diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 4a502498..ccf58d3e 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,16 +1,85 @@ # appetizer -A new Flutter project. +A new Flutter project for mess management. + +## Screenshots +![appetizer1](https://github.com/mdgspace/appetizer-flutter/assets/125895535/9871a663-d349-4f44-b6b0-fc5ed49c96a3) +![appetizer2](https://github.com/mdgspace/appetizer-flutter/assets/125895535/46c96910-2107-4634-b672-68df2060b5c8) +![appetizer 3 ](https://github.com/mdgspace/appetizer-flutter/assets/125895535/3f3ff461-94e1-4d14-bbe0-034408657ae6) + ## Getting Started -This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. +Project Structure:- +``` +|- assets { contains icons, images, fonts } +|- lib +| |- data +| | |- core { contains intrinsic routers, registery and theme } +| | |- constants { contains app wide constants, environment configuration and api end points } +| | |- services { contains local and remote ApiService and StorageService } +| |- domain +| | |- amenity { contains Firebase AnalticsService } +| | |- core { contains core router and theme } +| | |- models { contains object models like coupons, mutlimessing, menu, leaves, etc. } +| | |- repositories { contains leave and user repositories according to BLoC architecture pattern } +| |- enums { contains the enums used throughout the app } +| |- presentation { contains UI and BLoC code arranged in folders according to app flow } +| | |- components { contains component widgets used throughout the app } +| |- utils { contains utility methods and classes } + +``` + +## Setup for development + +### 0. Clone this repo +``` +$ git clone https://github.com/mdgspace/appetizer-flutter.git +$ cd appetizer-flutter +``` + +### 1. Get dependencies +``` +$ flutter pub get +``` + +In case of build error, try: + +``` $ flutter clean ``` + + +### 2. Run the app + +``` dart run build_runner build -d ``` + +## How to Contribute + +We'd love to accept your patches and contributions to this project. There are just a few small guidelines you need to follow. + ++ When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via the issues section before starting any major work. ++ Once you have started work on any issue open a WIP pull request addressing that issue so that we know that someone is working on it. ++ While writing any code for this project ensure that it is well formatted and consistent with the architecture of the rest of the project. ++ Please make sure that you use the standard dart nomenclature. ++ Before committing any change make sure their is no compilation warning or error. + +## Commit messages + +Please start your commits with these prefixes for better understanding among collaborators, based on the type of commit: + +``` ++ feat: (addition of a new feature) ++ rfac: (refactoring the code: optimization/ different logic of existing code - output doesn't change, just the way of execution changes) ++ docs: (documenting the code, be it readme, or extra comments) ++ bfix: (bug fixing) ++ chor: (chore - beautifying code, indents, spaces, camelcasing, changing variable names to have an appropriate meaning) ++ ptch: (patches - small changes in code, mainly UI, for example color of a button, incrasing size of tet, etc etc) ++ conf: (configurational settings - changing directory structure, updating gitignore, add libraries, changing manifest etc) ++ test: (adding or editting tests) +``` + + + + -A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: -- [Lab: Write your first Flutter app](https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/codelab) -- [Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples](https://docs.flutter.dev/cookbook) -For help getting started with Flutter development, view the -[online documentation](https://docs.flutter.dev/), which offers tutorials, -samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.