- RabbitMQ Introduction ⭐
- RabitMQ Work Queues(using the .NET Client) ⭐
- RabbitMQ Publish/Subscribe ⭐
- RabbitMQ Routing ⭐
- RabbitMQ Topics ⭐
- RabbitMQ Remote procedure call (RPC) ⭐
- RabbitMQ Publisher Confirms ⭐
- Consumer Acknowledgements and Publisher Confirms ⭐
- Alternate Exchanges ⭐
- Consumer Prefetch ⭐
- Time-To-Live and Expiration ⭐
- Dead Letter Exchanges ⭐
- AMQP 0-9-1 Model Explained ⭐
- RabbitMQ URI Specification
- Compatibility and Conformance - Classes from the AMQP specification
- AMQP 0-9-1 Complete Reference Guide
- Management Plugin - RabbitMQ Http Apis
- Management Command Line Tool
- RabbitMQ HTTP API reference
- .NET/C# Client API Guide
- Part 1: RabbitMQ for beginners - What is RabbitMQ?
- Part 2.2: Getting started with RabbitMQ and Node.js
- CloudAMQP with .NET Getting started
- Introduction using in .NET
- Introduction to RabbitMQ
- RabbitMQ Use cases: Explaining message queues and when to use them
- When to use RabbitMQ or Apache Kafka
- when rabbitmq delete message from queue?
- Decoupling the communication with RabbitMQ
- High availability with RabbitMQ
- Routing Topologies for Performance and Scalability with RabbitMQ ⭐
- Messaging with RabbitMQ and .NET review part 1: foundations and terminology
- Messaging with RabbitMQ and .NET review part 2: installation and setup
- Messaging with RabbitMQ and .NET review part 3: the .NET client and some initial code
- Messaging with RabbitMQ and .NET review part 4: one way messaging with a basic consumer
- Messaging with RabbitMQ and .NET review part 5: one way messaging with an event based consumer
- Messaging with RabbitMQ and .NET review part 6: the fanout exchange type
- Messaging with RabbitMQ and .NET review part 7: two way messaging
- Messaging with RabbitMQ and .NET review part 8: routing and topics
- Messaging with RabbitMQ and .NET review part 9: headers
- Messaging with RabbitMQ and .NET review part 10: scatter/gather
- Messaging with RabbitMQ and .NET review part 11: various other topics
- RabbitMQ in .NET: data serialisation I
- RabbitMQ in .NET: data serialisation II
- RabbitMQ in .NET: handling large messages
- RabbitMQ in .NET C#: basic error handling in Receiver
- RabbitMQ in .NET C#: more complex error handling in the Receiver
- Can we have multiple subscribers for RabbitMQ queue?
- publisher-confirms
- (Consumer) Delivery Acknowledgements
- Introducing Publisher Confirms
- Publisher confirms with RabbitMQ and C#
- Exchange to Exchange binding in RabbitMQ
- RabbitMQ Exchange Types
- Wire Tap Enterprise Integration Pattern
- A C# .NET Client Proxy For The RabbitMQ Management API
- Dead Letter Exchanges
- FAQ: When and how to use the RabbitMQ Dead Letter Exchange ⭐
- Native AMQP 1.0
- Setting Up a RabbitMQ Cluster
- Clustering Guide
- The best online training tool for RabbitMQ
- What is RabbitMQ?
- RabbitMQ : Message Queues for beginners
- RabbitMQ Explained - Use Cases
- RabbitMQ Explained - Exchanges
- Evolutionary history of the RabbitMQ .NET Client towards concurrency - Daniel Marbach
- Understand RabbitMQ [AMQP Protocol] - RabbitMQ Beginner to Advanced Tutorial - Part 01
- Fanout Exchange in RabbitMQ [AMQP Protocol] - RabbitMQ Beginner to Advanced Tutorial - Part 02
- RabbitMQ C# [RabbitMQ .Net] Implementation - RabbitMQ Beginner to Advanced Tutorial - Part 03
- RabbitMQ Best Practice | Webinar with CloudAMQP
- How to Use RabbitMQ in ASP.NET Core
- RabbitMQ- Tutorial 3 - Core Concepts
- RabbitMQ- Tutorial 5 - AMQP for RabbitMQ (Part 1)
- RabbitMQ- Tutorial 6 - AMQP for RabbitMQ (Part 2)
- RabbitMQ- Tutorial 7 - Competing Consumers
- RabbitMQ- Tutorial 8b - Competing Consumers C# Implementation
- RabbitMQ- Tutorial 9 - Pub/Sub
- RabbitMQ- Tutorial 11- Routing
- RabbitMQ- Tutorial 12b - Routing Implementation in C#
- RabbitMQ- Tutorial 15 - Exchange-Exchange Routing, Headers Exchange and Consistent Hashing Exchange
- RabbitMQ- Tutorial 16b - Ex-Ex Routing, Headers Exchange and Consistent Hashing Exchange in C#
- RabbitMQ- Tutorial 17 - Publishing Options
- RabbitMQ- Tutorial 18 - Alternate Exchanges, Dead Letter Exchanges, Message Acks and Queue Options
- RabbitMQ- Tutorial 19b - Alt Exchanges, Dead Letter, Message Acks and Queue Options in C#
- The Optimal RabbitMQ Guide
- RabbitMQ in Action
- RabbitMQ in Depth
- RabbitMQ Essentials - Second Edition
- rabbitmq/rabbitmq-dotnet-client - RabbitMQ .NET client for .NET Standard 2.0+ and .NET 4.6.1+
- rabbitmq/rabbitmq-stream-dotnet-client - RabbitMQ client for the stream protocol
- thinkco/rabbitmq-httpclient-dotnet - RabbitMQ Management HTTP Client for .netCore
- EasyNetQ/EasyNetQ.Management.Client - EasyNetQ.Management.Client is a .NET client for the RabbitMQ RESTful management API
- EasyNetQ/EasyNetQ - An easy to use .NET API for RabbitMQ
- pardahlman/RawRabbit - A modern .NET framework for communication over RabbitMq
- MassTransit/MassTransit/ - Distributed Application Framework for .NET
- JasperFx/wolverine/ - Next Generation .NET Command and Message Bus
- rabbitmq/rabbitmq-amqp-dotnet-client
- hrabbitmq/rabbitmq-tutorials/dotnet-6
- hgmauri/sample-rawrabbit-mediatr - Example of using RabbitMQ with RawRabbit and MediatR in .NET 5
- delaneybrian/jumpstartCS-rabbitmq-csharp
- serkodev/rabbitmq-cluster-docker - 1-click setup RabbitMQ Cluster with Docker Compose