacturing Action receipt workflow.
    • #2102 maven change "local" version from 1.0.0 to 10.0.0
      • Internal Housekeeping issue solved for our Continuous Integration/ Build System.
    • #2145 Partial Internal usage action in Handling Unit Editor
      • Extended Functionality in Internal usage action in Handling Unit Editor, now allowing to select and use partial Handling Units.
    • #2229 New Window for Product Costs in WebUI
      • New Window for Product Costs in WebUI. Allowing to view/ maintain Product Costs of different Costing Types.
    • #2230 New Window for Fact_Acct_ActivityChangeRequest
      • New Window in WebUI for the maintenance of Activity ID changes in Documents.
    • #2232 New Window for c_activity in WebUI
      • New Window added to WebUI Menu that allows the maintenance of Cost Center.
    • #2234 New Window for Payment Selection in WebUI
      • New Window for the Payment Selection workflow, allowing to pay due Vendor Invoices in Batch like mode.
    • #2235 New window for Shipper in WebUI
      • New Shipper Window in Webui to allow the maintenance of Businesspartners for Shipper Transportations.
    • #2236 New Window for Printing Queue in WebUI
      • New window for Printing Queue maintenance in WebUI.
    • #2245 Replace description field by memo in B2C
      • Detail adjustment in Businesspartner B2C window, changing the Field Type of description field to memo, allowing the user to record longer text.
    • #2247 Make Request Type a search field
      • Adding the Request Type to Filter criteria in Request Window.
    • #2258 add due date to request grid view
      • Adding the Field Due Date to the included View of Requests in B2C Customer Window in WebUI.
    • #2267 New Window for Hardware drucker in WebUI
      • New Window for Printer Configuration and Maintenance in WebUI.
    • #2268 New Window for Drucker-Zuordnung in WebUI
      • New Window for Printer Matching Configuration and Maintenance in WebUI.
    • #2269 New Window for Async Batch in WebUI
      • New Window for Async Batch maintenance in WebUI.
    • #2270 New Window for Async Batch Type in WebUI
      • New Window for the maintenance of Async Batch Types.
    • #2289 New Window for Async Batch Parameters/ Process Audit
      • New Window for Process Audit in WebUI.
    • #2294 Window Layout for Picking Window in WebUI
      • New generic Layout for the Picking Window in WebUI.
    • #2305 Create GL Journal No. automatically when new
    • #2358 translate process quotation to sales order to en_US
    • #2364 Rename Packvorschrift-Produkt-Zuordnung to Packvorschrift
      • Renaming the Field for Packing Instructions in the de_DE Baselanguage.
    • #2365 Rename all Windows with Suffix "kandidaten" to suffix "disposition"
      • Renaming the Candidates Window in baselanguage, now called disposition.
    • #2370 Price Topic improvements in Product Price and Pricelist
      • Different detail improvements done to Pricing relevant topics in WebUI.
    • #2372 Detailed Improvements in different Finance Functionalities
      • Detail Improvements added to different Finance windows and processes.
    • #2374 Detail adjustments to Shipment Candidates Window
      • Detail adjustments to the Shipment Candidates Window adding further data manipulation functionality.
    • #2294 copy for purchase order to dist repo
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #54 Implement endpoint for document cloning
      • New Functionality for Data and Docuemnts Copy/ Copy with details. Now combined both to one Action for the User.
    • #549 Validcombination Window does not allow NEW in WebUI
      • Now allowing to create valid account combination records in WebUI.
    • #556 Picking Window Main View adjustments
      • Detail adjustments added to the new Picking Window in WebUI.
    • #557 Picking Window: Open HU Selection window filtering
      • New User Workflow in Picking window, now opening the Handling Unit Selection with additional filter possibilities.
    • #560 Picking: don't allow picking included rows
      • Fine tuning of Picking Window workflow, now restricting the user from picking already picked items.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1157 Delete User Notifications
      • Now the user can delete own User Notifications.


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2237 Order Control Report Attribute missing
      • Fix/ Extension of the Order Control report. Now showing additional Attribute Values.
    • #2260 SQL - problem to rollout master build to DB with issue-build
      • Fix to Internal Housekeeping Issue during rollout to Database in Build process.
    • #2345 java.math.BigDecimal Exception when using process quotation to sales order
      • Fix for the Quotation to Sales Order Action.
    • #2349 Fix AD_Column of C_BPartner.AD_OrgBP_ID
    • #2367 error on creating receipt
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #528 Exception when opening PP Order issue / receipt
      • Fixes an Exception in Manufaturing Orders action Issue/ Recept.
    • #551 verify if lookup value is still valid
      • New Verification in Lookup Fields, now verifying that the included values are still valid.
    • #553 webui notification-test fails
      • Fix for the automated Test of User Notifications in Continuous Integration workflow.
    • #561 Handling Unit Editor Materialentnahme Bug
      • Fixes an Issue during Internal Usage workflow via Handling Unit Editor.
    • #567 Shipped HUs are not displayed correctly
    • #575 HU does not disappear after Correction Quick-action.
    • #579 NPE when you issue HUs
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1142 issue panel closes right after you issue a product
      • Not closing the issue panel anymore automatically after performing the action issue for a manufacturing order.
    • #1161 tab tries to update a readonly field
    • #1174 picking: weird issues with included view
      • Stabilization of the new Picking window, now avioding some minor weird behavior.

metasfresh 5.24 (2017-35)

release for week 2017-35


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2036 Picking Slot Label
      • New Feature, allowing to create a temporary Label for a dynamicly reserved Picking Slot.
    • #2050 Window Design WebUI : Purchase candidate
      • Adopting the Purchase Candidate Window to the current Design Guidelines.
    • #2103 Create and implement the usage of a pdf printer
      • New Functionality that allows to create PDF Files w/ more than 1 document per File.
    • #2109 Move Currency Records from System to Client level so user can edit them
      • Making the Currency Records editable w/ moving them from System to Client Level.
    • #2116 Use handler when matching partner in ESR import
      • Improvement of ESR Payment Handler when matching a Businesspartner during Import process.
    • #2144 Action for Warehouse Movements
      • New Action in handling Unit Editory, allowing the User to fast move selected Handling Units to another Warehouses. Material Movement Documents are created automatically on the fly.
    • #2154 Window Design WebUI: Customer Returns Improvements
      • Improvements to the Cutomer Returns Window adapting to our current Design Guidelines.
    • #2169 Window Design WebUI : Attributes
      • Adopting the Attributes Window to the current Design Guidelines.
    • #2170 Window Design WebUI : Bill of Materials
      • Adopting the Bill of Material Window to the current Design Guidelines.
    • #2173 Window Design WebUI : Discount Schema
      • Adopting the Discount Schema Window to the current Design Guidelines.
    • #2174 Window Design WebUI : Unit of Measure
      • Adopting the Product Unit of measure Window to the current Design Guidelines.
    • #2175 Window Design WebUI : Product Category
      • Adopting the Product Category Window to the current Design Guidelines.
    • #2183 Window Design WebUI : Sales Order
      • Adopting the Sales Order Window to the current Design Guidelines.
    • #2184 Window Design WebUI : Order Candidates
      • Minor change in Order Candidates Window removing processed Flag from Advanced Edit.
    • #2192 Window Design WebUI : Business Partner Group Improvements
      • Adjustments added to Business Partner Group Window, adapting it to current design Guidelines.
    • #2193 Window Design WebUI: Vendor Returns Improvements
      • Adaption of Vendor Returns Window to current WebUI Guidelines.
    • #2194 Shipment Candidates dropship vendor ID missing
      • Detail Adjustments to Shipment Schedule Window, improving to guidelines adoption.
    • #2196 Window Design WebUI : Bank Statement
      • Minor detail and adjustments and adding missing Translations to the Product window.
    • #2198 New Window for filtered Bank Statement Line References
      • New prototype Window for filtered Bank Statement References.
    • #2200 Window Design WebUI : Payment
      • Additional detailed adjustments to the Payment Window in WebUI, adopting to current design Guidelines.
    • #2201 Window Design WebUI : GL Journal
      • Adding the GL Journal Window Layout to WebUI.
    • #2202 Window Design WebUI : Tour Version
      • Minor detail adjustments, missing Translations to the Tour Version Window in WebUI.
    • #2203 Window Design WebUI : Delivery Days
      • Adapting the Delivery Days Window to the current Design Guidelines.
    • #2204 Window Design WebUI : Contract
      • Adopting the Contract Window in Webui to the current Design Guidelines.
    • #2207 Window Design WebUI : Product
      • Adding adjustments to the Product window in WebUI adapting it to our current design guidelines.
    • #2217 Window Design WebUI : Tour Version Improvements
      • Improvement of the Tour Version Window in WebUI, details changed to fit better to design guidlelines.
    • #2223 Support longer numbers on documents
      • Order and Invoice Jasper Resports now allow prices with up to 6 digits.
    • #2226 New Window for GL_Journal in WebUI
      • New Window for GL Journal in WebUI, without Journal Batch level.
    • #2255 Revamp Validcombination Window
      • Adjustments done to Validcombination Window in WebUI, adapting to current design Guidelines.
    • #2231 Add Import Partner and Product Processes Available in Import Windows
      • Now allowing to use the Import Partner and Import Product processes in Import windows in WebUI via action Menu.
    • #2136 add history to B2C window
      • New Communication history in B2C Businesspartner included Tab.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #545 Notification Persisting
      • Now persisting the User Notifications.
    • #546 Notification Deleting
      • Functionality to delete your own User Notifications.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1021 Combined Filter Functionality
      • New Functionality that allows the combination of different Filters as search queries in generic grid view Windows.


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2112 Reversing a vendor-return-InOut needs to reverse the HU states
      • Now recreating the initial Handling Unit state after reverting a vendor return
    • #2142 Customer Returns error w/ create from Shipment in WebUI
      • Fix for the Customer Returns Functionality, when creating it from Shipment window.
    • #2143 Disposal reverse-correct does not recreate the HU
      • Now recreating the initial Handling Unit state after reverting a Disposal Document.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1140 Lookup Workflow for Batch Entry not correct
      • Fix for the Lookup Workflow in Batch Entry mode.
    • #1150 error reappears after you changed window
      • Fix for the case that errors from one window also appeared again when switching to another one.

metasfresh 5.23 (2017-34)

release for week 2017-34


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2048 Window Design WebUI: Sales Order Candidates
      • New Window Sales Order Candidates for WebUI.
    • #2051 Window Design WebUI: Material Tracking
      • Adjusted Window Configuration for Material Tracking in WebUI, including Translations for en_US.
    • #2084 Window Design WebUI: Vendor Returns
      • Adjusted Window Configuration for Vendor Returns Window in WebUI.
    • #2134 Export all webui AD_Messages from w101
      • Migrating the current static elements from w101 to base.
    • #2140 Window Design WebUI: Shipment Schedule
      • Adjusted Window Configuration for Shipment Schedule in WebUI, including Translations for en_US.
    • #2150 Window Design WebUI: Shipment
      • Adjusted Window Configuration for Shipment Window in WebUI, including Translations for en_US.
    • #2159 Add date field to request
      • New updateable Field in Request Window, allowing the user to maintain the Request Date seperately from DateCreated.
    • #2161 Window Design WebUI : Business Partner Group
      • Adjusted Window Configuration for Businesspartner Group Window in WebUI, adopting the current window Guidelines.
    • #2162 Window Design WebUI : Outbound Documents Config
      • Adjusted Window Configuration for the Document Outbound Config Window in WebUI. Adding Translations.
    • #2167 Window Design WebUI : Product
      • Adjusted Window Configuration for Product Window in WebUI. Main View and Advanced Edit.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1139 Ellipses when breadcrumb too long & Tooltip
      • Adjustment to the Breadcrumb navigation. Now adding ellipses when the header exceeds the possible space.


  • metasfresh-app
    • #2163 Do not show new button in B2C tab customer
      • Minor Fix in the new Businesspartner B2C window, now not showing the new Button for Included Tab Customer/ Vendor anymore.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend
    • #1071 Fix frontend memory leaks
      • Fixes Memory Leaks in WebUI.
    • #1129 cannot receive second time
      • Fix for Bug in Action Receipt o Manufacturing Window in WebUI.
    • #1130 cursor jumps from qty CU to LU field
      • Fixes a focus Bug in lookup Field Workflow.
    • #1135 Browse Whole Tree Caption not refreshed
      • Fix for the Sitemap Message in Navigation Menu. Now receiving a translated Message when changing the locale in Avatar Settings.
    • #1141 Sort indicator triangle missing in Grid Header
      • Fix for the new Tooltip and ellipses functionality in Grid Header. Now showing the Sort indicator again.

metasfresh 5.22 (2017-33)

release for week 2017-33


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2110 make version/build infos more transparent
      • Adding the build/ version infos of the metasfresh applications to spring admin and to file (in dist folder), allowing to have a better overview about the configuration.
    • #2111 Store version number in DB after successful sql remote
      • Nice improvement of sql remote. Now storning the version number in Database and avoiding unneccesary invocations of sql remote, which speeds up the db migration process a lot.
    • #2118 ESR - add sysconfig to ignore non-credit lines
      • Improvement of the ESR Import action, now processing all ESR Lines also when individual Lines fail.
    • #2119 ESR - Show actual number of transactions
      • Adding a Transaction control amount to ESR Imports coming from SEPA camt54 file and presenting to the user.
    • #2122 allow creating requests from B2C window with new button
      • Now it's able to create Requests from Businesspartner B2C WIndow directly via new Button.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1117 Cut-Off Header Names in Subtabs
      • Adjusting the Header Names of Grid View Columns in included Subtabs. Now adding elipses when Header Names are too long. Via Hover the user is able to read the Full Name via Tooltip.
    • #1127 Allow copy to clipboard of selected grid lines
      • New feature to select Grid View lines and copy/ paste as comma seperated data.


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2121 Can't save purchase order
      • Fixes a minor Bug that occured in Purchase Order under certain circumstances, avoiding the record save.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1066 board: when adding a new card, the card does not vanish from new cards view
      • Fix for the new Kanban Board. Now the cards are removed from card selection List, as soon as they are dragged & dropped on the Board.
    • #1121 Localize remaining static elements
      • Fix localization of missing phrases related to attachment upload
    • #1124 issue in manufacturing won't close
      • Fix in Window for Manufacturing Issue and Receipt.
  • others

    • #17 activate role webui
      • Activation of Role WebUI in dist orgs environment.

metasfresh 5.21 (2017-32)

release for week 2017-32


  • metasfresh-app

    • #1771 add legacy features
      • Adding missing features from legacy systems to current metasfresh codebase.
    • #2070 Window Design WebUI: Product
      • Adopting the Product Window to the current Window Concept for Master Data in metasfresh WebUI
    • #2080 Window Design WebUI: Payment Allocation Translation en_US
      • Adopting the Payment Allocation Window to the current Window Concept for Documents in metasfresh WebUI
    • #2086 Sales Order Advanced Edit Window in main View
      • Adopting the Sales Order Window to the current Window Concept for Documents in metasfresh WebUI
    • #2087 Purchase Order Advanced Edit Window in main View
      • Adopting the Purchase Order Window to the current Window Concept for Documents in metasfresh WebUI
    • #2096 Businesspartner B2C Location Editor missing
      • Adjustments for the Businesspartner B2C Window, adding missing Fields and Layout.
    • #2101 webui - allow disabling auto-close of picking candidates
      • New Switch to influence the closing behavior of picking candidates.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #977 Add frontend support for modifying the KPI config (caption, offset, etc)
      • New Functionality allowing the user to adjust KPI Settings via Frontend.
    • #1051 Cut-Off Header names
      • Adjusting the Header Names of Grid View Columns. Now adding elipses when Header Names are too long. Via Hover the user is able to read the Full Name via Tooltip.
    • #1097 Show progress when uploading big files
      • New Functionality when uploading Files. Now showing a progress Bar and allowing the user to proceed working during upload.


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2106 NullPointerException on CAMT 54 Import
      • Fixes a NPE Bug that happened in minor cases when importing a camt54 sepa file.
    • #2107 Error: Missing ESR creditor reference on CAMT 54 Import
      • Fixes a Bug in new camt54 import which failed because mandatory ESR Reference Field is missing in sepa file.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1000 Cursor Missing after [tab] in BPartner Relation Window
      • Fix for Focus after TAB from and into Lookup Fields.
    • #1006 row selection in picking
      • When opening the picking window intitially in Grid View the first Row is now selected.
    • #1048 POST .../documentView/{windowId} is called twice when opening a view
      • Now Minimizing the amount of calls for documentView/{windowId} endpoint, which improves the performance of the overall System.
    • #1063 view: when refreshing the page the data is loaded twice
      • Reducing the load of data after refreshing a page improving the load times of views.
    • #1077 Sitemap Navigation [arrow-up] not working
      • Fixes a Bug in the Keyboard Navigation in Sitemap. Now allowing the user to use the arrow-up key again.
    • #1089 Avatar Tooltip opens and stays open after selecting Avatar Settings
      • Fixes a Bug in Avatar Tooltip which remained open after selecting the Avatar Settings.
    • #1095 Sales Order Batch Entry with Key Shortcut not working
      • Fix for Keyborad Navigation Shortcut starting the Batch Entry in Document Views (where available).
    • #1099 Browse whole tree is not translated in DE
      • New Translation for "Sitemap Menu" of static element in WebUI Sitemap.
    • #1098 Cant select last entry in dropdown list
      • Fix for Selection Lists, now allowing to also select the last entry of a List.
    • #1111 Lookup Selection Lists not shown in Sequence anymore
      • Fixes a Bug in Lookup Fields now showing the wanted selection List sequence when defining included Fields in a Lookup.
    • #1114 caught in an empties loop when opened from material receipt candidates
      • Fixes an Navigation/ Workflow Error that occured when creating empties receive from Receiptcandidates.

metasfresh 5.20 (2017-31)


  • metasfresh-app

    • #1994 Adjust Sales Invoice Window
      • Finetuning for the Sales Invoice Window to adjust the Layout to meet our current Look And Feel concept.
    • #2019 Add Widget Size to System Elements
      • New Feature in metasfresh Application Dictionary, allowing the admin to define default widget sizes per System Element.
    • #2029 New Window for Accounts and Elements in WebUI
      • New Window for the maintenance of Account Elements in WebUI
    • #2032 Layout for Handling Unit Editor Window in WebUI
      • Refined Layout for the Detail Views in Handling Unit Editor Window of WebUI.
    • #2042 Process to Update Widget Size in all child UI Elements of a System Element
      • New Process to update all Widget Child Elements of a given System Element.
    • #2046 Window Design WebUI: Attribute Set
      • Adding the refined Layout for the Attribute Set Window in WebUI.
    • #2049 Window Design WebUI: Purchase Order
      • Adopting the Purchase Order Window to the current Window Concept for Documents in metasfresh WebUI
    • #2052 Window Design WebUI: Price System
      • Adopting the Price System Window to the current Window Concept for Master Data in metasfresh WebUI
    • #2053 Window Design WebUI: Inventory Move
      • Adopting the Inventory Move Window to the current Window Concept for Documents in metasfresh WebUI
    • #2058 Change AD_Table_ID Identifier to Name only
      • Changing the Identifier for AD_Table from TableName + Name to Name only. This allows a better readability for the user.
    • #2066 CRM: Businesspartner B2C Reminder Functionality
      • New CRM Feature in Businesspartner B2C Window, allowing to set reminder Dates via Request Actions for Sales Responsible and Sales Representative.
    • #2067 switch between C_Order_MFGWarehouse with and without barcode
      • New Feture that allows to switch between Warehouses in Manufacturing with and without Barcodes.
    • #2069 Window Design WebUI: Bill of Materials
      • Adopting the Bill of Materials Window to the current Window Concept for Master Data in metasfresh WebUI
    • #2071 Window Design WebUI: Payment Window
      • Adopting the Payment Window to the current Window Concept for Documents in metasfresh WebUI
    • #2074 CRM: Document List in Subtab Functionality
      • New Feature in the Businesspartner B2C Window. Including a new Included Tab, Data Structure and Functionality for CRM Documents.
    • #2077 Window Design WebUI: Payment Allocation Window
      • Adopting the Payment Allocation Window to the current Window Concept for Documents in metasfresh WebUI
    • #2083 Window Design WebUI: Customer Returns
      • Adopting the Customer Returns Window to the current Window Concept for Documents in metasfresh WebUI
    • #2092 Scheduler - improve error handling if AD_Role_ID can't be found
      • Improving the User Experience with better messages when the Scheduler fails not able to receive the User Role for running a process.
    • #2096 Businesspartner B2C Location Editor missing
      • Adjustments for the Businesspartner B2C Window, adding missing Fields and Layout.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #503 Picking prototype (v5)
      • Further Improvements of the Picking API now in Version 5. Belongs to the Development of the new Picking Window in WebUI.
    • #514 Support HU transform from HU window
      • Improvement od the Handling Unit Transform Action in Handling Unit Editor Window.
    • #518 Picking prototype (v6)
      • Further Improvements of the Picking API now in Version 5. Belongs to the Development of the new Picking Window in WebUI.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #982 Functionality to add Actions for Subtab Data
      • New Functionality now allowing to also define actions to included subtabs and use them via Action Menu.
    • #1031 Autoselect when doubleclick on included Tab Row Field
      • New Feature wanted heaviliy by Power Users. Now it's possible to directly edit the field content after double clicking a field in Included Tab Grid View.
    • #1061 Larger Avatar Menu Photo
      • Resizing of the Avatar Image allowing to better differentiate the User Sessions on smaller Screens.
    • #1084 Handle websocket document stale event
      • New internal Functionality to only refresh a Document without all included Tabs when needed. This avoids the reload of mass data although nothing has changed in Subdata.


  • metasfresh-app

  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #496 String document IDs cannot be converted to int Handling Unit Editor
      • Fixes a Bug that occurred in Handling Unit Editor for String Document No being a String instead of an Integer.
    • #511 Problems with Sales Opportunities Board
      • Fix for the Sales Opportunity Board, now removing Cards from the New Selection List that were previously added to the Board.
    • #516 moving 1 TU from one LU to another
      • Fixes a refresh issue in Handling Unit Editor when transforming 1 Transport Unit to other existing Logistic Unit.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1026 grid: Get rid of double scrollbar
      • Fix the double Scrollbar Issue in new Picking Window. Now only showing 1 Scrollbar when needed.
    • #1027 line looks selected, but it's not
      • Fixes a minor Bug that presented a row as seleted although it wasn't.
    • #1045 frontend shall switch to offline mode on http 503 error
      • Fix for the case that a 503 error is returned. Now the frontend switches to offline mode.
    • #1046 opening included view from action not working in picking
      • Fix in Picking Window now also opening included views there too.
    • #1052 Breadcrumb of "Sales Opportunities" board is incorrect
      • Fixes the Breadcrumb menu in Windows that are in 2nd level hierarchy in menu tree.
    • #1062 Avatar Foto stretches when not Square
      • Fix for the Avatar Photo that was presented in a stretched way when the uploaded Photo was not one with square dimensions.
    • #1065 Window title wrong for windows in deeper menu hierarchy
      • Fix for the Window Name in Action Menu, that was not shown properly for Windows in deeper Menu Hierarchy.
    • #1067 board: add new: don't show the loading icon after data is loaded
      • Fix for the new Board Functionality, now not showing the Loading Icon after the card data is loaded.
    • #1068 board: when there are no new cards show the empty result text/hint
      • Better Transparency for the user after leaving a card selection List empty. Now showing a empty result hint to the user.
    • #1073 Bug in Advanced edit of Purchase order
      • Fix for the Advanced Edit Mode in Window Purchase Order, that sometimes did not open.
    • #1078 Wrong quickActions call when opening HU editor
      • Fix for action calls when opening the Handling Unit Editor initially.
    • #1094 Error on document websocket event
      • Fix for a minor error on document websocket events.

metasfresh 5.19 (2017-30)


  • metasfresh-app

    • #525 Retraceability Transparency for Product Lifecycle
      • New improved Functionality for retraceability in mtefasresh. Now allowing to analyze the material paths in no time.
    • #1993 Set default Widget width for certain Columns
      • Refining and Harmonizing the Widget width of columns in GridView for those, where generic width according to their widget type does not match to the user requirement or field content.
    • #1995 Language Names too Long
      • Renaming of Language Names, avoiding them to get too long because of Country Name. Now added the 2-digit iso country code instead.
    • #1996 Take out all AD_Client_ID from GridView in WebUI
      • Rearranging GridView in general, taking out the client column from there to free space for other more important columns. Harmonizing oever all GridViews.
    • #2001 Add AD_Org_ID to all default Filters
      • Including the Organisation and other fields to all generic filter selections. Removing long text fields from filters.
    • #2007 Feedback WebUI CRM
      • Adjustments to various CRM windows. Adding missing Fields, Optimizing Column widths.
    • #2009 Feedback WebUI Prices
      • Further Layout Adjustments to Pricelist and Product Price window in WebUI.
    • #2012 import messages
      • New import of static massages for webUI.
    • #2015 Create Window Price List Schema in WebUI
      • Adjusting the Layout for Price List Schema Window in WebUI
    • #2017 Create Window Pricing Rule in WebUI
      • Adding the 2-column Layout for The Pricing Rule Window in WebUI.
    • #2020 Add System Configuration Window to WebUI
      • New Window for System Configuration in WebUI.
    • #2022 Create Window Textvariablen in WebUI
      • New Window for Boilerplate Variables in WebUI.
    • #2023 Create Window Textbausteinein WebUI
      • New Window for Boilerplate Text Elements in WebUI.
    • #2027 Fine Tuning of Window Bankaccount in WebUI
      • Various Adjustments to the Bankaccount Window in WebUI.
    • #2028 New Window for Validcombination in WebUI
      • New Window in WebUI thats allows the user to maintain the valid Account Combinations.
    • #2038 Adjusted Business Partner Window for Small Companies
      • New Business Partner Window for B2C Companies.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #506 view: accept included referencing documents when creating a new view
      • Providing the REST-API for referenced Documents from Zoom-To in included Tabs
    • #509 and other methods shall work with "ALL"
      • General clarification and a fix for the concrete problem
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #999 grid view: use keyboard + and - to expand/collapse included rows
      • New Feature allowing the usage of keyboard to expand/ collapse included rows in Grid Table.
    • #1007 eMail Icon in Action Menu
      • Adding the eMail icon to metasfresh WebUI Action Menu.
    • #1029 keyboard shortcut and tooltip for button in filters
      • New Keyboard Navigation for Apply Button in Filter selections.
    • #1030 Directly display quick actions for the first row of a modal window
      • Autoselection and Quickaction activation for first row of newly opened Window in GridView.
    • #1038 Flickering effect in Picking Terminal
      • Eliminating the Flickering Effect in the new Picking Terminal when navigating through the picking lines.


  • metasfresh-app

    • #2005 invoiced and delivered status in order
      • Updating the the invoiced and delivered Status in Orders again.
    • #2013 Broken Included Tabs to be redone
      • Fixes a broken Included Tab in the Manufacturing Order Window
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1982 partial issue problem
      • Fixes an error in Action Issue of Manufacturing when patially issueing.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1009 Window Name missing in Action Menu
      • Fixes a Bug not showing the Window Name in Action Menu nor the possibility to set a Bookmark for the window.
    • #1015 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'className' of null
      • Fixes an issue that occured when using the scoll bar in Handling Unit Editor Window.
    • #1028 Tooltip when hovering GridView Header
      • Fix for the Grid Header Tooltip, that was not shown anymore.
    • #1030 Directly display quick actions for the first row of a modal window
      • Bugfix for the Quickaction behavior in modal overlay when opened and first row is initially selected.
    • #1040 Readonly field Contact looks editable
      • Fix for Fields that look editable but are readonly.
    • #1041 included tab: when zoom into the new window opens with error
      • Error solved when using Zoom-To in new Tab and window

metasfresh 5.18 (2017-29)


  • metasfresh-app

    • #484 HU traceability (backend)
      • First Backend Implementation of the new Retraceability Feature allowing the user to backtrack where specific material & components came from and where went to.
    • #1604 Enhance Material disposal (garbage)
      • Further Improvements of the Material disposal functionality.
    • #1874 Material Receipt multiselect Close Lines
      • New Functionality in Material Receipt, allowing the user to close multiple lines at once.
    • #1929 Translate & export webui messages
      • Migrating the latest messages for static webUI elements.
    • #1938 Adjust Window Greeting in WebUI
      • Adding improvements to the Greeting Window in Form of 2-column Layout and Translations.
    • #1939 Adjust the Business Partner Relations Window
      • New Window to allow Business Partner Relations maintenance in WebUI.
    • #1940 Subtabs Layout for Business Partner Window
      • Refining the Business Partner Window Subtabs to Current Layout concept. Adding Translations and Renaming Fields.
    • #1941 Subtab Layout for Window Outbound Document
      • Adjustment of the Doc Outbound Window. Layout changes for Log Subtab, adding Translations and renaming Fields.
    • #1942 Payment Terms Window in WebUI
      • Adjustment of Payment Terms Window with harmonized Layout. Adding Translations for en_US.
    • #1943 Window Business Partner Group Advanced Edit
      • Improvement of the advanced edit mode in Business Partner Group window in WebUI.
    • #1944 Request Type Window adjustments
      • Minor Adjustments to Request Type Window in WebUI, renaming Fields, adding Translations, Layout improvement in GridView.
    • #1967 show dropship in trace report
      • Adding dropship references to vendor/ customer trace report
    • #1969 Adjustment on Average Purchase Prices Function
      • Enhancement for the Average Purchase Price Function, now returning additional Information like DocumentNo and Receiptdate if available.
    • #1981 Add Docstatus to Grid View in Empties Receive
      • Enhancing the presented Information in the Grid View of Empties Windows (Return & Receive).
    • #1986 Internal Use Action for Handling Unit Editor WebUI
      • New Action in Handling Unit Editor to allow Internal Use of Handling Units.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #495 API: Functionality to add Actions for Subtab Data
      • Provides the API Endpoints for actions used in included subtabs. Shall be made available in Frontend via action menu as soon a subtab record is selected.
    • #501 Picking prototype (v4)
      • Next iteration of the picking terminal prototype in WebUI.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #836 Outbound eMail functionality
      • First Iteration of new eMail Editor for Outbound communication in WebUI
    • #919 Keyboard shortcut for Quickaction dropdown
      • New Shortcut added for the Quickaction Dropdown Menu, allowing a better keyboard navigation.
    • #930 Refactor/unify Menu and Sitemap
      • Unifying the the Navigation Menus and Sitemap components for future use and better maintainability.
    • #942 grid view: automatically open the included view when clicking on a row
      • New Fuctionality to directly open an included view when deleting a row in Grid View.
    • #973 Disable/ Enable on quick actions do not happen smoothly
      • Now having a smooth transition of action button content when starting an action, avoiding a flickering effect.
    • #992 Disable quick action dropdown button while running the action
      • Improvement of the usage of Actions. When starting an action, then disabling teh action button for the time the started action is running.


  • metasfresh-app

    • #1970 MatchInv not posting properly
      • Fix for MatchInv Accounting of non service Products
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #891 Blocked cells
      • Improvement of metasfresh Browser compatibility. Here adjusting the behavior of blocked cells when using Edge Browser.
    • #948 Define refactoring plan for filters model
      • Improvement of Filtering model in metasfresh.
    • #966 sitemap: menu item incorrectly flagged as favorite in search result
      • Fix for the User Bookmark menu, fixing a minor case that showed the a menu item incorrectly as favorite.
    • #978 Make Avatar and Notifications accessible in Edit mode
      • Fixes the Avatar and Notifications menu in action windows line Picking Terminal and others.
    • #979 Use the Provided Endpoint w/ entry selections for given Breadcrumb
      • Refactoring/ Fixing the Breadcrumb menu usage.
    • #987 Blue Border in modal overlay when Button pressed
      • Fixes a Stylesheet Issue that caused a blue border around Buttons and Tooltips when hovering.
    • #998 Picking: quick actions button not shown
      • Fix for the Action Buttons in new Picking Terminal Window, that were not displayed.
    • #1008 Breadcrumb Navigation broken for Document List
      • Fix for the breadcrumb menu that was not shown anymore in Document List.
    • #1010 Action menu Window Name
      • Now showing the Window Name in the Action Menu dropdown List again.
    • #1011 Checking/ unchecking flags in included tabs lead to errors in console
      • Housekeeping Issue, now eliminating console errors that popped up when checking/ unchecking flags.

metasfresh 5.17 (2017-28)


  • metasfresh-app

    • #1787 New Window for Quality Inspection Conference Results in WebUI
      • New Window for Quality Insprection Conference (Swiss Produce of Storage Vegetables) maintenance in WebUI.
    • #1933 Menu Translations for Language en_US
      • Translations for all Menu entries and window Names for WebUI Menu for Language en_US.
    • #1949 Add Inventory Valuation Report to WebUI menu
      • Adding the Inventory Valuation Report to WebUI.
    • #1951 Window for Swiss ESR Payment Import in WebUI
      • New window for the Swiss ESR Payment Import in WebUI.
    • #1952 intern: option bind related processes to a particular window
      • New Functionality in our Application Dictionary, allowing to bind Processes to a given window instead to a Table. This allows a much more generic split of actions depending on the given context it shall be used in.
    • #1954 Different adjustments for Contract Window in WebUI
      • New Window in WebUI for Contract Maintenance.
    • #1960 Add window asynchronous workpackage queue to webui
      • New Window in WebUI for Async Workpackage maintainence.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #401 Support Zooming to NULL values
      • A New Functionality in WebUI Frontend, when zooming-to Fields that are empty and have null value. In theses cases the corresponding Windows open with a "new" action.
    • #490 Picking prototype (v3)
      • Introducing the next Prototype iteration of the Picking Window.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #793 Zoom-To for empty "null value" fields error
      • New Functionality in WebUI Frontend that allows to Zoom-To windows with empties fields. This allows the user to quickly record missing entries for referenced data and then select and uses when data recording.
    • #918 Keyboard Shortcuts for Done, Apply, Start and Cancel
      • New Keyboard Shortcuts added for Done, Apply and Cancel Actions.
    • #919 Keyboard shortcut for Quickaction dropdown
      • New Keyboard Shortcuts added for the Quickaction dropdown.
    • #941 grid view: show one text for top level rows
      • New Functionality to show grouping Information in Tree View which can be different to the infomraiton in tree nodes/ leafs.


  • metasfresh-app

    • #1947 camt54 import does not support multiple Ntrys
      • Fix for swiss ESR Payment importer from Sepa camt54. Now allowing to import files with more than 1 ntry node and letting the Importer iterate them.
    • #1953 Support multiple email recipients
      • Fixes a Bug that prevented the initial setting of multiple receipients in eMail editor, when opening from a document window.
    • #1961 AD_BoilerPlate variables not resolved in Email editor
      • Fixes the Boilerplate usage in eMail Editor that was broken due to a refactoring for the eMail Editor in WebUI.
    • #1970 MatchInv not posting properly
      • Fixes the posting of Match Invoices with Material Receipts that lead to an error in minor cases.
    • #1975 new LU is created as planning in production
      • Improvement of newly created Handling Units as Logistic Unit, leaving the status of the LU as "planned" when created from Action Receipt in Manufacturing Workflow.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #956 Caption Translation not working for Sidelist Menu
      • Now also translating the static element properly for Sidelist menu.
    • #957 Sidelist toolips: Remaining translations for static messages not in Frontend
      • Additional i18n of static elements in WebUI Frontend.
    • #959 Modal Overlay not translated although captions exists
      • Adding the Translation Functionality for static elements in Modal Overlays.
    • #971 Page Up and Page Down load all data even if there is only one page
    • #968 Navigation with arrows in modal windows gets to the background lines
      • Adjustment of the behavior in navigation when using the arrow keys to navigate through modal overlay Grid View in the new Picking Prototype.

metasfresh 5.16 (2017-27)


  • metasfresh-app

    • #1854 Material Receipt Dispo window sequence OrderedQty CU vs. TU
      • Adjusting the Sequence of QtyReceives and QtyOrdered for CU and TU in Material Receipt Dispo.
    • #1896 Overhaul the Product Planning window and subtabs
      • Adjusting the Product Planning Window to our current Layout Concept.
    • #1903 Support camt.054.001.04 explicitly
      • Adding the Support of Sepa camt.054 import for Swiss ESR Payments which will replace v11 Forman in Beginning of 2018.
    • #1909 Translate Open/ Close Edit Mode for Windows
      • German Translation of the Window Edit Mode Caption. First time used in Unser Dashboard Customizer Action Menue Entry.
    • #1919 Additional static element Translations
      • New Translations for static window elements in WebUI.
    • #1925 New Window for C_Allotment in WebUI
      • A new Window in WebUI allowing to maintain Allotments uses in Fresh Produce Procurement Contracts.
    • #1926 Change Column Reference of C_Allotment_ID to search
      • Adjusting the Column Reference of C_Allotment_ID to Search and autocomplete allowing a better searchability for the user with a large amount of selection entries.
    • #1948 eMail Editor does not open anymore
      • Fix for the eMail editor that did not open in swing client anymore via Mail icon.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #485 backend: refactor sticky filters
      • Refactoring of sticky Filters in webUI API, allowing to set the active Filters more precicely.
    • #486 dashboard: support "position" when PATCHing a dashboard item
      • Additional support for Dasboard KPI now allowing to set the precise position when moving the KPI Widgets.
    • #469 Picking prototype (v2)
      • First increment of the Picking Window. Still Prototype at the moment, not to be used in live environments yet.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #905 Add/ Remove KPI Widget functionality for User Dashboard
      • New Frontend Functionality to add and remove KPI widgets in the User Dashboard.
    • #920 Improvement of Breadcrumb Navigation Dropdown entries
      • Adjustment of the content in the Breadcrumb Navigation, now only showing the leaf entries of the selected Breadcrumb Hierarchy.
    • #922 Language switch does not update static elements
      • Adding the immediate Translations of menu Tooltips when switching the Language in User Settings.
    • #924 Remaining untranslated static elements in WebUI
      • Translations for static elements added to metasfresh WebUI.
    • #934 Image widget might generate considerable traffic
      • The Upload of Avatar/ User Images is now limited to an image size of 200x200.
    • #935 Image widget: show uploading indicator
      • Now showing an uploading/ processing Indicator to the user durcing the upload of a User image. The Indicator is shown when the image will be shown.
    • #944 Show the metasfresh logo centered when there are no KPIs
      • Centering the metasfresh Logo that's shown when the User/ KPI Dashboard remains empty without added KPI Cards.
    • #945 dashboard: react to websocket notifications
      • New functionality for User Dashboard, now reacting to websocket Notifications. If the Dashboard it changed on other User Browser then the Dashboard is updated also for other opened Browser Tabs.
    • #949 Board: adding a card as last is not user friendly
      • Implementation of a user friendly behavior when adding Cards to the new Kanban Board.
    • #950 Dashboard: move the "Open edit mode" button to Actions menu
      • New Action for Dashboard >Edit mode. Allows the user to toggle between Edit and Live Mode of the User/ KPI Dashboard.
    • #964 again: Editing in the middle of a text field makes the cursor jump to the end


  • metasfresh-app

    • #1869 Customer Returns for HU more than 1 Document
      • Fixes a Bug that created too many Customer return Documents when the initial Handling Unit was already created in a Material Receipt.
    • #1875 New Order Control Report cut off left/ cut off right
      • Adjustments done to the new Order Conrol report, now resizing the margins left and right to avoid cutting off information.
    • #1905 "Wareneingangsetikett LU (Jasper)" prints >200 pages
      • Fixes a minor Bug in Material Receipt automatic Label printing, that occured when the Receipt was already split into a lot of individual Handling Units.
    • #1911 memory issue related to swing-client picking terminal
      • Fixes an Out of Memory issue that sometime occurred in the Picking Terminal of the Swing Client.
    • #1955 memory issues due to default process filter being "true"
      • Fixes an Out ofd memory issues that occured in a few processes due to default process parameter.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #449 Key Field Missing in KPI Field Translation Window
      • Adding the Key Field to WebUI KPI Translation Window.
    • #481 Sticky empty Filter in modal overlay.
      • Getting rid of the empfty Sticky Filter when opening a modal overlay.
    • #482 No Role Error for new User
      • Fixes a caching Bug that occurred when adding a new User, without a role and trying to login. After the "No Role exists" error occured it was not possible for the user to login anymore.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #921 Browser issue: Window Bookmark Header
      • The jumping linebreak effect for Window headers in Action Menu is now solved in Chrome Browser.
    • #923 Packageables window: up/down arrows are working weird
      • Fixes the Keyboard Navigaiton in Picking Terminal Window for WebUI.
    • #931 Notifications are not refreshed when the language is changed
      • Now the Notifications are alss shown in the correct language after switching the language in User settings.
    • #933 Disable quick action button while running the action (v2)
      • Disabling the Quick Action Buttons while an action is already running, to avoid multiple starts and inconsistencies.
    • #951 Frontend is broken (showstopper)
      • Fixes a Bug that raises exceptions after login and prevented the usage of Action Menu.

metasfresh 5.15 (2017-26)


  • metasfresh-app

    • #1786 New Window for Flatrate Conditions in Webui
      • New Window that allows the maintenance of Flatrate Terms/ Conditions in WebUI.
    • #1788 New Window for Flatrate Transition in WebUI
      • New Window for Flatrate Transition maintenance.
    • #1867 restore old ordercheckup jasper files
      • Restoring old Ordercheckup Reports and adding the new ones into a seperate path for future usage.
    • #1872 WebUI Default Filter missing in Windows compared to Swing
      • Default Filter Settings for WebUI taken from implicit Filtering in Swing Client.
    • #1877 Translations de_DE for Handling Unit QuickActions
      • Translations for the Customer and Vendor Returns Quick actions in Material Receipt and Handling Unit Editor.
    • #1890 Harmonize the Shipment Window to our current Look&Feel concept
      • Harmonizing the Look & Feel of the Shipment Window accoring to others. Eliminating the primary Layout chunks.
    • #1893 Default Doctype for Shipment Window
      • Now receiving a default Document Type when creating Shipment Documents manually.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #464 Dashboard API: unify get available kpis/targetIndicators endpoints
      • Internal housekeeping Issue, unifying the endpoints for fetching KPI & Target Indicators.
    • #465 Provide Endpoint w/ entry selections for given Breadcrumb
      • Improvement of Breadcrumb Navigation, now providing the entry points via API.
    • #467 board API: GET board/{boardId}/card?cardIds
      • New API endpoint that allows to receive Cards for the new generic board window.
    • #468 Fix user full name in Avatar
      • Adjusting the Avatar Name. Now showing Firstname Lastname.
    • #470 Cache image endpoint
      • New Endpoint in Rest-API that enables the caching of images.
    • #474 Dashboard API: specify position when adding a new KPI/target indicator
      • New endpoints to specify positions of KPI Cards in User Dashboard.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #833 Dashboard Window w/ Swimlane type functionalities
      • New generic Window Implementation that allows to define Kanbanlike Boards in metasfresh.
    • #864 Show view sticky/readonly filters
      • Adding a new Filter Type that allows to show filtered results to the user when using Zoom-To into new Window.
    • #896 KPIs: show Loading indicator instead of No data
      • Exchanging "No Data" Notification with a Loading Indicator in KPI when data is not available.
    • #908 URL widget: disable the link button if the URL is not valid
      • Disabling the URL Widget Button as long as the URL Field is empty.
    • #926 Board window does not open via Sitemap menu
      • Fix to allow the Opening of Boards via WebUI Menu.
    • #938 Lookup Fields improvements
      • Adjustment of the Lookup Fields behavior. Now only showing the drop down selection List when there is more than 1 entry in the list.


  • metasfresh-app

    • #1814 Hide Processed flag from all M_InOut/Returns windows (webui)
      • The redundant processed flag is now removed from InOut Windows (Empties return/ receive, Vendor Returns). The information is already given by the Document Status Field.
    • #1861 Performance degradation in HUKey.isReadonly()
      • Fixes a Bug that decreased the performance of HUKey.isReadonly() method over the time.
    • #1873 Fix control amount and qty in payment data imported from camt.54
      • Fix for the Import of Sepa camt.54 files accoring to control amount and qty.
    • #1900 Migration Script for "Select all lines count"
      • Fix of the number delimiter in a message Translation the leads to failing switch of link in frontend for 'Select all x records'.
    • #1912 Customer return from HUs coming from Verdichtung POS don't have the right quantities
      • Fixing a minor Bug with Handling Units created in Compression utility not having the right quicntities when processed in Customer returns.
    • #1921 Export webui messages from w101 again
      • Updating the webui messages via migration script.
    • #1924 ESR Line AcctDate not set error
      • Fixing a Bug in Bank Statements that occure because of a missing account date in ESR Lines.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #913 Incompatible Sock.js versions
      • Updating the Sock.js to identical versions in forntend and API.
    • #926 Board window does not open via Sitemap menu
      • Fixes a Bug that prevented to open the new generic Board wndow via menu.

metasfresh 5.14 (2017-25)

release for week 2017-25


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1603 Enhance Vendor returns
      • Different Enhancements in the Vendor Returns Functionality.
    • #1790 New Window for Calendar in WebUI
      • New Window for Calendar Maintenance in WebUI.
    • #1816 Fix the webui layout for Vendor returns (Lieferanten Rücklieferung) window
      • New Window Layout for vendor Returns window, Main View and Subtab Lines.
    • #1817 Allow to switch off transmission to Procurement UI via PMM_Product
      • Enhancement of the functionality to transmit Products to Procurement User Interface. Now allowing the user to switch off selected Transmissions also when contracts exist and are valid.
    • #1819 make new pricelist a sales pricelist by default
      • New Default behavior when creating new Price Lists. The List is set to "Sales Price List" initially.
    • #1823 New Procurement Windows in WebUI
      • Adding the Procurement Windows to WebUI.
    • #1824 New Request for Quotation Windows in WebUI
      • New Window to allow the recording of Request for Quotations in WebUI.
    • #1825 Disable Quickstart, Admin and System Administrator Roles for WebUI
      • Housekeeping Issue, restricting less default roles for usage in WebUI.
    • #1829 Different RFQ Windows in WebUI
      • New Windows in WebUI that allow RFQ recording and Response maintenance.
    • #1830 Add filter for HU status in handling unit editor
      • Additional Default Filters for the new Handling Unit Editor.
    • #1836 Adjustments for Empties Receive Window WebUI
      • Further Layout adjustments for the Empties Receive Window in WebUI.
    • #1839 New Window for Period & Period Control in WebUI
      • New Window for Period and Period Control maintenance in Accounting
    • #1840 internal: refactor and improve PO translation code
      • Enhancement of the Multi-Language Translation Functionality.
    • #1845 Customer Returns Layout Improvement
      • Layout Adjustments to Customer Return Window in WebUI.
    • #1848 EDI Desadv Create from Order Warning in Log
      • Application dictionary cleanup on metasfresh installations where it's needed
    • #1852 intern: discover interceptors which were annotated with @Component
      • Internal Housekeeping Issue about annotations in Spring context.
    • #1857 Translation de_DE for static UI components in WebUI
      • New base language Translation for the static elements in ad_messages in WebUI.
    • #1859 Export all webui AD_Messages from w101
      • Exporting the whole webui ad_messages for migration purpose.
    • #1882 assign role webui to user IT
    • #1884 make sure no bookmarks for user metasfresh so fallback menu is displayed
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #443 Make remaining UI components translatable
      • Endpoints Implementation in metasfresh API for the new Translation Feature of static Elements in Frontend.
    • #458 Debug endpoint to track websocket outbound events
      • Implementation of Debug Endpoints to be able to test the behavior of websockets.
    • #462 Dashboard editing API prototype
      • This is the API Prototype for the new Features required for the User Dashboard.
    • #463 filter is ignored when doing mass invoice or shipping
      • Fixes an issue in adding Filter Criteria to Mass invoiceing/ shipping process.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #861 Make remaining UI components translatable
      • Implementation for translations of static Elements. Now it's able to translate the whole User Interface of metasfresh WebUI.
    • #885 Change the Bookmark Subtab Group Functionality
      • Changes the Bookmark Grouping Functionality and now shows a flat and compressed representation of the sitemap in shortcut/ bookmark menu.
    • #886 Optimize Browse-whole-tree Navigation Link
      • Moves the 'Browse whole tree' to more prominent place above the Bookmark menu. This allows the user to quickly open the sitemap if needed.
    • #895 Modal view: when user presses Done the server shall be notified
      • Enhancement in WebUI for Done Actions. The Frontend is now calling a new Endpoint so the API is aware about that the action was triggered.
    • #897 Clicking the search icon should open partner list
      • New Feature in Lookup Fields. When pressing the magnifying Glass item, the user receives a list of possible entries.
    • #898 Lookup Field Dropdowns automatism
      • Enhancements of the Lookup Fields behavior when result selections entries
    • #907 Margin missing in Advanced Edit when Scrollbar visible
      • Minor Design adjustment in Modal Overlays, adding a larger bottom Margin.


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1314 lazy-assigned Hostkey is not shown in swing-client's settings
      • Enhancement for the Host-Key Functionality needed in async- and batch-printing. Now showing the Host-Key in Swing Client seetings.
    • #1808 Sometimes i get empty window when i zoom to related sales invoices of a given sales order
      • Fixes an issue in the Zoom-To related Documents Feature, leaving the destination windows empty in minor cases.
    • #1843 Error Table M_Product does not have a simple primary key
      • Adding a simple primary key to M_Product database table.
    • #1855 error with order that has just packaging lines
      • Fixes an error in Orders which don't have products in their lines, but only Packaging Material.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #454 Can not add attribute to attribute set
      • Fixes an issue when adding a new Attribute to an Attribute set, for mandatory fields.
    • #1863 memory issue releated to material receipt
      • Fixes an Out of memory issue that occured in cornercases working in material Receipt Canidates window.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #876 Clean and unify the two-column structure in MenuOverlay
      • Decided to have a clean 1-column Layout for now for the shortcut/ bookmark menu.
    • #877 n instead of none in dropdowns
      • Fixes a minor Bug with the description of the emptyvalues in fields.
    • #893 Navigation Menu keyboard usage broken
      • Adjustments in the Sitemap screen, now allowing the user to navigate smoothly via keyboard.
    • #900 Handling Unit Window does not open in some cases
      • Fixes a Bug that prevented to open the Handling Unit Editor in minor cases.
    • #904 Navigation Menu vs. Sitemap entries w/ linebreak
      • Adjustments of the sitemap screen, now showing the menu entries without a linebreak in case there is enough horizontal space.

metasfresh 5.13 (2017-24)

release for week 2017-24


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1513 Translating Shipment Candidates and other fields to en_US
      • Improving the Translation of metasfresh for the en_US language. Here adding the Translation of the Shipment Candidates window.
    • #1590 Translate User Window to en_US
      • Improving the Translation of metasfresh for the en_US language. Here adding the Translation of the User window.
    • #1655 Add CountExpected in Async Batch and improvements
      • Nice new feature to see the expected counts for AsynchBatch processing queue.
    • #1741 New Window for Order Control in WebUI
      • New Window for Order Control Report maintenance in WebUI
    • #1742 Translation for en_US in WebUI
      • Improving the Translation of metasfresh for the en_US language. This is the overall main issue.
    • #1746 Layout Optimization of User Window in WebUI
      • Adding a few Layout Optimzations to User window. Now showing the Login Field in Grid View and deleting the combined Name Field. Additional sized adjustments.
    • #1748 Project Documentation: Screenshots
      • Adds WebUI Screenshots to our project and adding to our readme page.
    • #1753 New Window for Material Transactions in WebUI
      • New Window to Filter/ Search for Material Transaction in WebUI. Alowing the user to search for Products, Business Partners, Dates and Transaction Types.
    • #1754 New Window for Transport Disposition in WebUI
      • Adding 2 new Windows to WebUI - Transport Disposition and Transport Shipment - allowing the user to find out which shipments have predefined Tour Deliverydays allocated and which have to be joined to a Shipper Transportation manually.
    • #1757 New Window Shipper Transportation in WebUI
      • Creates the new Window for Shipper Transportation in WebUI.
    • #1765 Adjustment of advanced edit in Doctype Window
      • Refining the Layout of the Document Type Window, adding missing fields and adjusting the advanced edit layout.
    • #1769 Window Adjustments for Dashboard Configuration
      • Refining the window Layout of User Dashboard Configuration Window in WebUI.
    • #1770 New Window for KPI Widgets in WebUI
      • Adds the default 2-column Layout to the KPI Widget Configuration Window in WebUI.
    • #1773 Add Description Field to User Dashboard
      • New Description Field in Dashboard Window that allows to add a few notes what the Dashboard Configuration is about.
    • #1778 New Window/ Tab for KPI Field Translation
      • New Window for KPI Field Translation maintenance.
    • #1782 My profile window: take out Password field
      • Removing the Password Field from my Profile Window.
    • #1794 Advanced Edit: Business Partner Main View and Customer
      • First Prototype of Advanced Edit Screen, here done in Business Partner window Main View and Customer Subtab.
    • #1798 Prototype Dashboard for Board frontend development
      • Adds a prototype Project Board to WebUI menu.
    • #1801 Translation of My Profile Window to en_US
      • Translating the new Avatar Settings of my Profile Windw to en_US Language.
    • #1805 Add the new Picking Window to WebUI Menu
      • Adding the prototype Picking window to WebUI menu.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #433 Show Manufacturing Order number in window header
      • Enhancement of the WebUI User Interface for moadl overlays. Implemented the endpoint to show detailed infomration to teh user when opening the Manufacturing Issue/ Receipt window.
    • #434 Provide endpoints for user avatar and user settings
      • New Implementation in Rest-API that provided endpoints for the new Avatar and User Settings Functionality.
    • #435 document: stale tab events shall be sent to document's websocket endpoint
      • Improvement of the WebUI Rest-API communication for messages because of Stale Tabs.
    • #437 Load/ Reload of delivery Days window takes too long.
      • API Improvement for opening windows with a large amount of data.
    • #441 Implement Board API
      • Implementing the metasfresh API for the generic Board configuration functionality.
    • #444 Make Dashboard Translatable
      • Improvement of the Rest-API now allowing to Translate fixed elements via metasfresh ad_messages and their translation.
    • #447 Truncate WEBUI_ViewSelection tables on startup
      • Housekeeping Task to cleanup the WebUI View Selection Tables on server startup, which were growing fast.
    • #451 Provide view sticky filters to be displayed by frontend
      • New functionality for better User transparence. Now adding "sticky filters" API to mark windows that were opened and filtered via zoom-to. This endpoint will be used by the frontend in the next milestones.
    • #452 Introduce URL widget type
      • API Implementation of the new URL Widget in frontend.
    • #453 Password process parameters shall allow showing the password
      • Endpoint that allows to make the passwords visible in the change password process.
    • #456 Outbound Mail endpoint prototype
      • Implementation of the eMail ourbound endpoint, which will be used by frontend in the new eMail editor.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #802 User/ Session Settings w/ Avatar and Logout
      • New Settings Section that allows the user to change User dependant infomration and reset the password. Further on having possibility to upload a user avatar picure that is shown in the header bar of metasfresh.
    • #803 Bookmark a window/process/report and show in Quick Menu
      • New Fuctionality that allows the user so bookmark favorite menu entries and show these in the navivation action menu.
    • #835 Collapse functionality in Grid View included rows
      • A new User Interface Functionality allowing to define collapsible/ expandable Tree Grids in metasfresh. This functionality will be used first time in Picking Terminal and then later in retraceabbility Window too.
    • #839 Combined Fields/ Lookup adjustment
      • Nice Improvements to Combined Lookup fields adding a step-by-step workflow when recording data in those fields.
    • #840 Open Sitemap shall focus on Search Field initially and more
      • Navigation Improvements in Sitemap Screen. Now allowing easy switch between filtered menu treee and search field.
    • #847 Loading of empty delivery Days Window take long
      • Frontend Improvement for opening windows with a large amount of data.
    • #854 After login to account, go to sitemap page, open developer tab and start using scroll.
      • Additional Improvement for the Usage of Firefox Browser with metasfresh WebUI.
    • #855 Missing shadow under top menu
      • Improvement of User Interface when using Firefox Browser. Now showing the shadow underneath top navigation when scrolling down.
    • #862 Modal view: show view description if available
      • Additional Descriptions to modal Overlay windows. First Implementation of this feature in Manufacturing Window Issue/ Receipt now showing the Document Type and Document No.
    • #863 Show password option for Password widget
      • New Functionality to allow the user to make the passoword visible in Password changing workflow.
    • #865 Clickable URL in Fields
      • New Widget Type for URL Fields that allow the user to open a new browser Tab with the recorded link.
    • #867 Layout Adjustment for UI Section Headlines
      • New Layout for Section Headlines, allowing more and better visibility/ readability for the user.
    • #872 Breadcrumb: separate the document summary and last breadcrumb node with a slash
      • Additional Slash Character in Breadcrumb to seperate the window Name and Document Identifier.
    • #880 Change Icon for URL Link
      • Adjusting the Icon of the new URL widget with a 'link' image.
  • others

    • metasfresh/metasfresh-docker#23 Jenkinsfile make docker tag from MF_UPSTREAM_BRANCH
      • Build System imporvement now allowing to issue the git branch name as docker tag.
    • metasfresh/metasfresh-scripts#8 implement crude pagination for cherry-pick-issue-script
      • Adding support for github issues with more than 30 events.


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1441 move subproject de.metas.endcustomer.mf15.ait to metasfresh-dist repo
    • #1735 istransferwhennull not working in webUI but in java client
      • This Fixes the transmission of Attributes from issued material to received product in the manufacturing workflow.
    • #1793 fix jasper document for vendor returns
      • Minor Bugfix for the Vendor Returns document.
    • #1802 picking terminal is not opening
      • Fixes a Bug that prevented the starting/ opening of the Picking Terminal Window.
    • #1807 Fix "Create primary key" process
      • Fixing the "create primary key" process in Table/ Columns in Application Dictionary.
    • #1810 Responsible mandatory Field missing in Request
      • Adds the Field back for Resposible Sales Representative to Request Window in WebUI.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #400 minimum password length error message not displayed
      • Now adding an error message to the user when the changed password does not have a length of at least 8 characters.
    • #436 Manufacturing Order Issue not possible after barcode filtering
      • Fixes a minor Bug that occured when using the barcode filtering.
    • #446 Cannot open the menu when logged in as System Administrator
      • Now allows also the System Administrator to see the menu in WebUI.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #795 On tab stale event, don't refresh tabs which are queryOnLoad but are not the active tab
      • Refreshing/ Reloading improvement fix for stale tabs which are not active and shall only be queried when opened.
    • #848 notifications don't update
      • Minor fix. Now updating the the user notifications again.
    • #849 manufacturing order doesn't open
      • Fixes a Bug that prevented the Manufacturing Order window to be opened in WebUI.
    • #878 Error firework when logout
      • Fixes various issues that occured when logging out of metasfresh.
    • #879 Avatar Picture not deleted from Header when cleared in Profile Settings
      • Minor fix for not undisplaying the Avatar image from header when deleting the Image from User Profile.
    • #881 Error when pressing Action Menu in Collapsible Grid Window
      • Fixes an issue with the Action Menu in windows with the new collapsible Grid View.
    • #883 hu editor doesn't update
      • Bugfix for the HU Editor that did not update in some cases.

metasfresh 5.12 (2017-23)


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1239 Barcode on Bestellkontrolle report
      • The Sales Order Control Report now has an included Barcode with Code39. Ist allows the users in Manufacturing to scan the control report and the Manufacturign Order is automatically opened, ready for action issue and receipt.
    • #1327 Do not display Destroyed HUs in Korrektur panel
      • Refining the base Filtering of Handling Units in WebUI Handling Unit Editor (here Correction Panel in material Receipt), now not showing destroyed Handling Units anymore.
    • #1334 Display created/ createdby in BusinessPartner contracts window
      • New Fields Created, CreatedBy now added to the Business Partner contracts window.
    • #1518 Show currency from pricelist in pricelist / pricelist comparison Jasper
      • Introduces the Currency information to the Pricelist comparison report.
    • #1564 New Window for Packing Material in WebUI
      • New Window that allows to maintain Packing Material in WebUI.
    • #1599 Import full menu from w101
      • Initial Import of the current full webUI Menu/ Sitemap.
    • #1619 Do not process reverse booking lines and improve esr import
      • Improvement of the automatic processing workflow of payment imports in swiss ERS format.
    • #1641 New Tax Rate window in WebUI
      • Adding the Tax Rate Window to WebUI.
    • #1644 Add email validator syntax
      • Adding an eMail validator to metasfresh.
    • #1647 Rename Empties Return in language de_DE
      • Translation of Emptires Return Window in WebUI. Renamed window, tab and menu entry.
    • #1654 Customer Returns Window in WebUI
      • Creating the Customer Returns Window for WebUI. Adding to the menu.
    • #1659 Make verify BOM available in webUI
      • Adding the verify BOM to WebUI, allowing the user to better maintain Bill of Material Configurations.
    • #1657 Initially set Date+Time Filters in WebUI
      • Removing 2 Date Fields from Filter criteria in WebUI that did not have a perfect behavior when using combined filters.
    • #1661 make process field autocomplete in table and columns window
      • Making the process & report fields autocomplete in table and columns configuration.
    • #1663 new order checkup jasper
      • Creating a new Order control report that has a more compressed and focused view and reduces the amount of information to the most important.
    • #1665 Subtab Advanced Edit Configurations
      • Migrating all Subtab UI Elements to show them in Advanced Edit, also swicthing the UI Element Group UI Styles to be not primary.
    • #1672 New Tax Category Window in WebUI
      • New Window for the Tax Category Maintenance.
    • #1676 Payment Terms window in WebUI
      • Adding the window Layout For Payment Term window in WebUI.
    • #1677 Adjustments to Product Window in WebUI
      • Adjustments to Product Window, refining the Layout and Look&Feel of Fields in main View and Advanced Edit. Harmonizing to our current default Layout.
    • #1679 New Window for Country in WebUI
      • New Window in WebUI allowing the maintaineance of Country, Regions and Cities
    • #1680 New Window or Request Type in WebUI
      • Creation of the Window Layoutfor the Request Type Window in WebUI.
    • #1681 New Window for Standard Response in WebUI
      • Creating a new window for Result Schema maintenence in WebUI which is available for the user via menu or zoom-to functionality from Request Window.
    • #1687 Refactor Request Tab in Partner Window to allow zoom and advanced edit
      • Adjustments in Business window Subtab for Requests, now allowing the user the zoom-to Request Window and records directly.
    • #1695 Introduce AD_User.Avatar_ID and AD_Language fields
      • Introducting 2 new Fields - Avatarm Language - to User Window and May Profile.
    • #1701 Customer Return Window additional Fields
      • Including new Fields to Customer Return Lines (QtyTU and HUPIProductItem).
    • #1705 Add Handling Unit Editor Window to WebUI Menu
      • Adding the Handling Unit Editor to WebUI menu in Logistics group.
    • #1707 Add Handling Unit Assignment Tab to Customer Returns Window
      • Adds the Handling Unitb Assignment Tab to the Customer Returns window, allowing the user to easily zoom-to and maintain the returned Handling Units.
    • #1709 Pimp the old "My Profile" window to be used in webui as User settings
      • Reusing the old "My Profile" Window for the new Avatar Settings screen in WebUI.
    • #1711 Support Product Search in window BOM
      • Adding Filter and Search possibility to Bill of Material Window in WebUI
    • #1714 Add Validation Rule to Empties Return/ Receive M_Product_ID
      • Changing the Validation Rule for the M_Product_ID in window Empties Return/ Receipt so only have the restrictions in this one specific case.
    • #1718 Fix BPartner Contact advanced edit layout
      • Finetuning of the Business Partner Contact Subtab Layout.
    • #1722 New Window for Request Status in WebUI
      • Creating the Request Status Window for WebUI and adding to menu.
    • #1723 Adjustments to Request Window in WebUI
      • Rearrangements to Request Window in WebUI. Harmonizing Look & Feel to current Layout default.
    • #1729 Adjustments to window Product Category in WebUI
      • Adjusting different windows to out default Layout and Look&Feel including Product Category, Unit of Measure and Attribute Window.
    • #1730 New Window for Discount Maintenance in WebUI
      • New Window for Discount Maintenance in WebUI. Allowing to define flat discounts or discount Quantity breaks as Discount Schema.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #86 Check and get rid of "Parameter 'UOMConversion' not found in context" console warnings
      • Maintenance Issue, removing all UOM Conversions from Dicplay Logics (wasn't used anywhere until now).
    • #376 Hide Roles on Logon that are not ideal for WebUI
      • New feature, allowing to qualify certain Roles for Usage in Web User Interface.
    • #410 Provide view row field zoom-into endpoint
      • New feature allowing to Zoom-To on included Subtab row level.
    • #413 Subtab Fields not shown in Advanced Edit although Displayed = 'Y'
      • Now the Subtab Fields are shown in Advanced Edit mode when Displayed = 'Y'.
    • #414 Referenced Windows for Subtab Records
      • New Functionality to jump to referenced data from SUbtab rows. Opens a new browser Tab with the referenced window and record.
    • #415 Notification for Vendor returns jumps to wrong window
      • New User Interface Functionality allowing to define different Window References for the same underlying table and therefor providing possibilities to zoom-to different windows with the same table depending on the business case.
    • #416 AD_UI_Section's Name and Description shall be translatable
      • The Section Names for Fieldgroup creation are now translatable in WebUI.
    • #424 Implement picking window
      • First prototype of the picking Terminal overview and selection screen in WebUI.
    • #425 API support for bookmarking menu items
      • Adding the API Support for Menu entry bookmarks.
    • #426 internal: JSONDocument - drop "fields" array field
      • Clean-Up Issue/ Maintenance Task for JSOn Document eliminating the "fields" property.
    • #427 space in Field shall provide first dropdown results
      • New Functionality in Lookup Fields. Just press space key and receive a list of first available selections.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #600 Lookup revamp – collective issue
      • Completely redone lookup widget functionality in Web User Interface allowing to select elements of combined fields separately. Additionallly allowing a smooth and efficient assistant like workflow during data recording.
    • #681 KPI maximize w/ Data Table
      • New Feature in metasfresh Dashboard now adding detail Datatables on which the KPI are based on.
    • #713 KPIs: In case datasets is empty or missing shall show "No data" text
      • The Dashboard now does sow "No data" instaead of error, when no Data is available.
    • #773 frontend: JSON documents: always use "fieldsByName" instead of "fields"
      • Internal Task for changing API responses for single documents, vie data and Patches.
    • #781 Sorting of Included Tab columns
      • Now it is possible to sort in Included Subtabs. Also possible now: Intial Order By criteria via Window Layout.
    • #789 Advanced Edit w/ key [ctrl]+e too many [tab] for scroll
      • Nice Usability Improvement for the keyboard Navigation in Advanced Edit Mode. Scroll w/ page-up/ page-down can be used directly after opening the Advanced Edit mode.
    • #790 Advanced edit section header for better structuring
      • Adding the possibility to have Fieldgroups in WebUI Advanced Edit Windows.
    • #797 Action/ Quickaction Layout wrong
      • Refining the Action Buttons Layout and visibility to enhance User Experience, keeping the Buttons now visible for the user when opening the included view.
    • #801 Included row: show row's references in context menu
      • New Functionality allowing to jump to referenced from included Subtab Views.
    • #809 Kickstart Avatar button
      • First prototype of the Avatar Button, moving the settings out of the main menu and incluing into Avatar and profile area.
    • #819 HTTP header "Accept-Language" shall be correctly set
      • Now setting the Language Header in API-calls correctly.
    • #820 Combobox's current value shall be selected by default in dropdown
      • Opening a dropdown combo on a fields with existing value now initially selects the value in the dropdown list too.
  • other


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1559 Minor Invoice Layout Issues
      • Minor Adjustments in the Jasper Reports Layout of the invoice Print Format.
    • #1581 Changing the qty in PP_Order causes error
      • Fixes a Bug that occurres when trying to change the quantity ordered in Manufacturing Order.
    • #1640 fix
      • Maintenance & fix Issue for the prepare_services shell script.
    • #1656 No Packing Item in jaspers
      • Hiding the Packing Material Names in Jasper Reports when its a "No Packing Item".
    • #1712 Wrong Handling Unit Assignment in Shipment Schedule via aggregated Picking
      • Provides a solution for combined picking of Handling Units for more than 1 Shipment Schedlule Line atb the same time.
    • #1739 Menu entry for M_ProductCategory window wrong
      • Adding the correct window to the WebUI menu for Product Category Window.
    • #1759 HUTransform might pick the wrong capacity definition
      • Fixes an error that occured when selecting a specific Packing Material in Handling Unit Transform Action. In minor cases the wrong capacity configuration was chosen and processed.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #418 Disable zoom into string lookups until it's fixed
      • Avoiding current error, disabling zoom-to String fields as long as not implemented.
    • #428 internal: Include AD_Language in layout ETags
      • Adding the AD_Language into eTags, allowing the language siwtiching to happen instantly without refreshing in other browser windows.
    • #431 Create request from BPartner not working
      • Fixes a Bug in the "Create new Partner" action that can be called in Lookup fields.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #714 Included tab shall preserve the retrieve order
      • When opening the window in WebUI, the fontend now respects the ordering sequence transmitted by the webui-api.
    • #744 product/packing lookup does nothing when clicking on the single result
      • Optimizing the behavior of Lookup Dropdowns in cases of multiple one or nor List entries.
    • #804 Clicking on a menu item shall open the view without any filter
      • When Zooming-To an new window and the user navigates with breadcrumb or sitemap, now the view-id filtering is initializes. This way the user can easily rest the filter the window was opened with.
    • #810 quickInput endpoints are wrongly called
      • Internal fix for the api endpoint calls sometimes missing the correct Tab_ID.
    • #811 Print Preview Stopped working
      • Fixes a Bug with Print action, that did not show the print preview in a new Tab anymore.
    • #812 1 Key Press save action error during typing
      • Fixes a Bug that sometimes occured inString fields, letting the frontend save after each character recording.
    • #813 included row: typeahead and dropdown endpoints are wrongly called
      • Fix for Lookup fields that did not display the dropdown list correctly, mostly empty because the endpoint was wrongly called.
    • #814 Deleting a row in included tab makes the included tab empty
      • Fixes a Bug that undisplayed all rows of a Subtab when deleting one of the included rows.
    • #815 attributes are missing
      • Fixing a Bug that prevented attributes to be shown in manufacturing order issue/ receipt.
    • #816 Double arrow-down for Dropdown selection
      • Fixes a glitch when autocomplete usage and selection took 2 keystrokes with arrow down. Now works with auto selection of first entry and direct reaction after first arrow-down.
    • #823 Create new bpartner (from lookup) not working
      • Fixes a Bug in the "Create new Partner" action that can be called in Lookup fields.
    • #829 Filter criteria not shown when typing error
      • Eliminates a Bug in Filtering and Typeahead. Now the Search criteria is shown and possibility to type more than 1 character is provided.
    • #830 Layout broken in included Row Grid
      • Fixing the Layout of Included Grid Rows, now showing the element connections nicely again.
    • #842 Lookup Field clear w/o selection does not work
      • Now it is possible to uses the clear-x-circle to empty recording before initial confirmation with [enter]
    • #860 Change Placeholder name "Marcus Gronholm" to "Profile"
      • Adding another name as placeholder in Avatar dropdown, as long as name is not taken from Avarat API property.

metasfresh 5.11 (2017-21)


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1389 Make eMail adress fields longer
      • Enhancing the lenght of the eMail address field in Business Partner Contact Window/ Tab. Allowing also to include multiple eMail Addresses semicolon seperated.
    • #1506 Add the possibility to track easily contracts that ended naturally
      • New feature that adds more transparency to the contract management, allowing to easily track contracts that are resigned.
    • #1507 Add the possibility to close or not invoice candidates when canceling a contract
      • New feature that prohibits invoice candidates to be invoiced after ther referenced contract has been terminated.
    • #1560 Add description fields to invoice window
      • Adding the Prefix and Suffix Description Fields for Invoice Documents. These Fields allow the user to write an individual text that shall be shown in the beginning and at the end of an Invoice Doument.
    • #1577 Introduce /test/ping/notifications server troubleshooting endpoint
      • Internal Issue adding a Testing possibility that checks if websockets is available after starting metasfresh.
    • #1584 New Window for Org in WebUI
      • Adding a window that allows the maintenance of Organisations in WebUI.
    • #1585 New Window Client in WebUI
      • Adding a window that allows the maintenance of Clients in WebUI.
    • #1586 New Window for OrgType in WebUI
      • Adding a window that allows the maintenance of Organisation Type Settings in WebUI.
    • #1591 Password Field is missing in user window in WebUI
      • Adding the Password Field in User Window of WebUI.
    • #1595 Translate Important Doc Types to en_US
      • Translation for a subset of Document Types to Language en_US.
    • #1598 update jaxb maven plugin to 2.3.1
      • Solves an internal issue updating the jaxb maven plugin to new version 2.3.1
    • #1602 Show manufactoring order documentno in production order overview
      • Now the Manufacturing Order No. is shown in Grid overview
    • #1606 Add IsQualityReturnWarehouse flag to warehouse window WebUI
      • Adding the new Field isQualityReturnWarehouse to Main View of Warehouse Window in WebUI.
    • #1609 Provide Basic Test config Data for manufacturing / production
      • Includes some initial settings for manufacturing that provides a good starting point for new users in this topic.
    • #1612 New Window for Business Partner Group in WebUI
      • Created a new Window in WebUI that allows different settings for Business Partner Groups.
    • #1614 New Window Attribute Set Instance in WebUI
      • Adds the new Window for Attribute Set Maintenance to WebUI.
    • #1617 Check if imported esr file is v11 file
      • Adding a consitency check in Swiss ESR File Processing, allowing to import files only w/ the defined format.
    • #1621 Adjustments of Pricelist window in WebUI
      • Adjusting the Pricelist Window in WebUI, renaming Fields, Adding Translations, Order by Valid from in Subtab.
    • #1627 Adjustments of Business Partner window in WebUI
      • Adjustments, Refining of Business Partner Window with Subtabs and new Fields.
    • #1628 Sales Order Window Advanced edit rearrangement
      • Refining the Sales Order window for a better Layout and Look and Feel. Rearranging the Advanced edit to allow better visibility and navigation.
    • #1642 Column Resizing in Sales Order Grid View
      • Finetuning in Sales Order Grid View, making important fields larger so their content is not cut off.
    • #1650 Resize Fields in Pricelist Window and Field and Layout adjustments
      • Adding various windget sizes to fields shown in Grid View (Main and Subtab) to allow a better visibility, readability)
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #396 Vendor Return Actions in WebUI
      • Adding the Vendor Return Actions to WebUI Handling Unit Editor in Material Receipt.
    • #409 backend: change view attributes endpoint location
      • Internal Issue about switching the Attributes endpoint in WebUI.
    • #411 Provide "size" to layout element
      • New feature for Admins, allowing to change the size of widgets in grid view to allow a better distribution of columns on each data table.
    • #412 Provide API for sorting included tab
      • Functionality that allows to define sorting critieria for included tabs.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #762 Empty Filter vs. Default Value in Window Filtering
      • New Design and Functionality for the Filter Definition of Y/N Fields.
    • #763 grid: right click on a cell and zoom into
      • New Zoom-To Functionality in grid rows, allowing the user to right click on a table cell and selecting Zoo-To. A new browser Tab is created with the referenced window and record.
    • #764 Long text boxes shall have a border around
      • New Layout element for long text fields. These fields now have a surrounding visible border.
    • #765 Date + Time Info in Notification window
      • Adds Date and Time Infomration as Tooltip Overlay in Notification window.
    • #772 automatic Column sizing not showing all text although space would be available
      • Optimizing the Size mechanism für Window and Field Layout createn.
    • #778 Yellow pulse effect w/o data change
      • Restricting the pulse effect only to changed data.
    • #787 window endpoint: change "attribute" to "field"
      • Adjusting API Calls, chinging used endpoints to avoid using deprecated ones.


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1566 Invoicing problem with reversed inouts that have a quality discount
      • Fix that solves an issue when processing Invoice candidates that are associated with inoutlines which are reversed and have a quclity discount recorded.
    • #1578 spring-boot services try to start local broker and fail
      • Internal task that solves an issue with failing spring boot services.
    • #1607 DB Function dba_seq_check_native needs to explicitly work in public schema
      • Fixes an issue in sequence generation, trying to create sequences in wrong, active db schemas.
    • #1615 Address lines is cut off on shipment jasper document
      • Resizing and adjustments of Address lines in documents. Thanks to @thelightsense for reporting and testing
    • #1624 NPE when closing the pp_order
      • Fixing a Bug that caused a Null Pointer Exception after closinf a manufacturing Order.
    • #1639 cannot complete distribution order
      • Fixing a Bug that restricted the closing of Distribution Orders.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #378 Document changes: provide the validStatus and saveStatus only when changed
      • Adjustments to the API of Documents, now prividing the validStatus/ saveStatus only when these are change.
    • #405 Backend shall provide JSON document fields indexed by field's name
      • Internal Issue to improve performance using name indexed JSON document fields in Map.
    • #407 View filtering by virtual SQL column not working
      • Fixing the usage of virtual columns in Filtering criteria.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #753 Location dropdown missing in Order windows
      • Fixes the missing Dropdown List for Locations in combined Businesspartner Lookups.
    • #760 Fix the texts displayed while loading
      • Optimizing the Text shown to the user when lazy loading actions and referenced.
    • #766 issue panel doesn't open
      • Fixes a Bug in Manufacturing Action Issue and Receipt opening the Issue modal overlay.
    • #767 Got same notification several times
      • Avoiding the creation of notifications multiple times.
    • #769 Honor tab stale flag also when editing in advanced mode
      • Now honoring the stale flag of included tabs also in Advanced edit mode of main view.
    • #774 Fix invalid "GET /window/{windowId}/{tabId} call
      • Fixing an invalid GET after completing a sales Order.

metasfresh 5.10 (2017-20)


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1304 Jasper Document for Material disposal
      • New Jasper Report for the Material disposal Document.
    • #1306 Customer Returns Functionality
      • New Functionality for the customer Returns workflow, allowing to receive and book the returns including Packing Material and empties.
    • #1474 New Window Handling Unit Packing Instruction in WebUI
      • Creates a new Packing Instruction Window in WebUI.
    • #1475 New Window for Handling Unit Packing Instruction Item in WebUI
      • Creates a new Window in WebUI allowing the maintenance of Packing Instruction Versions.
    • #1485 New Window Distribution Order in WebUI
      • Adding the Distribution Order window to WebUI.
    • #1489 Disable/delete legacy Cockpit window
      • Disabling the legacy Business Partner Cockpit Window.
    • #1501 Rename "No Handling Unit" and "Virtual PI" PIs
      • Renames the internal Packing Items (former Virtual PI, No Handling Unit) to names that describe what these Items really are.
    • #1504 Configure our services for logstash
      • Add an option to have metasfresh-backend, -admin, -material-dispo and -webui-api send log messages to an ELK Stack
    • #1509 New Window for Doctype in WebUI
      • Adding a new Window for Doctype in webUI allowing the admin user to maintain Document Types via Web User Interface.
    • #1517 intern: refactor LanguageDAO and LanguageBL
      • Internal issue, refactoring and improving the language handling in metasfresh.
    • #1520 add .metadata/ and .recommenders/ to .gitignore
      • Thx to @homebeaver
    • #1523 New Window for Print Format in WebUI
      • New Window in WebUI to allow doing the Print Format maintenance.
    • #1524 New Window for Document Sequence in WebUI
      • Adding the Document Sequence Window in webUI allowing the admin user to have control over the Document Sequences in metasfresh.
    • #1529 Fresh Migration of WebUI Menu for rel. 5.10
      • Adding the new Menu Configuration for WebUI.
    • #1539 New Window for Product BOM in WebUI
      • Adding the BOM Product Window to WebUI. Now allowing the easy BOM Configuration via the Web User Interface.
    • #1541 New Window for Packing Configuration in WebUI
      • Adding the Packing Configuration (readonly) Window to webUI.
    • #1546 Add login Field to User Window in WebUI Main View
      • Move the Login Field from Advanced Edit to Main View in User Window of WebUI.
    • #1551 Jasper Document for Customer Returns
      • New Jasper Report for the Customer Returns Document.
    • #1555 add default search fields for business partner window
      • Adding default search filters for the Business Partner Window in WebUI.
    • #1561 Rearrange Role Window w/ more important fields on Main view
      • Adjustments of Main View and advanced Edit field content in Role Window. Moving Fields according to their importance/ usage.
    • #1572 User Window adjustment in WebUI
      • Adjustment of User Window in WebUI, Harmonizing Look&Feel, important Fields to Main View.
    • #1574 New Field for Menu Root Node in Role window of WebUI
      • Adding a new Field to Role Window of WebUI, Menu Root Node ID, allowing to define partial Menus as Main Menu for a given Role.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #362 Add filters in Handling Units window
      • Adding default filters to the Handling Unit Window in WebUI.
    • #364 Replace HU editor's Barcode quick action with Barcode filter
      • Replacing the action based Barcode selection with the new special Barcode Filter.
    • #366 Make Permission change active without server cache reset
      • First Implemantation of the distributed Cache invalidation. Now it's possible to change role permissions without the need of a server cache reset.
    • #370 Avoid spamming the console with "Connection refused" when elasticsearch connection is not available
      • Housekeeping task about log messages when elasticsearch is not available.
    • #372 backend: endpoint for creating a filtered view
      • New Functionality in WebUI backend that allows to provide filtered views for the frontend.
    • #388 grid view: select "ALL" support
      • New Feature that allows to select more records than are visible on the page. The new selection possibility allows the user to select all records which are available with the current filtering. These selected records can then also be used for following processes or quickactions.
    • #390 Change advanced edit layout
      • Adjusting the advanced edit mode to the Main View Layout. This makes it easier for the user to find additional fields that are not displayed on Main View and makes a more tidy look & feel.
    • #391 role: besides menu tree, allow configuring the sub-tree to be used
      • New feature that allows an easier Menu maintenance in future via Menu Nodes that can be selected as Root of main menu for a given role.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #679 Record selection behavior w/ browser back/ forward
      • New Implementation of a refined Browser Navigation in metasfresh. It is now possible to use the browser back button and also persist the previously made selection in Grid View Lines.
    • #738 Use Key in long drop down list
      • New Alphanumeric key handling in drop down list. The user can press the first key and the cursor jumps to the first found apperarance in the drop down list.
    • #739 When included view is displayed add an alpha layer over the main view
      • The new included view implementation is now better focussable for the user. The remaining non active main view has an opacity overlay, to avoid distraction for the user.
    • #740 When filtering a view please use the newly introduced "/documentView/{windowId}/{viewId}/filter" endpoint
      • Internal housekeeping task moving the filtering implementations to a new endpoint.
    • #742 Filter singleOverlayField support
      • Adding a new Overlay method to WebUI allowing to create special Filtering screens. First implementation done with Barcode Filter functionality in Manufacturing Issue and Receipt Editor.
    • #743 modal panel: background looks a bit ugly
      • Adjustment of the Look and Fied design of the modal overlay.
    • #752 Select-all-filtered option in general
      • Providing the possibility to use the select-all filtering generally/ systemwide.


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1515 Project "de.metas.material.dispo" shall not be part of Swing client
      • Extracting the project material dispo from swing client.
    • #1516 HU Transform - split out some TUs from LU does not work correctly with custom LUs
      • Fix for the Split Functionality in handling Unit Editor. Sometimes the Split off for Transport Units did not work properly.
    • #1521 standard database: add SSCC attribute to "DIM_Barcode_Attributes" dimension spec
      • Adding the SSCC Attribute to the default database seed of metasfresh.
    • #1580 NPE when setting up production ressource
      • Fixing a Null Pointer Exception when inserting an new manufacturing ressource.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #302 jasper processes default values not taken
      • Fix for Jasper Processing in WebUI. In a minor case some default values were not considered when doing the Jasper Processing.
    • #363 make LU not mandatory in Receive HUs
      • Fix for the Field Logistic Unit in Receive Handling Units action. Now allowing to receive without a Logistics Unit.
    • #369 adding role to user does not work
      • Fix for Role Permissions in WebUI. Adding of new Users to a roles was not working anymore.
    • #377 Don't show zoom-to for non-zoom reference Lists
      • Restricting the new zoom-to action in WebUI. Not allowing non-zoom reference Lists anymore.
    • #381 ZoomInto shall consider AD_Ref_List.AD_Reference_ID if any
      • Enhancing zoom-to, now considering the Reference List ID if available.
    • #380 readonly permission in webui
      • Possibility to use the readonly Layout configuration also in WebUI now.
    • #382 menu is not updating when you change permission
      • After changing a permission in Role window, the menu was not adjusted to the new permission.
    • #386 Purchase Order from Sales Order Parms not initially filled in WebUI
      • Now setting the needed default values in Processes when calling actions from window Main view.
    • #375 Adding Role for User w/o Org_access restricts access totally
      • Fixing a Bug with All Orgs Access permission, which restricted the access totally after setting.
    • #389 Zoom-Into error for subtab orderline
      • Fixing a Bug when using zoom-to for subtab lines of a main window.
    • #392 barcode field is readonly
      • Fix of the barcode field. Was readonly and should be editable.
    • #393 Manufacturing Issue/Receipt: cannot receive HUs
      • Fix for the receive Handling Units error, that prevented the receipt of new Handling Units.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #706 Manufacturing order - Issue HUs - wrong /quickActions call
      • Fix for the action menu behavior in Manufacturing Order Window of WebUI. Now the actions are fitting to the selected rows and context.
    • #707 Page popup shall be closed when clicking o a page
      • The Page selection popup now closes automatically when clicking on a page selection.
    • #715 KPI widgets shall have the same height
      • Adjustment to the KPI widget heights. Now all widgets have the same height and result in a tidier look and feel of the metasfresh Dashboard.
    • #732 issue not opening on single document
      • Fixing an error that avoided the opening of the action issue window in Manufaturing workflow.
    • #734 included view: don't reset when closing an error notification
      • Fix in included view. Not resetting the context anymore when clicking on an error notification.
    • #749 singleOverlayField: pressing ESC shall close the popup
      • Fix for the single field overlay, now allowing to press [esc] to close that overlay.
    • #751 Initial Setup Wizard does not open after switching language
      • Fixing a Bug in Initial setup wizard that did not open anymore when using the language selector previously.
    • #755 mandatory numeric field is underlined with blue, even if it's set
      • Adjustment in the mandatory field look & feel for number fields. Although a number was set, the mandatory logic said that the fields still has to be recorded.
    • #759 Action button remains gray if the process execution fails with error 404
      • Fixing an error leaving the action button greyed out after running into a previous 404 error.

metasfresh 5.9 (2017-19)


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1305 Jasper Document for Vendor Returns
      • Created a new Jasper Document that allows to Vendor Return Confirmation.
    • #1320 Translation for nl_NL in WebUI
      • Initial Translation for nl_NL for multiple WebUI Windows and elements. Thanks to @Arjanvb for this contribution.
    • #1460 The Bestellkontrolle barcodes shall be generated and persisted in database
      • New Barcode Generator for the Order Control report in Manufacuring. This Barcode is needed to the scan possibility in Manufacturing when starting the action issue and receipt workflow in WebUI.
    • #1463 Add Window for S_Resource_Ressource to WebUI
      • Adding a new window to WebUI to allow maintaining Manufacturing Resources.
    • #1464 New Window for Manufacturing Workflow in WebUI
      • Adding the Manufacturing Workflow Window to WebUI, now allowing to maintain these.
    • #1465 New Window for Distribution Network in WebUI
      • Including the Distribution Network Window in WebUI.
    • #1466 New Window for Resource Type in WebUI
      • Adding the ResourceType maintenance Window to WebUI.
    • #1467 New Window for Product Planning Data in WebUI
      • Including the Window Product Planning Data to WebUI, to allow the user to maintain Manufacturing dependant data for products.
    • #1471 Provide material-dispo and spring-boot-admin as services
      • New Material Disposition Framework alowing to start the "Make or Buy" decision nearly just-in-time. This implementation is preparing the gound for the furture metasfresh microservices framework
    • #1473 New Window for Node Transitions in webUI
      • Creating a new Window in WebUI for Node Transition maintenance in Manufacturing Workflow.
    • #1478 New Window for InvoiceSchedule in WebUI
      • Adding the Invoice Schedule Window to WebUI to allow the user to define invoiceing frequencies.
    • #1486 Add Status Field to Material Disposition Window in WebUI
      • Adding the Status Field to Material Disposition Window in WebUI. Minor Adjustments in window Layout.
    • #1487 Allow the editing of Workflow Node in Window
      • Adjustment in Window Workflow Node Transition, now allowing the user to select the Workflow Node.
    • #1494 Add HU_PI_Item to Product Price Window in WebUI
      • Adding the Field Handling Unit Packing Instruction to Product Price Window. Minor Adjustments in Layout.
    • #1499 Update to spring-boot 1.5.3
      • Updating spring-boot from 1.4.2 to version 1.5.3
    • #1502 Drop the CU-TU assignment for "No PI" (M_HU_ID=100)
      • Dropping the Customer Unit/Transport Unit assignment creation for "No Packing Instructions2 Handling Units.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #280 Scan of Barcode "Bestellkontrolle" for Manufacturing execution
      • New Functionality for manufacturing action issue/ receipt processing, allowing the user to scan the Order control report for efficient workflow start.
    • #348 backend: Implement Zoom-into in webUI
      • New usability feature for zoom-into. Fields with references to other records now create a link to the corresponding records via available field label.
    • #352 Introduce JSONLayoutType.primaryLongLabels
      • Introducing a new Lable LayoutType for longer label names.
    • #354 Support for Record_ID buttons
      • New Functionality for table-ID record-ID buttons, allowing the user to navigate quickly into the referenced window.
    • #356 Manufacturing Quickaction: Reverse Issue / Receipt
      • New quickaction allowing the reverse issues/ receipts planning in Action-receipt and -issue window of manufacturing in WebUI.
    • #357 Manufacturing Quickaction: Issue selected HU w/ TU Quantity parm
      • New Quickaction in manufacturing issue/ receipt window. Allowing to issue Handling Units with a predefined quantity of Transport Units.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #216 Button record_id does not open according window
      • Frontend implementation of table-id/ record-id buttons.
    • #716 Image widget: button to clear current image
      • New button that allows to clear the current saved image.
    • #719 Document references: group them by their top level menu
      • New Grouping functionality in referenced documents sidelist allowing a better usability.
    • #720 Implement Zoom-into in webUI
      • Implementation of the new Zoom-into functionality in WebUI.
  • other

    • #1 extend metasfresh-eclipse-config repo to generally contain dev resources
      • Extension of the metasfresh-eclipse-config repository to generally contain development resources
    • #2 add Vagrantfile for developers
      • Adding Vagrantfile for Developers.
    • #3 create docker image for metasfresh-admin
      • Creating a docker image for usage of metasfresh-admin.


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1179 Process logs are not displayed in Swing
      • Fixes an exception of processe which create process logs in swing client.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #255 Document fields: when receiving empty string values from frontend, convert them to nulls
      • Converting empty string values to null for document fields.
    • #351 Fix NPE when opening Materialdisposition
      • Fixes a Null Pointer Exception that happend when opening the Material Disposition Window in WebUI.
    • #360 Material receipt candidates: Error while Receving HUs for a particular case
      • Fixes an error that occured in Material receipt window when trying to receive Handling units for a minor case.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #705 Debug/Fix why /window/540189 shows empty
      • Fix in webui. Window 540189 was only shown as empty screeen.
    • #717 Sidelist's scrollbar is on wrong container.
      • Adding the sidelist scrollbar now in the correct container.
    • #724 Login role selection keyboard down does not scroll automatically
      • Fixing the login role selection. Now allowing the user to also select and see roles also in long role lists.
    • #725 Sidelist closes when doubleclick
      • Fixing the sidelist navigational behavior. When selecting a record the sidelist now remains sticky, until the user closes it via "oustide" cklick.
    • #727 Grid view: reset current page to 1 when filtering
      • Fixes the filtering functionality in grid view. Retestting the page counter to 1 after adding new Filter criteria.

metasfresh 5.8 (2017-18)


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #796 Fact Account WebUI Window Readonly
      • Including the Fact Account window to WebUI.
    • #886 Make payment callouts work in webui
      • Implementation in WebUI to also allow the Payment Callouts there.
    • #1315 2D Barcode wit ad_table_id/ record_id on bestellkontrolle
      • Add a 2D Barcode to each line of Order control report for manufacturing and logistics. This Barcode will be used in manufacturing to scan and trigger the manufacturing Order issue/ receipt record and workflow.
    • #1362 Activate auto numbering for incoming and outgoing payments
      • Adjusting the Document Type setting for incoming and outgoing payment Documents. Now allowing the Document No. to be automatically create taken from Document sequences in WebUI.
    • #1369 Translate request type to de_DE Vorgang Art
      • Adding the Translation of Request Type in webUI for language en_US.
    • #1398 Take out "New" in C_DocTypeTarget_ID in PP_Order
      • Adjusted the behavior of Manufacturing Order Document when manually created. Taken out the Document Target "New", which only confuses user when selectable.
    • #1399 DocumentNo not generated for PP_Orders in WebUI
      • Adding Document No. control to all manufacturing Document Types.
    • #1400 DocumentNo not generated for empties in WebUI
      • Adding the Document No. control to the empties return document.
    • #1401 Translate Process "New Request" to de_DE
      • Translating the jump Navigation of "New Request" to de_DE.
    • #1403 technical: refactor TaxNotFoundException
      • Technical Task to make the Tax selection easier and more robust in background implementation.
    • #1405 Adjust Empties Return Window to mandatory field grouping layout
      • Adjusting empties Return Window to mandatory Field primary layout.
    • #1408 Create the WebUI Layout for Material Candidates
      • Creating the initial Layout for the Material Candidates Window in WebUI.
    • #1411 Possible 1:1 switch for Data Lifecycle Management users
      • New feature to allow individual users to be switched on/ off for the Data Lifecycle Management functionality. Before it was only possible to switch all users on for the same environment.
    • #1417 Window for c_activity in WebUI
      • Adding the Activity window to WebUI.
    • #1418 Window for c_bank in WebUI
      • Adding the Bank Master data window definition to WebUI.
    • #1419 Window for c_currency in WebUI
      • Adding the Currency master data window definition to WebUI.
    • #1424 Fresh Migration of WebUI Menu for rel. 5.8
      • Building an updated menue in WebUI for Release 5.8
    • #1425 make price field bigger in sales invoice document
      • Resizing the price field in sales Invoice document, now allowing greater prices.
    • #1429 Window for Bank Account in WebUI
      • Created a new Bank Account window and added to WebUI
    • #1430 Window for c_conversion_rate in WebUI
      • Adding the Currency Conversion rate window to WebUI.
    • #1432 technical: HUReportService shall work with AD_Process_ID instead of I_AD_Process
      • Technical Task to improve performance and reduce possible caching issues.
    • #1435 Add method for Escaping '@' char, by replacing one @ with double @@
      • Internal Implementation, allowing to escape @ characters.
    • #1438 Fix spring scanBasePackageClasses and introduce profiles
      • Adjusting the spring boot configurations for the different metasfresh applications to allow a better maintenance.
    • #1442 Window for C_Doc_Outbound_Config in WebUI
      • This new Window in WebUI allows to do the configuration of outbound Documents.
    • #1444 Window for C_Doc_Outbound_Log in WebUI
      • New Window for the maintenance of outbound Documents in webUI.
    • #1446 Add filter to currency conversion window in WebUI
      • Adding Filter criteria to currency conversion window.
    • #1451 Add scale Price Tab in Window Product Price
      • Adding the Scale Price Tab in Product Price Window on WebUI.
    • #1456 Translation of Initial Setup Wizard Process Window and Menu entry
      • Translation of Initial Client Setup Added to WebUI Menu for language en_US
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #325 make error message more clear when printing in receipt candidates
      • Enhancing error messages in Printing Framework, now allowing to receive a helpful error message when printing fails.
    • #330 Implement webui HUEditor support for massive amount of HUs
      • Enhancing the WebUI Handling Unit Editor to allow performant usage also when loading mass data Handling Units.
    • #334 switch filters to primary layout
      • Improving the usability and readability of process Parameters, switching the labels and fields to primary layout there.
    • #344 backend: Document references: group them by their top level menu
      • New Layout feature in Document references for better visibility. Grouping the referenced in Sidelist via their top level (1 beneath root) Navigation node. This is the backend task, waiting for frontend implementation in the next week to visualize the reference results.


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1044 System Elements w/ centrally maintained Y shall also migrate migration scripts for Translations
      • Now allowing more efficient Translation creation. System elements with centrally maintained = 'Y' now also create migration scripts when adjusted.
    • #1353 Problem with C_Order filtering in M_ShipmentSchedule
      • Fixes a Bug when filtering Document No. and more than 1 exact result is returned. Added validation rule to exclude Purchase Orders from Search.
    • #1440 ClassCastException: CompositeQueryFilter cannot be cast to SqlQueryFilter
      • Fixes a Bug that was introduced in Data Lifecycle Task and caused a Null Pointer Exception in Doc Outbound eMail functionality .
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #257 BPartner contact cannot be saved because mandatory field Name is not set
      • Fixing a Bug that Business Partner record was not saved because mandatory name field was not set. Implemented a callout which builds the Name when the user changes Firstname or Lastname.
    • #333 HUs child and parent get separated when both selected on issue
      • Fixes a Bug that seperated the Child-Parent-Handling Units of a Component when issueing to Manufacturing Order.
    • #339 Sales Order also show Purchase Orders
      • Fixes a Bug that showed Purchase Orders also in the Sales Order Window.
    • #340 Manufacturing order: Prevent issuing VHUs which are not top level
      • Fixing a Bug that did not handle Sub Handling Units correctly when selected during manufacturing Issue.
    • #341 Apply role permissions when browsing/editing data
      • Fixes a Role Permission issue when browsing and editing data.
    • #342 Exception in WebUI when opening initial Doc Outbound window
      • Fixes a Bug that occured when opening the new Doc Outbound window in WebUI.
    • #345 Batch entry not working in order
      • Fixes the Batch entry in Order Windows, which was nor working anymore due to internal error.
    • #346 Zoom into error
      • Fixing the Zoom-Accross functionality via document references.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #675 Icons for manufacturing components
      • Changing the icons for manufacturing element types in Action Issue and Receipt window on WebUI to allow a better visibility.
    • #697 New Businesspartner modal overlay cancel
      • Including the cancel button in modal overlay of new Business Partner window.
    • #700 Typeahead not working in lookup filter parameters
      • Fixing typahead fields/ dropdowns in process parameters, that were not working.
    • #701 "Filter" panel does not disappear
      • Fixing a Bug that prohibited to close Filter panels without filling mandatory fields.
    • #702 Running a process from menu does not work, again
      • Fixes the Process Panel issue when a Processes is started from menu. Now the panel is shown again.
    • #703 leave the page message on request modal
      • Now its possible again to leave a fully recorded request modal overlay without receiving a question about saving.
    • #704 request modal saving is loading 4 tabs
      • Internal issue fixed, when saving the request modal overlay, loading multiple tabs.

metasfresh 5.7 (2017-17)


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #427 Integrate spring DI with metasfresh Services helper class
      • Now integrated Sprint Dependancy Injection into metasfresh Services.
    • #880 Improve IProcessPrecondition framework
      • Improvements on Process Framework and issue handling.
    • #1211 Preparation Time: Change to first possible on same Day as Promised Date-Time
      • Adjustment of the Tour Planning Preparation Date calculation. Now taking the earliest Tour preparation time according to the date promised.
    • #1300 Bank Statement Window in WebUI
      • Adding the initial window layout for Bankstatement window in webUI.
    • #1322 Make Packing Item editable in Manufacturing Order Header
      • Making the Field Packing Item editable in Manufacturing Order header.
    • #1347 technical: ModelClassGenerator shall generate BigDecimal.ZERO instead of Env.ZERO
    • #1349 Create Product category webui window
      • Adding the product category window to WebUI.
    • #1351 IsTransferWhenNull not working correctly anymore
      • Attributes which have IsTransferWhenNull=Y are now also transferred during propagation to the received product in manufacturing.
    • #1355 Allow Business Partner group without setting price system
      • The creation of Business Partner Groups are now possible without mandatory Pricing System.
    • #1358 Drop de.metas.order.callout.CheckDouble
    • #1360 Translating processes and windows for order to shipment process to en_US
      • Adding the Translation of en_US for the order to shipment workflow.
    • #1366 Fields missing in Sales Order WebUI for advanced Edit
      • Adding missing fields into advanced edit of Sales Order Window in WebUI.
    • #1370 Make request type names translatable
      • Translated the Request Names into Language en_US.
    • #1382 Make Packing Item editable in Manufacturing Order Header
      • Allowing to edit the Packing Instruction in Manufacturing Order.
    • #1393 Translate New Partner Quick Input window to en_US
      • Translating the Quickentry for new Business Partners to en_US Language.
    • #1395 Translate Payment Terms to en_US
      • Adding the Translation for Payment Terms of language en_US.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #261 Date offset in Dashboard KPI because of missing Timezone
      • Adjustment of Dashboard KPI, now ofsetting the Date because of missing Timezone.
    • #291 Show value/ name in breadcrumb but edit in window
      • Adjusting the look and feel of the breadcrumb structure and navigation.
    • #300 Quickaction new Request in BPartner Window
      • New Functionality to quickly add a quickaction for request creation to WebUI windows.
    • #313 Handling Unit Barcode selection 1:1
      • Adding the 1:1 selection functionality to Barcode scanning and Handling Unit selection.
    • #314 HU attributes shall be readonly if the HUStatus is not planning
      • Handling Unit attributes are editable as long as the Handling Unit status is 'planning'.
    • #315 Manufacturing Issue/Receipt: merge BOM Type and HU Type columns
      • Merging the Handling Unit Type and BOM Type on HU Level and Issue/ Receipt Lines to 1 column called Type.
    • #316 Implement password widgetType support
      • Adding support for password widget type in Rest-API, preparing the frontend implementation.
    • #317 Manufacturing Issue/Receipt: drop StatusInfo column
      • Adjustment in Manufacturing Issue and receipt, drpping the status info column in WebUI.
    • #318 Manufacturing Issue/Receipt: show packing info for BOM components
      • Adding the Packaging Info Action Issue & Receipt Editor in new Manufacturing.
    • #319 Manufacturing Issue/Receipt: show BOM line attributes if any
      • Adding BOM line Attributes to manufacturing Order WebUI.
    • #321 Manufacturing Issue/Receipt: introduce planning status
      • Introducing the planning status to manufacturing Order WebUI.
    • #322 Manufacturing Issue/Receipt: Fix Qty and QtyPlan columns
      • Adding Fix Qty and Qty Plan to manufacturing Order WebUI.
    • #323 Manufacturing Issue/Receipt: receipt lines shall be displayed first
      • Reordering the manufacturing order ui, now ordered by receipt lines first.
    • #326 technical: Remove JSONProcessInstanceResult deprecated properties
      • Technical issue for further improvement of JSON Messaging in Rest-API.
    • #332 Empties window without pre-selection possible
      • Adding a new Functioanlity to allow empties receive without having preselected material receipt lines.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #248 Handle Password Fields in WebUI
      • New widget for Password Handling in WebUI.
    • #411 Make the parameter names visible in filters
      • Improvement in Process Parameter dropdown, now allowing to define the Parameter layout with primary/ secondary indicator.
    • #537 KPI: implement a non intrusive way to display KPI related errors
      • Improvement for the KPI error Handling.
    • #649 windowId shall be handled as a string and not as a number
      • Changing the format of window ID, now representing as string and not numbers.
    • #666 refresh in attachments side list
      • Now refreshing the sidelist and showing the attached files after new attachments to a record.
    • #667 Change /rest/api/pattribute request message
      • Internal improvement of the Rest-API request message.
    • #676 Process result: implement openDocument as modal
      • New functionality for the openDocument Implementation, now allowing the modal overlay usage.
    • #678 Get rid of deprecated static docNo input in header.
      • Housekeeping issue, getting rid of deprecated document No Field.
    • #683 Tooltip on first level breadcrumb
      • New Tooltip on first level breadcrumb.
    • #695 Larger photo preview screen/ modal overlay
      • Resizing the preview image in material receipt, allowing to preview in modal full width.
    • #682 Sidelist opening shall automatically have the first line selected
      • When opening the sidelist, the first line is now automatically preselected, so the user can use arrow down directly to navigate.
  • other


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1343 Cannot reverse documents
      • Fixing the bug that prevented the usage of document reversals.
    • #1346 Cannot "LU zuteilen" (Swing HU Editor)
      • Fixes a Bug that did not allow to add split-off Transport Units to be added to a new Logistic Unit.
    • #1378 Packing item not displayed in receipt jasper if none was ordered
      • Decoupling the Packing Instructions in Material Receipt from orderline Packing Instructions.
    • #1379 Problem creating FK reference on DLM'ed table
      • Fixing a issue when creating foreign key constraints on tables which are referenced to data lifecyle mangement.
    • #1387 Permission Tabs not displayed in window Role
      • Adding the permission Tabs to window Role in webUI.
    • #1388 HU from Cost Collector is locked and cannot be selected anymore after the CC was reversed
      • After reversing a Cost Collerctor the referenced HU is now not locked anymore.
    • #1348 M_ShipmentSchedule_EnqueueSelection ignores role's org access
  • metasfesh-webui-api

    • #151 grid view websocket notifications: fullyChanged shall not be set when changedIds is set
      • Internal websocket improvement for grid view handling.
    • #267 Show an error or message for user when printing not possible bc of missing config
      • Now showing an eror message to the user when printing is not possible.
    • #268 HU attributes shall always provide the WidgetType along with the data/changes
      • WebUI Improvement of Handling Unit Attributes Widget.
    • #270 cannot add trading unit with batch entry after using add new
      • Fix for Sales Order Batch entry in WebUI, now also allowing to add Trade Unit Packing Material after adding via "add new".
    • #306 Address missing in 'Adresse' for bpartner created on-the-fly
      • Fix for quickentry of Business Partner and Locations via Sales Order now also adding the location name.
    • #310 Switching language does not translate document references
      • Fix for the new Language change switch. Now also translating document references in WebUI.
    • #311 Switching language does not translate document lookup values
      • Fix for the new Language change switch. Now also translating document lookup values in WebUI.
    • #328 Manufacturing receipt mandatory Field not filled
      • Fix for manufacturing action_receipt. Now filling all mandatory fields.
    • #324 File Size Limit
      • Raising the file size limit for uploading attachments to webUI.
    • #329 Issue HU 404 not found
      • Fixing a 404 Page not found Bug when trying to issue product 2 times.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #433 ShipmentSchedule: Only displayed after "No data" showing up
      • Eliminating the "No data" page when loading correctly. It should only be displayed if there actually is no data.
    • #551 Error when recording Swiss location in webUI
      • Fixing a Bug when recording new locations via Business Partner Quick Input.
    • #567 Date attribute is not correctly rendered
      • Fixes the rendering of the Date attribute Field.
    • #579 DocumentNo field is not updated
      • Fixes the creation of new Business Partner search values.
    • #596 red line appears on document only after refresh
      • Fixes the behavior of the save indicator. Now showing the Red save eroror indicators also whithout need to refresh.
    • #641 Shortcuts behavior sometimes weird
      • Fixes a weird behavior of shortcut usage and navigation in WebUI action bar menues.
    • #644 Creating a new Discount record error
      • Fixes a Bug when creating a new Discount.
    • #664 process doesn't open directly
      • Fixing a weird behavior when opening processes, only worked when pressing something else in menu after first try.
    • #672 Process error not displayed
      • Now responding errors to the user when trying to start a process without filling all mandatory fields.
    • #673 Wrong report file endpoint is called for processes which are started from main menu
      • Fixes a Bug that opens a printing preview report pdf with the completely wrong URL.
    • #680 Navigation breadcrumb vs. Navigation Menu
      • Unifying the behavior between opening windows via Breadcrumb menue and Navigation menue.
    • #685 Cannot open manufacturing modal overlay anymore
      • Fixing a Bug that disallowed the opening of manufacturing modal overlay.
    • #688 Main page /dashboard is broken
      • Fixes the main Page/ Dashboard layout.
    • #689 Image widget is missing right border
      • Adding the right border to image widget.
  • other

    • #7 metasfresh-dist parent pom.xml's artifact name shall be metasfresh-dist
      • Now making sure that by default, the project is imported (into eclipse) as "metasfresh-dist" that name is used in some .launch files, e.g. the one to start the swing client.
    • #6 still using metasfresh-snapshots repo
      • Eliminating the dependancy to metasfresh-snapshots repo.

metasfresh 5.6 (2017-16)


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1062 Return HU to vendor
      • New Functionality to send received Material back to Vendor via HU Editor. Can be automatically filtered directly via correction functionality in Material Receipt POS or manually filtered in Handling Unit Editor.
    • #1064 Move HU to garbage
      • Implementation of the Handling Unit Material disposal functionality as part of the RMA workflow.
    • #1065 Move HU to other Warehouse/ Locator
      • New functionality to easy move Handling Units from the current Locator to a new selected Locator.
    • #1223 Show line number in jaspers
      • Now showing the line No in all Jasper Documents - order, inout, invoice - for sales and purchase.
    • #1286 Performance Business Partner Pricelist generation process
      • Improving the performance of the BusinessPartner Pricelist generation process. The time for the report generation is reduced by aprox 60%.
    • #1322 Forecast Window in WebUI
      • Adding the initial Layout of the Forecast Window to WebUI.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #269 API for Manufacturing UI Planning/ Doing
      • Implemention of new manufacturing window and Functionalities (issue, receipt) in WebUI. Refactoring of current backend logic to serve the Rest-API.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #96 Actions overlay menu cleanup
      • Housekeeping task. Tidying the action menu and removing the actions that are not attached to working procedures.
    • #355 view websocket notifications: handle "changedIds"
      • Adding internal functionality to react on websocket information about changed Element ID's
    • #608 Chart animations
      • Adding animation to dashboard charts (pie and bar charts).
    • #630 Open docLists side by side in QuickAction response.
      • New frontend functionality to open Document Lists side-by-side at the same time.
    • #643 Reduce size of Action Menu
      • Reducing the side of action menu. Now that the attachments and referenced documents have been moved to sidelist, the action menue does not need the large size anymore.
    • #651 404 errors for non-existing pages
      • Implemetation of 404-page for not existing window elements.
    • #653 Honor openIncludedView's viewType property
      • New feature viewType to tell the frontend to open the viewID in the requested viewType. This allows the opening of viewID's also in other Types than GridView.
    • #655 Handle process layout type field
      • New modal overlay type for processes. This is firt time needed for scan control prcess view.


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1191 small adjustments in jasper documents
      • fix empty page in sales invoice document
    • #1264 Material Receipt document best before date missing
      • Fixes the best-before-date issues in Material Receipt documents.
    • #1343 Cannot reverse documents
      • Fixes a Bug that did not allow the reversal of Documents.
    • #1346 Cannot "LU zuteilen" (Swing HU Editor)
      • Fixes a Bug that did not allow to allocate more than one selected Handling Unit after split to an existing Logistic Unit.
    • #1351 IsTransferWhenNull not working correctly anymore
      • Fixing an issue in attribute transfer. The flag isTransferWhenNull was not considered properly.
    • #1636 npe in purchase order
      • Fixing a Null Pointer Exception in Purchase Order when using Drop Shipment.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #303 ASI button not working from process panel
      • This fix allows to to open the Attribute Panel as Process Panel.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #645 HOME/END keys not working in process parameter field when opened from view
      • The HOME and END Buttons now also work in process Parameter fields.
    • #656 Selected grid row and quick actions not consistent after closing a modal
      • Returning to the main view after closing modal overlay process parameters now preserves the previously selected grid row.
    • #657 Manufacturing Order Issue/Receipt is not displaying the attributes
      • Manufacturing project. Now the grid view lines also display attributes if available for the corresponding line.
    • #659 Double-clicking on included view row shall not open the document
      • Manufacturing project. The double click on a selected line now does not open the underlying document anymore.
    • #661 Service not available not detected on login
      • The login menu now shows an overly with "Service not available" if this is the case.

metasfresh 5.5 (2017-15)


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #695 swingUI provide lib-dirs to access user jars and dlls at runtime
      • Adding a possibility to provide user jars and dlls at runtime for swing client, thanks to @homebeaver
    • #992 Allow subscription without shipment
      • Allowing to use subsriptions for services that are not "shipped" and therfor will not be shown in shipment schedule.
    • #1057 Role window WebUI
      • Initial Layout configuration for Role maintenance Window.
    • #1287 Search for name in product window in webUI
      • Now it's possible to search and filter by product name in product window in WebUI.
    • #1291 Manufacturing Order Window adjustments
      • Adding further adjustments to new manufacturing order in WebUI, allowing an easier/ better user experience.
    • #1301 DeliveryDays Window for WebUI
      • Adding the window layout for delivery days in WebUI.
    • #1302 Tour Window in WebUI
      • Adding the tour maintenance window in new WebUI.
    • #1303 Tour Version Window in WebUI
      • Adding the new window tour version to WebUI, allowing tour maintenance for businesspartner, locations and delivery days.
    • #1307 Only show Partner Name fields needed for case company
      • Now switching between company name field and person name field depending on isCompany flag in window businesspartner in WebUI.
    • #1309 Unit of Measure Window in WebUI
      • Adding the initial window setup for unit of measure window in WebUI.
    • #1324 Take out pwd Field from AD_User in WebUI
      • Not showing the pwd field anymore un user window WebUI.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #294 Refactor /process/start response
      • Massive technical improvement about processes and documents in metasfresh. This refactoring was needed to meet new requirements in WebUI in a better way.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #88 Special Place for Record dependent content
      • Record dependant content and references are now moved from action menu to the extended sidelist menu. Each reference area has its own keyboard shortcut so that navigation to that content is easy and fast.
    • #110 Don't fetch the side list when it's not needed
      • Performance improvement. Only fetching the sidelist initially when the user opens it first time.
    • #267 Sidelist refactor
      • Refactoring of sidelist, now including other document references (zoom accross, record attachements)
    • #628 frontend: refactor /process/start response
      • Frontend work for the refactoring of processes and documents in metasfresh.
    • #631 Minor grid view layout tweaks
      • Minor UX improvements/ prettyfying to grid view in WebUI.
    • #636 Sidelist Fontsize too small
      • Raising the font size in sidelist to match the fontsize in other menues.


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #886 GrandTotal missing in GridView of Purchase Order
      • Adding column grandtotal to gridview of purchase orders in WebUI.
    • #1241 metasfresh does not notify procurement-webui about new contracts
      • Fix for procurement WebUI when automatically prolonging new procurement contracts.
    • #1294 Report with Attribute Set Parameter cannot be started anymore
      • Fixing an exception when calling the attribute editor in process parameters.
    • #1318 Exception when creating translation entries for new System Language
      • Fixing an exception which popped up when adding a new system language.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #619 Address editor silently ignores changes if the mandatory fields are not filled
      • Usability fix for the location editor in WebUI. Improvement of user interaction possibility when mandatory fields are not filled in location editor.
    • #620 When deleting a newly created document, frontend shall not ask the user if the user wants to leave the page
      • Usability fix. After deleting a document the user is now not asked anymore if the page shall be left altough it does not exist anymore, because deleted.
    • #637 CTRL+1 and keyboard navigation left-right not working anymore
      • Fix for action menu (ctrl+1) for keyboard arrow navigation.
    • #639 Navigation shortcut ctrl+2 is broken
      • Fixing the shortcut for navigation menu.

metasfresh 5.4 (2017-14)


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #741 packing material product category config
      • New functionality to be able to define the package material category per organisational unit, so that jasper reports can do the package material groupings because of that.
    • #995 Translation en_US for Material Receipt Candidates Window
      • Adding the initial set of Translation en_US to the material Receipt Candidates Window in WebUI.
    • #1181 Refine Layout for Attribute Window in WebUI
      • Adding the initial Layout for the Attribute Window in WebUI.
    • #1182 Create Layout for User Window in WebUI
      • Adding the initial Layout for the User window into WebUI.
    • #1185 Initial Layout for vendor Invoices in WebUI
      • Adding the initial Layout for vendor Invoice Window in WebUI.
    • #1169 Prevent C_Flatrate_Terms with overlapping dates
    • #1205 Provide Default KPI Config
      • Prepared a default KPI Configuration to show an example Dashboard based on elasticsearch and with KPI done with D3JS on the entry screen of metasfresh after login.
    • #1206 Remove Gebinderückgabe from Shipment Note for mf15 endcustomer
      • Removing the Text for "empties return" in Shipment Documents for default Jasper Docuiment. The Text does not make sense for companies that don't use the empties management functionality.
    • #1222 Show orderline description only in the first column of the Jasper
      • Enhanced Reports definition, so that orderline desciptions are only shown in the first column, and not overlaying the others anymore.
    • #1224 hide HU related data where is not used
    • #1228 create translate properties for footer report
      • New properties file for the footer subreport for Jasper documents. Now allowing to add translations for that.
    • #1247 Don't try to create empties movements if empties warehouse same as current warehouse
      • Now not creating movements anymore if the source and target warehouse of empty movements are identical.
    • #1249 Initial Layout for Material Movement Window WebUI
      • Adding the initial Windows Layout for material movements in WebUI.
    • #1264 Material Receipt document "old" best before date missing
    • #1268 Do not print label automatically by default on material receipt
      • Switching off the automatic label printing in material receipt for default configurations.
    • #1277 Migrate current WebUI Menu from Development to master
      • Migration script for the currents metasfresh webUI menu tree, now showing the new windows.
    • #1282 Exception splitting aggregate HU with UOM that has no UOMType
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #286 UserSession language endpoint shall always work with JSON values
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #541 Hide new and delete included documents when they are not available.
      • New Functionality to show/ not show the new and delete buttons on included tabs/ subtabs if not available.
    • #587 Language Switcher for WebUI
    • #604 Mandatory lookup fields are not marked as error
    • #605 When opening a process panel, the first field shall be focus by default
    • #614 When the language is switched widgets shall be invalidated/refreshed


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1191 small adjustments in jasper documents
      • Adding a few detailed adjustments to the default metasfresh documents layout, especially for cases when generating documents with many lines.
    • #1222 Show orderline description only in the first column of the Jasper
      • Adjustment of the document line description field now defining boundaries for the field content on the generated Jasper Documents making the content better readable.
    • #1225 Drop legacy jasper sql logic
      • Maintainance of Jasper Document SQL. Removing legace SQL that's not needed anymore.
    • #1240 Number-of-copies parameter is ignored in direct print
      • Fixes the document printing copies configuration. The number of copies parameter is now also considered in direct print.
    • #1244 Shipment Schedule's QtyDeliveredTU is not updated correctly
      • Fixed a minor bug that prevented the update of the QtyDelivered TU Field in Shipment schdules.
    • #1248 Empties movements are not generated from empties shipment/receipt
      • Fixing a bug that did not create movements for empties receive documents after completion.
    • #1256 Database tables are created in wrong schema
      • Fixes a Bug that created db tables in wrong schema. Now the tables are created in public schema again.
    • #1260 DocumentNo not generated for manual invoices in WebUI
      • Adding a minor fix to the customer Invoice Window in WebUI, that prevented the creation of manual Invoices for customers.
    • #1263 ITrxListener.afterCommit is fired twice with TrxPropagation.REQUIRES_NEW
      • Fixes the double tap of ITrxListener.afterCommit.
    • #1267 Cannot open ASI editor in Swing
      • The Attrubute Set Instance Widget could not be opened in Swing Client anymore. This Bugfix now enables that again.
    • #1272 Vendor ADR configuration not initially considered in Orderline
      • Fixing a Bug that prevented the default settings of vendor attributes in orderline.
    • #1274 webui - allow using the session's remote host name or IP as hostkey
      • New feature that allows to use the sessions host name or IP Address as hostkey for printing rounting and configuration.
    • #1282 Exception splitting aggregate HU with UOM that has no UOMType
      • Fixes a Bug in Splitting HU action. Now also allowing splitting action with compressed Handling Units that don't have a Unit of measure Type.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #277 Don't export JSONDocument.fields if empty
      • Fixes a Bug that exported empty JSON Document Fields
    • #283 Build does not use the specified parent version
      • Fix for maven/ build system to fetch the specified parent version for build.
    • #284 HU editor: Cannot receive stand alone TUs by default
      • Now also standalone Transport Units can be received and processed in Material Receipt.
    • #287 Update current notifications when user language was changed
    • #289 New/Delete buttons missing when a document was initially loaded
      • Now showing the New and Delete Buttons in Subtabs/ included Tabs, when initially loaded.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #594 inform users that only Chrome is currently supported on login screen
      • The current development for metasfresh WebUI ist done optimized for Chrome browser. Now informing the user about that on login screen, if trying to login with other browser.
    • #595 kpi disappears when minimize
      • Fixing a Bug that vanished the KPI widgets after minimizing action.
    • #597 cancel on "Do you really want to leave?" sends you 2 steps back
      • Fix for the leave confirmation popup. Now only going back 1 step after confiormation.
    • #599 Action button remains gray if the process execution fails
    • #609 Included subtab height 100% broken again
      • Fix for the 100% height Layout of windows with included Tab. Subtab Shall always expand to 100% of screen resolution height until available spave is used. After that exceeding page size.
    • #616 delete option missing after add new
      • The delete Button is now available again after starting the add new action.
    • #618 Done button is not responding

metasfresh 5.3 (2017-13)

Important Changes

  • metasfresh-backend
    • #1199 user credentials of "SuperUser" are renamed to metasfresh
      • Changing the default login credentials to the vanilla system to metasfresh/ metasfresh.


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1197 Introduce AdempiereException setParameter/getParameters
      • Introducing getter and setter for Parameters in ADempiereException.
    • #1201 Add Manufacturing Order Window for WebUI
      • Adding a new window to webUI for Manufacturing Order. This is the first step in the new Manufacuring Project introducing Manufacturing disposition and WebUI Interface. The first Milestone of the Project is planned for early June 2017.
    • #1202 Clean up ReplicationException
      • Maintenance Task. Cleaning up the addParameter method in Replication Exception which is now available in ADempiereException and therfor deprecated.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #273 remove deprecated staleTabIds
      • Adding a functionality to not show stale Tabs in WebUI.
    • #272 Document Line Delete Behaviour
      • Adjusting the delete behavior of document lines. Now the line also visibly dissappears after delete action.
    • #276 Cannot change BPartner address
      • Now allowing the change of BusinessPartner Locations after initial creation.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #118 Copy-paste behaviour for document and lists
      • New functionality to Copy-Paste Grid view content in webUI. This was an activly used functionality in Swing User Interface now ported to the new WebUI.
    • #442 Image Widget from Attachment in User Window
      • New Image widget for WebUI. Will be able to used to include images/ phots for record which are attached to a record.


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1194 HU "Herkunft" HU_Attribute is not propagated from LU to VHU
      • Fix for the the propagation of attributes top-down. In this case an Attribute added to the Top-Level HU was not propagated down to the included Customer Units.
    • #1203 Rounding of weights after split in HU Editors is not working correctly
      • Fixing the rounding of weights after Split with the new HU compression Implementation.
    • #1237 Split fails with aggregate HUs that don't have an integer storage qty
      • Fixes a Bug that appeared when splitting HU generated with the new HU Compression functionality and dis not lead into an integer number storage quantity.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #133 Notification display problem
      • Fixes a display bug in notifications created for the user after finishing asynchronous generated documents. Some documents were displayed more than once.
    • #469 missing value to for range date-time filter
      • Fixes the Bug in Date Range filter widget, where the selection possibility for date-to was missing.
    • #470 changing AM to PM in Date+Time fields
      • Adjustment of Date-Time Fields, fixing the wrong AP/ PM declaration.
    • #475 When editing the text field in grid mode i cannot see selected text
      • Color Adjustment of selected Text. Now allowing the user to see what is selected.
    • #593 DocAction bug when opening a document from references of another
      • Fixes a Bug that appeared when jumping to referenced documents without a valid docaction.

metasfresh 5.2 (2017-12)


  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #453 Closing modal or window with unsaved changes
      • Providing a better usability when changing the window or modal overlay with unsaved changes.
    • #461 If tab layout's "supportQuickInput" is false then don't show the "Batch entry" button
      • The batch entry buttrons for quick input are now not shown when the layout provided by rest-api does not support that.
    • #462 If document was not found forward to documents view
      • The User Nterface now automatically forwards to documents view in the case that a document is not found.
    • #484 Login Screen 2nd Window usability
      • Improving the usability of the login screen so that the user can navigate, edit and confirm with keyboard completely without mouse usage.
    • #491 Line height "jump" when editing mode
      • Improving the behavior of grid view so the lines height dows not change depending of its content.
    • #532 KPI: Remove the Refresh option
      • Removing the refresh button from KPI because this is not needed anymore since D3JS implementation.
    • #533 KPI: maximize/restore when double clicking on title bar
      • Improved usability on dashboard. When the user double clicks on the titlebar, then the KPI widget maximizes/ minimizes automatically.
    • #540 Don't use deprecated staleTabIds
      • Improving the behavior of included tab and staled information.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #252 Provide to frontend: tab allow create new and delete as they change
      • New functionalities to tab rows deleting/ adding functions. These shall only be shown in user interface if the api provides the possibilities.
    • #264 Support different printers for same user and different login locations
      • Additional api improvements to allow different printers for the same users with different login locations.
  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1145 Refactor adempiereJasper servlets and implement them with @RestController
      • Complete refactoring of adempiereJasper servlets so that they now can work together with the Rest API Controller.
    • #1146 Change "sent by" in Request Notifications
      • New information in Requests, now keeping the infomration about the notification sender.
    • #1152 Support address sequence configuration in multi org environment
      • Improvement of the country location sequence configuration in multi organisational environments.
    • #1178 Warehouse Window in WebUI Layout
      • New Window in Web User Interface to allow the creation and maintenance of Warehouses.


  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #451 Bug in Sales Order Line, Add new
      • Fixed an issue in the "add new" functionality of Sales Order Line.
    • #474 Editing in the middle of a text field makes the cursor jump to the end
      • This change fixes a user experience issue that let the curson jump to the end when the user tried to edit in the middle of a text.
    • #502 Lookup field layout issue when it has red border
      • Adjusting the layout of red bordered lookup elements, now aboiding that existing icons overlap the border.
    • #526 Running a process from menu does not work
      • Fixing a Bug that prevented to run processes called from navigation menu.
    • #539 Confirm autocomplete Field entry in grid functionality
      • Now it is possible for the user to select and confirm autocomplete entries in the grid view of included tabs.
    • #545 View's windowId is not matching the expected one
      • This is fixing a Bug which mixed up the viewID's when navigating fast via browser forth and back through the screens.
    • #547 Menu's first element is hidden behind on mobile
      • Fixing an issue in mobile responsive navigation design. Now also showing the first link on mobile size resolution.
    • #550 Clicking on grid view breadcrumb item does not work
      • Bugfix for the breadcrumb navigaion on griwd view items.
    • #558 Respect saveStatus in connected modal
      • Fixing a Bug to repect the saveStatus also in connected modal overlays.
    • #561 KPI Pie Chart on Start defect
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #256 Cannot create a new BPartner contact
      • Bugfix for the creation of a business partner contact in Web UI.
    • #259 New Warehouse is not saveable
      • Bugfix for the creation of a new warehouses in Web UI.
    • #260 cannot create receipt with multiple TU on LU
      • Fix for the Material Receipt that did not properly generate receipt lines whan receiving Handling Units with Transprot Units on Load Units.
    • #263 Bug in Warehouse window: Auftragsübersicht (intern) NPE
      • Eliminated the reason for the Null Pointer Exception in Warehouse Window for the Sales Order Overview.
  • metasfresh-backend

    • #473 Adjust ESR layout for E-Druck
      • Adjusted the Layout of the swiss ESR bill for electronic exchange.
    • #1165 QtyDelivered not set back correctly after reactivating and voiding a material receipt
      • Now correctly resetting the Qty delivered when reactivating or voiding a material receipt.
    • #1177 Qties in Material Receipt not correct after several splitting and transforming in HU Editor
      • Handling Unit Transforming is now delivering the correct results after splitting and merging via the new Handling Unit editor and Handling Unit compression.
    • #1184 Price is found for C_OlCand despite it was deactivated
      • Although the price was deactivated in Product Price it was used in Order Line Candidates. This is now fixed.
    • #1192 Pricing: IsDefault was not properly migrated
      • Fixing a Bug with the product price migration after price refactoring.

metasfresh 5.1 (2017-11)


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1102 Field Price List Version as search Field
      • Adjusted the Fieldtype for PriceListVersion. Ist now a search field (before a direct Table drop-down). This allows the user now to do a fulltext search and autocomplete and the usage of wildcards.
    • #1122 Reporting SQL for Products and vendor/ customer
      • New Reporting for Customer and Vendor delivered quantities for a specified Time range.
    • #1124 metasfresh App Server start takes considerably longer
      • Improvement of Startup time for the metasfresh App server.
    • #1134 Show Order ID in main window of Empties Receive
      • Add a new Field in Empties receive to show the Document No. of the Sales Order.
    • #1142 Improve migration scripts handling
      • Adjustment of the Migration Scripts handling. Now saving the migration scripts in a dedicated folder called migration_scripts instead of tmp folder.
    • #1161 Picking Terminal add Packing Material to Picking Slot takes too long
      • Large Performance Improvement of Picking processing duration when adding Packing Material to a picking Slot. This solution improves the overall performance of the picking workflow.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #244 KPIs: Introduce TimeRange ending offset
      • Extended functionalitie for KPI definition. Now allowing to set an offet that is used for a ofsetted timerange dataset used for comparison in bar charts.
    • #246 Row is not always marked as not saved
      • Extended Functionality to mark rows as saved, allowing the front-end save indicator to react on that.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #200 D3JS API definition
      • Integration of D3JS into the webui frontend. D3JS is used for the generation of Barchart and Piechart KPI on the metasfresh Dashboard.
    • #444 KPI Number Indicator w/ comparator
      • Implementation of the Number Indicator/ comparator widget for the Target KPI in Dashboard.
    • #459 If quick input fails then don't show the quick input fields
      • Improvement of User Experience. Not showing Quick Input Fields only if these are configured in the application dictionary.


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1140 too many prices in pricelist report
      • Fixed a Bug that showes to many prices on printed Partner Pricelists.
    • #1153 Pricing wrong w/ more than 1 Packing Instruction
      • Fixed a bug that did not wlloe to define and use prices for product prices withe more than one packing instruction.
    • #1160 Material receipt label is printed for each TU on an LU
      • Bug Fix for the automatic Label Printing in Material Receipt Process. Now only the defined amount of copies are printed.
    • #1162 Split from non-aggregate HUs can lead to wrong TU quantities
      • Bug Fix for the Split action in Handling Unit Editor.
    • #1171 Inactive BPartner is not shown in open items report
      • Fix for the Open Items report. Now also showing Open Items for decativated Business Partners.
    • #1172 Show only those weighing machines which are available for HU's warehouse
      • Filtering the shown weighing devices to thiose that are valid for the given Warehouse in HU Storage.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #179 Cleanup metasfresh-webui repository
      • Housekeeping task to cleanup the metasfresh-webui repository, getting rid of discontinued stuff.
    • #238 Attributes propagated on everything in TU
      • Fixes a Bug that allowed to propoagate Attribute Values on a whole Handling Unit just through moving a low level HU into the Handling Unit.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #524 Location Editor cannot read property bug
      • Fixing a Bug that broke the functionality of the Location Editor.

metasfresh 5.0 (2017-10)


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #987 Create a vertical solution for organisations
      • Adding customizations for associations/ organisations as a vertical solution based on metasfresh.
    • #1000 Support long address in letter window
      • Now long addresses are supported in documents for a proper display in a letter window.
    • #1035 DLM - restrict number of mass-archived records
      • Performance and Database autovacuum improvement. Segmenting the mass archiving to allow better database maintenance.
    • #1046 Automatic Naming of Pricelist Version Name
      • Introducing the automatic naming of pricelist Version, adding the needed Information into the Version identifier.
    • #1070 Price not transferred to flatrate term
      • Enhancing the processing of flatrate Terms after recording in orderline. Now also transferring the price into the flatrate term data after order completion.
    • #1071 Empties document Jasper takes very long to generate
      • Improving the performance of empties document generation.
    • #1075 Create Window for Material Tracking in WebUI
      • New Window "Material Tracking" in WebUI, allowing the creation and maintenance of material Tracking datasets in preparation for usage in procurement, receipt and manufacuring. Material Tracking is important for the retraceability of products in metasfresh.
    • #1079 Refine the Material Receipt Candidates Grid View
      • Adding detailes Layout to material Receipts Candidates Grid view to allow the receipt user to have a better overview.
    • #1080 Virtual Column for qtyenteredTU from Purchase Orderline in Receipt Candidate
      • Introduced a virtual column qtyEnteredTU in Material Receipt candidate, to be able to compare ordered TU qty with the already received TU Quantity.
    • #1081 Allow the generic configuration of C_Printing_Queue_Recipient_IDs for system users
      • New Printing Client Functionality to allow the generic configuration of Printing Queue recepients for system users.
    • #1090 Introduce C_BPartner_QuickInput table/window to capture new BPartners
      • New Table created for Business Partner creation on the fly during Order editing.
    • #1105 Translate Action in Material Receipt Schedule for de_DE
      • Translating some of the Quickactions in Material Receipt Candidate window.
    • #1107 Implement interactive mode for RolloutMigrate
      • Adding a interactive mode for sql_remote.
    • #1113 BPartner quick input modal overlay Layout for WebUI
      • Created a new Layout based on C_BPartner_QuickInput table and open it in Sales Order editing of Order Partner as "new Partner" action.
    • #1118 Change migration scripts folder from TEMP to METASFRESH_HOME/migration_scripts/
      • Customizing and migration enhancement. Now the automatically generated migration scripts for application dictionary changes are saved in dedicated migration-scripts filder instead of TEMP.
    • #1126 Possibility for easiest regression Test with old and new Pricing Hierarchy
      • Testing SQL to check if the migration of old Pricing Hierarchy to new one was sucessful.
    • #1130 LU Transform "own Palette" Packing material
      • New functionality to set a "own palette" flag in Handling Unit Editor of Material Receipt, to allow the usage of own Packing Material (here only palettes) that are then not added to Material Receipt Lines from the vendor.
    • #1132 Close/ Open Action for Material Receipt Candidate Lines
      • Adding the Open/ Close processes to quickaction drop-down in Material Receipt candidates Window allowing the user to mark rows as "processed" or reopen processed rows.
    • #1133 Reorder the columns in Grid View for Material Receipt Window
      • Reordering columns in Material Receipt Grid View in WebUI.
    • #1135 Translation de_DE for Process Empties receive
      • Adding a new Translation for "Empties receive" action in Material Receipt Candidates Window in WebUI.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #181 Transforming HU in Handling Unit Editor
      • New Functionality in Handling Unit Management. Possibility to apply different actions on Handling Units to transform the Packing, Quantities and Hierarchy easily.
    • #199 KPI master data shall provide to frontend a recommended refresh interval
      • New automatic refresh functionality for Dashboard KPI. The KPI now automatically gets the fresh data automatically and updates the KPI with changed data.
    • #206 CU Handling Unit creation without multiline
      • Now the multiline functionality for creating CU without packing material (TU, LU) is allowed also for only 1 selected line.
    • #207 Prohibit Material Receipt w/ selection of multi BP
      • Disallowing the Material Receipt workflow when lines with different vendors are selected. This was a confusing experience for the user, so we decided to switch off this functioanlity.
    • #208 Receive CU w/ possible quantity adjustment
      • Adjustments to the action "Receive CU", now allowing the change of the initial quantity to be received.
    • #209 HU Automatic Label Printing when received
      • New Functionality that automatically prints the Material Receipt Label for the LU as soon as the HU is switched from planning status to active. This allows a more efficient workflow for the user and avoids the printing of labels before being operative (active).
    • #210 Print Material Receipt Document via Material Receipt Candidates Window
      • Added an action that provides the possibility to print the material Receipt Document for all Handling Units of a given Material Receipt candidate Line.
    • #223 Attributes shall be shown on CU level too
      • Possibility to now edit Attributes also on CU Level.
    • #228 Remaining TU Qty in Quickaction and HU Config
      • When using transform actions in Handling Unit editor, now setting the quantity of the source HU automatically in the Parameter window as initial, but overwritable quantity.
    • #234 HU Config in handling Unit Editor
      • Providing an action to transform Handling Units into other Handling Unit combinations in Handling Unit Editor.
    • #236 Remaining TU Qty in Receive HUs window
      • Automatically calculating the remaining TU Quantity to receive in Material Receipt Canddate Window.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #126 Add new Business Partner functionality in search Field
      • New Feature that allows to create a new customer Business Partner on the fly when editing a sales Order. This new functionality automatically is suggested to the user when the businesspartner search does not find a result.
    • #446 Error indicator for fields
      • Introducing new Error indicators for fields, allowing to provide detailed information to the user in case of error situations for a field. The available information is shown with a red color on the field and available when hovering then field with the mouse.
    • #447 Not saved indicator for Grid view lines
      • Introducting a "not saved indicator" for grid view lines, now giving the user the transparency to recognize why a line cannot be saved.
    • #448 Query on activate document included tab
      • New functionality to reduce the traffic and ressource load whan opening a window with included subtabs. This new feature allows to flag subtabs as high volume or frequent change and then reloads the data only when the user selects that subtab.
    • #452 Saving Indicator Bar in modal window
      • Adding the global save indicator bar also to modal overlays.
    • #482 Quick actions not queried in HU editor for included rows
      • Added a missing functionality, so that now quick actions can be used also for newly added rows in Handling Unit Editor.
    • #488 Restrict the minimum size of action menu
      • Layout change to prohibit the action menu getting to narrow, disallowing the user to read the actions.
    • #490 Filter drop-down list too narrow
      • Layout change to prohibit the filter drop-down list getting to narrow, disallowing the user to read the filter criteria.
    • #510 Improved Not Saved Indicator design
      • Nice improvement for the design of the "not saved" indicator. It is now a thin red line instead of the "progress and save" indicator.
    • #1073 Material Receipt Candidates order by Purchase Order ID desc
      • New Order by criteria for the Grid view in the Material Receipt Candidates Window.


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #936 Logfile on application-server gets flooded
      • Fixes an issue that leads to high volume logging on metasfresh application server.
    • #1039 Make C_OrderLine.M_Product_ID mandatory
      • Minor Fix making the Orderline ID mandatory.
    • #1056 Purchase Order from Sales Order process, wrong InvoiceBPartner
      • Fixes a Bug that did not select the correct Invoice Business Partrner vendor from the Partner Releationship having the delivery vendor Partner different than the Invoice Business Partner vendor.
    • #1059 ShipmentScheduleBL.updateSchedules fails after C_Order was voided
      • Minor fix in the ShipmentScheduler update that failed for a cornercase when the sales Order was voided.
    • #1068 Settings on Swing Client are saved but window does not close
      • Minor fix in Swing Client Settings window. Changes to the settings were save but it was not possible to close the window via done after any change.
    • #1076 NoDataFoundHandlers can cause StackOverflowError
      • Fix for a Bug cause through new Data Lifecycle Management Feature.
    • #1088 pricing problem wrt proccurement candidates
      • Fix a minor Bug that was introduced with the new pricing changes.
    • #1094 Drop deprecated and confusing I_AD_User get/setFirstName methods
      • Dropping lagacy getter/ setter for FirstName LastName of User data.
    • #1097 field too small in jasper document for invoice
      • Enhancing a field size in JasperReports Invoice Document.
    • #1099 Fix Materialentnahme movement creation
      • Includes a fix for the Material Movement creation for used products in Swing Handling Unit editor.
    • #1103 TU Ordered Qty in Material Receipt Schedule shows movedQty
      • Fix in the virtual column Ordered Quantitity TU that showed the moved Quantity instead.
    • #1106 inactive org still selectable on login
      • Fixes the login procedure, now disallowing the loging for inactive Organisations.
    • #1110 webui HU Editor: conversion error when selecting SubProducer
      • Fixing an error that prohibited the editing of Subproducers in the Material Receipt Handling Unit Editor.
    • #1121 TU receipt label is just a white sheet of paper
      • Fixes an error in the printing process of Material Receipts and Labels via the standalone printing client and WebUI Interface.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #159 Error opening the "Report & Process" window
      • Fixes a Bug that prevented the preview of reports via Chrome new Tab.
    • #187 Documents shall automatically have a default value for standard fields
      • Enhancement to automaticall have default values for document standard fields.
    • #188 Field's mandatory flag is not considered
      • Fixes cases in WebUI that shall trigger a mandatory behavior for input fields.
    • #213 Use document's BPartner language when printing
      • Fixes the output of Documents. Now also in WebUI the documents are created in the Business Partner Language.
    • #222 Carrot Paloxe Error in Material Receipt
      • Fixing an error that appeared when receiving HU which were not LU Level.
    • #225 Receipt Candidates - Foto process is not attaching the picture
      • Fixes the save process when taking a photo via webcam in material Receipt Candidates. The Photo is automatically uploaded and saved as attachment to the candidate record.
    • #237 Transform CU on existing TU not working
      • Fixes an error when trying to transform a CU Handling Unit to an already existing TU.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #214 Global shortcuts are not working when focused in inputs
      • Fixing some of the global shortcuts when the focus is on an input field.
    • #465 DateTime widget not respected in included tab
      • Fix that now also uses the correct widget for DateTime fields.
    • #473 Sidelist broken
      • Fixing a bug that broke the sidelist.
    • #485 Subtab 100% height broken again
      • Fixing the Layout of included subtabs when subtab lines are able to fit completely on one screen.
    • #487 Expand batch entry when completed docuement
      • Fixed an error that appeared when the user tried to use the batch entry mode expansion with a completed document.
    • #489 Grid view not refreshed on websocket event
      • Fix for websocket eventy that triggers the refresh of the Grid View after external data changes.

metasfresh 4.58.57 (2017-09)


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #850 Add Migration Script to rename Attribute Set Instance Field
      • Global renaming of Label "Attribute Set Instance" to "Attribute".
    • #968 Include webui in the normal rollout process
      • Optimizing the Continuous Integration workflow to allow the build of WebUI in default Rollout Process.
    • #1028 extract distributable stuff into dedicated repo
      • Create a dedicated repository and moved distributably stuff there for betterseperation of core and customized implementations.
    • #1040 Have new request type opportunity
      • Included the new Request Type "Opportunity". First step preparing data structure for our new Opportunity Dashboard in WebUI.
    • #1049 inDispute Fields and Quality% missing in main Invoice Candidate Window
      • Adjustments in Invoice Candidates Window of WebUI. Included Fields with infomration about the Dispute Status and Quality Inspection information of Material Receipt.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #171 No packing item selectable for M_HU_PI_Item_Product
      • Now allowing the recording/ editing of Packing Items in CU:TU Configuration of Product.
    • #182 Material Receipt w/ multiple lines and solitary CU Buckets
      • Implementation of multi line receiving in Material Receipt and Handling Unit Editor.
    • #183 Implement userSession endpoint which also provides the timeZone upcoming
      • When parsing JSON Dates without time, always ignoring the sent timezone.
    • #184 Implement KPI service
      • First prototype Implementation for new metasfresh WebUI Dashboard with usage of D3JS Charts.
    • #191 "Not saved yet" info in REST-API
      • Now providing the information up to Frontend that if data has been saved yet in database. This implementation allows to give the user more feedback about editing errors or missing mandatory data.
    • #200 Generic "add new" search field functionality
      • Implementation of a generic functionality to add new data when not found during autocomplete search workflow. This new functionality will be used in search widget and allows to record data on the fly that belongs to the search field column and ID.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #377 grid view: when initially clicking on first row, the second one is first selected
      • Changed the focus behavior in Grid View rows. The cursor "jump" is now eliminated. The user can use the keyboard arrow down to now firstly focus and further navigate trhough the grid.
    • #392 Filters are not respecting mandatory property
      • Adjustment on filter datils for webUI. Now respecting and showing if parameter/ filter fields are mandatory to be filled.
    • #416 moving scrollbar on arrow key in dropdown
      • Large dropdown lists now scroll down together with keyboard arrow down navigation.
    • #428 When calling a process from HU editor open the process parameters on top of the HU editor modal
      • Now allowing modal over modal process windows, to allow the usage of actions also in modal overlays.
    • #435 filter in Material Receipt Candidates does not work
      • Fixing a minor issue that occured when creating and using a filter criteria that does not have any variable parameters.
    • #458 HU Editor Attribute editing not possible
      • Fixing a Bug that occured when trying to edit attributes in HU Editor for a selected HU Level.
    • #1004 Order by C_Order_ID desc in Sales Order Window
      • New Order by criteria in Order Window, so that newest Orders always occur at Tio initially.
    • #1007 Window for PMM_PurchaseCandidate in WebUI
      • New Window in WebUI for Procurement candidates.
    • #1032 Material Receipt Candidates Grid View finetuning
      • Adjustments to the Material Receipt Candidates fintuning. Rearranged and reduced the columns shown, so allow a better recognition of important data for the Material Receipt end user.


  • metasfresh-backend

    • #1036 Harmonize BL for ModelCacheService.IsExpired
      • Fixing a Bug in the ModelCacheService that considered records to be expired under certain conditions although they weren't.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #140 Failed retrieving included documents when one of them is no longer in repository
      • Fixed a Bug that occured in one time situation and restricted the retrieving of included documents.
    • #160 Don't load documents when dealing with attachments API
      • Fix Material Receipt in WebUI to avoid interfering attachments api that cause error in minor cases when receiving HU.
    • #176 Attributes editor problems
      • Fixes an issue that only showed 3 Attribute lines when opening the Attribute Editor.
    • #177 Date range parameters are not consistent with the ones I introduce
      • Harmonized the date ranges selected in WebUI Frontend with the Parameter Date Ranges used for filtering of data in Backend.
    • #194 Quality discount not considered when receipving HUs
      • Now the Quality discount is considered in Material Receipt WebUI.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #404 Wrong viewId used when running "Create material receipt" using keyboard shotcuts
      • Fixes an issue that connected the wrong viewID in "created material receipt" workflow using keyboard navigation and selection.

metasfresh 4.57.56 (2017-08)


  • metasfresh

    • #739 remove X_BPartner_Stats_MV
      • Removing the legacy DB Table with Business Partner statistics, because of big performance penalty. Will be replaces later via modern data storage and KPI in webUI.
    • #920 Show date promised on order confirmation
      • Now displaying the date promised on order confirmation document.
    • #927 Use partner specific product number and name in documents
      • Extending the Jasperreports documents for order confirmation, inouts and invoices. Now displaying further customer specific product numbers and names.
    • #928 have a way to control which contact is used on addresses in order
      • Enhanced functionality for the selection and usage of contact information on order confirmations. Now its possible to do detailed presettings of Business Partner contacts to be used in Sales and purchase workflows.
    • #941 Make TableSequenceChecker more robust with corner cases
      • Enhancing the Table Sequence Checker to allow more robustness. Issues was recognized in corner cases of Data Life-cycle Management archiving process of legacy data.
    • #942 Improve Transparency & Usability of Pricing definitions
      • Huge Improvement of Transparency & Usability of Pricing definitions. The Pricing Data Structure has grown during the last decade to allow very detailed price definitions bases on countries, currencies, products, packages, attributes and more. This lead into a data structure that is tough to understand and maintain for new users. This implementation improves the price hierarchy to allow much easier maintenance and better transparency.
    • #954 Address Layout Dunning Document
      • Changed the Address Layout on Dunning Document to fit better in standardized letter envelope windows.
    • #956 Adjust Price list reports to new data structure
      • Adjustments to existing Price list reports dues to refactoring of new pricing hierarchy and functionality.
    • #957 Empties Returns for Vendors and Customers in Material Receipt Window
      • Implementation of empties return and receive for Business Partners. The new functionality can be used in Material Receipt candidates window and automatically creates Shipment/ Receive documents for empties with predefined settings.
    • #969 mass migration for 2014, 2015 and further
      • Process to allow to archive during operational time for large chunks of data. This is a spacial migration process to prepare environments for the usage of metasfresh Data Life-cycle Management.
    • #975 Set DLM_Level via properties/preferences UI
      • Allows the user to set if his client shall work with archived data or only show operational data (highly improved performance).
    • #993 New ProductPrice Window for Price Maintenance
      • A new Windows called Product Price which allows the easy filtering and maintenance of all product prices. The user filters the data via preset Price List version and is able to maintain the data vie Grid view or single view/ advanced edit.
    • #981 Introduce AD_PInstance(AD_Pinstance_ID, ColumnName) unique index
      • Minor improvement to raise the reading performance of Process Instances.
    • #983 Upgrade guava version from 18 to 21
      • Upgrading guava (google core libraries) from version 18 to 21.
    • #986 Handle the case that PO can't load a record
      • Allows now fallback scenarios (for example retry) for the Persistance Object to retry in case of thrown exceptions during record loading.
    • #1018 support description fields in shipment
      • Add the fields description bottom and description to metasfresh client in Shipment Window and displays the field content also on Shipment Jasperreports.
  • webUI

    • #146 Receipt schedules: show empties receive/return actions only when only one row is selected
      • Possible actions are now only shown when at least 1 Grid View row is selected. if none are selected then the actions menu is shown, but actions are not able to be started.
    • #147 HU editor: hide filters because they are not supported atm
      • Currently hiding the filter selection in Handling Unit editor until the implementation of filtering is also done in this modal overlay window.
    • #138 change name of new record button
      • The button for new Record is now variable depending on the settings in ad_menu and ad_menu_trl.
    • #252 Add keyboard handling in POS
      • Implemented an improved keyboard navigation in the new metasfresh WebUI. Shortcuts and unified behavior is now provided among different windows.
    • #215 Shortcut for direct Document Action "complete"
      • Further usability Improvement. Added a new shortcut for document complete action. This action is mostly used among all documents and reduces the amount of user keystrokes or mouse click by 1 per document.
    • #227 Processed HU in Material Receipt Workflow
      • When creating a Material Receipt in handlign Unit editor, then the processed Handling Units are now read-only and are grayed out, so the user can distinguis very well beween proceed and unprocessed Handling Units.
    • #282 Implement attachments list in Actions menu
      • The action menu now shows another section called "attachments" where all files are listet that are attached to the currently selected record (e.g. product record, document). Photos made per Webcam and uploaded are also automatically shown as Photo attachment.
    • #323 Provide login credentials in request body
      • Created a new API to provide the login credentials in the request body instead of parameters.
    • #996 Add Warehouse and processed Filter to Material Receipt Candidates Window
      • The Window Material Receipt candidates has now 2 further filter selections (Warehouse, processed). This allows the user to search and filter the needed Data much faster.
    • #265 Create Jenkinsfile for metasfresh-webui-frontend
      • Including the automatic build of the metasfresh WebUI into the Jenkins Build Infrastructure.
    • #345 Grid view layout: honor supportNewRecord and newRecordCaption
      • Implementation that brings New Record information up to the frontend and allowss the frontend now to react in a more flexible way.
    • #162 Possibility to choose used filter criteria for webUI
      • Reducing the amount of predefined filter selections per window to saved filter sets created by special user.
    • #1014 Window Layout Purchase Order: Warehouse
      • This is an Feature List Item that is part of an Feature List. Notice the connector between the three graphics to show that they are related.


  • metasfresh

    • #161 Button Action in Subtab for Price List Version creation
      • Enabled the functionality in WebUI to generate new Product prices via the Pricelist Version record and configured calculation Schema with source Price List.
    • #912 New role added .. login not possible after that
      • Fixed a minor Bug that restricted the login after creating a new Role.
    • #998 ClassNotFoundException: de.metas.dlm.swingui.model.interceptor.Main
      • Bugfix for ClassNotFound Exception in Data Life-cycle Management Interceptor.
    • #1010 M_ProductPrice with Season fix price=Y should not be modified when copied
      • Fix that now prohibits the modification of Product Prices which are flagged as SeasonFixPrice during copy.
  • webUI

    • #124 Default/ Standard Filter not correct in WebUI
      • Fix to show the right default Filters in WebUI as defined in Search Columns in Swing Client for a given window.
    • #135 process parameter defaults are not set
      • Fix that ensures the proper setting of report Parameters in WebUI to Jasperreports to allow creation of reports.
    • #137 Make sure ProcessInstance is not override by concurrent REST api call
      • Fixing timing conditions that lead to overriding ProcessInstance through concurrent REST API call.
    • #141 edit address not working anymore
      • Fix to allow the usage of buttons in the advanced edit overlays of WebUI (for example Button for location editor or Attributes Editor)