Meshery Adapter for Consul v0.5.9
What's New
- Add pattern components generator workflow @Shreyas220 (#199)
- add statically generated pattern components for Consul @DelusionalOptimist (#202)
- fixed panic @Revolyssup (#207)
- Fixed filters for dynamic component generation and upgraded meshkit version @Revolyssup (#203)
- Bump from 0.2.28 to 0.2.29 @dependabot (#198)
- [CI] Add Auto Comment on labeled issues/pr @CypherpunkSamurai (#200)
- Bump from 0.1.23 to 0.1.24 @dependabot (#197)
🧰 Maintenance
- changed configprovider from adapter library to meshkit for thread safety @Revolyssup (#205)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@CypherpunkSamurai, @DelusionalOptimist, @Revolyssup, @Shreyas220, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot] and @leecalcote