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Glitch art generator: guaranteed to create glitched images; "art" not guaranteed
- Feed in local image file OR Flickr search keyword
- Spits out sequentially glitched variations
- Evaluate status as art (subjective)
- If necessary, go back to step 1
- Profit (in aesthetic pleasure)
File mode...
> python glitch_random.py --mode file --input <path/to/jpeg> --output <path/to/output/dir>
Flickr mode...
> python glitch_random.py --mode flickr --input <keyword/s> --output <path/to/output/dir>
> python glitch_random.py -m flickr -i "david bowie" -o ./glitched
> python glitch_random.py -m file -i ./twin_peaks.jpg -o ./glitched