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File metadata and controls

58 lines (39 loc) · 1.89 KB


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Note there is currently a known performance issue with cupboard, to be resolved in an upcoming release. We believe that the cause is that we're not properly maintaining open connections to google datastore.

"library making it easier, safer, and less boilerplatey to store and retrieve models from GCD"

This library will persist Scala case classes to Google Cloud Datastore, and perform type-safe queries.

There are some restrictions to the case classes that it currently supports.

It supports classes with the following types of fields:

  • Int, Long, String, Boolean, BigDecimal
  • java.time.Instant, java.time.ZonedDateTime, java.time.Period
  • other case classes
  • Seq of the above

Cupboard does support using ancestor paths for strong consistency queries.

It currently does not support abstract types (e.g. Enum-style case classes that implement a sealed trait), but that's a desired future feature.

It's possible to add support for other column types or custom handling for a given class. (An example should go here.)

Sample Usage

case class Foo(s: String, i: Int)
object Foo extends Persistable[Foo] {
  val properties = Persistable.createProperties[Foo]

// connect to datastore
val datastoreOptions = DatastoreOptions.defaultInstance()
val datastore = datastoreOptions.service()

// persist a case class
val foo = Foo("hi", 3)
val saveResult: Xor[Throwable, Persisted[Foo]] =, foo)

// load a case class
val entityXor = Cupboard.load[Foo](datastore, id)

// query
val entities = EntityQuery[Foo]()
    .filter( eq 5)