What is happening during JVM startup?
- JIT compilation
- garbage collection
- class loading
- static initialization
- ...
Yan Cui - aws lambda – compare coldstart time...
AWS re:Invent 2018: [REPEAT 1] Inside AWS: Technology Choices for Modern Applications (SRV305-R1)
- GraalVM can create native images for existing JVM-based applications
- native image generation employs static analysis to find any code reachable from the main Java method
- the reachable code is then compiled AOT into machine code
- the resulting executable is self-contained (contains VM components)
Codrut Stancu - Instant Netty Startup using GraalVM Native Image Generation
- open up AWS Lambda for any programming language
- a runtime is a program that runs the Lambda handler
- can be included in the deployment package
Observed cold startup times
- GraalVM native images greatly reduce startup time
- native image also seem to improve runtime performance
- creating native images for an application is cumbersome
- native image generation is slow
@fa[eye] https://gitpitch.com/mduesterhoeft/kotlin-graalvm-custom-aws-lambda-runtime-talk
@fa[github] mduesterhoeft/kotlin-graalvm-custom-aws-lambda-runtime-talk
@fa[medium] Blog: Fighting cold startup issues for your Kotlin Lambda with GraalVM