FastFest template is a clean structur for FastAPI. I made it with a simple concept and basic structure such as schema, models, api, core and utils.
- First, you have to install the package in requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Second, you have to make sure you have created an .env file
just rename the env-example file to .env
- Then just run FastFest
python3 or python
Api Folder
- Api is used to include all the new logic and routes you want to add. for example, for example, I want to create a flow register, so just create in the api and create the appropriate logic for the register.
Core Folder
- Core is used to put the core of the system requirements, I put the database configuration here which can be changed and set directly in .env
Crud Folder
- Crud is used to provide interactions in the database, as the name suggests it is used to create, read, update and delete.
Models Folder
- Models are used to set data formats according to the fields and tables in the database
Schema Folder
- Schema is used to provide validation of api data, whether for response or other needs.
Utils Folder
- Utils are used to provide simple logic that can be used to support multiple flows over and over again.
- All interactions and adding route URLs or Swegger can be edited in app ->