You want to discover your city's public transport infrastructure? If people crossing your street are mainly tourists or neighbors? Check if you always take the tram with a given person who likes pizza and travels? Or maybe more when your neighbor is at home or not right now, and use to be there at this time?
collected informations
- wifi access points with position, encryption, bssid and date ( box, public access points... )
- wifi stations with positions, bssid and date ( ie phones, embedded devices, computers... )
- probes requests with bssid and date ( request from devices for a specific essid, see here for more information )
- bluetooth devices, with position, class name and date
select min(date), max(date) from wifis limit 1 "2016-02-20 14:15:19" "2016-10-11 13:40:33"
select count(*) from wifis; 29494
select count(*) from wifis where encryption = 0; 7044
select count(*) from probes; 118052
Using a french dictionary and a small python code to match essid against french words, you can also find many puns.
- Actives ta 3G espece de radin
- adrienestunpingouin_EXT
- Ilestimpossibledetrouvercettecle
- payetoiuneconnexion
- Bouillabaisseunpeulabatjour
- Jai internet et pas toi
- cheztamere
- Cheztasoeur
- Couille de bouc
- dommage tu n'a pas le mot pass
- freebox_delamoule
- Freeture sur la ligne
- Freepouille
- grosbarbus
- jesuisleplusbeaudel'immeuble
- josianelacoquine
- La Mere Lachaise
- La mienne est enorme !
- lestanquet
- RechercheBlondeaFortePoitrine
- Sans fil dentaire
- sechejusteseche
- Siresireouvrez
- tu cherches les pb toi
- eduroam (qui fonctionne)
The full list may be found there
fast foods
public health
Railroad stations
Public transports infrastructure
As we can see here, public transport have their own infrastructure with 393 devices embedded within public buses looking for BUSTBC, and 108 devices within trams looking for SSID_TRAM and Depot_001. Depot_001 was found close to "la bastide"
You can even trace buses position
Some french agencies ( Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Bordeaux )
The airport does not seems to be on the map but it should be somewhere around...
Mainly on public wifi, hotels and more than 633 from Le Ceitya
- 62 postmans using the facteo service on a samsumg device
As with bluetouth, each device may be formally identified by its bssid. Thanks to that, I can be sure that this "men" took the A tram from Meriadek to Lycee Dagin the 14th july 2016 around 11am UTC. I never met him again.
This other "men" that I probably met once on the A tram seems to like dominos pizza, seems to travel around the world using metropolis to stay connected and is sill learning at formasup.
You may ever find that some people on the tram are close friends because of their probes request. For exemple Sonos unique network ssid may be a good clue: close friends may share their music on these devices
select count(*) as count, essid from probes where essid like "sonos%" group by essid order by count DESC
"count" "Essid"
"7" "Sonos_uGUAzcgG5MiKVZHLXEYKt9dpUq"
"6" "Sonos_0lg0ZdG5K83XtpaQJwRLPh9xy1"
"4" "Sonos_LhNHzfI2obSstpRrQ9eHqdwzOG"
"4" "Sonos_UMg5us2aiOPvDImCH5UhYncR3U"
"3" "Sonos_Dyvs0V5MaULgQ1lOHtDNHj9mnH"
"3" "Sonos_Jwk59FRebgm91DbJhoBturYHC5"
"3" "Sonos_MzZ60CbYcrzizR8ltl98rkoJe9"
Don't forget that for each separate device, you are able to find where you scanned it, how many times, when and to wich other spot it was connected...
As google do, once you have mapped your way, you can then localize your device without GPS, only using closest essid/bssid couples.
That is done for example to find droppable esp8266-wifiScanMap positions.
All these scan were mainly done thanks to 2 Raspberries pi, one with a serial GPS and an external battery pack, and the other at a fixed position to monitor people every day at the same place. But scanning more data at several city points in the same time to profile users and find people streams is also available with low cost devices such as esp8266. Using dns tunneling on available public networks, you can build cheaps scanners and drop them at some points of the city, to follow users, as explained in the esp8266-wifiScanMap project
Associated with a more aggressive project, creating on-demand access point you can also improve your user profiling using dns queries, or even faking common protocols (pop, ftp...) as done on the following wifi project.
You may also find some interesting open wifi such as printers, camerail...